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    飲食 関連語 オリックス 日本ハム 太陽光発電
    • New York Mets 2011 Ticket Sales Dismal: MLB Report
      As part of their pitch the franchise is worth at least $1 billion, the Mets, owned by Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz, are telling potential investors in the team that next year attendance at Citi Field will reach 3 million. のピッチの一環として、フランチャイズが少なくとも1000000000ドル、フレッドWilponサウルKatzさんが所有するメッツは、シティフィールドで、来年の観客数は3万人に達すると、そのチームの潜在的投資家のことを言っている価値がある

    • McDonald's fined for obese employee
      A Brazilian court has ordered McDonald's to pay a former franchise manager NZ$23,211 because he gained 29.5kg while working there a dozen years.The 32-year-old man says he was forced to sample food products each day to ensure... ブラジルの裁判所がそこで働いている間ダースyears.The 32歳の男性は、彼が確実に毎日サンプル食品を余儀なくされたという彼は29.5キロを得たので、マクドナルドは元フランチャイズマネージャNZドルを23211の支払いを命じている...

    • Viacom Rolling With Buybacks And Hits Up To $65
      A couple of weeks back, Viacom reported its Q4 fiscal 2011 earnings, demonstrating good revenue growth driven by success of its film studio Paramount, lifting the stock. For the movie fans, the company’s film unit is going to bring in some excitement by releasing news movies for its famous franchises such as Star Trek, Paranormal Activity and Transformers. While the film side continues to be bright, there are concerns around advertising market in Q4. The company’s CEO has mentioned that the U.S. advertising market is experiencing a slowdown in the ongoing quarter. This might not only impact results for Viacom, but also for its rivals such as CBS, Time Warner and News Corp. バック数週間、Viacomは株式を持ち上げ、そのフィルムスタジオパラマウントの成功によって駆動される良好な収益成長を実証、その第4四半期の2011年度決算を報告した

    • Bogle Backhands BlackRock's As Vanguard Sails Into Europe ETF Biz
      BlackRock's $13.5 billion acquisition of Barclays Global Investors in December 2009 brought with it the world’s leading Exchange Traded Funds franchise in iShares. Vanguard Group has plans of selling ETFs in Europe from this year, which poses a threat to BlackRock's market share of this popular product. These two compete with other large investment management firms like State Street and Fidelity. Here we explore why Vanguard could take ETFs fund flows away from BlackRock. 2009年12月に、バークレイズグローバルインベスターズのブラックロックの13500000000ドルの買収は、iシェアーズで世界をリードする上場ファンドフランチャイズ持ってきた

    • BlackRock Busts Through $205 With Help From iShares, RIAs
      BlackRock’s acquisition of Barclays Global Investors in 2009 brought with it iShares, the leading exchange traded fund franchise. iShares, which once had around 80% share of the exchange-traded products market had fallen to 46.5% by mid-2010 . 2009年バークレイズグローバルインベスターズのブラックロックの買収は、ファンドのフランチャイズ取引大手の交換をiシェアーズ持ってきた

    • Distribution sector: healthy and growing but needs more e-commerce
      China's distribution and e-commerce businesses are poised to meet the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities expected under the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015), according to a prominent IT expert. This and other remarks on the next Five-Year Plan come from Yang Dehong, deputy chief of the China Chain Store and Franchise Association's IT applications committee, who spoke with China Daily recently. The plan, which is to be officially announced early next year, is a blueprint of ... 中国の物流や電子商取引企業が、)に乗り、課題を利点を2011年から2015年(計画年ファイブ12の機会が期待で穏やかに満たしている専門のIT応じて目立った

    • Investors Expand Appetite In Hunger for Yields
      Church's Chicken is planning to sell $245 million in bonds backed by franchise fees and store revenue, a sign that investors' hunger for yield is driving them to increasingly esoteric securities. 教会のチキンは、フランチャイズ料、店舗売上高収率に対する投資家の飢餓はますます難解な有価証券にそれらを駆動されていることを記号でバックアップ債で$ 245000000販売を計画している

    • It’s Time for Your Face-Lift, Miss Piggy
      Disney is aiming to rejuvenate the Muppets franchise with a new movie this fall. ディズニーがこの秋、新作映画とマペットフランチャイズを活性化させることを目指している

    • The Brilliance and Defiance of 'Moneyball's' Player Development Strategies
      Eight years ago, a financial journalist best known for penning best sellers such as Liar’s Poker and The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story, rocked the business of baseball to its foundation with a groundbreaking book that chronicled the aggressive implementation of complex statistical analyses by a small market franchise with limited financial resources. To combat the wealthy behemoths in the American League East, Billy Beane defied decades of player development strategies and the wisdom of seasoned scouts by allowing an assistant general manager with a Harvard degree in economics to enter into the inner sanctum of the draft room of the Oakland Athletics with a laptop. Baseball’s loyal, yet constantly overlooked guardians of the gate were about to be submerged by a tidal wave of statistical calculations led by an unlikely night watchman in a Stokely Van Camp pork and beans factory. 八年前、最高の嘘つきのポーカーと新新シングなどのベストセラーペニングために知られている金融ジャーナリスト:シリコンバレーのストーリーは、することにより、複雑な統計分析の積極的な実装をchronicled画期的な本で、その基盤に野球のビジネスを揺るがした限られた財源を持つ小さな市場のフランチャイズ

    • The Most Disastrous Rookie Contracts in NFL History
      Having a high draft pick is one of the most exciting things for an NFL team because it means that the new player selected can become the face of the franchise. Examples include Peyton Manning, who was selected first overall by the Indianapolis Colts in 1998, or Jake Long, who was selected first overall by the Miami Dolphins in 2008. それは、選択した新しいプレイヤーがフランチャイズの顔になることができることを意味するので、高いドラフトのピックを持つことは、NFLのチームのための最も刺激的な事の一つです

    • Peter Guber Talks Muhammad Ali, The Importance Of Storytelling
      Hollywood legend Peter Guber has worn many hats -- producing movies,  serving as studio chief at Columbia Pictures, heading Sony Pictures Entertainment, and co-chairing the NBA franchise the Golden State Warriors (just to name a few). I sat down with the man behind movies such as the Color Purple, Midnight Express, Batman and Flashdance to chat about his new book Tell To Win. In the book, Guber explains how storytelling is an essential component to excelling in our lives. ソニーピクチャーズエンタテインメントを見出し、コロンビアピクチャーズの産生映画スタジオのチーフを務め、および共同でゴールデンステートウォリアーズは、(ちょうど少数を示すために)NBAのフランチャイズを議長 - ハリウッドの伝説ピーター鼻くそは多くの帽子をかぶっている

