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    ゲーム 関連語 関ジャニ∞ 倉木麻衣 Revive
    • 特設HP公開!「電撃!ロックンカーニバル vol.2 ~初夏の陣~」
      6/20(月)h.eat / the oven / リコチェットマイガール / ファーイーストマンズ(new!) / エツシホシノ(o.a) / and more!6/21(火)まじ☆ぽじ / 軟弱金魚 / 魅起法則 / わくわくガールズ / 酩。二日酔い / エツシホシノ6/22(水)ザ・ラヂオカセッツ / thepuzzles / futher futher. / ティエラトムレイ / theパラダイス / シアターネイサン / earthbound6/23(木) the8flag / lemonade launche / morning paper / batta / ユレル / チープトリップ6/24(金)テンションパーマ / 雨先案内人 / mr.understand / 僕のレテパシーズ / スニーズ / ミートザホープス / ザ・木天蓼レコード / 3分かくれんぼ6/25(土) theラブ人間 / 忘れらんねえよ / テングインベーダーズ / sorrys! / hemlock / テツコ / qudotel / ぬらりひょん(new!)【電撃!ロックンカーニバル ~初夏の陣~ とは】下北沢club cave-beで、6日間連続して行なわれるライブイベント

    • The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey
      if you are someone who feels overwhelmed with problems created by other people, what you are about to read can change your life. it's the story of a manager, but it applies as well to other roles in life, especially parents and teachers. this is the account of how my career went from imminent failure to considerable success after some wise counsel from two able people. my purpose in telling it here is to pass along their wisdom to you in the hope that it will help you as it has helped me. the story begins some two years ago after a luncheon meeting with my friend, the one minute manager. i returned to my office, sat down at my desk, shook my head in amazement, and thought about what had just happened. during lunch i had poured out my frustrations about my work. my friend listened and then told me the cause of my problems. i was astonished that the solution was so obvious. what surprised me most was that the problem was self-inflicted. i guess that's why i couldn't see it without some help. but when my eyes were opened i realized that i was not alone; i knew other managers with the same problem. as i sat there alone in my office i laughed aloud. monkeys! i said to no one in particular. i never would have suspected my problem is monkeys. for the first time in a long time i remember smiling as i glanced at the picture on my desk of my wife and children. i began to look forward to enjoying more time with them. about a year before the monkey revelation i had been appointed to my first management position. things had started off well. i was initially very enthusiastic about my new work, and my attitude seemed to rub off on the people who reported to me. productivity and morale gradually increased; both had been reported to be low before i took over as head of the department. after the initial surge, however, the output of the department began to decline, slowly at first, then rapidly. the drop in performance was followed by a similar slide in morale. despite long hours and hard work, i was unable to arrest the decline in my department. i was puzzled and very frustrated; it seemed that the harder i worked, the further behind i got and the worse the performance of my department became. i was working extra hours every workday as well as saturdays and some sundays. i just never got caught up. there was pressure every minute, and it was extremely frustrating. i feared i was developing an ulcer and a nervous twitch! i realized that all this was starting to wear a little thin with my family, too. i was so seldom home that my wife, sarah, had to manage most of the family problems alone. and when i was home, i was usually tired and preoccupied with work, sometimes even in the middle of the night. our two kids were also disappointed because i never seemed to have any time to play with them. but i didn't see any alternatives. after all, i had to get the work done. my boss, alice kelley, had not been initially critical of me, but i began to notice a change in her behavior. she started asking for more reports on the performance of my department. she was obviously starting to watch things more closely.

    • he also talks about keeping that deterioration in check. “check” is an interesting word, it seems to come originally from the game of chess. and the basic meaning or the core meaning is to restrain or curb or halt something. かれはその低下を阻止すると言っています

    • why so hot today...
      high school musical youtube mini skirts with leggings skinny jeans ipods american idol emo music & emo style suped up cars (like on pimp my ride) flare jeans blogging the phrase, that's hot (made famous by paris hilton) napolean dynamite william hung wide skate shoes with fat laces mentos and coke dance dance revolution wikis robotic pets the big mouth billy bass metrosexuality reality tv shows atkins / low carb diets snoop dogg speak numa numa web video energy drinks (red bull, full throttle, monster energy, etc.). razor scooters dragonball z (2000 - 2002) texas hold 'em poker webkinz tivo / dvr fantasy leagues speed dating flash mobs thongs text messaging uggs (boots) vanilla coke hannah montana oversized sunglasses ring tones gel pens hybrid cars tv/dvd screens in cars using online slang in speech (omg, brb, etc.) crocs (shoes) pocket bikes the million dollar homepage and pixel advertising bluetooth world of warcraft jared the subway guy p2p file sharing (napster, kaaza, etc.) livestrong yellow wristbands (to support the fight against cancer) the da vinci code low rise jeans geocaching us flags on cars wireless camera phones bratz dolls craigslist lonelygirl15 botox social networks (myspace.com/facebook.com) vlogs (video blogs) sudoku puzzles

    • PUZZLE
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