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    ビジネス 経済 関連語 日経平均 金融危機 FRB リーマン・ショック 金融緩和
    • Wall Street plunges as weak data triggers sell-off
      &$ Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York, the United States, June 1, 2011. U.S. stocks plunged on Wednesday after four straight gains, as the latest data on jobs and manufacturing markets provided fresh evidence for a weaker economic recovery. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)&$ U.S. stocks plunged on Wednesday, snapping a four-day winning streak, as weak reports on jobs and the manufacturing s ... &$ニューヨーク、アメリカ合衆国、2011年6月1日にニューヨーク証券取引所の床の上にトレーダース作品

    • China's economy faces new challenges despite steady growth
      China's economy faces fresh challenges and problems despite quickening economic growth as seen in the November economic data released Saturday, since the world economy has not fully recovered from the financial crisis, a senior official said in Beijing Tuesday. Zhang Ping, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planning body, made the remarks at a working meeting. The global economic recovery lost some momentum this year, weighed on by ... 中国の経済が危機回復から金融完全には経済は、世界のためのデータリリース土曜日、経済11月に直面している新たな挑戦見られるように、成長を経済問題にもかかわらず、速める、高官は火曜日北京前記張Pingは、開発国立ディレクター改革委員会は、中国の最高の経済計画本体、会議の作業での発言を

    • 18th ASEAN Summit opens in Jakarta
      The 18th ASEAN Summit opens Saturday in Indonesian capita Jakarta, where state leaders and heads of government from the 10 member states will discuss ASEAN integration, economic recovery, ASEAN's role in international affairs and others issues during the two-day summit. &$&$Source: Xinhua&$&$ &$     <tabl ... 第十八ASEAN首脳会議は、状態の指導者、10の加盟国からの政府の首脳は、ASEAN統合を、景気回復、2日間の首脳会談で国際情勢や他の問題にASEANの役割について説明しますIndonesian人当たりのジャカルタで、土曜日を開きます

    • U.S. auto sector under resilient recovery, yet risks lie ahead
      The U.S. auto sector staged a resilient recovery in 2010 after tiding over the worst time stretching from 2008 to 2009. The recent relisting of auto giant General Motor (GM) has sent a more promising note to the recovery year. However, analysts still fear there will be risks along the road amid global economic uncertainties. &$&$ALL-ROUND RECOVERY&$&$ The three biggest U.S. auto producers, namely, GM, Ford and Chrysler, have posted rosy performances in t ... 米国の自動車部門は2008年から2009年まで伸びて最悪の時凌ぎ後、2010年には弾力性の回復を上演した

    • Nikkei climbs 1.48 pct. buoyed by Canon buyback plan
      Tokyo stocks rose on Thursday, with the key Nikkei stock index rebounding 1.48 percent after hitting a two-month closing low the previous day as a softer yen and Canon's announcement of a share buyback plan detracted from concerns about the global economic recovery. Brokers said that investors were encouraged by a broad range of Japanese issues deemed undervalued and dived into riskier assets for bargains and on short covering. Analysts highlighted the fact that the Nikkei has ... 東京株式市場は、柔らかい円、世界的な景気回復への懸念から落とした自社株買い計画のキヤノンの発表として、低前日2ヵ月間の閉鎖を打った後1.48パーセントをリバウンドキー日経平均株価指数で、木曜日に上昇した

    • China seeks balanced economic growth in post-crisis era
      In this post-financial crisis era when the world's economy is undergoing profound change, many countries, including China, are struggling to secure economic recovery and achieve sustainable development. China is drawing on the experience of other nations while vigorously stepping up its own restructuring efforts and seeking new sources of economic growth in a bid to achieve a more balanced development and further spur its economy. &$&$RESTRUCTURING AMID CHALLENGES&$</st ... この後の金融危機の時代にはときに世界経済は、景気回復を確保し、持続可能な開発を達成するため苦労している、大きな変化は、中国を含む多くの国を受けています

    • Obama says European debt crisis must not harm global recovery
      &$&$ U.S. President Barack Obama (R) and visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a joint press conference at the White House in Washington D.C., capital of the United States, June 7, 2011. (Xinhua/Ran Wei) U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that he and German Chancellor Angela Merkel both agreed that Europe's debt crisis cannot be allowed to harm the global recovery. ... &$&$バラクオバマ米大統領(R)とドイツのアンゲラメルケル首相は、ワシントンDC、アメリカ合衆国、2011年6月7日の首都、ホワイトハウスでの共同記者会見に出席訪問

    • Global recovery gains strength, but challenges remain: World Bank (2)
      &$&$CHALLENGES REMAIN&$&$ The World Bank noted that the global recovery has gained strength, matured and broadened to include more countries and more components of demand. This dynamic appears to be well established, particularly among developing countries. As a result, concerns of a double-dip recession have eased. However, the recovery remains exposed to significant short and long-term risks that could derail it. Justin Yifu Lin said that there are thr ... &$&$課題リメイン&$&$世界銀行は、世界的な景気回復は、力を得ている成熟した多くの国と需要の複数のコンポーネントを含むように拡大した

    • Time for advanced economies to prop up self-sustaining growth: expert
      The industrialized nations should make bold and painful fiscal adjustments and rely more on their own to spur economic growth, rather than standing by as emerging economies continue to lead the global recovery, said Uri Dadush, a Washington-based economist. That is partly because many developing countries are facing with growth constraints including rising inflationary pressure, Dadush, a senior associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told Xinhua in a recent interview ... 先進国は、太字や痛みを伴う財政調整をしなければならないという新興経済国は、世界的な景気回復をリードし続けているのそばに立っても経済成長を加速し、独自の詳細を依存して、与党ヨルリンウリDadushは、ワシントンに本拠を置くエコノミスト

