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    ビジネス 経済 関連語 日経平均 金融危機 FRB リーマン・ショック 金融緩和
    • Emerging Markets Drive Growth For ABB
      ABB Ltd. (ABB - Snapshot Report) recently reported a 21% increase in revenue for the first quarter of 2011 due to strong demand stemming from the global economic recovery. ABBは株式会社は(ABB社 - スナップショットレポート)は最近、2011年世界的な景気回復に起因する旺盛な需要により、第1四半期の売上高の21%の増加を報告した

    • Data Suggest U.S. Growth Is Picking Up: GDP Could Expand 2.4% In Q3
      After weeks of extreme volatility and market turmoil, better than expected macro data seems to indicate the pace of economic recovery will begin to pick up toward the end of 2011, forcing analysts to reconsider their GDP estimates for the U.S. 極端な変動や市場の混乱の数週間後に、より良い予想よりマクロのデータは、景気回復のペースを示すと思われるアナリストが米国のために彼らのGDPの推計を再考するために強制的に、2011年末に向かってピックアップし始めます

    • American Express' Rising Costs Spook Investors As Honeywell Impresses
      American Express and Honeywell, two major Dow components, posted earnings after the bell on Wednesday, both of them beating consensus EPS estimates on rising revenues pointing to a continued, albeit sometimes slow, economic recovery. アメリカンエキスプレスは、ハネウェル、二つの大きなダウコンポーネント、それらの両方が、遅い、景気回復にもかかわらず、継続的に指して立ち上がり収益に関するコンセンサスのEPS予想を破って、水曜日にベルの後で収益を記録した

    • Supervalu Surprised By Q4 Earnings, Bumps Up Expectations
      An earnings report from Supervalu boosted the grocery chain's stock 12% Thursday. The retailer with $40 billion in sales last year is a leader in United States grocery chains, however its size also makes it vulnerable to the pressured consumer during the economic recovery. Earnings fell 2.1% in the fourth quarter as weak sales continued, however the hit was smaller than the company expected, leading it to raise its projections for the coming year and lending some spunk to the stock Thursday. Supervaluからの収益報告書は、木曜日の食料品チェーンの株式12%を後押しした

    • Asian Shares Open 2011 With Gains
      Asian stock markets kicked off the year with a healthy start, rising across the board on hopes the global economic recovery will continue. アジアの株式市場は世界的な景気回復が続くことを期待している軒並み上昇し、健全なスタートと年が始まった

    • Fundamentally: Stocks and Bonds, Parting Ways
      As stock investors have become more confident in an economic recovery, they are no longer taking their cues from the health of the bond market. 株式投資家は、景気回復に自信になっているように、彼らはもはや、債券市場の健全性から手がかりを取っている

    • Japan machine orders fall for second month
      A fall in Japanese machinery orders in October because of declining demand from the service sector, is adding to signs that the nation's export-led recovery is stalling. 国の輸出主導の景気回復は失速しているサービス部門からの需要減退のために10月に日本の機械受注の減少は、標識に追加しています

    • Poll Finds Confidence Down in Japan
      A poll by the Japanese central bank showed a drastic slump, despite signs of economic recovery. 日本の中央銀行による世論調査では、景気回復の兆しにもかかわらず、抜本的な不振を示した

    • City sees arrivals hit record, welcomes 50 millionth visitor
      A recovering economy and a depreciating Hong Kong dollar pushed visitor arrivals, flight passenger volumes and cargo tonnage to record high levels this year. 景気回復と減価償却香港ドルは今年、高レベルを記録するために訪問者の到着、フライト旅客量、貨物トン数を押した

    • Central Bankers Boost Buoyant Bond Market Tone
      A setback for the recently improving U.S. jobs market and a far more cautious approach to European monetary policy setting set government bond trading alight on Thursday helping propel yields lower. Various Federal Reserve members have stepped up a message warning investors that the economic recovery remains modest. And while we could entertain that philosophy without central bank or government intervention during normal times, the reality is that the Fed is fast-approaching the final days of its policy of massaging yields lower. Once again a seed of doubt is growing in the minds of investors who wonder how well or otherwise the economy might withstand a stimulus-free environment in less than two-months’ time. 最近の改善米国の雇用市場の後退と欧州の金融政策にはるかに慎重なアプローチは木曜日に利回りが低い推進を支援することに、国債取引を盛り上げる設定します

    • Street Pauses As Month, Quarter Wind Down
      A three-day winning streak for U.S. stocks went by the wayside Monday in a session where fresh signs of economic recovery were weighed against volatility abroad. 米国株の3日間の連勝は、景気回復の新鮮な兆候は、海外変動に対して秤量のセッションで路傍の月曜日までに行きました

    • Three banks raise rates, more to follow
      Banks in Hong Kong are raising mortgage interest rates, signalling an end to cut-throat competition in the sector as the overall economy recovers, analysts said. 香港の銀行は、エンドに信号を送る、住宅ローン金利を上げているアナリストらによると、全体的な景気回復の分野でカット喉の競争に

    • Faltering economy slows price rise
      British commercial property values rose at a slower annual pace last month as the prospect of a faltering economy recovery deterred investors and occupiers, Investment Property Databank said. 英国の商業用不動産の値が低迷する景気回復抑止投資家やテナントの見通しは先月遅い年率で上昇し、投資不動産データバンクは言った

    • China's yuan surges in value to 6.5997 per dollar
      China's currency, the yuan, has gained an impetus to appreciate against the U.S. dollar since 2011, and the country's central bank set the official exchange rate of the two at a record 6.5997 yuan per dollar on Thursday. The shoot-up of 131 basic points, from 6.6128 per dollar on Wednesday, reflects Beijing's readiness to accelerate reform of its currency exchange rate formation regime. Beijing, buoyed by a rapid economic recovery from the global crisis in 2010, seems now more confident to le ... 中国の通貨は、元、2011年以来、米国ドルに対する理解に弾みを得ている国の中央銀行は木曜日にドルあたりのレコード6.5997元少なくとも2つの公式為替レートを設定します

    • Currency reserves may hit record US$2.5tr, stoking tensions
      China's foreign-exchange reserves, the world's largest, may have climbed to a record US$2.5 trillion, adding fuel to complaints that the nation's currency intervention is undermining the global economic recovery. 中国の外貨準備は、世界最大の国の通貨の介入は世界的な景気回復を損なうされていることを不満に燃料を追加して、レコードの米国2500000000000ドルに上昇している可能性があります

    • China's ports will remain number one
      Chinese ports will remain the busiest in the world this year, although sluggish economic recovery in the United States and the European Union (EU) will dent their container volume growth, according to an outlook report by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The report, released on Friday by the Center for Forecasting Sciences at the academy, also suggested global container volumes will continue to rise this year, but the growth rate will be smaller than in 2010. Containers are the basic eleme ... へこみ、そのコンテナ取扱量の伸びを米国と欧州連合(EU)の低迷景気回復はしますが、中国の港湾では、中国科学アカデミーによって見通しの報告書によると、今年、世界で最も忙しいのままになります

    • Equipment orders likely to show July reduction
      Companies probably ordered less equipment in July as concern grew that the US recovery was coming to a halt, economists said before reports this week. 懸念は、米国の景気回復が停止するために来ていたことが成長するにつれ、企業はおそらく月に以下の機器を注文した、経済学者はこの週に報告する前に言った

    • US consumer spending up in August
      Consumers in the US both earned and spent more in August, figures show, boosting hopes of a continuing economic recovery. 米国の消費者の両方獲得し、8月に詳細を費やして、数字が示して、継続的な景気回復の期待を高める

    • Consumers Feel The Heat As Prices Rise And Real Wages Drop
      Consumers’ wallets continue to take the hit, as the latest batch of numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that prices were up 0.5% in February on higher food and energy costs, while real average hourly earnings fell by the same amount, as the workweek and wages remained stagnant but suffered at the expense of rising inflation.  Core inflation, which excludes food and energy costs and is thus preferable by the Federal Reserve, gained 0.2% on rising new vehicle, health care, and shelter costs.  While the economic recovery in the US seems to be gaining traction, consumers seem to be lagging behind as an elevated 8.9% rate of unemployment and stagnant wages eat into the purchasing power of the country’s greatest contributor to growth. 消費者の財布は、実際の平均時間当たり賃金は同額減少しながら労働統計局からの電話番号の最新のバッチとして、価格が高い食品とエネルギーコストの2月の0.5%を占めていたことを示している、ヒットを飲み続ける労働時間や賃金は停滞が、インフレの上昇を犠牲にして苦しんでいた

    • Eurozone economy increases 0.3%
      EUROPE'S economic recovery failed to gather pace in the final three months of 2010, official figures showed yesterday, amid heavy snow in a number of countries and a ramp up in austerity measures across the single currency bloc. Eurostat, the EU's statistics office, reported that the 16 countries that were using the euro at the end of 2010 - Estonia joined last month - grew 0.3 percent in the fourth quarter from the previous three month period. Eurostat said that's below the 0.8 percent eq ... 欧州の景気回復は、2010年の最後の3ヶ月のペースを収集するために失敗し、公式統計は、多くの国、単一通貨圏間で緊縮財政政策のランプアップの大雪の中で、昨日示した

