- J-10 fighter enters international market at $40 million
&$File photo: J-10 fighter&$&$
Recently, the U.S. think tank, International Assessment and Strategy Center, published an article about the Chinese J-10 fighter. The article claimed that the J-10 fighter is about to enter the international market after 2010, while its price tag of 40 million U.S. dollars is half of its U.S. counterpart, the F-16 fighter.
According to the article, the J-10 fighter is going to ... &$&$写真ファイル名:J - 10戦闘機&$&$最近、米国のシンクタンク、国際評価戦略センターは、中国語論文- 10戦闘機についての記事が掲載さだと思う u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ File photo: J-10 fighter u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ Recently, the US think tank, International Assessment and Strategy Center, published an article about the Chinese J-10 fighter. The article claimed that the J-10 fighter is about to enter the international market after 2010, while its price tag of 40 million US dollars is half of its US counterpart, the F-16 fighter. According to the article, the J-10 fighter is going to ... u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ Photo File Name: J - 10 fighter jets u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ Recently, a U.S. think tank, international evaluation strategy Center, Chinese paper - 10 I think about on a fighter
- East China's Fujian builds new nuclear generator
&$The ceremony marking the start of building its third generator of Ningde nuclear power plant is held in Ningde, southeast China's Fujian Province, Jan. 8, 2010. Ningde nuclear power plant, the first in Fujian, started building its third generator Friday. With an investment of 50 billion yuan (6.8 billion U.S. dollars), the Ningde plant would be equipped with four 1-million-kilowatt generators in the first-phase constru ... &$&$。。徳原子力発電所の3番目の発生、建物の起動マーキング寧、中国南東部の福建省、2010年1月8日に開催されます u0026amp; $ u0026amp; $ The ceremony marking the start of building its third generator of Ningde nuclear power plant is held in Ningde, southeast Chinau0026#39;s Fujian Province, Jan. 8, 2010. Ningde nuclear power plant, the first in Fujian, started building its third generator Friday. With an investment of 50 billion yuan (6.8 billion US dollars), the Ningde plant would be equipped with four 1-million-kilowatt generators in the first-phase constru ... u0026amp;$u0026amp;$. . Three virtues of nuclear power plants generated second start of the building, Ning Ma King, Fujian Province in southeastern China, 2010 will be held on January 08, Sun
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