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○■ null, responseDetails : invalid result data , responseStatus : 40
○■ アメリカの恋人たちの為に聞いてみよう
僕は自分が犯した罪と恋に落ちている アメリカの恋人たちの為に聞いてみよう
○■ 82970000000 Sales 48510000000 afternoon trading HKD Hong Kong Dollar (6260000000 U.S. dollars) from the index of Chinese companies (10710000000 U.S. dollars) of 391.48 points to 13,142.03 rose 429.41 points or 3.07% increase in ...
○■ 売上高取引82970000000香港ドル月曜日の48510000000香港ドル(6260000000米ドル)、中国企業のインデックスから(10710000000米ドル)の391.48ポイント、または3.07%上がった13,142.03 429.41で急増ポイント...
○■ center img src mediafile 201001 02 P201001021115041000129959 jpg A customer picks up bananas at a fruit market in Jakarta capital of Indonesia on Jan 1 2010 China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN on Friday kicked off the world s largest free trade area FTA embracing developing countries The China ASEAN FTA covers a population of 1 9 billion and involves about 4 5 trillion US dollars of trade volume Xinhua Yue Yuewei center China and the Ass Source mediafile 201001 02 P201001021115041000129959 image of the center of your JPG 01 fruits of the capital Jakarta, Indonesia in January 1 2010 Association of Southeast Asian markets of China and ASEAN will remove the 10 bananas a day, China kick off free trade agreement the worldu0026#39;s largest free trade area with ASEAN developing countries to accept the FTA 1 〜 cover a population of nine billion people trade. Yue Hua Yuewei center, about 4 5000000000000 includes China and bottom dollar
○■ center img src mediafile 201001 02 P201001021115041000129959 jpg A customer picks up bananas at a fruit market in Jakarta capital of Indonesia on Jan 1 2010 China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN on Friday kicked off the world s largest free trade area FTA embracing developing countries The China ASEAN FTA covers a population of 1 9 billion and involves about 4 5 trillion U S dollars of trade volume Xinhua Yue Yuewei center China and the Ass センターのイメージソースmediafile 201001 02 P201001021115041000129959お客様のJPG 01月にインドネシアのジャカルタ首都の果物市場1 2010中国と東南アジア諸国連合ASEANのは10日にバナナを取り出し、開発途上国を受け入れる最大の自由貿易地域自由貿易協定が世界キックオフ中国ASEANとのFTA 1〜9億人の人口をカバーし、貿易。華越Yueweiセンター、中国やお尻の約4 5000000000000ドルが含ま
○■ Shenzhen Component Index closed at 13,204.19 points at 1.44 percent, or 187.63 points
○■ シンセンコンポーネント索引13,204.19ポイントで引けは1.44%で、または187.63ポイントを獲得
○■ Peopleu0026#39;s Daily Online u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ in ...
○■ &$&$人民日報オンライン&$&$で...
○■ stump: dr. benzedrine (from 20 dollar nose bleed) wentz: mr. sandman (from headfirst slide into c
○■ economic data.
The broader Topix index of all First Section issues on
○■ orth 7,400 U.S. dollars is provided, still only 6.4
○■ 10.80billion U.S. dollars).
&$&$Source: Xinhua &$
○■ .7 billion U.S. dollars, a growth of 35.3 percent
○■ .7 billion U.S. dollars) in 2009, a 39.5 percent increase
○■ g gained 576.4 billion yuan in 2009, up 30.7 percent year on
○■ t to hit 1.4 trillion yuan (205 billion U.S. dollars)
○■ lion won (4.4 billion U.S. dollars), which doubled the amo
○■ lion won (2.2 billion U.S. dollars) in the wake of a
○■ Wall Street, with the benchmark index down 0.90 percent,
○■ 194.15 points, to close at 21,460.01.
The Hang
○■ 1billion yuan, boosted by measures adopted by the
○■ ory in 2009, according to the annual trading figures re
○■ South Korea's foreign exchange reserves decreased from December l
○■ 語と伝えた&$&$ソース:新華&$&$ ...The Thai Customs Department Wednesday arrested an Iranian man in Bangkok fo
○■ billion U S dollars from Thursday s 30 05 billio
○■ &$&$ ... 中国の商業銀行の不良
○■ Thursday.
Turnover rose to 83.13 billion HK dollars
○■ Wednesday.
The growth rate was 37.4 percentage points hi
○■ in 2009.
Meanwhile, the yuan-denominated proper
○■ it losses.
Bank of America reported a wider-than-expected quarterly loss, hurt by still-high loa
○■ ding day.
&$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$
○■ year ago.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index was up 0.50 percent, t
○■ arket close.
Turnover totaled 97.62 billion HK dollars
○■ fuel demand.
