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    政治 国際 関連語 自衛隊 イージス 地対空誘導 パトリオット テポドン 長距離弾道ミサイル
    • Pakistan doesn't want militarization but to eliminate terrorism
      ISLAMABAD, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan Thursday showed concern over the Indian missile shield program, saying it does not want militarization of the region. A spokesperson of the Pakistani Foreign Office made the remarks at a weekly news briefing in Islamabad on Thursday. Tehmina Janjua confirmed that Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh had assured Prime Minister Gilani that his country would no longer oppose European Union concessions with respect to granting market access to 70 Pak ... 【イスラマバード9月8日(新華社) - パキスタン木曜日は、それが地域の軍事化を望んでいないと言って、インドのミサイル防衛計画に対する懸念を示した

    • Russian Foreign Minister to Meet Obama at White House
      Libya and missile defense system expected to be on agenda for talks リビアとミサイル防衛システムは、会談の議題になると予想

    • Russia believes Iran, DPRK have no long-range ballistic missiles
      Neither Iran nor the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) have the capacity to build intercontinental ballistic missiles, an officer with the Russian General Staff said Friday. Speaking at a conference devoted to the anti-missile defense, Vyacheslav Kondrashov said that the two countries so far are unable to develop a missile capable of reaching the United States or any other NATO country's territory. He said that Iran and DPRK have been developing tactic missiles but have ... どちらもイランも韓国の民主主義人民共和国は(北朝鮮の)大陸間弾道ミサイルを構築する能力を持って、ロシアの一般的なスタッフ官は金曜。。u200b。。u200b日に言いました

    • S. Korea, U.S. launch study on Seoul's own missile defense system: media
      South Korea and the United States have launched joint study on the establishment of Seoul's own missile defense system to respond to Pyongyang's ballistic missiles, local media reported Friday, citing unnamed sources. Officials from the Korea Institute for Defense Analysis and the Missile Defense Agency under the U.S. Defense Department held talks early this month in Washington to discuss the related issues, Seoul's state-run broadcaster KBS quoted a defense official as saying. The discuss ... 韓国と米国は、北朝鮮の弾道ミサイルに対応するためソウルの独自のミサイル防衛システムの構築に関する共同研究を開始した、地元メディアは、無名のソースを引用して報じた

    • US to activate missile shield over south Europe
      The United States is close to activating a missile shield over southern Europe as part of its effort to shore up regional defenses in the face of a missile threat from Iran, The Washington Post reported.Citing unnamed Pentagon officials, the newspaper said the US Defense Department is nearing a deal to establish a key radar ground station probably in Turkey or Bulgaria.Installation of the high-powered X-band radar would enable the first phase of the shield to become operational next year, the report said. 、ワシントンポスト紙は無名の米国防総省当局者reported.Citing米国は南ヨーロッパでミサイル防衛の活性化に近いの努力イランからのミサイルの脅威に直面して地域の防衛を強化するための一部として、同紙は米国防総省によるとトルコや高性能XバンドレーダーのBulgaria.Installationおそらく運用、来年になるシールドの第一段階を可能にする重要なレーダーの地上局を設置する契約に近づいていると、レポートは言った

    • Kinder, Gentler 'Cold War' As Russia & US Lock Horns Over Missile Defense
      It's not a return to the Cold War, but its psychologically remnants remain as Moscow tries forcing Washington to a binding legal agreement that its NATO missile shield will never ever be aimed across the Ural Mountains which separates Russia from Western Europe. それは冷戦への回帰ではないが、モスクワはそのNATOミサイル防衛システムがこれまで西ヨーロッパからロシアを隔てるウラル山脈を越え目指したれることがないことを法的拘束力のある合意にワシントンを強制しようとして、その心理的に残骸が残っている

    • Nato inviting Russia to join missile shield effort
      WASHINGTON - The United States and its Nato allies are close to an agreement to erect a missile shield over Europe, a project that would give the military alliance a fresh purpose while testing President Barack Obama's campaign to... ワシントン - 米国とそのNATOの同盟国はヨーロッパのミサイル防衛を建てることで合意に近づいている、とバラクオバマ大統領のキャンペーンをテスト中軍事同盟に新鮮な目的を与えるプロジェクト...

    • Russia hails nuclear pact with US
      Russia on Friday hailed a new nuclear arms treaty with the United States, but warned that US missile defence plans could still derail the key objective of reducing nuclear weapons. ロシアは27日に、米国との新たな核兵。条約を歓迎が、米国のミサイル防衛計画は、核兵器削減の主要な目的から外れると警告した

    • US missiles to the Gulf: 'The US is prepared to move decisively against any threat from Iran'
      Chris McGreal explains why the USA is deploying a missile shield in the Gulf to protect US allies from IranChris McGreal クリスMcGreal理由は、アメリカIranChris McGrealから米国の同盟国を守るために、湾岸でのミサイル防衛システムを展開している説明

    • Pentagon grounds airborne missile defence programme
      The Pentagon has mothballed a laser-equipped jumbo jet after 15 years and US$5 billion ($5.9 billion) of research to develop an airborne missile defence system.Budget cuts shot down the Airborne Laser Test Bed but some research... ペンタゴンは、航空レーザーテストベッドがいくつかの研究を撃墜した空気中のミサイル防衛system.Budgetカットを開発するための研究の15年後のレーザを搭載したジャンボジェット機と50億米ドル($ 59億)棚上げにしてい...