    • Our Unending Love of Star Wars is Good News for George Lucas
      It's been six years since a Star Wars movie was in theaters and 34 years since the original Star Wars movie came out. But the franchise (which has earned a total $4.6 billion at the box office on an adjusted basis) is just as popular as ever. スターウォーズの映画には、元のスターウォーズの映画が出てきた34年以来、劇場にあったので、6年ぶりです

    • Despite Getting $25 Million From Taxpayers Coyotes Lose $12 Million
      It has been reported by the Globe and Mail that even after the Phoenix Coyotes got a $25 million subsidy from taxpayers last week in economically ravaged Glendale, Arizona, the NHL franchise lost $11.6 million during the 2010-11 season. And it is appearing more and more likely that Matthew Hulsizer is not going to buy he Coyotes and keep them in Glendale, where he would have to do summersaults to make the franchise profitable even with an annual subsidy. これは、Globe and Mail紙フェニックスコヨーテズは経済的に破壊されたアリゾナ州グレンデールで先週納税者から25000000ドルの補助金を得た後でも、NHLのフランチャイズは2010-11シーズン中に$を11600000失われたことが報告されている

    • Japan's convenience stores sales rise 5.1% on year in January
      Japan's convenience store sales on a same-store basis increased 5.1 percent from a year earlier totaling 605.05 billion yen (7.27 billion U.S. dollars) in January, the Japan Franchise Association said Monday. The association said that as temperatures dropped in the winter season the increase in sales of hot drinks and food contributed to the rise in overall sales, which rose for the third consecutive month in January. In addition, the number of customers frequenting convenience stores in t ... 同一店舗ベースで日本のコンビニエンスストア売上高は前年以前の月に605050000000円を(7.27億ドル)の合計から5.1%増、日本フランチャイズチェーン協会が発表した

    • Cavaliers Profits Soar Without LeBron James
      LeBron James' decision to head to South Beach was devastating to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Fans burned his No. 23 jersey and his former boss, Dan Gilbert, published a scathing attack on his former franchise player. The team has crumbled on the court without the player that led them in points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks the past two seasons. The Cavaliers had the best record in the NBA the past two years winning 77% of their games. This year the team is an NBA-worst 8-37 and is currently riding an 18-game losing streak. サウスビーチに向かうレブロンジェームズの決定は、クリーブランドキャバリアーズに壊滅的でした

    • Dodgers Bankruptcy Filing Could Help Mark Cuban Buy The Team
      Mark Cuban needs Frank McCourt's help with running a professional sports franchise about as much as he needs either financial or marital tips from Mr. InCourt. And like that pesky fly that won't die despite smacking it with your newspaper for the 5th time, Mr. McCourt is still buzzing about Chavez Mark Cuban氏は、同じくらい彼が氏InCourtのいずれかから金融や夫婦のヒントを必要として約プロスポーツのフランチャイズを実行しているとフランクマコートの助けを必要とします

    • New York Mets And Citi Field Debt Selling At Big Discount
      New York Mets chief operating officer Jeff Wilpon may not be concerned about the team's ability to handle its  huge debt obligations and the ability of Sterling Equities to maintain control of the MLB franchise despite the possibility of having to pay back at least $300 million to the Trustee for victims of the Bernie Madoff Ponzie scheme. ニューヨークメッツのチーフオペレーティングオフィサージェフWilponは、その巨大な債務を処理するために、チームの能力と受託者には少なくとも3億ドルを返済することの可能性にもかかわらず、大リーグのフランチャイズの制御を維持するためにスターリング株式の能力を心配することはできませんバーニーマドフPonzieスキームの犠牲者のために

    • Is Goldman Sachs Doomed?
      No Franchise lasts forever. In the 1990's, the Chicago Bulls were considered the best basketball team ever. Today, the same sentiments do not exist. When the junk bond market was red hot in the 1980's, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette was the premier investment bank on Wall Street. Before DLJ, the big dog was Drexel Burnham Lambert. いいえフランチャイズは永遠には続かない

    • Dodgers File For Bankruptcy, List Creditors From Manny Ramirez To Bank Of America
      One of Major League Baseball’s marquee franchises, the Los Angeles Dodgers, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. 第11章破産保護申請メジャーリーグのマーキーのフランチャイズ、ロサンゼルスドジャース、の一つ

    • 'Sucker Punch': When Original is Risky
      Original ideas never sit well with Hollywood studios. They'd much rather make a movie based on a comic book or an old movie or a recent successful franchise. And for good reason. Of the top 15 highest-grossing films of last year only three, Inception, Despicable Me and Grown Ups, were based on original ideas. When you're spending $100 million on production and as much as $50 million more on advertising, you want the movie to at least have enough recognition to help with the opening weekend box office. オリジナルのアイデアは決してハリウッドの映画スタジオとも座っている

    • Mario Lemieux Is Losing Credibility
      Pittsburgh Penguins owner Mario Lemieux went ballistic when the New York Islanders mugged his hockey team in February. The NHL Hall of Fame player and franchise savior went so far to as to say he might not want to be part of the league any longer if the NHL did not clean up its act. ピッツバーグペンギンズのオーナーマリオルミューは、ニューヨークの島民は、2月に彼のホッケーチームを襲ったときに弾道行きました

    • Ozzie Guillen's Hiring in Miami: Short Run Gains But Long Run Pains
      SYNOPSIS:  Ozzie Guillen's new marriage with the Florida Marlins is a classic example of customer discrimination in sports.  We build upon that theme, but also illustrate why this has all the makings of short run benefits but long run costs for the Marlins franchise. SYNOPSIS:フロリダマーリンズとオジーギーエンの新たな結婚は、スポーツにおける顧客の差別の典型的な例です

    • AUDIO: Big Issue not only sold by homeless
      The Big Issue magazine is 20 years old. Until recently, to qualify as a seller you had to be homeless. Now the rules of the franchise have changed and you only have to be unemployed to qualify. ビッグイシュー誌は20歳です

    • Oilers get first NHL draft pick
      The Edmonton Oilers have won the NHL's draft lottery, giving the struggling franchise the first pick in the June entry draft. The Oilers, who fini... エドモントンオイラーズはドラフトのエントリの最初の一突きを6月のあるウォンNHLの苦労フランチャイズに与える案の宝くじ