Crude prices also fell o ..
○■ dolla
○■ I have a slight sore head, and that was almost ready for release resulting
○■ 頭がちょっと痛いけど、発表の準備がほぼ終って良かった
○■ Source: Site u0026quot;certificate of rabbit breedingu0026quot; from ■ lucky day this morning i felt that today was going to be my lucky day. I got up at seven, had seven dollars in my pocket, there were seven of us at lunch and there were seven horses in the seven ou0026#39;clock race - so i backed the seventh. did he win? no, he came in seventh. words phrases [] felt: I felt got up: happened horses: a horse race: race, racing backed: support helped seventh: 7 second win: win ■ Lucky Day u0026quot;this morning, one day I had a feeling today will be the day What you Hark
○■ 出典:サイト「ウサギの飼育書」より
■ lucky day
this morning i felt that today was going to be my lucky day.
i got up at seven, had seven dollars in my pocket,
there were seven of us at lunch and there were seven horses
in the seven o'clock race - so i backed the seventh.
did he win?
no, he came in seventh.
【words phrases】
felt:感じたgot up:起きたhorses:馬race:競争、競馬
■ ラッキー・デー
○■ u0026quot;Million dollar babyu0026quot; also won Oscar
○■ 「million dollar baby」でオスカーも獲得
○■ u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ Vogel is forecast to exceed judging by purc ...
○■ &$&$フォーゲル予測を超えるとはpurcで判断すると...
○■ Combined sales increase 265550000000 yuan (39050000000 )u0026amp;$u0026amp;$ドルSource: Xinhua u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ ...
○■ 複合売上高を拡大265550000000元(39050000000ドル)&$&$ソース:新華&$&$ ...
○■ I was laughing at first - Ikana Gros something? Seemed (laughs)
○■ 最初は笑って見ていたけど~ちょっとグロいかな?と思えた(笑)
○■ The Shenzhen Component Index, rose 0.05 percent to 13,539.83 at the beginning
USdollars said year billionU 中国 that million China yuan was its 億ドル inthe last Thursday Wednesday 発表 Friday rose than 最大 Exchange down against points millionU Monday lastyear close first millionUS according reported Chinese 取引所 government 指数 percent ポイント 増加 statement Shenzhen world company earlier 通貨 expected prices bank Shanghai annual 上昇 声明 major 株式市場 fromthe ユーロ country month trade HongKong onFriday Stock 会社 higher 香港 total benchmark toclose compared stocks tocloseat investment 貿易 万ドル onTuesday yen trading money announced 。ドル theworld Source January 証券取引所 dropped thefirst two Xinhua week ニューヨーク share between morethan Japan who 昨年 investors period ソース:新華&& South worth years index onMonday rate ベンチマーク 生産 value stood recovery yearonyear sales onyear 下落 準備 Ministryof 連邦 Korea シンセンコンポーネント 回復 HKdollars インデックス ofChina 需要 showed economy lost thedollar thecountry currencies Composite &&ソース againstthe delivery revenue months 比較 ofdollars won 大手 Mercantile banks crisis website pershare 懸念 percentin theUS 財政 記録 they worlds 支援 年には 上海総合 second now 連続 level stoodat 銀行 equities Gold industry euros figures quarter 大統領 SouthKorea 外国 five 急落 強化 産業 opened 公司 reached 使用 米ドル States barrel 金利 theNewYork there Saturday markets 収益 set saidon fromayear companies メーカー such saidin Combined theworlds ニューヨークマーカンタイル取引所 oil inDecember public declined 主要通貨 Bankof 世界 crude 万米ドル finish dueto sell Haiti 利益 Commerce 現在 thecompany filedto ニュース Reserve 購入 両方 yuanin ago fourth GDP giant 四半期 platinum account them 深セン証券取引所 有限公司 COMEX 上海総合指数 Statistics 供給 trillionU despite Ltd nation 期待 引けた Beijing volume overnight assets tradingday key ダウン full November ベンチマークの上海総合指数 reports pointsor budget 地元 ofits 香港株式 spending プラチナ 元から Turnover 救済 saidit gross traded 承認 株価 loss Wall past under Shares 明らかにし グループ theUnited アメリカ合衆国 連邦準備 issues yearto 同社 Commission boosted sameperiod 追加 city News October シンセンコンポーネントのインデックス 製品 Finance concerns tofinishat アカウント above downturn dollarsa every inJanuary 必要 take
評価強度 | 可変性 | 記述詳細 | 感情強度 | 描写総量 | 装飾量 |
0.011 | 0.063 | 0.752 | 0.009 | 0.740 | 0.330 | やや強い | 比較的強い | 極めて弱い | 比較的強い | 極めて弱い | 極めて弱い | total 279225.3000001495 | |