    • Eurozone economic recovery loses pace in Q3
      Economic recovery in the eurozone lost momentum in the third quarter of this year, the European Union's statistics office Eurostat estimated on Friday. Economic growth in the 16 EU nations that share the euro slowed to 0.4 percent during the period from July to September, down from 1 percent in the previous three months, official figures showed, which was in line with market expectations. The slowdown was mainly due to a much slower growth in Germany. Economic growth in the eurozone's bigg ... ユーロ圏の景気回復は、今年第3四半期に失った勢いを、欧州連合の統計局はユーロスタットから下7月〜9月から、%の期間中、経済成長率の0.4ユーロが鈍化共有国、EUの16金曜日推定で三ヶ月前の1パーセントで、公式統計によると、その期待に市場に沿っていたインチ減速はドイツだったの成長にはるかに遅いため、主に

    • Cartoon: Steve Bell on Ireland's beleaguered economy
      Economic recovery stalls as figures reveal national output dropped by 1.2% in second quarter of 2010Steve Bell 数値として景気回復の屋台は、国家の出力を1.2%2010Steveベルの第2四半期に下落明らかに

    • Survey: Most European firms benefit from China's economic recovery
      European companies saw strong overall growth in China in 2010. According to a survey released by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) on May 25, 79 percent of European companies surveyed said that they are optimistic about further growth within their sector in China, and 70 percent recognize that they benefited from China's economic recovery. At the same time, there has been a substantial increase in their concern over China's regulatory environment. The EUCCC conducted the ... 欧州企業は、2010年に中国に強い全体の成長を見た

    • G20 Ministers Gather in Paris to Address World Economy
      European leaders pressured to come up with solutions quickly to their sovereign debt crisis threatening bank stability, global recovery 銀行の安定性を脅かす彼らのソブリン債務危機への迅速な解決策を考え出すために圧力をかけ、欧州の指導者、世界的な景気回復

    • India loses shine
      Foreign investment funds, which helped to drive Indian equities up by around 17% last year, are now behaving as if the country is forgotten. The United States, with its hopes for economic recovery, is now a stronger magnet, but India is producing good reasons of its own to deter overseas cash. - Kunal Kumar Kundu 国が忘れてしまった場合、昨年の約17%のインド株式を駆動するために助け外国人投資資金は、現在として動作している

    • Osborne tells Davos: Firms must spend
      George Osborne, the Chancellor, has urged cash-rich British companies to start spending and investing again in order to get the country's stalling economic recovery back on the road. ジョージオズボーンは、首相、支出と秩。道路に戻って、国の失速景気回復を取得するには、再び投資を始めるに現金が豊富なイギリスの会社を求めている

    • HSBC Hit By Rising Costs And Basel III
      Globally connected HSBC posted earnings before the bell on Monday, more than doubling profits in 2010 but disappointing investors as it missed analysts’ estimates and lowered its profitability target due to increased regulatory pressure from Basel III and a choppy global economic recovery. グローバルに接続されたHSBCはほど、アナリストの予想を逃したとして、その収益目標をバーゼルIIIから増加し、規制圧力と途切れ世界的な景気回復のために低下2010年の利益but残念な投資家の2倍以上、月曜日にベルが鳴る前利益を記録した

    • Heinz Camouflages Price Hikes With Smaller Sizes For Strapped Consumers
      H.J. Heinz has introduced smaller packaging to reduce the entry price for its packaged food products as consumers reduce grocery expenditures amid a weak economic recovery. Yet a lower entry price comes along with the continued trend of higher pricing of its products per unit weight/volume due to high input costs. Heinz manufactures and markets an extensive line of processed food products that includes ketchup, condiments and sauces, meals and snacks and infant/nutrition products. The company competes with major food and consumer companies like Kraft Foods, Tyson Foods, ConAgra Foods and Campbell Soup Company. HJハインツは、弱い景気回復、消費者が食料品の支出を削減するなど、その加工食品の製品のエントリー価格を削減する小型パッケージを導入しています

    • Hang Seng up 0.16pc at break
      Hong Kong shares rose 0.16 percent, a third straight gain, amid growing optimism over the global recovery. The benchmark Hang Seng Index added 38.3... 香港株式市場は世界的な景気回復で成長楽観の中で、0.16%で、3年連続ゲイン上昇した

    • Hang Seng Index up 1.1pc at close
      Hong Kong stocks rose on relatively healthy turnover as investors scooped up companies most likely to benefit from an economic recovery and on leaked ... 投資家は、企業が最も景気回復の恩恵を受ける可能性が高いすくっとしての流出の香港株式市場は比較的健全な売上高の増加...

    • India's Infosys names banker as new chairman
      Infosys on Saturday named a prominent banker to take charge of India's second-largest software exporter as the firm struggles to boost performance in the face of slow global recovery. Infosysは、土曜日に会社が遅い世界的な景気回復に直面してパフォーマンスを向上させるための闘争として著名な銀行は、インドの第二位のソフトウェア輸出を担当するという

    • Posen calls for calm as inflation fears rise
      In news that will worry the Bank of England and the Treasury as they try to secure a still-fragile economic recovery and limit fears of inflation, British households say that they expect their living standards to fall sharply – and inflation to jump in the next few months. インフレが今後数にジャンプする - 彼らはまだ脆弱な景気回復とインフレの限界への懸念を確保しようとするイギリスの銀行と財務省と心配になりますニュースでは、イギリスの家計は彼らの生活水準が急落して期待していると言うヶ月

    • Japan's industrial output falls 1.9% in September
      Japan's industrial output dropped a seasonally adjusted 1.9 percent in September from a month earlier, the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry said in a preliminary report on Friday. The headline reading was well below economists' expectations of a 0.6 percent decline, and marks the fourth straight month-on- month decline, as waning demand for Japanese goods from developing economies and a strong yen has adversely affected exports and is hampering the pace of Japan's recovery, said the ... 日本の工業生産は、以前の9月から月%を1.9に調整ドロップ季節、産業貿易省の経済金曜日に予備的な報告書で述べている

    • BOJ pressed to ease policy as output falls
      Japanese industrial output fell unexpectedly in August as a slowdown in export growth begins to weigh down the country's fragile economic recovery. The outcome raises the chances of the Bank of Japan announcing more policy easing when it meets next week. 日本の鉱工業生産は、輸出の伸びが鈍化する国の脆弱な景気回復を圧迫し始めると、8月に突然落ちた

    • Immigrant Entrepreneurs Returning Home Leave Gap for Americans to Fill
      Just as the American economic recovery gathers steam, and as concerns over long-run economic vitality intensify, the U.S. could be on the cusp of losing an important source of growth: immigrant entrepreneurs. More and more highly skilled immigrants, particularly from India and China, who come to the U.S. for education are [...] 移民の起業家:ちょうどアメリカの景気回復を収。蒸気として、および長期経済活力に対する懸念が強まるなど、米国の成長の重要な供給源を失うの先端にすることができます

    • Are We Really In A Recovery: Part Two
      Last week we shared the opinions of Political Science Professor Douglas Webber and Finance Professor Theo Vermaelen on the state of the economic recovery. Neither was optimistic for the long-term but for very different reasons. 先週、私たちは、景気回復の状態で政治学教授ダグラスウェバーとファイナンス教授テオVermaelenの意見を交わした

    • Worthington Industries Worth A Look
      Manufacturing continues to be the hot spot as the global recovery gains momentum. Worthington Industries (WOR - Snapshot Report) recently easily beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 32%, sending shares to new 52-week highs. Despite the share surge, the company is still a value. 製造業は世界的な景気回復の向上の契機にホットスポットであり続けている

    • Global Stocks Surge on World Stimulus Hope
      NEW YORK (Reuters) - World stocks surged to a five-month high and the U.S. dollar fell broadly on Tuesday after the Bank of Japan unexpectedly cut interest rates, fueling speculation that other governments will take additional actions to reinvigorate the global economic recovery. ニューヨークは、(ロイター) - 世界の株式や五カ月ぶりの高値に上昇した日本の銀行が突然、他の政府は、世界的な景気回復を活性化するための追加措置を取るかという憶測を加速、利下げ後の米国のドルは、火曜日に広くなった

    • US debt ceiling talks: are you worried? | Poll
      Poll: Fears of US default are growing as talks over the debt ceiling remain deadlocked. Do you agree with UK business secretary Vince Cable that the political standoff could sabotage economic recovery around the world? 世論調査:債務限度以上の交渉がデッドロックされたままのように米国のデフォルトの懸念が高まっています

    • White House: US Unemployment To Stay High Through 2012
      President Obama is scheduled to lay out his plan for job creation and economic recovery next week, before a joint session of Congress. オバマ大統領は、議会の合同会議の前に、雇用創出と景気回復、来週のために彼の計画をレイアウトする予定です

    • In Iowa, Obama Underscores Role of Manufacturing in Recovery
      President pays another visit to politically-important state, as part of his efforts to highlight success from his economic recovery poli 大統領は彼の景気回。魄力から成功を強調する彼の努力の一環として、政治的に重要な状態に別の訪問を支払う

    • Import surge due to strong local dollar to hit Australia growth
      SYDNEY (AFP) - A spike in Australian imports due to the strong local dollar dampened hopes of a sharp economic rebound, figures showed on Tuesday, with economists predicting second-quarter growth of just 1.0 per cent. シドニー(AFP) - 地元の強いドルのためにオーストラリアの輸入の急増は、急激な景気回復の希望を湿らせた、数字は経済学者は単に1.0パーセントの第2四半期の成長率を予測すると、火曜日に示した

