萠づ都28 いずれも桜の名所として名高い社寺ですねThis time would have been absolutely captivated by the cherry blossoms are also facing the best time to see many camellia
京都桜事情2009 ~雨宝院 4・11~ この日咲き始めたのが御衣黄桜ですThis time would have been absolutely captivated by the cherry blossoms are also facing the best time to see many camellia
京都桜事情2009 ~竜安寺 4・4~ この時期はどうしても桜に目を奪われてしまいますが、多くの椿もまた見頃を迎えていますThis time would have been absolutely captivated by the cherry blossoms are also facing the best time to see many camellia
岡崎近辺をぶらぶらと この日も桜を見に行くことにしましたThis time would have been absolutely captivated by the cherry blossoms are also facing the best time to see many camellia