- ①改革フォーラムの15億円②藤井前財務相への15億円③小沢一郎政治塾への1億円④金庫番の死と小沢氏の涙、だってさ。面白い~読売新聞2010年1月19日朝刊
<今回、東京地検特捜部が摘発した陸山会の虚偽記入額は収入、支出を合わせて計約15億円 u0026quot;This amount of land filled with mountains lie in meeting the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office raided the income, expenditure of about ¥ 15 billion total for
- 民主・小沢氏の元秘書・池田光智容疑者政治資金...
「陸山会」の土地購入をめぐる政治資金規正法違反事件で、会計事務担当だった民主党衆院議員、石川知裕容疑者(36)が東京地検特捜部 u0026quot;Mountain Land Associationu0026quot; in the Political Funds Control Law violations over the purchase of land, was in charge of accounting Democratic House of Representatives member, Mr. Hiroshi Satoru Ishikawa (36) Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office
- 自爆民主党の石川議員、不誠実な供述で自爆第一号か!
民主党の小沢幹事長の資金管理団体「陸山会」の土地購入を巡る事件で、同会の元事務担当者で小沢氏の私設秘書だった石川知裕衆院議員(36)が、土地代金に充てた4億円の収入などを同会の政治資金収支報告書に故意に記載しなかった疑いが強まったとして、東京地検特捜部は15日、政治資金規正法違反容疑(不記載)で石川衆院議員を逮捕した Ozawa, secretary general of the fund-management organization of the Democratic Party u0026quot;Mountain Land Associationu0026quot; in the scandal over the purchase of land, the House of Representatives lawmaker Hiroshi Satoshi Ishikawa, who was private secretary to Mr. Ozawa, a former secretary in charge of the Council (36) is devoted to the land price Ta 4 as described in no doubt strengthened the intent of the Committeeu0026#39;s report on political funds and revenues of 100 million yen, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office July 15, suspicion of violating the Political Funds Control Law (not listed) Ishikawa in the House of Representatives members arrested