    • ScanSource Boosted By International Growth
      ScanSource (SCSC - Snapshot Report) blew by the Zacks Consensus Estimate when it reported fiscal second quarter results on January 27, in yet another example that the global recovery is on the fast track. This Zacks #1 Rank (strong buy) is trading at just 14.3x forward estimates. ScanSourceは(SCSC - スナップショットレポート)は、世界的な景気回復は、高速軌道に乗っているが、まだ別の例では、1月27日第2四半期の結果を報告するとザックスコンセンサス予測で吹いた

    • PPI Surges: Food Rises Most Since '74 As Fuel Gains 3.7% In A Month
      Sharp increases in prices paid by producers, reflected in Wednesday’s Producer Price Index (PPI) which showed that the price of finished goods rose 1.6% through February and 5.6% year-over-year, pose a risk to the economic recovery, as consumers begin to see prices passed on from earlier to later stages of the production process.  While the risk of stagflation is still a long-term phenomenon, inelastic demand curves for food and energy products could force market participants to feel the sting of rising headline inflation and thus cut back to minimum spending. 生産者が支払う価格の急激な増加は、水曜日の生産者物価指数(PPI)は、完成品の価格は、2月から1.6%上昇した5.6パーセントは、前年以上、景気回復へのリスクを、消費者が開始すると認めたの反映生産工程の後の段階に以前のバージョンから渡される価格を確認してください

    • Sensex closes 358 points up
      Shrugging off spike in food inflation and high interest rate worries, the BSE benchmark sensex today surged by over 358 points to close at 18,449.31 on aggressive value buying in the recently beaten stocks and indications of a steady global economic recovery. 食品インフレと高金利の心配のスパイクをオフに肩をすくめ、BSEのベンチマークセンセックス今日は最近、殴られ、株式や安定した世界的な景気回復の兆しで購入する積極的な値に18,449.31で取引を終えた358ポイント以上急騰した

    • Hang On Howard, Sirius Is Signaling $2 And Beyond
      Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio merged in July 2008 to form Sirius XM Radio.  Because the company depends heavily on distribution through automobile sales from companies like Ford, General Motors and Toyota, the economic downturn took a heavy toll.  Fortunately for SIRI, the upturn has brought a reversal of fortune. 米シリウスサテライトラジオとXM Satellite RadioはシリウスXMラジオを形成するために2008年7月にマージされます

    • Inflation dulls India star, unnerves foreign investors
      Soaring inflation and rate rises are starting to hit corporate margins in India, tempting more foreign fund managers to slash holdings in favour of markets that can better capitalise on the global economic recovery. 高騰インフレと金利上昇はより世界的な景気回復に活かすことができる市場を支持して保有を大幅に削減するために、インド企業の余白、魅力的なより多くの外国人のファンドマネジャーをヒットし始めている

    • Steve Bell on George Osborne's claims of economic progress
      Steve Bell on Tory claims of economic recovery and David Cameron's use of a Michael Winner catchphraseSteve Bell 景気回復の保守党の主張とマイケルウィナーcatchphraseSteveベルのデビッドキャメロンの使用スティーブベル

    • BOJ Cuts Rates In Surprise Move
      TOKYO (Reuters) - The Bank of Japan cut interest rates on Tuesday and pledged to keep rates at zero until prices are seen stable in a surprise move showing its concern that a strong yen and slowing growth are undermining a fragile economic recovery. 東京は、(ロイター) - 日本の銀行は火曜日に金利を引き下げ、価格は円高や減速成長が壊れ景気回復を損なうされていることに懸念を示して予想外の動きで安定したアクセスされるまでゼロ金利を維持することを約束した

    • Business confidence tumbles in New Zealand
      The Canterbury earthquake, slow economic recovery and high oil prices have knocked business confidence in New Zealand. The New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) quarterly survey of business opinion, released on Tuesday, showed a net 11 percent of firms expect general business conditions to deteriorate in the next six months. That compares to a net 1 percent in the previous quarter. The quarterly survey of business opinion found a net 5 percent of firms experienced a decline in ... カンタベリー地震は、ゆっくりと景気回復と原油高は、ニュージーランドでのビジネスの信頼をノックした

    • Fed Faces New Questions With Japan Crisis
      The Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee meeting presented an upgrade on the state of the economy, infusing a slightly more bullish take on jobs into its regular rhetoric and saying that the economic recovery is "on a firmer footing." The Fed will have to take on new issues soon, however, as it realizes that a major buyer of U.S. government debt has been saddled with its own crisis. 連邦準備制度理事会の連邦公開市場委員会はもう少し強気の定期的なレトリックに仕事を引き受ける注入し、景気回復がされていることを言って、経済の状態にアップグレードを発表した。。u0026quot;強固な基盤の上に

    • Fed Says Economy Is Improving
      The Federal Reserve released the minutes from its January Federal Open Market Committee meeting Wednesday. The committee used the familiar language in its statement about the health of the U.S. economy, saying economic recovery is continuing, "though at a rate that has been insufficient to bring about a significant improvement in labor market conditions." The minutes revealed that the Fed said the recovery is on "firmer footing," in light of increased household spending, and activity in the business sector. 連邦準備制度理事会は水曜日、1月の連邦公開市場委員会からの分を発表した

    • DealBook: Geithner Optimistic, Despite High Unemployment
      The Treasury secretary delivered an upbeat message about the prospects for a continued U.S. economic recovery while providing little hope of substantially improved employment numbers. 大幅に改善雇用者数の小さな希望を提供しながら、財務長官は、継続的な景気回復の見通しについて楽観的メッセージを伝えた

    • Green shoots, but not out of the woods yet
      The UK economic recovery feels tense and insecure, as tax increases and inflation bite into people's real income and public-spending cuts take effect in the coming year. But recoveries from recession always feel uneven at this stage of the cycle, for while there is overall growth, some parts of the economy are liable to lag behind others. It is even possible that, for a few months at least, growth may falter. 英国の景気回復は、人々の実質所得と、来年には有効に公共支出削減への増税とインフレにかまとして、緊張と不安感じている

    • Fed keeps interest rates at record lows but no new spending
      The US Federal Reserve avoided pulling the trigger on fresh stimulus spending at a top-level policy meeting early yesterday, but said it was prepared to act if the tepid economic recovery cooled further. 米連邦準備制度理事会は、昨日早くトップレベルの政策会議で、新鮮な刺激支出に引き金を引く回避しかし、それはぬるい景気回復がさらに冷却して行動する用意があると述べた

    • Fed sticks to spending plan amid slow recovery
      The US Federal Reserve steered a steady course through the shallow economic recovery, sticking to a massive spending plan and interest rates close to zero for the second year.The central bank's policymakers said the recovery was too weak to reduce high unemployment, a major challenge to getting the world's largest economy back on a sustainable course, and inflation trends were worryingly weak. 米連邦準備制度理事会は、回復が高い失業率、主要な挑戦に減らすためにも弱っていたという大規模な支出計画近い二お疲れさま中央銀行の政策立案者のためのゼロ金利にこだわって、浅い景気回復を着実にコースを操縦、持続可能なコースで戻って世界最大の経済を取得するインフレ傾向は困ったことに弱かった

    • Bank of Japan Moves to Buy More Assets
      The decision underscores concerns that a strong yen and persistent deflation threaten the country’s recovery. 決定は、円高やデフレは、国の景気回復を脅かすとの懸念を強調している

    • Is It Time To Junk Your Junk Bonds?
      The economic recovery has a lot to do with how the high-yield debt market will look this year. As the Federal Reserve continues to buy up long-term Treasury bonds and attempts to stimulate a boost  in equities investment, short-term interest rates are also slowly rising. 景気回復が高利回り債券市場は、今年どのように見えるかと大いに関係があります

    • German deceleration prompts double dip fears for eurozone
      The economic recovery of the 16-nation eurozone stuttered in the third quarter of the year, official data published yesterday revealed, with even the strongest countries in the region warning of lower than expected growth. Overall, the eurozone economy grew by 0.4 per cent between July and September, compared to the 1 per cent of growth achieved between April and June. 16カ国のユーロ圏の景気回復は、今年の第3四半期にどもって、公式のデータは昨日の予想成長率よりも低い領域の警告でも最強の国々と明らかに発表した

    • Earnings Season Off To Mixed Start With JPMorgan, Google
      The fifteenth trading week of 2011 came to a close with the Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq all in the red for the last five days as investors continued to worry about the effect of highier energy prices on the fragile economic recovery and corporate earnings season got off to an uneven start. 2011十。取引の週は、ダウ工業株平均の近くに来て、S&P総合500種とナスダックは最後の5日間の赤ですべての投資家は壊れやすく、景気回復のhighierエネルギー価格の影響を心配し続けたとして企業決算発表シーズンが不均一なスタートを切った

    • Currency wars: should governments use exchange rates as a 'policy weapon'?
      The head of the IMF has warned that governments using exchange rates as a 'policy weapon' will damage the global recovery. Do you agree? IMFの頭は。。u0026#39;政策武器としての為替レートを使用して政府が世界的な景気回復に損傷を与えることを警告している