    • Oil ends 15 pct up in 2010, heading to new highs
      Crude prices on Friday rebounded to above 90 U.S. dollars a barrel on optimism about economy recovery next year , hitting the highest annual close level since 2007. According to analysts, gains will extend to 2011, next benchmark of 100 dollars a barrel will be attended soon. Recovery signs drive oil up On the last trading day, the light, sweet crude for February delivery rose sharply by 1.54 dollars, or 1.71 percent to 91.38 dollars a barrel on the New York Mercantile, about 1 ... 金曜日の原油価格は、2007年以来最高の年間近いレベルを打つ、来年90ドル以上に景気回復について楽観的にバレルを反発した

    • U.S. fiscal deficit issue is manageable: Geithner
      &$ &$U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner speaks to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, April 26, 2011. Oil prices at current levels will not derail the global economic recovery, Geithner said on Tuesday.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)&$&$ U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said Tuesday that the current U.S. fiscal deficit problems were manageable and bipartisan ... &$&$米財務長官ティモシーガイトナーニューヨークの外交、2011年4月26日の理事会に語っています

    • Oil may hit $100 a barrel in 2011
      Crude prices reached a two-year high last week, mainly boosted by more economic recovery signs. Traders and investors are expecting oil to continue rising in 2011, given the worldwide economy recovery, weaker U.S. dollars and demand-supply gap. Gone are the days of low oil prices, said Fatih Birol, chief economist of the International Energy Agency (IEA), in a recent interview with Xinhua. &$&$OPTIMISTIC ECONOMY RECOVERY BOOSTS MARKET&$&$ The price of crude oil ... 原油価格は、2年間の高先週に達し、主に複数の景気回復兆しが押し上げた

    • Crude prices surge on U.S. economic data
      Crude prices gained for the fifth straight day on Thursday as a series of U.S. data showed a picking-up of economy recovery and positive oil demand prospects. According to Commerce Department reports on Thursday, personal consumption expenditures advanced 0.4 percent in November, its fifth straight month to rise. Personal income rose better-than- expected by 0.3 percent. Sales of new homes rose 5.5 percent last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 290,000 units. ... 景気回復と正の石油需要見通し狩りポップアップは認められて原油価格は、米国の一連のデータとして木曜日に第五日連続で得た

    • U.S. economic recovery remains sluggish (3)
      &$&$MORE HARD TIMES AHEAD&$&$ The sluggish economic recovery has cost the Obama administration several of its key figures. Lawrence Summers, Obama's chief economic advisor who helped design and secure the president's top economic policy priorities, announced Tuesday he would return to Harvard University at the end of the year. Summers would be the third high-level member of Obama's economic team to leave this year, following the resignations of Budget Di ... &$&$詳細はHard Times前方&$&$低。景気回復の数字キーが費用は、オバマ政権をいくつか

    • Copper up as hopes rise for global economy
      Copper surged to records in London and New York on speculation the global recovery is gaining pace and as investor concerns about tightening in China eased after manufacturing growth in the world's largest metals user slowed. Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange rose as much as 1.6 percent to $9,550 a ton on Thursday, surpassing the previous peak of $9,447 reached on Wednesday. It traded at $9,522 a ton by 3:33 pm on Thursday Singapore time, up 29 percent this year, and poi ... 減速、世界最大の金属ユーザーの成長を製造した後緩和銅は、中国の引き締めについての世界的な景気回復のペースを増している投機として投資家の懸念ロンドンとニューヨークのレコードに上昇した

    • Russia-EU relations, another year of pull and push
      In 2010, Russia seemed to repeat a historical cycle of the early 18th century, when Peter the Great similarly urged Europe to have a hand in Russia's modernization. This year, Russia has been making gestures of goodwill towards the European Union (EU), hoping the latter helps its modernization. The EU, hard hit by the financial crisis and still struggling with sovereign debt troubles, is willing to accept Russia's goodwill to support its own fragile economic recovery. By mutual ... 2010年、ロシアは、ピョートル大帝は、同様に、ロシアの近代化に手を持ってヨーロッパを促した18世紀初頭の歴史的なサイクルを繰り返すように見えた

    • UK refocuses foreign, defense policies to shore up economy
      Since its formation seven months ago, the British coalition government has lost no time in readjusting foreign and defense policies in a bid to bolster economic recovery. While the Whitehall remains committed to maintaining the kingdom's global power status, it has to make way for the more urgent task of tackling the global financial crisis. &$&$PRO-TRADE FOREIGN POLICY&$&$ As a global financial hub, Britain has borne the brunt of the crisis, suffering f ... 7ヶ月前に結成以来、英国の連立政権は、景気回復を強化するために入札に外国人との防衛政策を再調整するには時間を失ってしまった

    • End of loose monetary policy (2)
      Two years after the global financial crisis, China has managed to pull out of the global economic slowdown and achieved an economic recovery. However, the rapid rise in property prices and growing inflation are two major concerns for the country's economy. The expanding bubble in the real estate market has led to a distorted distribution of market resources and national incomes, and the formation of complicated and intermingled economic interests among different social groups. The unr ... 世界的な金融危機の2年後、中国は世界経済の減速からの撤退を管理しており、景気回復を達成しています


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