- Fallout From Contested Iran Election Outcome Still Reverberates
Analyst says President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad remains firmly entrenched in power, defiant as ever アナリストは、アフマディネジャド大統領は、しっかりと力で、いつものように反抗的な定着のままだ
- Clinton: Child Labor Entrenched, Solvable
Clinton's videotaped remarks were presented at a conference on child labor in Washington Tuesday
- Clinton: Child Labor Entrenched, Solvable
Clinton's videotaped remarks were presented at a conference on child labor in Washington Tuesday
- Cambodia Passes First Law to Combat Graft
Critics say it is flawed, could entrench rather than end corruption
- India says Progress Made in Tackling Maoist Rebels
Maoists, who have entrenched themselves in several parts of country, are biggest internal security threat confronting India 毛人の国のいくつかの部分で自分自身定着している、最大の内部のセキュリティ上の脅威インドが直面している
- Constitution-making takes center stage as Zimbabwe's inclusive government survives another turbulent year
The Zimbabwean inclusive government has survived another turbulent year as the principals persist with their quarrels. But elsewhere, the country's economy is stabilizing and the work on a new constitution continues amid difficulties.
In short, the year 2010 will end in very much the same way it started, with deep-rooted suspicion among the major political players further entrenching itself and outstanding issues in the power-sharing Global Political Agreement (GPA) remaining unresolved. ... プリンシパルは、口論に固執する限り、ジンバブエの包括的な政府が別の乱流年生存している
- Mistrust Frustrates US Effort to Get Israelis, Palestinians Talking
US special Middle East envoy George Mitchell tries to break impasse between both entrenched sides 米特殊中東特使のジョージミッチェルの両方定着は両国間行き詰まりを打破するしようとすると
- Despite Success Against Avian Flu, H5N1 Virus Remains Entrenched in 5 Countries
Egypt, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Bangladesh remain problem areas エジプト、中国、ベトナム、インドネシア、バングラデシュは、問題領域のまま
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