- Storm death toll in Brazil rises to 772
&$ Aerial view shows the flooded Sao Geraldo neighborhood in Pouso Alegre, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Jan. 20, 2011. (Xinhua/Agencia Estado)&$&$
The death toll caused by the storms since Jan. 11 in southeastern Brazil now stands at 772, the Brazilian Health and Civil Defense Ministry said Thursday.
Among all the casualties in the State of Rio de Janeiro, 357 deaths a ... &$&$空中ビューには、南ミナスジェライス、ブラジル、2011年1月20日のポゾアレグレの浸水サンジェラルド周辺を示しています
- Brazil's OGX announces oil discovery
Brazilian oil and gas company OGX announced on Monday the discovery of traces of hydrocarbons in a well in the Campos Basin, off Brazil's southeastern coast.
According to the company, the discovery was made in the Albian section of exploration well 1-MRK-5-RJS, also known as Carambola-B. The well is located in the BM-C-37 block, in the shallow waters of the Campos Basin, some 80 kilometers off the coast of Rio de Janeiro state, at a water depth of approximately 130 meters.
Acco ... ブラジルの石油ガス会社がOGX月曜日に、ブラジルの南東沖カンポス盆地でも中の炭化水素の痕跡の発見を発表した
- Second body of AF447 crash victims recovered
A second body of a victim aboard one Air France's flight that crashed into the Atlantic in June 2009 was recovered on Friday, according to French gendarmerie authority DGGN.
On June 1, 2009, AF 447 flight, an Airbus A330, crashed into the Atlantic about 1,200 kilometers off the coast of Brazil on its route to Rio de Janeiro from Paris. All the 228 people on board were killed
The DGGN said in a statement that the remains of another victim of Flight 447 were recovered on board th ... フランスの憲兵権限DGGNによると、金曜日に回収された2009年6月に大西洋に墜落した一エールフランス航空のフライトに乗って被害者の第二体
- Brazilian police seize half ton of cocaine
Police said Friday they had seized a half ton of cocaine from Bolivia and detained two people in an operation in western Brazil.
The operation was carried out in the early hours of Friday on a federal highway in the town of Tres Lagoas in Mato Grosso do Sul state.
Due to its proximity to the Bolivian and Paraguayan borders, Mato Grosso do Sul state is one of the main routes used by drug dealers to reach the main markets in Brazil's Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
Police sa ... 警察はブラジルと金曜日からのコカイン半トンの押収した彼らはボリビア西部の操作で人々を2つの拘束