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○■ ペットをどうするか、要介護の家族をどうするか、考えろ、とまで言っている
○■ パソコンで購入する方法があります
○■ 「nasaは最近のfema(連邦緊急事態管理庁)の「イーグル・ホライズン(鷲の地平)」という名の演習に参加した
○■ spook動画御覧ください!!
○■ shinedown
to release amaryllis in march
○■ reuters
thousands of people gathered at tokyo's
shibuya district and marched to protest china's claims to the disputed
islands in the east china sea.
○■ patipati(音楽雑誌)を借りてきました
○■ new machine お披露目
○■ nothing to lose 失うものはない・・・ゼロからの出発・・・
○■ live & club space tight rope
○■ minion of a virgin
lilith / pixy
○■ might it be a fantasy that we can think that we are free(自由だと思えるのは幻想かも)?
○■ leading-edge(先鋭)とfinesse(精妙)を合わせた和製英語のようです
○■ ipat win5
受付番号 0007
受付時刻 13:22
受付組数 32
受付件数 1
日曜日 [完全 ]
小倉10r 02,04
新潟10r 09,11
函館11r 07,09
小倉11r 05,16
新潟11r 05,12
○■ euro, up to space availability. 輸送箱はロック、タイヤはチェーンをかけて主催者のトラックの構造部にjvd担当者によってロックされます
○■ country of birth:
○■ down a bold in the world series, burnett won bold 2. overall,you
must make sure that you buy for your kitchen, solid wood cabinets.
avoid kitchen cabinets made of particle board, because they will not
last long. they often yankees jersey
end from the steam and often to have been absorbed by particles
together to create particle board. this will create a rough feeling is
boring to complete, the lack of luster. solid wood kitchen cabinets
should last you for years. they may be slightly expensive than
particleboard, but they are worth paying a little more good. he was
inconsistent in the 2009 playoffs.
○■ cs#146 で作りました
○■ cottonで2回2006.2008と来日してたはず
○■ badgeville helps publishers and marketers drive and
measure user behavior and engagement through loyalty, participation and
rewards, game mechanics and analytics. recognize and reward your
audience for engaging with content using points, badges, trophies and
more. 引用元
○■ although participation in the green card lottery is free the winners are required to pay the visa processing fees. the fees are collected by embassy or consulate abroad, department of homeland security's, united states citizenship and immigration services (uscis).
○■ advanced auto parts
○■ Khoslaさんは、すでに広場の最初の資金調達ラウンドを主導し、昨年1月のシリーズBラウンドに参加した彼のベンチャー企業コスラベンチャーズを介してモバイル決済プラットフォームに投資している
○■ AppleはiPhone 4の後のちょうど16ヶ月iPhoneの新モデルを発表する予定ですデビューし、それゆえに巨大な累。需要がある(調査は、iPhone 5需要がシズリングと言い参照)
○■ 8月17日to each his own
to each his own十人十色、やり方(好み)は人それぞれ
tidy house整頓された家
how do you do it?どうすればこうできるの、よくできますねぇ
at heart根が、本質的に
housekeeping skills家事能力
〜 pale in comparison比較すると 〜が見劣りする、霞む
that's a different story.そうなると話がちがいます
thanks for pointing that out.そのご指摘ありがとう 8月18日in walks a lady
in walks a 〜. 〜登場す(a 〜 walks in.の倒置)
do you see who i see?私の見ているあの人が見えますか
the life of the partyパーティの花、盛り上げ役的な存在
i find her 〜私は彼女は 〜だと思う
not like thatそんなことはない
you think so?そうかねぇ
just look at the way 〜 〜の様子を見てご覧なさい
smile at 〜 〜に微笑みかける
take a fancy to 〜 〜が気に入る、好きになる
heaven help me. 天よ助けたまえ
listen for it! empty nester子どもが巣立ちして取り残された親(老夫婦)
○■ 600人以上の自動車メーカーと部品メーカーが展示会に参加して登録すると、最大の広州の自動組織委員会によると、その16000平方メートルの領域をカバーし、これまで示しています
○■ 2008年憲法改正によると、フランスのparliamentar ...
○■ 1:ここでは私のものです
○■ 1. magnetic north and taiyo na「home:word」 2. robert de boron「shine a light pt.2 feat. awa and oldwun」 3. alex shiau vivian chen「on and on」 4. nieve soulchef「troubles of the past」 5. re:plus「solitude」 6. witness「twenty three feat. emancipator」 7. iris「you are beautiful」 8. alexander the phatos「beautiful struggle (reprise)」 9. derrick fury「better half of me」 10. hidetake takayama「go with」 11. thomas prime「music plays on feat. the 49ers」 12. the let go「the way you were before」 13. gowe「i wonder」 14. avens「come around my way feat. cl」 15. culture vi「all i got to give feat. marsha ambrosius」 16. upperleft social「her's and his」
○■ 17 ASEAN地域フォーラムは、(ARF)にはここを金曜日には、外相は27 ARFのメンバーの代表が参加するセキュリティ上の問題、アジア太平洋地域での協力を議論するオープンしました
○■ ---------------- if i have learned anything these past 3 years in college, it is that a large part of undergraduate work is trying to find the fine line between academic insight and bullshit. i am particularly speaking of class discussions in humanities and social sciences, where bullshit often passes unnoticed or is forgiven by playing under the let's respect everyone's opinion rule. i believe bullshitting is existent in science classes as well, but someone else can argue for that because i don't know much about it.