    • G-20 Leaders Defer Decisions on Curbing Imbalances
      The leaders agreed on Friday to curb “large imbalances” in saving and spending that impede the global recovery but deferred until next year decisions on fixing them. 指導者が保存して世界的な景気回復を妨げることが、それらを修正することに、来年の決定まで延期支出に。。u0026quot;大きな不均衡。。u0026quot;を抑制するため、金曜日に合意した

    • Cheap Steel Stock Buy
      The steel companies are back in play as the global recovery heats up. ArcelorMittal (MT - Snapshot Report) is expected to grow earnings by the double digits in both 2011 and 2012. But despite the growth, shares have yet to recover to pre-recession highs and are cheap. 世界的な景気回復がヒートアップするの鉄鋼会社は遊びに戻っている

    • Central banks stuck in crisis mode
      The world's major central banks are having a tough time exiting crisis mode, prolonging aid or raising the prospect of reviving unconventional stimulus tools as the global recovery loses momentum. 世界の主要中央銀行は危機モードを終了する、厳しい時間を過ごしている援助を延長や世界の景気回復は勢いを失って型破りな刺激ツールを復活の見通しを高める

    • The Entangled Revolution Has Begun
      The world seems to be less predictable these days, with political and social unrest, a slowly recovering economy and a changing climate. Futurists predict faster changes in the next 20 years, with large impacts on economy, sociology and our daily life. The trends with the biggest influence are reworking our financial systems, the need to become sustainable, and the networked society. In this first of a three-part posting on trends, I will outline the industry and IT revolution of “entanglement” – a trend that has been shaping our lives for years and, in the next 10-20 years, will change the world more fundamentally than any generation before us. 世界は政治的、社会的不安、ゆっくりと景気回復と気候変動と、これらの日より予測できると思われる

    • Fix the Tax Code Friday: Tinkering With the Gas Tax
      This week, from Bachmann to Obama, the focus has been on prices at the pump. It's been suggested that a steep drop in gas prices would kick start an economic recovery. If that's true, the question is how to make that happen. 今週、バッハマンか。。u200b。。u200bらオバマへ、焦点は、ポンプでの価格になっている

    • Oil price retreats on rising jobless claim
      U.S. crude oil future price dropped below 90 U.S. dollars a barrel on Thursday after a rebound on Wednesday as jobless claim rose last week. The U.S. Labor Department said on Thursday that the number of U. S. workers filing initial claims for jobless benefits rose last week by 18,000 to a total of 409,000. Although the jobless figure remained lower from six month ago, investors worried the economic recovery was not as good as expected. Risk appetite rose in the markets as investors rush ... 米原油先物価格は、失業の主張は先週バラのように水曜日にリバウンド後の木曜日に90ドルバレルを下回った

    • US rise in consumer prices slows
      US consumer prices rose a mere 0.1 percent in November in an unexpected easing of inflation amid a weak economic recovery, official data showed Wednesday. 米国の消費者物価は、弱い景気回復、インフレの予想外の緩和で11月にはわずか0.1%増、公式のデータは、水曜日を示した

    • US economic growth slows to 1.7%
      US economic growth rose only slightly in the second quarter of 2010, the government said Thursday, confirming that the pace of the economic recovery has slowed. 米国は、経済成長2010年第2四半期にわずかに上昇し、政府は木曜日には景気回復のペースは鈍化していることを確認すると述べた

    • Republicans defeat Obama jobs bill in Senate
      US president will pull legislation apart and take some elements back to Congress after $447bn package is voted downThe US Senate has defeated President Barack Obama's job-creation package in a sign that Washington may be too paralysed to take major steps to spur hiring before the 2012 elections.The $447bn package of tax cuts and new spending received a vote of 50 to 48, which fell short of the 60 needed to advance in the 100-member Senate.Obama, campaigning in Florida, said it was not the end of the fight and accused Republicans of obstruction. He said he would work with the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, to make sure individual proposals in the bill got a vote as soon as possible.Obama had barnstormed around the country to pressure his Republican opponents to back his top legislative priority but did not pick up a single Republican vote in the Democrat-controlled Senate.Two Democrats facing re-election in conservative states also voted no. Though Obama's top legislative priority is now dead in Congress it is certain to have a long afterlife on the campaign trail. His 2012 re-election chances depend on his ability to spur the sluggish economic recovery and revive the nearly stagnant job market.The US unemployment rate has been above 9% since May and almost 45% of the 14 million jobless Americans have been out of work for six months or more.Among the elements of the bill that might be salvaged is a payroll tax cut, which Obama wants to extend to avoid imposing an effective tax increase at a time when wages have not been rising much. Obama's bill would also extend unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed, another area that could yield bipartisan support.Other elements, such as increased highway spending and aid for cash-strapped states, are not likely to p $ 447bnパッケージがdownThe米上院が2012年までにワシントンがあまりにも雇用を促進する主要な手順を踏む必要が麻痺する可能性を示すサインでオバマ大統領の雇用創出のパッケージを敗北させた投票された後に米国大統領は、離れて法律を引いて、議会に戻っていくつかの要素がかかります100人Senate.Obamaに進めるために必要な60の短い落ちた減税と新たな支出のパッケージが50〜48の投票を受け取った$ 447bnを、elections.The、フロリダ州で選挙活動を、それはの終わりではないと述べた閉塞の共和党と戦うと非難した

    • More perils ahead for economy: World Bank, IMF
      WASHINGTON - GLOBAL finance chiefs warned on Saturday that rising food prices, unanswered joblessness, Mid-east turmoil and weak finances in advanced economies could still derail economic recovery.'We are one shock away from a full-blown crisis,' said World Bank president Robert Zoellick about the surge in basic food prices. ワシントン - グローバルファイナンス首長は、失業、中期東混乱と先進国の弱い財。未解決の食料価格高騰は、まだ景気回復を頓挫させることが土曜日に警告。。u0026#39;私たちは離れて本格的な危機から一ショックです、。。u0026#39;世界銀行の社長は基本的な食料価格の高騰についてのロバートゼーリック

    • Wall Street surges amid global equity rally after Japan cuts rates
      Wall Street surged on Tuesday amid a global equity rally after the Bank of Japan unexpectedly cut interest rates. Global markets rose on Tuesday after Japan's central bank cut its key interest rate from 0.1 percent to virtually zero and planned to buy government bonds in order to prop up the faltering economy. Investors were encouraged by the speculation that other governments will take additional actions to boost the global economic recovery, as the U.S. Federal Reserve has suggested it m ... 集会後、料金を金利カットが突然銀行が日本の株式急騰のストリートは、。火曜日世界の中で

    • New Models Help September Sales for Automakers
      While sales were up, overall demand continued to be lower than automakers had expected it to be at this point in the economic recovery. 売上高は増加しましたが、全体需要は自動車メーカーが、それが景気回復にこの点にあると予想していたよりも低くなるように続けた

    • Bullish On Gold All The Way To $1,600
      With gold prices falling since the beginning of 2011 and the prospects of an economic recovery gaining traction, many have doubted whether the incredible rally in gold prices is sustainable. The bullish argument can be made by looking at fundamentals underpinning the market, though, as gold investors will see the market tightening around stagnant production and higher demand through 2011. 金価格は、2011年の初めに勢いを増して景気回復の見通しから立ち下がりで、多くは、は、金価格が信じられないほどの集会は、持続可能であるかどうかを疑問視している

    • Marketers Embrace Values Pitch In Tough Times
      With the economy still a long way from recovering, marketers are turning to an old strategy to reconnect with consumers. Recent ads from automobile and even bourbon companies aim to reach the average Joe via the theme of shared values. まだ景気回復から長い道のりでは、マーケティング担当者は、消費者との再接続して、古い戦略に目を向けている

    • For the US and UK economies, a lost decade looms | Dean Baker
      With the debate in the US shifting to deficit reduction, as in the UK, policy-makers are dooming us to a slow, jobless recoveryLast week, the commerce department released data on GDP for the first quarter that showed the economy growing at just a 1.8% annual rate. This brought the growth rate over the last year to just 2.3%, slightly less than the 2.5% growth rate needed to keep pace with the growth in the labour force. It might have been expected that this closely watched number set off all sorts of alarm bells about the weakness of the recovery. Instead, it was buried in the business pages with the headlines dismissing the weakness as the result of bad weather. The weather line should not have provided much consolation. Even a generous assessment of the impact of weather would not lead to a counterfactual of more than 2.7% growth for the quarter. This would raise the rate for the last year to around 2.5%, still a dismal pace for an economy recovering from a steep downturn. The professional excuse makers seem to rely heavily on the weather. The drop in fourth quarter GDP in the UK was also attributed to the weather. But these folks apparently forgot that weather-related weakness should mean a sharp bounceback in the following period. With the first quarter growth in the UK just offsetting the fourth-quarter decline, it is clear that weather does not explain economic weakness there, nor can weather explain the poor growth in the United States. The basic problem is that the US economy, like the UK economy, simply lacks much momentum and is likely to weaken further as the impact of the deficit cutting is increasingly felt. Those boasting of the strong recovery have touted the fact that the unemployment rate has fallen by 1.3 percentage points since its peak in October of 英国のように、財政赤字削減への移行、米国での議論では、政策立案者が遅い、失業recoveryLastの週に私たちをdoomingされ、わずか1.8で経済成長を示した第一四半期のGDPのデータを発表コマース部門%年率

