- 発展神話批判:哲学的な記事だ:流石、インドの新聞と言おうか:日本の新聞には哲学的教養が欠落する
stories of development
- Long time no see
the club was caballero club.
it was an inner small club in an old building at shinsakae.
when i stood in front of the door, it was very quiet as if nobody was in.
i was puzzled to pull the door while a short time.
- CONSENTING ADULTS 〜社会の一員としての同意〜
there is a way locke argues, to create property, not just in the things we gather and hunt but in the land itself provided there is enough and it’s good enough for others today i want to turn to the question of consent which is locke’s second big idea, private property is one consent is the other
- 【倉木麻衣】ハロウィンライブ2010遠征実況中継【10】セットリスト編
techno session 【dress change】
15.夢が咲く春(techno ver.)
16.i scream!( 『future kiss』収録 )
17.love sick( fc request )
bandmember introduction