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    映画 関連語 トランスフォーマー 宇宙戦争 インディ・ジョーンズ
    • Spielberg and DreamWorks Energize the Magic Machine Anew
      After two years and a thorny overhaul, Steven Spielberg and DreamWorks are aiming high with a lineup of new releases. 二年と厄介なオーバーホール後、スティーブンスピルバーグ、ドリームワークスは、新しいリリースのラインナップと高を目指しています

    • Film review: The First Movie
      Mark Cousins' documentary about taking films to an Iraqi village – where none of the children have seen one before – makes for entertaining and uplifting film, says Peter BradshawPart documentary, part interactive educational project, this is an entirely admirable film by Mark Cousins. He took a camera crew to Goptapa in Kurdish northern Iraq, which was targeted by Saddam's horrendous chemical bombardment in 1988, and set up a film projector in the village; then he invited all the local children to a free showing of family movies, some well-known, some less so: Spielberg's ET, Lamorisse's The Red Balloon, the German fairy-tale The Singing Ringing Tree. Afterwards, Cousins distributed digital mini-cams and asked them to go away and make short films of their own. The results are stunning. Some interview their parents and grandparents about the terrible day of Saddam's attempted genocide; others unselfconsciously create myths and stories which have nothing to do with it. Cousins himself has a gentle, ruminative style, entirely different from the cynicism of most journalism. It is heart-on-sleeve stuff and I found his idealism inspiring.Rating: 4/5DocumentaryIraqPeter Bradshawguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 子供たちの誰も前に1つを見たことがある - - イラクの村に映画を撮影についてマークいとこドキュメンタリーは楽しまや映画の高揚になります、ピーターBradshawPartドキュメンタリーは、部分的にインタラクティブな教育プロジェクトは、このマークカズンズによって完全に立派な映画であると言います

    • Universal Studios re-opens fire-damaged backlot
      Universal Studios proudly unveiled a rebuilt New York street backlot Thursday, two years after a fire destroyed the facility, used in countless films and television programs.Oscar-winning director Steven Spielberg -- who helped design the new sets which consist of 13 city blocks -- was on hand as studio officials opened the backlot at a ceremony for VIPS. ユニバーサルスタジオは誇らしげに2009年火災、2年後に再建ニューヨークの通り舞台裏を明らかにした施設を、数え切れないほどの映画やテレビprograms.Oscar受賞監督スティーブンスピルバーグで使用される - 13街区で構成され、新しいセットを設計する助け破壊 - スタジオ関係者はVIP用の式で舞台裏を開けると - を手にした

    • James Cameron tops Guardian Film Power 100
      Director of the two highest grossing films ever made is named the person wielding the most power over the UK film industry• Interactive: the full Film Power 100• Blog: have your say on whether we got it right• The full list• The logic behind the listIf there were any doubts that money talks loudest in the movie business, they have been dispelled.The expert panel behind the Guardian's inaugural Film Power 100, published in today's Film & Music section, have chosen James Cameron, director of the two highest grossing films ever made, as the person wielding the most power over the UK film industry.Cameron, whose films Avatar and Titanic have taken a total of $4.61bn (£2.94bn) at the box office, took the top spot ahead of fellow director Steven Spielberg and actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who has replaced Tom Cruise as the go-to leading man for big-budget movies. Cruise did not make the list.The highest placed Briton was Christopher Nolan, director of The Dark Knight and Inception, at No 6 while culture minister Ed Vaizey was ranked 10th, because of the £30m he has to distribute around the British film industry following the decision to close the UK Film Council. The highest ranked British actor was Sacha Baron Cohen, at No 26 whose daredevil comedies Borat and Bruno have achieved coveted crossover success in the US.Angelina Jolie, at No 18, was the highest placed woman. Her husband Brad Pitt was No 5, although he owes his influence as much to his relationship with Jolie as his own star power. The third leading man in the top 10 was George Clooney, at No 9, in recognition of the fact that his fans' loyalty guarantees the success of any film in which he stars. Kate Winslet was 29th, her star still bright despite not having appeared in any films since the 2008 double-whammy of The R 完全な映画電源100•ブログ::二最も高い収益の映画の監督は、これまで英国の映画産業•インタラクティブ上で最も電力を振り回す人の名前が作らあなたは、我々はそれを右に完全なリストは、ロジックを後ろ••得たかどうかについての発言権があるlistIfは、映画ビジネスでお金の交渉が最大音量、彼らは最高の興行収益を上げて、ジェームズキャメロン、二つのディレクター選択して、今日の映画&音楽のセクションに掲載されたガーディアンの就。映画電源100の背後にあるdispelled.The専門家委員会を、されていることに疑問があったフィルムはこれまで、その映画アバターとタイタニック号は興行$ 4.61bnの合計(£ 2.94bn)撮影した英国映画industry.Cameron、上最も電力を振り回す者として行わスティーブン仲間の監督の前にトップの座を取ったスピルバーグ、大型予算の映画に行くをリードして男としてのトムクルーズを置き換えている俳優のレオナルドディカプリオ、