    • Global economic recovery fragile: FM
      Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee on Sunday said the global economic recovery is fragile and cautioned that emerging economies may not be as resilient in the face of another crisis. 日曜日の財務相ムカジーは、世界的な景気回復が脆弱であると述べ、新興経済国は、別の危機に直面して弾力性のあることができないと警告した

    • Fed Stokes Intraday Rebound As Stock Rise From Lows
      The Federal Reserve managed to calm nervous investors with comments this afternoon that the economic recovery is on firmer footing and the jobs market is improving gradually. Those remarks came at around 2:30 following a policy meeting, helping the major indexes to pare earlier losses. The Fed also said it would stay the course with regard to its $600 billion bond-purchase program. 連邦準備制度理事会はコメントして景気回復が堅調な立場と雇用市場は徐々に改善されていますが、この夜神経の投資家を落ち着かせることができた

    • Bond Market Flashes Inflation Alert
      The U.S. bond market has begun sending a message that inflation risks are rising and the Federal Reserve may be too slow to act, potentially marking a significant turning point in the economic recovery. 米国債券市場は、潜在的に景気回復の重要な転機を記念して、あまりにも動作が遅くなることがありますインフレリスクが上昇していることを示すメッセージが、連邦準備制度を開始すると発表した

    • Sliding Stocks Boost Bonds But Altria Yields Perk Up
      Caution in the equity market boosted demand for the safety of government paper at the end of a bad week for investors. Interest rate expectations mellowed after several Fed speakers expressed disappointment earlier over the slow progress the economy was making deep into an economic recovery. Earlier fears over escalating inflation have subsequently given way to concern over where the stimulus-laden economy might find its next spurt of growth from. Bond yields tumbled around the world spurred on by growing fears over Greece. Nevertheless spreads widened between government and corporate paper as dealers wondered how much lower yields might go while fretting further over the prospects for earnings. 株式市場の注意は、投資家のための悪い週の終わりに、政府紙の安全性の需要を押し上げた

    • OPEC lifts 2010 oil demand growth forecast
      OPEC raised its forecast for oil demand in 2010 because of global economic recovery and cold weather in Europe on Friday, a day before OPEC ministers meet on production levels. OPECは金曜日、OPECの閣僚は、生産レベルに会う前の日にヨーロッパで世界的な景気回復と寒さのために2010年の石油需要見通しを引き上げた

    • S. Korea's financial regulator to form task force on high household debt
      South Korea's top financial watchdog said Wednesday it will create a task force to cope with high household debt, a potential threat to the country's economic recovery. The task force will be set up as early as March to address the rise in household loans and take comprehensive measures to stifle the growth of household borrowing, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) said at a press briefing. Household debt, which as of last December totaled 430.4 trillion won (384 billion U.S. dollars) ... 韓国のトップ金融庁は、高い家計の借金は、国の景気回復への潜在的な脅威に対処するためのタスクフォースを作成すると発表した

    • U.S. manufacturing sector grows for 17th straight month in December
      The U.S. manufacturing sector grew for the 17th consecutive month in December, fresh evidence of the ongoing economic recovery, a leading industry survey showed on Monday. The U.S. Institute of Supply Management (ISM) manufacturing index, also known as the purchasing managers index, stood at 57 percent in December, higher than the reading of 56.6 percent in November. A reading above 50 percent indicates an expanding manufacturing sector. Of the 18 U.S. manufacturing industries, 11 reported ... 米国の製造業部門は12月、継続的な景気回復の新たな証拠で17カ月連続で成長し、業界をリードする調査では、月曜日に示した

    • Childbirth in S. Korea grows for 12 straight months
      The number of babies born in South Korea in February showed growth for the 12th consecutive month as the recovering economy spurred more couples to have babies, a government report showed Monday. The number of babies born in February reached 38,200, up 4.4 percent, or 1,600, from the same month a year earlier, according to the report by Statistics Korea. February marked the 12th consecutive month of growth for the country's childbirth, after it had declined for 24 straight months starting ... 景気回復は、赤ちゃんを持っている以上のカップルに拍車をかけて2月に韓国で生まれた赤ちゃんの数は12カ月連続の成長を示したが、政府の報告書は、月曜日を示した

    • American Express Needs Cardmember Growth
      Amid the slow pace of economic recovery in the U.S., American Express still managed to close 2010 with revenues rising 13.4% to $27.8 billion. The total transaction volume on American Express-issued cards, both charge cards and credit cards issued in the U.S. and internationally and to corporations across the globe grew inline with the historical growth rates of over 13%. However, these gains were largely due to an improving macroeconomic environment which was a tide that lifted all boats. 米国では景気回復のペースが遅い中、アメリカンエキスプレスはまだ収益は27800000000ドルに13.4%上昇し、2010年を閉じることができた

    • World's largest brainstorming session mulls challenges of 2011
      Global power shifts, an uncertain economic recovery, population growth, inequality and resource shortages loom as the leading issues facing the world over the next 12 to 18 months, according to the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Councils. These trends were revealed by a survey of almost 600 global experts that form the 72 Global Agenda Councils, including leaders from business, academia, civil society, government and other walks-of-life. The Councils have gathered in Dubai for the world ... グローバルパワーシフト、不透明な景気回復、人口増加、不平等、リソース不足が協議会アジェンダ12から18グローバルフォーラムの経済ヶ月応じて世界の横で織機を先頭に問題が直面している世界を、これらの傾向は調査を示唆していたがビジネス、学界、市民社会、政府や他の指導者を含む72グローバルアジェンダの協議会を形成する約600世界的な専門家は、歩く-人生の

    • German investor poll produces mixed results: ZEW
      German investors are less certain the country's economic recovery will last much longer, but remain fairly upbeat nonetheless, the closely watched ZEW index showed on Tuesday.The index fell to 3.1 points in May from 7.6 points in April, the institute said, marking the third consecutive monthly drop to a level that was below an average analyst forecast of 3.5 points compiled by Dow Jones Newswires. ドイツの投資家は、以下の国の景気回復はあまり長くは続かないと確信しているがTuesday.The指数は7.6ポイント4月の3.1ポイント月にに落ちたの注目ZEW指数は示したが、それにもかかわらず、かなり明るいまま、同研究所は、サードを記念して、当該ダウジョーンズがまとめた3.5ポイントの平均アナリスト予想を下回ったレベルを連続して毎月のドロップ

    • Be vigilant on huge hot money inflows, outflows to emerging economies
      Of late, there have been huge inflows of hot money into new, emerging economies, and particularly into Asia emerging economies, due to the global imbalance of economic recovery and the anticipated devaluation of the U.S. dollar. The IMF and the World Bank warn that the influx of hot money could cause currency rallies and asset bubbles. For this reason, Asian countries and regions should keep a close watch on possible risks set off by the inflows and outflows of hot money to the region. Global ... 最近は、アジア新興国、特にに新しい、新興国への景気回復とドルの予想切り下げの世界的不均衡のためにホットマネーの巨大な流入が行われている

    • Travel industry anticipates recovery
      The travel industry has been beleaguered over the past twelve months, but the sector is expecting a global recovery this year. 旅行業界は、過去12ヶ月間包囲されている部門は、今年世界的な景気回復を期待しています

    • Asean hopes to mediate
      The deteriorating situation along the Thai-Cambodian border is undermining confidence in Asean and affecting economic recovery, tourism and investment prospect in the region, said Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in his urgent message to the two ASEAN Member States now trading fires with casualties on both sides. タイカンボジア国境に沿って悪化状況はアセアンの信頼を損なうことがあり、地域の景気回復、観光と投資の見通しに影響を与える、スリンは、東南アジア諸国連合事務総長は二ASEAN加盟に彼の緊急メッセージによると米国は現在、両側の死傷者と火災を取引

    • Interview: Emerging economies have made crucial contributions to global recovery: UN official
      The emerging economies are among the first to register economic growth after the world were severely affected by the global financial crisis, and have made important contribution to the global economic recovery, Hong Pingfan, chief for Global Economic Monitoring of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), told Xinhua in a recent interview. Although the global financial crisis severely affected the emerging economies, they have taken active measures to spur the economy by expan ... 新興国は、世界は深刻な世界的な金融危機の影響を受けた後の経済成長を持続し、最初のうちは、経済社会の国連学科グローバル経済の監視のための世界的な景気回復、香港Pingfan、最高に重要な貢献した総務は、(デサ)、最近のインタビューで華を語った

    • China's leading liquor producer Kweichow Moutai net profit up 17.13 pct
      Renowned Chinese liquor producer Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. announced Monday its annual net profit in 2010 rose 17.13 percent year on year on strong market demand. Its net profit hit 5.05 billion yuan (769.17 million U.S. dollars), the Guizhou-based firm said in its 2010 annual report filed to Shanghai Stock Exchange. The company's annual business revenue increased 20.3 percent from one year earlier to 11.63 billion yuan while earnings per share stood at 5.35 yuan. The economic rebound a ... 有名な中国酒プロデューサー貴州省Moutai有限公司は、発表した2010年に年間純利益は、強力な市場の需要に前年同期比17.13パーセントの増加となりました

