- 元気が一番!
お正月の食べ過ぎで疲れている胃腸を休めることもできるみたいだけど、今年は食事に集中できなかったせいか食べ過ぎな感はないな Itu0026#39;s like I can rest the stomach is too tired to eat at New Year this year because I did not feel that eating too much and not concentrating on the meal
- 春の七草 フジヤマ 明日への思いp(^-^)q
お正月に食べ過ぎた胃腸を休めるといわれる七草を入れるんですね I said I will put to rest the stomach herbs ate too much at New Year
- 七草粥。。。
お正月に食べすぎていない私には、全く意味はなさそうですね I do not eat too much New Year, the meaning is totally sounds like a
- 七草粥
お正月料理から、胃を休めるためのものでもあるようです From New Yearu0026#39;s dishes, as there is intended to rest the stomach
- 七草粥
中国由来の風習 That you prepare your stomach for weary New Year, Chinese customs derived