    • India's film industry 'to grow 50% by 2014'
      Bollywood set to reverse recent shrinkage, while US entertainment market is also expanding, though at a slower rateIndia's troubled film industry will back bounce back, and is set for growth of more than 50% by 2014, according to a new report. Bollywood has struggled in the past year, shrinking by 14% to $1.9bn, but yesterday's announcement from the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry and research company KPMG suggested it would rise to $3bn within four years.The industry's travails have been a combination of the global financial crisis, a stand-off between studios and cinema owners and a series of box office failures, reports Variety. The arrival of the new Indian Premier League cricket tournament is also said to have hit profits.The relative success of the Indian film industry in the last decade has not been lost on Hollywood. Will Smith's production company is producing two films with Indian counterpart UTV, while the sub-continent's Reliance Entertainment is a major backer for Steven Spielberg's Dreamworks.The US's entertainment media market, which includes TV and gaming industries as well as film, remains the largest in the world. It is currently projected to grow by 5.3% year-on-year, reaching $754bn by 2011.BollywoodIndiaFilm industryBen Childguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds _NULL_

    • Emma Watson is named Hollywood's highest paid female actor
      Harry Potter actor Emma Watson reportedly earned £20m in 2009, putting her in 14th place in Vanity Fair rich listThere was little doubt that Emma Watson had come a long way since playing the bespectacled swot Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the first blockbuster hit featuring the boy wizard.But just how far she has progressed in financial terms was revealed today when the 19-year-old was named Hollywood's highest paid female actor.Towering above more seasoned performers such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Angelina Jolie, the star raked in £20m last year in Vanity Fair's list of Hollywood's top 40 earners.She came 14th in the overall list, and alongside Cameron Diaz was one of only two women in the top 20. She reportedly earned £10m for the final two instalments of the Potter films, The Deathly Hallows parts 1 and 2. Co-star Rupert Grint came just behind her in 15th position.A regular sight on the front rows of fashion shows in London and Paris, Watson last year won a lucrative advertising deal with Burberry and this year launched a clothing collection in collaboration with the ethical label People Tree.Meanwhile Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry in the films, made £26m, putting him sixth in the table, and bestowing upon him the honour of being the highest paid actor on Vanity Fair's list, the top five positions all taken by directors. His earnings are also likely to be higher than estimated, as other sources of income, such as a promotional deal with Orlando's new Hogwarts theme park, were not counted.The title of top earner went to Michael Bay, the maker of the latest Transformers film, Revenge of the Fallen, with an income thought to exceed £78m, while Steven Spielberg was in second place with more than £53m estimated earnings.It's been a g ハリーポッター俳優のエマワトソン伝え、悪女なlistThereで14位でパッティング£ 20メートル、2009年に得た疑いの余地は、エマワトソンハリーポッターと賢者の石は、最初のメガネをかけた勉強をハーマイオニーグレンジャーの再生以来、長い道のりを歩んでいたブロックバスターどれだけ彼女は金銭的な条件で進行している少年wizard.But特徴ヒット、今日では19歳、ハリウッドの最高額、女性のサラジェシカパーカー、アンジェリーナジョリーなど、さらにベテランのパフォーマー、上記actor.Toweringということが分かった星£ 20メートルで、昨年のハリウッドのトップ40 earners.Sheの悪女のリストにリスト全体で14日がやって来て、興行収入を上げたと一緒にキャメロンディアスの2つしかない女性のトップ20入りした

    • ロンドン映画批評家協会賞2010ノミネーション、または、30年間のベスト10!
      【30周年記念賞〜ベスト・オブ・受賞作品】 30th anniversary award: best of our winners since 1980


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