    • As St Louis Blues Ask Creditors For Mercy, Checketts Raises Cash For New Venture
      The St. Louis Blues may be in dire straights but the man running the troubled NHL franchise is already raising cash to invest in new sports businesses. セントルイスブルースは悲惨なストレートでかもしれないが、問題を抱えたNHLのフランチャイズを実行している人は、すでに新しいスポーツ事業に投資する現金を高めています

    • Rangers reach first baseball World Series
      The Texas Rangers advanced to their first World Series in franchise history with a dominating 6-1 win in game six over the defending champion New York Yankees Sunday. テキサスレンジャーズは、ディフェンディングチャンピオンのニューヨークヤンキース日曜日で6戦の支配6月1日の勝利とフランチャイズの歴史の中で、最初のワールドシリーズに進出した

    • Hicks baseball team auctioned off
      The Texas Rangers baseball franchise belonging to Liverpool football club co-owner Tom Hicks is auctioned off for $593m. テキサスレンジャーズ野球のフランチャイズは、リバプールのサッカークラブの共同オーナーのトムヒックスに属する$ 593メートルの競売にかけている

    • Rangers quick to atone for Game 1 collapse
      The Texas Rangers won a postseason home game for the first time in franchise history, downing the New York Yankees 7-2 to level the American League ... テキサスレンジャーズは、アメリカンリーグを平準化するためにニューヨークヤンキース7-2を撃墜、フランチャイズ史上初のポストシーズンのホームゲームに勝った...

    • East Coast rail firm scrapes profit
      The company with responsibility for running the East Coast Main Line between London to Scotland, since National Express handed the rail franchise back to the Government, has reported a profit and 3 per cent boost inpassenger numbers in its first year of state ownership. ナショナルエクスプレスは戻って政府にレールのフランチャイズを渡したので、スコットランドにロンドン間のイーストコースト本線を実行するために責任を持つ同社は、利益を3%ブーストinpassenger番号あたりの状態の所有権の最初の年に報告されています

    • Baseball: Divorce hits Dodgers into bankruptcy
      The tragic comedy that is the Los Angeles Dodgers has intensified as one of American sport's most famous franchises filed for bankruptcy - a last ploy by its heavily indebted owner to keep the team from being taken over by Major... ロサンゼルスドジャースである悲劇的なコメディは、破産申請をアメリカのスポーツで最も有名なフランチャイズの一つとして強化している - 最後の策略をその重債務所有者が主によって引き継がれてからチームを保つために...

    • Harry Potter, Warner Bros, and the Future of Superhero Films, Part II
      This is part 2 of our discussion about superhero franchises, Harry Potter, and the future of the comic book film genre. Part 1 of this discussion can be read here. これはスーパーヒーローフランチャイズ、ハリーポッター、そして漫画本の映画のジャンルの将来についての議論の一部2です

    • The Real Indiana Jones Harrison Ford Takes On Nathan Drake In Uncharted 3
      This year, we've seen video game companies like Nintendo and Sony turn to A-list Hollywood actors to promote huge game franchises. This June, Nintendo hired Robin Williams, a well-known gamer, and his daughter, Zelda, to talk about the 25th Anniversary of the game franchise. There was an obvious tie-in as Zelda was named after the Nintendo role-playing game, which has a new Wii title shipping November 20, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Williams and his daughter can be seen in the video below. 今年は、我々は任天堂やソニーのようなビデオゲーム会社は、巨大なゲームのフランチャイズを促進するため、リストハリウッドの俳優に回す見てきました

    • Train franchises to be extended
      Train companies could be given standard franchises of 15 years, almost double the current length, the government proposes. 鉄道会社は15年の標準的なフランチャイズは、ほぼ2倍に現在の長さを与えることが、政府が提案する

    • Netdragon signs licensing deal to develop Transformers net games
      Transformers, the toys, animation and movie franchise from Hasbro, could soon find a new legion of online game players in China and other emerging markets. トランスフォーマーは、玩具、アニメーションは、ハスブロから映画フランチャイズ、すぐに中国のオンラインゲームプレイヤーやその他の新興市場の新たな軍団を見つけることができる

    • If The Fans Owned The Dodgers ...
      Using his authority to do what is in the “best Interests of baseball”, MLB’s Commissioner Bud Selig defrocked LA Dodger owner Frank McCourt and announced the MLB takeover with immediate control of the once-revered franchise. McCourt’s ownership since 2004 was shaky from the start. The polite business phrase is that his purchase was “highly leveraged”. But that is just corpspeak for “I’m going to use way too much of someone else’s money to buy something I don’t have enough equity to legitimately buy.” 。。u0026quot;野球の最善の利益。。u0026quot;にある何をすべきかを彼の権限を使用して、大リーグのコミッショナーバドセリグはLAドジャースのオーナーフランクマコートをdefrockedとかつて尊敬フランチャイズの直属と大リーグの買収を発表した

    • Benicio Del Toro Offered Villain Role In Star Trek Sequel - Is It Khan?
      Variety reports that actor Benicio del Toro is being offered the role of villain in the upcoming sequel to director J.J. Abram's 2009 blockbuster franchise-reboot movie Star Trek. 俳優ベニチオデルトロが監督のJJアブラムの2009年のブロックバスターフランチャイズリブート映画スタートレックに今後の続編で悪役の役割を提供されている様々なレポート

    • Potential NBA Lockout Won't Impact New Basketball Video Games
      With the NBA delivering record ratings for television partners ESPN, ABC and TNT, the league is extending its video game licensing deals with Electronic Arts’ EA Sports and Take-Two Interactive’s 2K Sports for multiple years. The NBA has been working with EA since 1991 and Take-Two since 1999. Unlike the NFL, which has an exclusive deal with EA for its Madden NFL franchise; the NBA has always taken an open approach to game publishers. テレビパートナーESPNのは、ABCおよびTNTのNBA提供するレコードの評価では、リーグはElectronic ArtsのEAスポーツと複数年のテイクツーインタラクティブの2Kのスポーツとのビデオゲームのライセンス契約を拡張しています

    • Bettman Should Let Balsillie Into NHL
      You can't blame NHL commissioner Gary Bettman for wanting to keep maverick Jim Balsillie out of the league. After all, the Research In Motion CEO, who has tried to buy numerous NHL franchises, once advertised tickets for a team in Hamilton he was trying to buy but never acquired. あなたはリーグの異端ジムバルシリーを維持したいとNHLのコミッショナーゲーリーベットマンを責めることはできない