    • Israel deploys third rocket interceptor in south
      JERUSALEM, Aug. 31 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli military Wednesday deployed a third battery of the Iron Dome missile defense system near the southern port city of Ashdod, cutting short the original timetable by just over a week, the Defense Ministry said in a press release. The Israel Air Force has thus far positioned the first two batteries near the cities of Beersheba and Ashkelon since they were declared operational in late March. Defense Minister Ehud Barak complimented the security establi ... エルサレム、8月31日(新華社) - イスラエル軍の水曜日がちょうど週間以上でオリジナルの時間割を短くカット、アシドドの南部の港湾都市の近くに鉄のドームのミサイル防衛システムの3つ目のバッテリを配置し、防衛省は、で述べているリリースを押してください

    • Israeli missile system changes war against Gaza rockets
      A new Israeli-made missile defence system has gotten off to an encouraging start, shooting down at least eight rockets in a test run that could potentially change the long-running war between Israel and Palestinian rocket squads in... 新しいイスラエル製のミサイル防衛システムは潜在的にイスラエルとログインパレスチナのロケット部隊の間で長時間実行されている戦争を変えることができるテストの実行で少なくとも8つのロケットを撃墜し、有望なスタートを切る得ている..

    • Missile Defense Becomes A Navy Mission
      Earlier this month, the cruiser USS Monterey entered the Mediterranean Sea on a new mission. The Monterey was built three decades ago at the Bath Iron Works in Maine, but it is equipped with an improved version of Lockheed Martin's Aegis combat system that enables it to intercept the kinds of ballistic missiles Iran's radical Islamic government has been developing. Once on station, it will be the first visible manifestation of the Obama Administration's commitment to defend local allies against attacks by those missiles. Other warships will follow, and then a newer version of the Aegis system will be deployed ashore in Eastern Europe. The U.S. Navy will thus become the lead service in implementing America's missile defense strategy -- a development few observers could have predicted a decade ago. 今月、巡洋艦艦モントレーは、新しい任務に地中海に入った

    • Israeli navy to upgrade missile defense capabilities: report
      The Israel Navy is testing out a new radar-jamming missile defense system for its fast patrol boats and is set to purchase several unmanned drones for reconnaissance missions, local media reported on Sunday. The system is slated to be installed on vessels that routinely patrol the waters off the Gaza Strip and that are likely to be dispatched to the Lebanese coast in case of war. It includes a radar that can detect incoming missiles, integrating an electronic warfare system to jam ... イスラエル海軍は、ボート哨戒-妨害ミサイル防衛システムをのための高速なレーダテストを行う新しい任。偵察用無人機を購入し、いくつかの無人すること設定すると、地元メディアが報じた

    • Rudd raises concerns over North Korea's nuclear threat
      Australia's Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd has given further weight to Australian involvement in the development of America's ballistic missile shield, warning that his country could become a potential target for North Korean nuclear... オーストラリアの外務大臣ケビンラッドは、彼の国が北朝鮮の核の潜在的な標的となることを警告、米国の弾道ミサイル防衛システムの開発におけるオーストラリアの関与にさらに重みを与えている...

    • U.S. Republicans fail to amend arms treaty with Russia
      U.S. Senate Republicans on Saturday failed to amend an arms treaty with Russia, which they allege limits U.S. efforts to develop missile defense system. The Democrats killed the amendment by a vote of 59 to 37 in the 100-member Senate, with four not voting. The amendment sought to strike language in the preamble to the treaty regarding the interrelationship between strategic offensive arms and strategic defensive arms. Though the language in the preamble is not legally binding, leading Rep ... 土曜日に米上院共和党は、ミサイル防衛システムを開発するには限界が米国の努力を主張し、ロシアと腕条約を改正することができませんでした

    • NATO chief calls for missile defence shield
      BRUSSELS: NATO's Secretary-General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, has called for a missile defence system to be built over Europe to protect if from any Iranian nuclear attack. ブリュッセル:NATOの事務総長は、アンダースFogh Rasmussenさんと、任意のイラン核攻撃からの場合保護するために、ヨーロッパの上に構築されるミサイル防衛システムを求めている