○■ (c) yasuhiko okiishi
○■ $13.77 / 1,050 jpy (point 3%)
○■ a mistake of chronic neutropenia! acute neutropenia progresses for a few days at the earliest. enhancement of the use in periphery or destruction tends whether the cause produces and disorders it. a mistake of chronic neutropenia! when neutropenia persists more than six months, as for the chronic neutropenia, it is assumed that it occurs by production decrease or capture excess by neutrophilic spleen. in addition, we assume that we develop it by the thing that we occurred in a row in a factor of external cause for a myeloid bone marrow system cell or aberration of internal cause of a bone marrow system cell, and it is it with a subject of anticancer drug treatment. however, a true cause is thymic dysfunction by clavicular distorsion. in the grounds right, helper t cell is made with a thymus, and helper t cell produces il-2, and the reason is because il-2 acts on cytotoxic t cell and a macrophage and promotes activity / breeding. it is proved from csf. we call granular leukocyte monocyte csf gm-csf. it is a kind of the cytokine which th cells produce this factor, and promote differentiation to pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell. this factor cooperates with il (interleukin) - 3,5 and functions like the other following letting hematopoietic system progenitor cell (cfu-gemm) differentiate with pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell. we differentiate in burst-forming unit erythroid (bfu-e) with hematopoietic system progenitor cell. it lets granular leukocyte monocyte colony forming cell (cfu-gm) and eosinophil colony forming cell (cfu-eo) and basophil colony forming cell (cfu - ba) differentiate. furthermore, we have a work to let eosinophil differentiate in cfu-eo in mature granulocyte and monocyte in cfu-gm. (cfu - ba is induced by interleukin-3, 5 by basophil) gm-csf is used for immunostimulation and hematogenesis irritation to have differentiation conduction of leucocyte (granular leukocyte, monocyte) which is the leading role of cell mediated immunity. because helper t cell is produced normally by a thymic function being restored from the above-mentioned thing, as for the granular leukocyte, it is made blood. therefore, the granulocytic decreasing patient must improve a true reason before depending on transfusion.
○■ 癒しの力は誰でもが持っている力です
○■ 明るく輝いている光だけじゃない、そういう未来の見え方もあるんだなと思いました」
○■ 月曜日の朝は一週間が始まるという感じです
○■ 既に4枠�のエーシンヒットマンが出走を取り消しています
○■ ようは 景気 を回復するには、お金を循環させればいいだけで、国民が消費を高めることが最も基本なのに、羊のように何も考えない国民は自分たちの手で自分たちの首を絞めているだけ
○■ エジプトの事やレースでの生活がどんなものかが想像できる内容です
○■ なぜなら、その「滝。現象」は、想定できないほど壮絶なものだったからである
○■ また、前回の政府の23兆円規模の政府の為替介入だろうと、前々回の2兆円規模の政府の為替介入だろうと、ほんの一時的な効果しかなく、焼け石に水だったと思うが…
○■ その結果、中小や零細企業は雇用を削減するから、失業者が増える
○■ そして福島原発の炉の中の水までもが外に漏れ始め、付近の海や大気、そして付近の水分子を汚染し始めています
○■ そして、愛する日本が、司馬遼太郎が提言したように、「美しい停滞」に入り、昔のような精神性、もののあわれ、儚さ、思いやりにあふれる国に戻ることを祈るばかり
○■ そうしている間に、 景気 は後退し、株価が下がって、銀行の含み益は大幅に減少してしまうから、ますます銀行は貸し渋る
○■ いや、中国ではもう売られているかも
○■ 「attending physician」とは、residentを終えた先生たち(physicianは医者のことです
○■ もう少ししたら伝えることができると思う
○■ lipattiは、私にとって、素晴らしいお手本、見事な見本、理想です
Service for from was this not and than but said more about over who new would what time also ina government other two you nbsp can week even when many now how Friday make public before market high day company China work around political expected part says still through well highly companies here Tuesday billion Xinhua may next today morethan end million second group state such Guardian come 参加 news Thursday Monday later same reported own told number each power Sunday European meeting think overthe among states likely foreign 可能 become far know major crisis does percent quarter Facebook military industry official past 場合 election days tomake higher thesame case both 市場 full economy came things investors minister police though content she key ever too released isnot women point Limited April They free plan city copy member 待望 let conference That future ahead don law large rights reports weeks growth bank six 可能性 process wouldbe share party online taking fact Saturday run top live 中国 提供 able four head thisweek thisis Street give show half lastyear toour agency 問題 clear keep issues addition WallStreet People Obama elections projects court hard wantto team 日本 upto always morning known itself fourth debt According third 結果 使用 really 報告 history 参加して director provide 人々 led didn nearly role couk job space him matter force energy trial done markets committee 今週 Itis yesterday course small onThursday rate much butit coukcopy young todo killed fans 投票 died potential widely Greece japan result 明らか onTuesday sales 開発 attention theUnited lost program 引用 予想 メディア onSunday demand arrived Union ministers decades bid France Egypt value theway post 対する 議論 school game music area strong 自身 numbers include acrossthe there agreement efforts earnings drummer speech results regime quot planning worked groups exercise IPO Britain August anti long left
評価強度 | 可変性 | 記述詳細 | 感情強度 | 描写総量 | 装飾量 |
0.013 | 0.070 | 0.768 | 0.010 | 0.756 | 0.348 | | | | | | | total 427254.000000276 | |