    • Japanese convenience store sales rise for 1st time in 14 months
      Japanese convenience store sales rose 0.5 percent on year in July, marking the first rise in 14 months, the Japan Franchise Association said in a report Friday. The association reported that in the recording month same-store sales at convenience stores operated by 10 firms in Japan totaled 670.1 billion yen (7.85 billion U.S. dollars) in July. According to the the Japan Franchise Association, the total number of customers increased 2.3 percent to 1.19 billion, for a second straight ... 日本のコンビニの売上高は月間14 0.5上がった%を年間上昇をマーキング最初、7月、日本フランチャイズチェーン協会が明らかにしたので報告する

    • Recycling, rebranding and evolving core values
      When Citybus was awarded its first franchised route on Hong Kong Island, originally operated by China Motor Bus, people made fun of its fleet of mostly second-hand vehicles after they were repainted with the company's livery. 彼らは、企業のカラーリングと共に正しくされた後、いつシティバスは、当初、中国Motorバスが運営する香港島の最初のフランチャイズのルートを授与された、人々は主に中古車の艦隊の楽しさをした

    • Recycling, rebranding and evolving core values
      When Citybus was awarded its first franchised route on Hong Kong Island, originally operated by China Motor Bus, people made fun of its fleet of mostly second-hand vehicles after they were repainted with the company's livery. 彼らは会社のカラーリングで描画された後、いつシティバスは、もともと中国の自動車バスが運営する香港島の最初のフランチャイズのルートを受賞した、人々は主に中古車の艦隊の楽しさをした

    • Defining Small Business
      I took the 3 mile walk from downtown Los Angeles to the USC campus today, passing franchise after franchise.  From McDonalds to In and Out Burger, from Toyota to Mercedes Benz the route was lined with franchised offerings.  What struck me was that they are all considered small business - according to the Small Business Administration (SBA), yet collectively these franchises are certainly in a different league than the main street entrepreneurs that make up the majority of small businesses. 私は、フランチャイズの後にフランチャイズを渡して、今日はUSCのキャンパスにロサンゼルスのダウンタウンから3マイルの散歩をしました

    • Japan convenience stores sales drop 0.8% in 2010
      Sales at Japanese convenience stores dropped 0.8 percent on a same-store basis to 7.39 trillion yen (89. 98 billion U.S. dollars) in 2010, the Japan Franchise Association said Thursday. According to the industry body, the 2010 figure marks the first decline since official data began being compiled in 2005. On an all-store basis, however, sales at convenience stores rose 1.4 percent to 8.01 trillion yen (97.52 billion U.S. dollars), with the association attributing the increase to new store ... 日本のコンビニエンスストアの売上高は2010年に7390000000000円(89 98億ドル)に同一店舗ベースで0.8%低下、日本フランチャイズチェーン協会が発表した

    • Fast food chains' growth feeds health fears in China
      As McDonald's and KFC ratchet up plans to expand deeper into China, experts warned that there must be stricter regulations on fast food chains, citing the rapid rise in obesity and diabetes among adolescents and children. McDonald's will double its number of outlets in China in the next three or four years to 2,000, it announced Tuesday. And the fast-food giant will franchise more restaurants, Tim Fenton, McDonald's president for Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, said Tuesday at a pres ... 中国としてマクドナルドやケンタッキーのラチェットは、より深く拡大する計画を、専門家は、子供と警告した食品の高速規制厳しいがなければなりませんがチェーンや糖尿病の間で青年と、引用肥満が急速に上昇する

    • Your Money: Bad weather Insurance
      In this week's Your Money, Declan Curry looks at insurance cover during the cold spell and the boom in people joining franchises to sell goods door-to-door. 今週はあなたのお金がいるでは、デクランカレーは寒さや商品のドアツードアを販売するフランチャイズに参加する人々のブームの間にカバーを保険で見えます

    • Liquor shares fizzle despite festival sales surge
      Liquor producers in China have enjoyed brisk sales while the country celebrates the Spring Festival but their stocks have disappointed investors who bet on the holiday spending spree. Shares of white spirits and wine producers have declined by an average of 5.72 percent over the past three months despite the booming holiday season sales, according to Wind Info. Franchised stores of Kweichow Moutai Co, China's largest liquor maker by market value, can hardly keep up with the demand, which tri ... 国は春祭りが、その株式市場は、休日の大盤振る舞いに賭ける投資家を失望させたが、祝いながら、中国で酒の生産は好調を享受してきた

    • Should Bond be back?
      The future of the James Bond franchise is looking brighter after MGM, the financially troubled Hollywood studio, asked its creditors to back a rescue plan. Production on the next Bond film has been on hold since April because of MGM's difficulties. Would you be pleased to see Bond back in cinemas? ジェームズボンドのフランチャイズの未来は、MGMの後、財政難のハリウッドのスタジオを明るく見ている救済策を支持し、その債権者を尋ねた

    • Before Answering 'Call of Duty,' Social Gamers Flocked To A 'Sissyfight'
      Today in Los Angeles, Sony and Microsoft will get E3 started early with much-anticipated announcements for their PlayStation and XBox franchises. The gaming showcase officially kicks off tomorrow and one of the big buzz games is sure to be "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3." One of the exciting components of the latest iteration is Call of Duty Elite, described on Warped Zone: <blockquote>Designed from the ground up to integrate with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty Elite gives players unprecedented control over their multiplayer experience, transforming it into a true social experience.</blockquote> For enthusiasts of Massively Multiplayer Online Games, this experience itself is nothing new. So it seems fitting that in New York today an exhibit called Digital Archaeology, part of Internet Week, will highlight the creators of one of the early MMOG experiences: Word Magazine. ロサンゼルス、ソニー、マイクロソフトの今日は、E3は、プレイステーションとXboxのフランチャイズの待望の発表が早期に開始されます

    • McDonald's Stock Can Fatten Up A Bit
      McDonald's competes with Wendy's, Burger King, and Yum! Brands in the fast food market, and is the leader in the hamburger fast food category. McDonald’s also competes with Starbucks in the specialty coffee market. McDonald's owns and franchises restaurants across the globe with over 32,000 restaurants in 117 countries. Of these, roughly 80% are operated by franchisees, with the balance being company-owned. マクドナルドは、ウェンディーズ、バーガーキング、と廉と競合している!ブランドは、ファーストフード市場では、ハンバーガーのファーストフードカテゴリーのリーダーです