    • Portuguese economy begins to grow in 2013: IMF
      Portugal faces considerable economic and fiscal risks but the nation will see the start of economic recovery in 2013 onwards, according to a document released by the International Monetary Fund(IMF)on Wednesday. Output was forecast to contract around 2 percent in 2011 and 2012 due to needed fiscal consolidation, adjustments in the banking system as well as general market concerns for euro area periphery countries, noted the Letter of Intent of the Portuguese government put forward to the Wash ... ポルトガルは、水曜日に国際通貨基金(IMF)が発表した文書によると、かなりの経済財政リスクが2013年以降の景気回復の開始を参照してくださいれる国に直面している

    • IMF worries over financial system
      The International Monetary Fund says the global financial system remains the weak link in the economic recovery. 国際通貨基金は、世界の金融システムは、景気回復に弱いリンクのままだ

    • JACKSON HOLE : Deeper than '08 ...
      The world's central bankers gathering in Wyoming's Jackson Hole had little to cheer them during their annual retreat, with three years of effort poured into generating an economic recovery looking increasingly a wasted effort. With Greece's latest posturing on its debt, 2008 could soon look a relatively minor crisis. - Chan Akya ワイオミング州のジャクソンホールに集まって、世界の中央銀行は、少し、ますます無駄な努力を見て景気回復を生成するに注ぐ努力の三年間で、毎年恒例の退却中、それらを応援する必要がありました

    • Cash Is Truth, Truth Is Cash
      A lot has been written about the slow pace of economic recovery in the U.S. with unemployment still at 9% (as of January 2011) in contrast to the feverish growth of emerging markets. It then comes as no surprise that most of the big players in the beauty and personal care industry such as L'Oreal, Estee Lauder, Revlon, Avon, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Colgate and Kimberly Clark are increasing their presence in growing markets like China, India and Latin America. 多くの新興市場の熱狂的な成長とは対照的に9%(2011年1月時点)で、まだ失業率は、米国の景気回復のペースが遅いについて記述しています

    • Ministers Seek Way to Strengthen Economic Recovery
      Finance Ministers seek ways to strengthen global recovery while addressing currency dispute 通貨の紛争に対応しながら、財務大臣は、世界的な景気回復を強化する方法を模索

    • Gold extends loss as dollar further strengthens amid economic recovery
      Gold futures on the COMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange carried weak sentiment into Monday, as dollar further gained strength amid robust economic recovery. The most active gold contract for February delivery crept down 80 cents per ounce, or 0.06 percent, to settle at 1,348.2 dollars. Market traders noted that the optimism in global economic recovery continued to push up the value of dollar, which usually peel off the appeal of gold for investors. At the same time, the robu ... ドルがさらに強力な景気回復力を得て、ニューヨークマーカンタイル取引所のCOMEXの部の金先物市場は、月曜日に弱い感情を行った

    • Dollar fluctuates amid economic concerns
      The U.S. dollar dipped to a one-month low against the euro on Tuesday as the European economy showed strength. However, as concerns over the U.S. economic recovery raised risk-aversion moods in the markets, the dollar rebounded slightly in the remaining sessions this week. As the worries about the Greece debt crisis faded, following the expectations that the country will receive financial aid from international organizations, investors began to eye European economic situations. Data showed ... 欧州経済は強さを示したとして、米国のドルは、火曜日に対ユーロで一カ月ぶりの安値に下落した

    • Wall Street slips on economic slowdown concerns
      U.S. stocks slipped on Monday as investors were concerned about the U.S. economic slowdown and became more cautious in the markets. The market sentiment was still weighed after five straight weekly losses. Investors were wary about the strength of economic recovery after the latest economic data pointed weaker growth. Major averages ended last week with sharp declines after the monthly jobs report from the Labor Department showed the economy added least jobs in eight months. Meanwhile, the ... 投資家が米国経済の減速を懸念していたとして、より多くの市場で慎重になり、米国株式市場は月曜日に下落した

    • German consumer confidence expected to climb to three-year high
      German consumer confidence will reach its highest level in more than three years in February, showing that domestic demand has become the second pillar of the country's recovery after exports, a survey said on Tuesday. The Nuremberg-based GfK market research company said that its forward-looking consumer confidence index would jump to 5.7 points next month, from 5.5 points in January, which is the highest since October 2007. Economists had forecast earlier that the figure in February would ... ドイツ消費者信頼感指数は、国内需要が輸出後に国の景気回復の第二の柱となっていることを示す、2004年2月に3年以上ぶりに最高値に達すると、調査によると

    • Japan's exports jump 13% in Dec. year-on-year
      Japanese exports rose a better-than- expected 13.0 percent in December from a year earlier, suggesting Japan's export-led recovery may be getting back on track, the Finance Ministry said Thursday. According to the ministry, the value of exports in the recording period totaled 6,112.8 billion yen (74.5 billion U.S. dollars) and marked the 13th straight month of growth. December's figure also beat economists' expectations for a 9.2 percent rise and increased from the 9.1 percent rise booked ... 日本の輸出は日本の輸出主導の景気回復が軌道に乗って戻って取得される可能性があります示唆、前年から12月に予想を上回る13.0パーセント増、財務省が発表した

    • Bernanke's Jackson Hole Hamlet Moment: To QE Or Not To QE?
      The controversial Fed Chairman is once again in the spotlight as markets await his speech at Jackson Hole on Friday.  Ben Bernanke first tipped the markets about QE2 at Jackson Hole a year ago; while a fragile and slowing economic recovery fueled speculation that the Chairman could announce further monetary stimulus, experts agree rising inflation, and the expectation that the economy will pick-up in the second half of the year, will discourage Bernanke and the rest of the FOMC from unveiling QE3. 市場は金曜日にジャクソンホールでの演説を待つとして、論争のFRB議長は、脚光を浴びて再びです

    • Rise in Oil Prices Unsettles Markets
      The buying that was a result of Friday’s upbeat jobs report has dried up as traders assess the impact of oil prices on the global recovery. Traders also took in the latest round of deals. トレーダーらは、世界的な景気回復の原油価格の影響を評価するように金曜日の明るいジョブのレポートの結果だった買いが乾燥している

    • Oil rises on positive data
      U.S. crude oil price Tuesday rose on positive U.S. housing starts data, strong earnings and a weaker dollar. The Commerce Department said U.S. housing starts in June rose 14.6 percent from May, hitting a six-month high and giving investors hope for a strengthening economic recovery. On the earnings front, IBM and Coca Cola reported strong quarterly earnings, offsetting disappointing results from banks like Goldman Sachs. U.S. stocks jumped on Tuesdays, offering lift to the crude ma ... 火曜日は肯定的な米国の住宅で上昇した米国の原油価格は、データ、高収益とドル安を開始します

    • News Analysis: Global recovery to stay intact as Japan reels
      &$ Empty boxes are seen at a morning market in Hakodate city, north Japan's Hokkaido Prefecture, March 17, 2011. The market was ravaged by waves brought by tsunami on March 11. (Xinhua/Ren Zhenglai)&$ While Japan reels from the double whammy of a major tsunami and an earthquake that set off a nuclear reactor crisis, it is unlikely to derail the global economic recovery. That is because Japan, unlike some other ... &$空のボックスが北の函館市、日本の北海道、2011年3月17日の朝の市場で見られている

    • US Senate kills House debt ceiling plan
      The US Senate voted Friday to kill a debt ceiling plan put forth by House Speaker John Boehner to avoid a looming debt default crisis less than two hours after the House passed the bill. The measure was defeated in a 59-41 vote Friday night. The majority of the Senate members believed that the two-step House plan would harm the US fragile economic recovery as it will require another painful debt-limit debate early next year. Under the House plan outlined by Boehner, a Republican, Congress ... 米国上院は、下院が法案を可決2時間弱後に迫って債務不履行の危機を避けるために、下院議長、ジョンアンドリューボーナーによって打ち出し債務の天井伏図を殺すために、金曜日投票

    • FedEx bets on global shipping for growth
      FedEx, the world's biggest cargo airline, says the US economic recovery will lag behind countries such as China, India and Brazil that are leading a rebound in the express shipping industry. フェデックスは、世界最大の貨物航空会社、米国の景気回復は、高速海運業界の回復をリードしている中国、インド、ブラジルなどの国に遅れと言います

    • Debt Still Rising, Ceiling She's Fixed
      Stocks were lower today as investors pieced together data showing that the economic recovery is slowing down. The Empire State Manufacturing Survey, which measures manufacturing in New York State, dropped more than expected this month to its lowest level in five months. Technology shares are leading the slide, with the Nasdaq losing the most of the three averages. 投資家が一緒に景気回復が鈍化していることを示すデータをつなぎとして株式今日は低下していた

    • Pepsi Gets A Taste Of Inflation
      PepsiCo released results on Thursday, reporting a 5% increase in net revenues year over year and reiterated its earnings growth target to 7%-8% for 2011 owing to rising commodity costs and slower-than-expected economic recovery. However the company signaled that inflation pressures persist and that it will look to some price increases to offset this. ペプシコは年間売上高は年5%の増加を報告し、木曜日の結果を発表し、立ち上がり商品コストと予想よりも緩やかな景気回復、2011年により7%-8%の収益成長率目標を改めて表明した