    • NATO sets Afghan withdrawal date, woos Russia
      The Western allies have agreed a plan to bring their war in Afghanistan to an end within four years, and won over a cautious Russia to the cause of a European anti-missile shield.The nations of the NATO-led force struck a deal Saturday with Afghan President Hamid Karzai to begin putting the battlefield under his control in early 2011 and to move Western troops to a support role by 2014. 西側同盟諸国は、4年以内に終了して、アフガニスタンでの戦争を持って計画を合意しているとNATO主導の力の欧州ミサイル防衛shield.The国の原因に慎重なロシアに勝ったと土曜日契約を結んだアフガニスタンのハミドカルザイ大統領は、2011年初頭の彼のコントロール下で戦場を入れ始めると、2014年までのサポートの役割、西洋の軍隊を移動します

    • Simon Tisdall on likely Iranian response to deployment of US missile shield in the Gulf
      Simon Tisdall on likely Iranian response to deployment of US missile shield in the GulfSimon Tisdall サイモンティズダル米国のミサイル防衛システムを配備する可能性がイランの応答に基づいGulfSimonティズダルで

    • Obama: NATO to erect missile shield for Europe
      LISBON: President Barack Obama won NATO summit agreement Friday to build a missile shield over Europe, an ambitious commitment to protect against Iranian attack while demonstrating the alliance's continuing relevance - but at the... リスボン:アライアンスの継続的な妥当性を発揮しながらバラクオバマ大統領は、ヨーロッパでイランの攻撃から保護するために、野心的なコミットメントをミサイル防衛を構築するために金曜日NATO首脳の合意を獲得した - しかし、で...

    • Russia pledges a new era of co-operation
      LISBON: Russia has agreed to co-operate with NATO and will discuss pursuing a US-led anti-missile network in Europe at the end of a summit hailed as signalling a new era in the relationship between the two former Cold War enemies. リスボン:ロシアが共同でとNATOとの動作する2つの旧冷戦時代の敵との関係の新しい時代を合図として脚光を浴び首脳会談の終わりにヨーロッパでは、米国主導のミサイル防衛網を追求して議論することに合意した

    • Nuclear weapons: Obama is leading the way on warhead cuts | Editorial
      The US president and his Russian counterpart are working together at lastAnyone old enough to remember the Cold War will recall also how normal it felt to worry about nuclear confrontation resulting in the end of the world.It takes time for the kind of suspicion built up over that period to dissipate. Last week, US President Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev agreed to the deepest-ever cuts in their countries' nuclear arsenals – a mere 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Even then, each side will retain 1,550 warheads, enough to unleash apocalypse many times over.The deal is a foreign policy triumph for President Obama, who has invested heavily in repairing relations with Russia. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moscow has suspected the US of conspiring to undermine its global status. The Kremlin has been especially assertive in trying to maintain influence in eastern Europe, which has been interpreted in Washington as a kind of neo-Soviet ambition.One of President Obama's first moves was to scrap a planned missile defence shield based on Russia's doorstep, a gesture of reconciliation decried by US hawks as appeasement.Without anything to show for such a concession, President Obama would have looked weak, so the nuclear deal gives him some much needed kudos. But the real quid pro quo was signalled in a statement by President Medvedev, striking a more than usually stern tone in relation to Iran's ambitions to become a nuclear power.President Obama will this week host a nuclear security summit in Washington, where he will hope to build some momentum for wider disarmament. That is a daunting project that has to involve such unpliable states as India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel and Iran. Given the scale of that task, President Obama is 米大統領とロシアの対応は、一緒にlastAnyone十分に古いの方法も、通常それは、核の対立をworld.Itの最後に結果を心配する感じを思い出して、冷戦を覚えて働いている疑惑を開くに架かるの種類には時間がかかるその期間は、放散する

    • India targets China's satellites
      New Delhi has openly declared its desire to match China and incorporate anti-satellite weapons into its ballistic missile defense program. The provocative maneuver may be on US Defense Secretary Robert Gates' agenda during his current visit to India, since it injects a powerful destabilizing element into the South Asian strategic equation just as the US is trying hard to stabilize the region. - Peter J Brown (Jan 21, '10) ニューデリー公然の願望を中国と一致するよう対策を組み込む衛星兵器、弾道ミサイル防衛プログラムに宣言しています