    • Hollywood: Women Over 25 Don't Like Sex
      The latest issue of The New Yorker contains a profile on actress Anna Faris, who starred in The House Bunny, as well as having roles in the Scary Movie franchise, The Hot Chick, Take Me Home Tonight, and Lost In Translation. While the article is ostensibly about her upcoming movie, What’s Your Number?, which tells the story of a woman who fears she’s slept with too many men, it also delves deep into Hollywood’s persistent misogyny. ニューヨーカーの最新号はハウスバニーで主演女優のアンナファリス、同様に怖い映画フランチャイズの持つ役割にプロファイルを含む、ホットチックは、ホームミートゥナイトに乗り、ロストイントランスレーション

    • UK plc and foreign ownership | Open thread
      Rail and bus operator Arriva is the latest British firm to be taken over by a foreign company. But does it matter who owns what?One of Britain's biggest public transport operators, rail and bus company Arriva, is to be taken over by a German firm, in a £1.5bn deal. Aside from the irony of a franchise-owner on the UK's privatised railways being bought up by a state-owned foreign concern, Deutsche Bahn, news of the takeover has re-ignited the row over foreign ownership of key sectors of British industry.With the controversy over Kraft's takeover of Cadbury, which resulted in Lord Mandelson calling for new rules on foreign acquisitions, only weeks past, Liberal Democrat shadow chancellor Vince Cable has criticised the lack of a public interest test for foreign takeovers of strategically important UK companies and utilities.The counter-argument runs, though, that its openness to foreign capital and investment is one of the strengths of the British economy and that a more protectionist stance would damage prospects for growth and prosperity.Presumably, Arriva's trains and buses will still run – possibly, more punctually even – so does it matter who owns them, any more than it matters who owns, say, a Premiership football team?ArrivaMergers and acquisitionsKraftCadburyTransportRail transportguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 鉄道とバスの演算子Arrivaは、最新のイギリスの会社、外国企業によって引き継がれることです

    • Harry Potter joins the billion dollar club
      Final instalment of the boy wizard franchise, Deathly Hallows: Part 2, surpasses $1bn in global box office returnsWith his last movie gasp, Harry Potter has finally joined the billion dollar club after a strikingly successful weekend at US cinemas.Figures show that Deathly Hallows: Part 2, the eighth and final instalment of the boy wizard franchise, has surpassed $1bn (£615m) in global box office returns. The previous best of the series was $974.8m set by the first movie 10 years ago, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.The $1bn figure is, understandably, a much sought after target. Deathly Hallows: Part 2 becomes the ninth film to reach the magic figure, joining Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, which made it into the club last month.Others include two from James Cameron: Titanic, which made $1.8bn, and the all-conquering Avatar from 2009, which had global takings of $2.8bn.Deathly Hallows: Part 2 made it over the line by bringing in $21.9m at the US box office at the weekend.Although the dollar numbers are higher, the first Harry Potter still holds the record in terms of tickets sold, back in a day when cinema tickets were cheaper.It is undeniably a success, but the Deathly Hallows was not the most watched film at the US box office at the weekend. The sci-fi western Cowboys and Aliens, with Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig, shared top spot with The Smurfs.Harry PotterUnited StatesScience fiction and fantasyMark Brownguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds 少年のウィザードのフランチャイズ、死の秘宝の最終回:第2部は、グローバルなボックスオフィスreturnsWithで10億ドルを超える彼の最後の映画のあえぎ、ハリーポッターは最終的に米国のcinemas.Figuresで、驚くほど成功した週末の後に数十億ドル規模のクラブに参加したことを死の秘宝を示す:パート2、男の子のウィザードのフランチャイズの8番目と最後の割賦は、グローバルな興行リターンの$ 10億(£ 615メートル)上回っている

    • Sony Uses MLB All-Star Game to Push 3D Gaming and PlayStation Move Hardware
      Sony Computer Entertainment America was at the 2011 MLB All-Star Game at Chase Field in Phoenix to give baseball fans and some big league players a chance to experience MLB 11: The Show with stereoscopic 3D and PlayStation Move support. Sony’s bestselling baseball video game franchise has dominated the sales charts and won critical acclaim in recent years. It’s also one of the first games that Sony launched last year that supported 3D gameplay. 立体3Dとプレイステーションの移動をサポートしているショー:ソニーコンピュータエンタテインメントアメリカでは野球ファンといくつかの大きなリーグの選手のMLB 11を体験する機会を与えるためにフェニックスのチェイスフィールドで2011年MLBオールスターゲームにあった

    • While Supreme Court Mulls Ruling on Violent Games, FTC Gives Game Retailers High Scores
      A lot can change over the course of a year. Last year, the game industry faced a harsh economy and increased scrutiny as the U.S. Supreme Court decided to formally consider the legality of a California law restricting the sales of violent video games. The industry was hedging its bets on new hardware from Sony (PlayStation Move) and Microsoft (Kinect for Xbox 360) and hoping that Activision could serve up another hit with its Call of Duty franchise. 多くの年の間に変更することができます

    • Looking At Duke Energy As A Solar Power Play
      Duke Energy is one of the largest electric utilities in the U.S. along with American Electric Power Company, Exelon Energy Corp, Allegheny Energy and Progress Energy. Duke Energy has approximately 35,000 megawatts of electric generating capacity in the Carolinas and the Midwest, as well as natural gas distribution services in Ohio and Kentucky. Even though the firm operates in external markets, the majority of the value for the company comes from the U.S. Franchised Electric &amp; Gas segment. This segment alone contributes nearly 80% of our near $18 stock value for Duke Energy, which stands roughly in line with market value. Its commercial power business contributes around 9% to its stock price. デュークエナジー社は、アメリカンエレクトリックパワー社、エクセロンエネルギー株、アレゲニーエネルギープログレスエナジーと一緒に米国最大の電力会社の一つです

    • Is NBA Hall Of Famer Michael Jordan Also A Turnaround Artist?
      Even though he’s been off the radar screen for a while, Michael Jordan is still very much a part of the NBA. Having finished his first full season as controlling owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, Jordan is remaking the franchise by cutting costs, stockpiling draft picks, and preparing to make a splash in the free agent market next summer. In other words, he’s playing the modern NBA management game that’s more Chainsaw Al than Mark Cuban. 彼はしばらくの間、レーダー画面をオフにされているにもかかわらず、マイケルジョーダンは非常にまだNBAの一部です