    • The Business podcast: The IMF, Japan and Google
      Instead of discussing the bailouts of stricken European economies this week, the managing director of the IMF is behind bars in New York after being charged with six counts of sexual assault - all of which he denies.The Guardian's economics editor Larry Elliott discusses the extraordinary turn of events and what it means for the IMF.Also this week: two months after a series of disasters hit northern Japan we look at its economic recovery - and what the country's economists are really worried about: a rapidly ageing population. Kosuke Motani is author of The Silver Tsunami, a bestselling text on the demographic crisis facing Japan.And finally, Aditya Chakrabortty meets Google's chief economist Hal Valerian. The internet and the information age have done much to revolutionise the world of finance and economics, but can Google help prevent the next banking crisis?Leave your thoughts below.Heather StewartLarry ElliottAditya ChakraborttyPhil Maynard そのすべてが、彼はガーディアンの経済エディタラリーエリオットは、臨時ターンを説明denies.The - 代わりに、今週の被。欧州経済の救済策を議論するのは、IMFの専務理事は、性的暴行の六の訴因で起訴された後、ニューヨークのバーの背後にあるイベントの内容は、今週IMF.Alsoの意味:災害のシリーズは、我々はその景気回復を見て北日本を打つ2ヵ月後 - そしてどの国の経済は本当。。u200b。。u200bに心配している:急速に高齢化人口

    • Economic recovery stalls in Australia's New South Wales
      Economic recovery has stalled in New South Wales (NSW) of Australia as businesses face rising strain from a record high Australian dollar, a quarterly business survey by NSW Business Chamber and Commonwealth Bank of Australia showed on Tuesday. NSW Business Chamber and Commonwealth Bank Business Conditions index for March fell to -0.7 index points, down from 0.8 index points in November 2010. The index was last below the zero level that separates expansion from contraction in July 2010, wh ... 景気回復は、オーストラリアの企業が過去最高の豪ドルの負担増、NSW州ビジネス商工会議所、オーストラリアコモンウェルス銀行が四半期ごとのビジネスの調査では、火曜日に示した向かってニューサウスウェールズ州(NSW)で立ち往生しています

    • Dollar Shows Mettle Against Metals
      Following along from a dour Wednesday when some key commodity prices slipped by their maximum daily limits, there were pockets of disappointment in Asian and European trading. The combination of weakness in European industrial data and a huge miss for Australian employment figures deepened investors’ disenchantment in the recovery. And to ice the cake China announced another half-point increase in its bankers' reserve requirements. The dollar was short of few reasons to build on a scintillating rally. いくつかの主要な商品の価格は一日最大制限を設けることで滑りが不機嫌そうな水曜日からに沿って続いて、アジアとヨーロッパの取引では失望のポケットがあった

    • Will Oil Spike Lead To QE3?
      Recent comments from Atlanta Federal Reserve President Dennis Lockhart, combined with spiking oil prices, have led to speculation regarding future rounds of quantitative easing. Lockhart spoke recently at the National Association of Business Economics conference, commenting on rising oil prices and the potential for spikes to affect the economic recovery. 原油価格の急上昇と組み合わせて、アトランタ連邦準備制度理事会会長デニスLockhartさんからの最近のコメントは、量的緩和政策の今後のラウンドについての憶測につながっている

    • Ireland's Fine Gael and Labour set to enter coalition
      Agreement reached after talks between the parties went on into the early hoursFine Gael and Labour are inching closer to an agreement on forming the next government in Dublin.Labour delegates are meeting in the city this afternoon to endorse a plan to enter into coalition with Enda Kenny's party.The special delegate conference is taking place at University College Dublin, while Fine Gael will hold a meeting of its members at the Shelbourne hotel.Talks between Kenny and Labour leader Eamon Gilmore went on to 1am on Sunday and afterwards both parties said they had concluded an agreement.Gilmore said he intends to recommend the package to the Labour delegate conference. He stressed that final drafting work on the proposed programme for government was continuing.Gilmore said how many ministers each party would have would be decided before Wednesday.Neither leader would say what timetable had been agreed to reduce the budget deficit to 3% of GDP, which was a key area of difference in the parties' approach to economic recovery during the election campaign.Fine Gael believes Ireland should adhere to the conditions set down by the International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank, which want to see Ireland drive down its national debt by 2014. During the election campaign, however, Labour said it would prefer a target of 2016 to give the economy more time to recover from the recession and the impact of severe cuts in public spending.If both parties back the agreement, Kenny will be elected taoiseach on Wednesday and Gilmore will become tánaiste (deputy prime minister). For Gilmore his elevation to the second most powerful post in the land will mark a remarkable political journey from student revolutionary with Official Sinn Féin (later the Marxist Workers party) in the 1970 当事者間の協議が早期hoursFineガエルと労働に近い合意にDublin.Labour代表の次期政権は、エンダケニーさんとの連立に入る計画を支持するには、この夜市に満たしている形成にインチングさにに行った後に協定に達するFine Gaelさんは、日曜日の午前1時に行って、Kennyと労働のリーダーイーモンギルモアとの間シェルボーンhotel.Talksで、そのメンバーの会議を開催する一方、その後、両当事者は、彼らが言ったparty.The特別なデリゲート会議では、ダブリン大学で行われているagreement.Gilmore彼は労働デリゲート会議にパッケージをお勧めしようとするとき結論づけた

    • China's foreign trade to grow 20-25 pct this year: report
      China's foreign trade is projected to grow between 20 and 25 percent this year, according to a report released by the China Institute for WTO Studies on Monday. The report predicts that imports will outpace exports, which will further benefit the balance of trade. With the global economic recovery losing momentum and uncertainties remaining, China's foreign trade will post a lower growth rate than last year, the report says. China's imports and exports totaled 2.97 trillion U.S. dollars ... 中国の対外貿易は、月曜日にWTOの研究のための中国研究所が発表した報告書によると、今年は20の間を、25%成長すると予測されています

    • Will ECB rate rise halt Irish business recovery?
      Guest blogger Stephen Kinsella, economist at the University of Limerick, says the Irish are already paying through the nose for credit and an ECB rise will add further pressure to businessesWhat would the impact of an European Central Bank interest rise have on Irish business? Will it halt the country's chance of economic recovery?The first thing to decide is which interest rate we're talking about. When economists talk about the interest rate, they normally mean the rate central banks charge retail banks for funds. That's a useful measure of economic activity, since this rate feeds into the real economy—households, firms, the government—fairly quickly. In the past, economists generally considered financial markets to be dominated by a single 'typical', risk-free rate of interest. There were many interest rates in practice, but they would all move with the dominant rate, so that, subtracting the various idiosyncratic risks associated with different types of financial instruments, they would tend in the long run to converge to a common underlying rate. In turn, this rate would be brought, by competition, into equality with the marginal rate of return on real assets. All the greats of classical economics like Marshall, Wicksteed, Wicksell, Fisher and Pigou discussed 'the' rate of interest when setting out the general principles of economics. Modern textbooks ape the classics, so today we learn about only one interest rate. For Ireland though there are different interest rates to watch out for.In its current precarious macroeconomic state, it is useful and important to distinguish between different types of interest rate. 1.。The long and short interest rateThe first is between long and short - generally, the short market finances working capital, for business but also ゲストブロガースティーブンキンセラは、リムリック大学のエコノミスト、希。欧州中央銀行の金利上昇の影響はアイルランドのビジネスがアイルランドには、すでにクレジットの鼻とbusinessesWhatにさらに圧力を追加するECBの上昇を通じて支払っているという?それが景気回復の国のチャンスを停止するか?決定するまず最初に、私たちが話しているが金利です

    • Japan's central bank maintains key interest rate between zero and 0.1%
      The Bank of Japan (BOJ) on Tuesday kept its key interest rate unchanged between zero and 0.1 percent in a widely expected decision as the yen has shown recent signs of weakening against the U.S. dollar and given Japan's fragile economic recovery a boost. Following the BOJ's two-day policy meeting that ended the same day, the central bank's board voted unanimously to keep its key interest rate at virtually zero as part of its monetary easing policy which commenced in October and is aimed at st ... 円は対米ドルの弱体化最近の兆候を示しているように、日本の脆弱な景気回復を後押しを与え、日本(日銀)の銀行は火曜日に広く期待さ決定にそのキーの金利をゼロ、0.1%の間で変化しなかった

    • Canadian newspaper publisher to go public
      One of Canada's largest newspaper publishers, Postmedia Network Canada Corp, has filed a preliminary prospectus as part of its plan to become a publicly traded company.The move, considered to be a vote of confidence in the continued recovery of the country's economy, fulfils a pledge made last year by directors to list its shares.Postmedia was created last July when creditors of the bankrupt newspaper unit of Canwest Global Communications Corp agreed to buy it for C$1.1bn (£696m) and undertake a complex restructuring.The chain was bought by bondholders led by Paul Godfrey, the president of the National Post.Source: ReutersNewspapersCanadaGreenslade on North AmericaMedia downturnMedia businessRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds カナダ最大の新聞社、Postmediaネットワークカナダ社の一つが、国の経済の継続的な景気回復への信頼の投票とみなさ上場company.The移動、となると、その計画の一環として、仮目論見書を提出しており、満たして質権は、(£ 696メートル)と買われた複雑なrestructuring.Theチェーンを行うCanwestグローバルコミュニケーション社の倒産、新聞部の債権者は、Cのための$ 11億、それを購入することに合意したときに昨年七月に作成され、そのshares.Postmediaを表示するに取締役が昨年行ったポールGodfreyさん、国立Post.Sourceの社長が率いる社債メーカー:ReutersNewspapersCanadaGreenslade北AmericaMedia downturnMedia businessRoy Greensladeguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンのニュース&メディア株式会社2011年|このコンテンツを使用し、利用規約が適用されます|その他のフィード

