- 【民主党】石川知裕事情聴取
民主党の小沢一郎幹事長の資金管理団体「陸山会」が2004年に購入した土地を巡る問題で、政治資金規正法違反(不記載)容疑で刑事告発され、東京地検特捜部の任意の事情聴取を受けた石川知裕衆院議員(36)(民主・北海道11区)が28日、北海道帯広市の地元事務所前で報道陣の取材に応じ、「記憶にある限りのことを述べた Fund-management organization Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic Party u0026quot;Mountain Land Associationu0026quot; in 2004 over the issue of land was purchased, the Political Funds Control Law violations (not mentioned) is accused of criminal charges, the circumstances of any of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office House of Representatives lawmaker Hiroshi Satoru Ishikawa was questioned (36) (Hokkaido Democratic 11th district) is 28, according to the local office in front of the press coverage of Obihiro, Hokkaido, u0026quot;as long as he can remember things
- 新年早々、景気のいい話が飛び込んできましたね♪
民主党の小沢一郎幹事長の資金管理団体「陸山会」が2004年に購入した土地の代金を政治資金収支報告書に記載しなかった問題で、土地代金に充てられた現金4億円について、同会の事務担当者だった石川知裕衆院議員(36)(民主)が東京地検特捜部の事情聴取に、「小沢先生に資金繰りを相談し、現金で受け取った」と供述していることが、関係者の話でわかった Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the fund-management organization of the Democratic Party u0026quot;Mountain Land Associationu0026quot; The problem is not stated in the 2004 political funds report the proceeds of the land was purchased in cash was spent on land price about 4 billion yen, House of Representatives lawmaker Hiroshi Satoru Ishikawa, who was in charge of the affairs of the Council (36) (Democrat) in the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office questioned, u0026quot;Mr. Ozawa to consult the financing received in cashu0026quot; and that police, according to an official of
- 自爆民主党の石川議員、不誠実な供述で自爆第一号か!
民主党の小沢幹事長の資金管理団体「陸山会」の土地購入を巡る事件で、同会の元事務担当者で小沢氏の私設秘書だった石川知裕衆院議員(36)が、土地代金に充てた4億円の収入などを同会の政治資金収支報告書に故意に記載しなかった疑いが強まったとして、東京地検特捜部は15日、政治資金規正法違反容疑(不記載)で石川衆院議員を逮捕した Ozawa, secretary general of the fund-management organization of the Democratic Party u0026quot;Mountain Land Associationu0026quot; in the scandal over the purchase of land, the House of Representatives lawmaker Hiroshi Satoshi Ishikawa, who was private secretary to Mr. Ozawa, a former secretary in charge of the Council (36) is devoted to the land price Ta 4 as described in no doubt strengthened the intent of the Committeeu0026#39;s report on political funds and revenues of 100 million yen, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office July 15, suspicion of violating the Political Funds Control Law (not listed) Ishikawa in the House of Representatives members arrested
- 【民主党】実録「HERO」!
特捜部は、中堅ゼネコン「水谷建設」の元経営幹部が「04年10月と05年4月ごろ、小沢氏側に計1億円を提供した」と供述したことを重視 Prosecutors are medium-sized general contractor u0026quot;Mizutaniu0026quot; The former executives u0026quot;in 2004 around May 10 and 05 April, a total of one side Ozawa offered 100 million yenu0026quot; and statements that emphasize
- 【民主党】腐敗疑惑止まず
民主党の小沢一郎幹事長側に、重機。土木大手「水谷建設」(三重県桑名市)の関係者が「2004~05年、計1億円の現金を渡した」と東京地検特捜部の調べに供述していることが18日、分かった Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic side, heavy machinery. Major civil u0026quot;Mizutaniu0026quot; (Kuwana, Mie Prefecture), the official u0026quot;2004 to 2005 gave a total of 1 billion yen in cashu0026quot; that the testimony to investigators and 18 prosecutors, know Ta
- 友愛ブーメランが小沢に
特捜部は今年3月、 西松建設から資金管理団体「陸山会(りくざんかい)」への違法献金事件で、小沢氏の公設第1秘書の大久保隆規(たかのり)被告(48)を逮捕、起訴した Prosecutors in March this year, fund-management organization from西松建設u0026quot;Mountain Land Committee (Zankai land)u0026quot; in the case of illegal donations to one of Ozawau0026#39;s state-funded secretary Takashi Tadashi Okubo (Taka Nori) defendant (48) arrested was indicted