    • NBA Lockout Would Help Gores Turn Around Piston's Finances
      Yesterday it was reported that the sale of the Detroit Pistons  to billionaire Tom Gores by Karen Davidson was unanimously approved by the National Basketball Association’s board of governors. The purchase price is reportedly between $300 million and $400 million and Davidson will retain a minority stake in the franchise. 昨日はカレンデビッドソン億万長者のトムゴアーズとデトロイトピストンズの売却は、全会一致で知事の米プロバスケットボール協会の理事会で承認されたことが報告された

    • Sotheby's realty arm eyes luxury market
      A surge in demand for luxury homes and apartments in Hong Kong has lured US-based estate agency franchise Sotheby's International Realty to enter the market. 高級住宅やマンション、香港での需要の急増は、市場への参入を米国の不動産代理店フランチャイズサザビーズインターナショナルリアルティ魅了しています

    • Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back in Terminator 5
      63-year-old actor is attached to Terminator rights package being touted to studios – with Justin Lin in the running to directHe said he'd be back, and Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't bluffing. After eight years away from Hollywood, the former California governor is to return to the role of The Terminator in a new film currently being shopped around Hollywood studios, according to Deadline.Shrugging off suggestions that he may be a little old for an action hero, the 63-year-old actor is heading up a rights package which will bring the series, kicked off by James Cameron with 1984's The Terminator, back to cinemas. Depending on which studio wins the bidding war to make the new film, Justin Lin, currently the toast of Hollywood after returning the Fast and Furious franchise to box office credibility, could be set to direct.Deadline reports that Universal, Sony, Lionsgate and CBS Films are all considering their options. The return of Schwarzenegger to his most iconic role makes a fifth Terminator film a tantalising prospect for the studio bean counters, even if the series has not been at its best since Cameron's last outing, 1991's Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The first non-Schwarzenegger film, 2009's Terminator Salvation, was the worst-reviewed so far, although it still made $370m (£225m) globally (albeit on an enormous $200m budget).The rights to Terminator are currently owned by a hedge fund, Pacificor, which bought them in bankruptcy proceedings for another hedge fund, Halcyon, which made Terminator Salvation. There is a little hope on the horizon for fans clamouring for the unlikely prospect of another Cameron-filmed Terminator film, however. The Canadian film-maker has long signalled his disinterest in the series, but Deadline nevertheless reports that rights to the franc 63歳の俳優がスタジオに宣伝されてターミネーター権パッケージに取り付けられている - ジャスティンリンさんdirectHeして実行していると、彼が戻ってって言ったアーノルドシュワルツェネッガーがはったりではなかった

    • US Trade Mission Visits India
      Representatives from US companies visited Mumbai, Hyderabad before coming to New Delhi to scout for franchise partners 米国企業の代表者は、フランチャイズパートナーのスカウトにニューデリーに来る前に、ムンバイ、ハイデラバードを訪問

    • Wells Fargo Reports Higher Earnings, Topping Estimates
      Wells Fargo said its earnings in the third quarter rose 7 percent, after a good showing by its retail franchise and the Wachovia branches it has acquired. ウェルズファーゴは、第3四半期の収益は、小売店フランチャイズ、それが買収したワコビアの支店で活躍した後、7%上昇した

    • Mounting costs and risky lawsuits: why CBS cancelled Two and a Half Men
      Charlie Sheen's outburst is the latest in a long line of problems to hit producersReally successful television franchises are so rare that, historically, networks have been willing to carry on production in the wake of almost any complication with a star, except possibly death. So the decision by CBS to cancel the rest of the season of the most popular current comedy on American TV is a startlingly unusual move.The main reason for doing so must be that Charlie Sheen's splenetic attack on the show's producers during a radio interview strongly suggests he is in no state to return early next month, as planned, to a series that had already been suspended while he underwent rehab. Given that the filming hiatus would almost certainly have been extended, it makes financial sense to remove the costs of keeping a set and crew on hold.There may also be an element of psychological shock tactics: a final warning to the star that the broadcaster is prepared to consider axing Two and a Half Men. The actor himself has previously threatened to walk out, of course, but that may have been the drink and drugs talking.Another factor is likely to have been the increasing need for employers to show a legal duty of care towards all their staff. Even in the recent past a production team might have come under pressure to ignore problems with a bankable star; in the old days of showbiz, alcoholics and sexual abusers were routinely accommodated. Now, though, CBS might risk punitive lawsuits from colleagues who felt threatened or belittled by Sheen's actions or comments.The star's ever more erratic behaviour may not affect his popularity with viewers. It helps that his character, Charlie Harper, is himself an unreliable drunk, so the clash between image and role is minimal. The question is whether チャーリーシーンの爆発は、問題の長距離回線部門の最新のproducersReally成功テレビフランチャイズので、歴史的に、ネットワークはおそらく死以外の星で、ほぼすべての合併症のをきっかけに生産を続けても構わないと思ってされていることをまれであるヒットすることです

    • Economy hotels set to surge
      China's economy hotel brands are set for a rapid expansion this year with huge business potential, but a related issue is the urgent need to ensure order in the market between rivals, industry watchers said Sunday. The Nasdaq-listed Home Inns & Hotels Management Inc announced Friday that it planned to open a record 260 to 280 new hotels in 2011, of which 100 to 110 will be leased-and-operated hotels, and 160 to 170 will be franchised-and-managed units, according to an announcement on its ... 中国の経済ホテルブランドは、巨大なビジネスの可能性と、今年急速な拡大に設定されている関連する問題は、ライバルの間に、市場の秩序を確保するために急務となっている、業界ウォッチャーは日曜日に言いました

    • Will Wright, Bungeling Bay and Alexey Leonov
      Will Wright is one of the most accomplished video game developers in the business, maker of the blockbuster Sims franchise, and founder of development company Maxis (now part of gaming giant Electronic Arts). Will Wright氏は、ビジネスの中で最も熟練したビデオゲーム開発者の一人、大ヒットシムズフランチャイズのメーカー、開発会社マクシス(現在のゲームの巨大なエレクトロニックアーツの一部)の創設者でもある