    • Jobs Report Due This Week, Oil Still Weighs
      Investors this week will be closely monitoring political events in Libya and the direction of oil prices, which could have a negative impact on any economic recovery. 今週はされる投資家は密接な景気回復にマイナスの影響を与える可能性がリビアの政治的なイベントや原油価格の方向性、監視

    • Pick emerging markets for low debt, not growth
      The landscape of global debt markets has changed drastically since the problems in Greece arose this year. Markets have been incredibly resilient in the face of problems with government debt, but what has changed is collective market psychology, which has turned from a focus on the growth drivers of a global economic recovery to a careful consideration of the risks posed by the mounting stock of developed-world public debt which has been the single most important driver of volatility this year. 世界の債券市場の風景は、ギリシャの問題から大幅に変更されている、今年起こった

    • Asian Stocks Rise as China Data Boosts Hopes
      SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Asian stocks rose on Friday as stronger-than expected economic data from China and the United States boosted confidence in the global economic recovery. シンガポール(ロイター) - アジアの株式市場は、金曜日に上昇に強い中国と米国から予想される経済データは世界的な景気回復に自信をも

    • Buoyed by US third-quarter report, Asian currencies rise
      Asian currencies rose last week, led by Malaysia's ringgit and Singapore's dollar, on optimism the global recovery is intact after the US economy grew more than estimated in the third quarter. The world's biggest economy grew at a 2.6 percent annual rate, more than the 2.5 percent reported earlier, the Commerce Department said on Dec 22. India's gross domestic product will increase 8.5 percent in the year ending March, the fastest pace since 2008, the nation's central bank said last week. ... アジア通貨は、米国経済は、以上の第3四半期に推定育った後、楽観的に世界的な景気回復が損なわれていない、マレーシアのリンギット、シンガポールのドルを筆頭に、先週の上昇した

    • ECB president says global recovery confirmed by central bankers
      The central bankers had confirmed a global level economic recovery from the financial crisis, Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank (ECB), said on Monday. Trichet made the remarks following the regular Bank for the International Settlement (BIS) bimonthly meeting gathering central bankers around the world.&$ &$Source: Xinhua&$&$ ... 中央銀行が金融危機から世界的なレベルの景気回復を確認した、ジャン。。u003dクロードトリシェ、欧州中央銀行(ECB)の社長を明らかにした

    • Ben Bernanke's too timid QE2 | Dean Baker
      The Fed's $600bn bond spree is not wrong, just not enough. The US economy needs a target of 3-4% inflation to get movingThe recent economic data leaves little doubt that the economic recovery in the United States is anaemic at best. There was much celebration over the October jobs report, which showed a gain of 151,000 jobs. This was better than the near-zero number anticipated by most economists, but should hardly provoke cries of joke. The economy must create 100,000 jobs a month just to keep even with the growth of the labour force, which means that it will take more than a decade at this pace to get back the 7.5m jobs lost to date.The picture painted by the data on third-quarter GDP, which was released the prior week, was even bleaker. Most reports focused on the 2.0% growth number, which was slightly higher than had been expected. However, these reports missed the fact that most of this growth was due to the extraordinary pace of inventory accumulation in the quarter. The rate of accumulation in the third quarter was the second highest ever, adding 1.4 percentage points to growth for the quarter. Excluding this jump in inventories, the economy grew at just a 0.6% annual rate in the third quarter. If inventory growth returns to a more normal level, fourth-quarter growth will likely be negative.The Fed's decision to try another round of quantitative easing must be understood in this context. The US economy is operating far below capacity and is not likely to return to potential output any time soon without some outside boost. The Fed's decision to buy $600bn in government bonds over the next eight months is a step in this direction.This is a followup to an earlier round of quantitative easing announced at the beginning of 2009, in which the Fed bought $1.25tn of mort FRBの$ 6,000債券まくるだけで、十分に間違っていないことをされていません

    • Fed's Plosser Says Asset Buys Unneeded
      VINELAND, New Jersey (Reuters) - Philadelphia Federal Reserve President Charles Plosser said on Wednesday that despite a slowing economic recovery, further Fed financial easing is unnecessary. バインランド、ニュージャージー州(ロイター) - フィラデルフィア連邦準備制度理事会社長Charles Plosserが鈍化し景気回復にもかかわらず、さらにFRBは金融緩和が不要であることを明らかにした

    • Obama needs a Tea Party of his own to deliver change | Seumas Milne
      The beleaguered US president may be the head of an imperial system. But he can still wind down the war on terrorThere's not the slightest mystery about the sweeping Republican advance in Tuesday's US midterm elections. It's the direct outcome of an epoch-changing crisis and a failed economic model. Six million Americans have fallen below the poverty line in less than three years, official unemployment is close to one in 10, two and a half million people have had their homes repossessed, living standards are dropping and an anaemic economic recovery already risks going into reverse.Most Americans may not blame Barack Obama for the crash. But they know his spending programme hasn't turned those numbers round, while millions have been drawn to the racialised populism of the ultra-conservative Tea Party movement. In the political space left vacant by Obama and the Democratic mainstream, a big business-funded campaign has channelled rage against Bush's bank bailout and the featherbedding of corporate America into blind opposition to government action and the president's stimulus package.In reality the stimulus has saved up to 3.3m jobs, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, even though it represented only a small fraction of the collapse of private demand. It would have needed to be much larger – and combined with far tougher intervention in the banks – to overcome the impact of the credit collapse.But if that was impossible with a Democrat-controlled Congress, it's out of the question now. Some of Tuesday night's results offer crumbs of comfort that America's latest hard right insurgency could yet consume itself. The defeat of Ilario Pantano, Republican candidate in North Carolina and an ex-marine lieutenant who was hailed by his party as a war her 悩める米大統領は皇室システムの頭することができる

    • Europe Shares Slip For 6th Day on Growth Concerns
      LONDON (Reuters) - European shares fell for a sixth straight session on Monday after hitting a one-month closing low in the previous session, with persistent concerns about the pace of global economic recovery making investors nervous. ロンドンは、(ロイター) - 欧州株式市場の投資家は神経質に世界的な景気回復のペースについては永続的な懸念と、以前のセッションで1ヶ月閉鎖安値の後の月曜日に6年連続のセッションとなった

    • Geithner: Banks Can Meet Capital Rules With Profits
      WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Wednesday U.S. banks should be able to meet new higher capital rules through future profits without crimping lending in a way that would harm the recovering economy. ワシントン(ロイター) - 財務長官ティモシーガイトナーは水曜日、米国の銀行は景気回復を害するような方法で融資を圧着せずに将来の利益を高い新たな資本の規則を満たすことができるはず、と述べた

    • Moody's Warns Of Irish Downgrade as Recovery Falters
      DUBLIN (Reuters) - Moody's warned on Tuesday that it may cut Ireland's credit rating again, pointing to the huge bill for cleaning up its banks announced last week, a weak economic recovery and rising borrowing costs. ダブリン(ロイター) - ムーディーズは先週、弱い景気回復と上昇借入コストを発表した銀行をクリーンアップするために巨額の請求書を指して、それが再びアイルランドの信用格付けを下げる可能性がありますことを明らかに警告した

    • The international currency war: what the experts say
      How serious a threat does the use of exchange rates as a policy weapon pose to the global economic recovery? Policymakers and heads of central banks speak outDominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the International Monetary Fund, has warned that an international currency war risks undermining the global recovery. Here is what he and other policymakers around the world have said about exchange rates recently.Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF managing director (5 October)There is clearly the idea beginning to circulate that currencies can be used as a policy weapon.Translated into action, such an idea would represent a very serious risk to the global recovery... Any such approach would have a negative and very damaging longer-run impact.Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel economics laureate (5 October)The irony is that the Fed is creating all this liquidity with the hope that it will revive the American economy.It's doing nothing for the American economy, but it's causing chaos over the rest of the world. It's a very strange policy that they are pursuing.Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of eurozone finance ministers (5 October)China's real effective exchange rate remains undervalued.The Chinese authorities do not share our view.Subir Gokarn, India's central bank deputy governor (5 October)It is becoming a larger global problem because of the imbalance, that there is so much of liquidity and the returns are skewed towards emerging markets.So it is emerging as a potential threat and we are clearly thinking of ways in which we can deal with it.Robert Zoellick, World Bank president (4 October)I don't foresee that we're moving into an era of global currency wars but there are clearly going to be tensions.Money is chasing yield. It can't find those yields in developed economies and this is not only pushing どのように深刻な脅威は、ポリシーの武器としての為替レートを使用すると、世界的な景気回復をもたらすのですか?政策立案者や中央銀行の長は、outDominiqueシュトラウスカーン氏は、国際通貨基金の長は、国際的な通貨戦争のリスクは世界的な景気回復を損なうと警告している話す


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