- ???
民主の政権担当能力についても「ある」が45%で前回の51%を下回り、さらに今回は「ない」の48%が多数となった By the ability of democratic government u0026quot;thatu0026quot; 45 percent of the 51% lower than last time, even now u0026quot;nou0026quot; and 48 percent of many
- 党首討論、そこそこ
民主党の社会保障、安全保障政策は極めて不安だ」と、民主党の政権担当能力に疑問を投げかけた Democratic social security, security policy is extremely unstable, u0026quot;and questioned the ability of the Democrats in charge of administration
- たろうとグルッポー
民主党の政権担当能力に疑問符を付ける狙いだ Ability to put a question mark is intended by the Democratic administration
- 重みと重し
民主党を中心とする政権をつくる以外に国会のねじれを解消する方法はない」と訴えた How to eliminate the twisting of the National Assembly in addition to creating a central government that is not the Democratic Party, u0026quot;he said
- 日米リーダー像
民主党が及び腰なテーマで小沢氏の姿勢をただし、同党の政権担当能力を皮肉る内容となっている But the lukewarm attitude of Mr. Ozawa and the Democratic theme, that is responsible for the content and administration of the partyu0026#39;s ability to make sarcastic remarks