- 今回の戦利品?
トレーディング写真を買い過ぎてしまった ℃-ute in Ibe said the photos had been overbought tone trading catapult ride
- イベント前夜。
自宅で明日に向けて英気を養っている状態 Today, after all, ℃-ute on the day of the race without the state has neglected for the energy boost at home tomorrow
- ℃‐ute 4th Album「?憧れMy STAR」
「�憧れ my star」(初回生産限定盤)を今更ながら買いました January 28, ℃-ute was released on the 4th album u0026quot;admire my staru0026quot; (Limited Edition) I bought a while今更