    • What The Next Owner Of The Detroit Pistons Can Learn From Bill Davidson
      In 1974, William “Bill” Davidson, Mr. D. as he was affectionately known, entered the professional sports scene when he bought the Detroit Pistons. His $8 million investment eventually turned into a sports and entertainment empire. At its height the franchise was valued at $479 million. More recently, Forbes calculated its value at $360 million. Mr. D died in 2009 and his passing felt like the death of a longtime friend or relative. While I never personally knew Mr. D, I get chocked up when I think about him and how much he meant to his players, Pistons fans, and professional sports. He was the face of the team and you can't think about DEE-TROOIT BASKETBALL without thinking of him. His widow, Karen Davidson, took over as the principle owner nearly two years ago and she wasn’t shy about her desire to sell the team. Davidson publicly stated that the team was her husband’s “baby” and it did not deserve an absentee owner. 。 Davidson hoped to sell the team by the start of the 2010-2011 NBA season, and as the all-star break approaches a deal still isn’t in place. There is hope that the Pistons will start the second-half of the season with a new owner. Recently, Tom Gores, a Michigan native and California financier, entered an exclusive 30-day negotiation period to purchase the team from Davidson. Last week it was announced that Davidson and Gores added an additional 14 days to the exclusivity period. If the deal goes through, there’s no question that Gores will have big shoes to fill, and a long list of tasks ready for him the minute he is given the keys to “The Palace.” 。 His biggest challenges? Gaining player trust. Winning over fans. Reviving the front office. Building a championship contender. Negotiating a 彼はデトロイトピストンズを買ったとき1974年、彼は愛情を知られていたウィリアム。。u0026quot;ビル。。u0026quot;デビッドソンは、氏とD.プロスポーツシーンに入った

    • Starbucks Brews Up Smartphone Payment Platform
      Starbucks is the world's leading roaster and retailer of specialty coffee. Through its global network of owned and franchised coffee retail outlets, Starbucks offers a wide range of products from coffees and teas to sandwiches and brewing equipment. It competes with McDonald's, Caribou Coffee and Peet's Coffee in the broader market for specialty coffee. スターバックスは世界有数の焙煎、専門のコーヒー店です

    • Auto dealers go public overseas
      Lentuo International Inc became the first Chinese mainland auto dealer to be listed in the US after it went public on the New York Stock Exchange on Dec 10. Lentuo was Beijing's largest non-State-owned auto retailer in revenue from sale of new vehicles last year. The company now operates six franchised dealer outlets, 10 automobile showrooms, one repair shop and a car leasing company in the city. On the same day, China Zhengtong Auto Services Holding Ltd, a luxury car dealer group on the ... Lentuoインターナショナル社は、12月10日、ニューヨーク証券取引所に上場後、米国にリストされている最初の中国本土の自動車ディーラーになった

    • Ahmedabad tops 100 cities for small business
      Ahmedabad has been rated as the most favourable destination for small businesses in India followed by Bengaluru and Mumbai, according to a joint report by consultancy firm Ernst & Young (E&Y) and retail solutions provider, Franchise India. アーメダバードはインドの中小企業のための最も有利な地としてバンガロール、ムンバイに続く、コンサルティング会社アーンスト&ヤング(E&Yの共同報告書)と小売ソリューションプロバイダ、フランチャイズインドよると評価されている

    • Thriller writer takes on Bond mission
      When Ian Fleming died in 1964, fans of the world's most famous fictional spy had the consolation that James Bond had not gone with him: 007's story continued to be told by writers including Kingsley Amis and by Hollywood's film franchise,... 時イアンフレミングは1964年に、世界で最も有名な架空のスパイのファンは慰めを、ジェームスボンドが彼と一緒に行っていなかった:007の話は、キングアミ、ハリウッドの映画フランチャイズによるなどの作家と言われ続けた...ていた死亡

    • Rays of hope after ace Garza's no-hitter
      Tampa Bay Ray pitcher Matt Garza threw the first no-hitter in franchise history and the fifth in the major leagues this season with a 5-0 blanking o... タンパベイレイ投手マットガーザは、メジャーリーグはこのシーズン中に5番目の歴史をフランチャイズの最初のノーヒットノーランを投げた5-0 o. ..【ブランキング

    • Carrefour sues for infringement
      Carrefour, the French hypermarket chain, has sued a company in Fuyang for trademark infringement and unfair competition. The defendant, Anhui Jiale Supermarket Chain Co Ltd, uses a name very similar to the Chinese pronunciation of Carrefour - Jialefu - and has more than 160 stores under franchise in the city that use the same trademark as Carrefour on their shop names, signs, promotional banners, price tags, sales receipts and shopping bags. &$&$China National Radio &$&$ ... カルフールは、フランスのハイパーマーケットチェーン、競争不公正な侵害と商標の阜陽て訴え会社です

    • Letters: High-speed rail plans should benefit us all
      Simon Jenkins (High-speed rail will bleed us all for a few rich travellers, 6 January) argues that upgrading existing lines is sufficient to improve north-south rail connections, and a new high-speed line is unnecessary. London already experiences the benefits of high-speed rail to the continent, having cancelled the northern connections, and Jenkins appears reluctant to extend the privilege northwards. For many years we have endured line closures to squeeze every last drop from existing lines, which run close to full capacity. Meanwhile access is restricted by high fares designed to create profit in a model for franchising established in another era.I can now travel to Preston in two hours, but without stops for my connection at Wigan (or anywhere else), and the stopping train that Jenkins advocates takes 30 minutes longer. Perhaps funding for the Crossrail project, itself rendered obsolete by the crash of the City and the unpopular third runway at Heathrow, should transfer to an HS2 project, also designed to carry articulated trailers by night, which will regenerate northern manufacturing industry.Dr Jim Ford Southport• At last, a sensible appraisal of the high-speed rail bandwagon. Why is shaving minutes off already fast rail connections so important? London to Manchester in two hours, and to Edinburgh in four and a half, is already competitive with air travel. It is the rest of the system that needs to be modernised. When Plymouth to York takes six hours, and Truro to Liverpool takes eight, it's clear why regional air travel is still attractive.Michael ThornHelston, CornwallRail transportTransportTransport policyRail travelBusiness travelguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds サイモンジェンキンス(高速鉄道のすべての1月6日)をアップグレードする既存の生産ラインの北を向上させるのに十分である南鉄道の接続など、新たな高速回線は不要であると主張するいくつかの豊富な旅行のため私たちに出血します