    • The case for western missile defence | Anders Fogh Rasmussen
      As the US and Russia agree on arms reduction in a threatening world, a combined missile defence system should be nextNext week in Prague, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and US president Barack Obama will sign a new strategic arms reduction treaty (Start). That agreement is an historic achievement, and an inspiration for further progress in global arms control. But at the same time, here and now, we must also prepare to defend against another, less encouraging trend.The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery is a threat to both the Nato allies and Russia. A look at current trends shows that more than 30 countries have or are developing missile capabilities. In many cases, these missiles could eventually threaten Europe's populations and territories.Iran is a case in point. It has signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and is developing a nuclear programme that it claims is for civilian purposes only. But Iran has gone far beyond what is necessary for a purely civilian programme. It has concealed several nuclear facilities from the International Atomic Energy Agency, played hide-and-seek with the international community, and rejected all offers of co-operation from the US, the EU, and others. Most recently, Iran's government has announced plans to enrich its uranium to levels that appear incompatible with civilian use and that defy several UN security council resolutions.Iran also has an extensive missile development programme. Iranian officials declare that the range of their modified Shahab-3 missiles is 2,000km, putting allied countries such as Turkey, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria within reach.In February 2009, Iran introduced the SAFIR 2 space launch vehicle. This is a key stage in the development of intermediate- and interc 米国とロシアは脅。世界で軍縮、複合ミサイル防衛システムのnextNext週間のプラハ、ロシア大統領のメドベージェフと米大統領バラクオバマの新しい戦略兵器削減条約(スタート)に署名することに同意します

    • Polish air crash: Curse of Katyn | Editorial
      The symbolism of the spot where the plane crashed, killing the Polish president Lech Kaczynski and the country's entire military leadership, is inescapable. In 1940, in the forests of Katyn, Stalin's secret police executed more than 20,000 Polish officers, wiping out a nation's elite. For decades, Soviet leaders blamed the massacre on the Germans, and even today, 20 years after Mikhail Gorbachev's admission and a week after Vladimir Putin became the first Russian leader to attend the commemoration, some Russians still believe the massacre is a Polish conspiracy.But sometimes symbols impede understanding. The causes of Saturday's crash are likely to be multiple – thick fog, a mechanical problem, a 26-year-old plane which the Polish government should have replaced, the pilot who ignored warnings not to attempt the landing, or indeed the president's insistence on landing. Katyn has become a cursed spot for Poles, but this tragedy has nothing to do with the past.Lech Kaczynski was a polarising figure inside and outside his country. He became president a year after Poland joined the European Union, but preferred dealing with George Bush's America. He lobbied Washington to deploy parts of its missile defence shield in Poland, arguing that this would enhance his country's security against Russia. He encouraged Georgia's and Ukraine's attempts to join Nato. This course of action has happily been jettisoned by Barack Obama, and the ensuing drive to reset relations with Russia has not only produced a new agreement on strategic nuclear missiles but has calmed relations throughout eastern Europe. Frozen conflicts still exist, as do gas pipeline politics and conflicting visions of European security. But the nationalist light of the last decade, which so poisoned regional relations, 飛行機が墜落した地点の象徴は、ポーランド大統領レフカチンスキを殺害し、国全体の軍事指導、避けている

    • How star wars lasers can bring down missiles
      The airborne laser test-bed (ALTB) uses more than one laser to bring down a missile. When infrared sensors on the plane detect a missile's exhaust plume, the first laser is used to track its trajectory. A second laser is then used to measure atmospheric effects between the plane and the missile.These are fed into a computer that adjusts the optics of the main laser. The giant 18 tonne infr。。red laser then fires a single shot from the nose ­turret on the plane, lasting three to five seconds, which is targeted at the ­pressurised part of the missile. The intense concentration of heat on the missile's skin weakens it enough for aerodynamic stresses to tear the missile apart. The whole process takes less than 12 seconds.The main laser, a powerful $4bn (£2.55bn) chemical oxygen iodine laser, can fire 20 shots before the plane needs to land and fill up on fuel for the weapon. If it is used at lower power, it could muster 40 shots in one flight. Although the airborne laser was designed to destroy short-range tactical missiles, defence analysts believe it may be effective against intercontinental ballistic missiles, hostile aircraft and even satellites.The lasers and missile detection sensors are built into a modified ­Boeing 747 freighter plane that cruises at an altitude of 40,000 feet and has a kill range of around 190 miles. The plane would be deployed over war zones or missile silos and fly in a figure of eight overhead to act as a deterrent.The airborne laser is a big part of the US missile defence agency's reincarnation of the strategic defence initiative, a constellation of laser-toting satellites proposed by the Reagan administration in the 1980s. That project hit insurmountable technical difficulties with putting powerful lasers in orbit and being able to track m 航空機搭載レーザーのテストベッド(ALTB)は、ミサイル発射をダウンさせるには複数のレーザーを使用します

    • US ups the ante in Iran nuclear game
      By expanding its missile defense systems in the Persian Gulf, the United States is sending its strongest message yet to Iran over the stalemate in talks over Tehran's nuclear program. The move can also be seen as a sign that neo-conservative voices are being heard in Washington. - Mohammed A Salih (Feb 3, '10) ペルシャ湾岸、アメリカ合衆国のミサイル防衛システムを拡大することにより、まだイランにイランの核プログラムをめぐる交渉の行き詰まりを、その強力なメッセージを送っている


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