    • In praise of … Christopher Nolan | Editorial
      Much like Tim Burton, he has showed his ability to break out from well-defined parametersDeja vu? Of course you have, but that is the whole point of a summer season monopolised by sequels and franchise cinema. To go the box office today is to see old favourites dressed up as new: Toy Story 3, Shrek Forever After, The Karate Kid (remake), Predators (remake). Not so much variations on a theme as electronic music on a loop. If for no other reason, Christopher Nolan's Inception is worthy of note, a high-octane blockbuster which is both original and thought-provoking. Nolan is no stranger to sequels and remakes. Insomnia was a remake of a Norwegian film of the same name, and of course there was Batman Begins. But much like Tim Burton, Nolan showed his ability to break out from well-defined parameters. Nolan's Batman series are not simply comic-book films. Stylistically, they have more in common with Heat and The Usual Suspects than they do with Spider-Man or Iron Man. Nolan has been likened to Stanley Kubrick, only to be knocked back as forced and elephantine. Both the accolades and the brickbats miss the point. In Memento, he toys with the complexities of a thriller shot backwards. In Inception he places a sci-fi heist inside the moving contours of a dreaming mind. The visuals, like the streets of Paris folding in on themselves, fights in zero gravity, or sending a train ploughing through a busy street, are dizzying. But the best moments are human ones, when one character panics with the realisation she could be in the dream of another. Nolan is emerging as a master storyteller.Christopher Nolanguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds ティムバートンと同じように、彼は彼の能力を抜け出すに示しており、明確に定義さparametersDeja視から?お持ちのもちろん、それは夏の続編とフランチャイズ映画で独占全体のポイントです

    • Jackson throws fourth no-hitter of baseball season
      Edwin Jackson, got out of a bases loaded third-inning jam, to toss the fourth no-hitter this Major League Baseball season, leading Arizona to a 1-0 win over Tampa Bay.Jackson, who played three years for the Rays, threw just the second no-hitter in the Diamondbacks' franchise history.Of the four no-hitters this season Jackson's might have been the most unlikely. He loaded the bases with walks in the third and the Diamonbacks had relievers warming up in the bullpen from the six inning on. エドウィンジャクソンは、外基地のんサード回ジャムを読み込まれると、この野球のシーズンパBay.Jackson、3年間レイズの演奏、1-0の勝利につながってアリゾナをノーヒットノーランを4分の1を投げに投げたただノーヒットノーランを達成ダイヤモンド。。u0026#39;フランチャイズhistory.Of 4 2番目のノーヒッター今季ジャクソンの最も低いされている場合があります

    • China's renewable energy industry develops rapidly
      China's renewable energy industry is still developing rapidly and China made important progress in photovoltaic (PV) power generation, and the installed capacity of China's wind power generators reached 22 million kW last year, said officials from the National Energy Administration at the China Forum on New Energy. The public bidding of a franchised 10MW solar energy and PV project in Dunhuang, Gansu province gave push to the construction of PV power plants all over the country. So far, 4 10M ... 中国の再生可能エネルギー業界は急速に開発していると中国の太陽光発電(PV)発電の重要な進歩を遂げ、中国の風力発電の設備容量は2200万キロワット昨年に達し、によると、中国フォーラム新上で、国家エネルギー局の職員エネルギー敦煌フランチャイズの10MWの太陽エネルギーや太陽光発電プロジェクトの入札、甘粛省の太陽光発電プラントの建設には全国のプッシュを与えた

    • The ridiculously sexy Winter Olympics | Stephen Marche
      There were so many beautiful athletes at the Vancouver games it's no wonder they had to send in extra condomsNow that the Winter Olympics are over, and our various national vanities have been either assuaged or deflated, we can focus on the most vital and pertinent question of Vancouver 2010: Who was the sexiest athlete there?The Winter Olympics are way hotter than the Summer Olympics, even if everyone is wearing woolies. The sports are riskier and hence sexier. Now that I've seen what a downhill course looks like, I am amazed that people needed to invent bungie jumping or the Jackass franchise. Why concoct a new form of adrenaline-pumping self-destruction when there are preexisting methods that allow you to earn medals? Have you seen the female skeleton medallists? If they're willing to take their bodies to such an extreme edge in public, what must they do when they're behind closed doors?In the field of human beauty, as in the field of sport, obvious frontrunners emerge early. In the bars and coffee shops of Canada (at least the ones that I frequent) a consensus about the two female beauty-leaders has emerged. 1) Tanith Belbin, the impossibly cheekboned, huge-eyed partner of Ben Agosto, who finished fourth in the ice-dancing and 2) Julia Mancuso, the American skier who is everything an American skier should be, equal parts glamour and heartiness, as though her every molecule was made up of fresh breath. I would also like to recommend two lower-profile athletes who are not as monotonously Valkyrian: 3) Kimiko Zakreski, a Canadian snowboarder who should have been cast as an elf princess in Lord of the Rings and 4) Stella Heiss, the lead for the German women's curling team, who seems never to be smiling, always at maximum intensity. She also has the most beautiful hair I ようこそバンクーバー五輪ではたくさんの美しい選手はいないが余分なcondomsNowでは、冬季五輪はもう終わって送信する必要があった、と不思議では当社のさまざまな国の洗面化粧台のいずれかassuagedされている、または空気を抜かれ、我々が最も重要と適切な質問に焦点を当てることができます2010年バンクーバー:誰が最もセクシーな選手がでしたか?冬季五輪ではオリンピックよりも方法は暑くても、みんながwoolies着ているのです

    • World of Warcraft set to spread further as settlement looms
      Publisher Activision Blizzard, which owns the popular World of Warcraft online game, expects its popular franchise to gain greater momentum on the mainland as partner NetEase. com attempts to resolve problems with the regulators. パブリッシャアクティビジョンブリザードは、『WarCraftオンラインゲームの人気が世界を所有し、同社の人気フランチャイズパートナー網易など中国本土で大きな弾みがつくことを期待

    • Prisoners' votes aren't a trivial cause | Ben Gunn
      We shy away from examining the role prisons play in society – granting inmates their voting rights would be an important stepWith Britain's standing in the small community of decent nations and the legality of the general election at stake, even the most cynical of observers may have expected the government to resolve the issue of the prisoners' vote.As the election approaches, the sharper and more unavoidable the issue becomes. It is even possible that the failure to address the legal judgments made in favour of prisoners may render the election unlawful. The government has been repeatedly warned of this consequence by the parliamentary all-party human rights group and the committee of ministers of the Council of Europe.Who would have thought, five years ago, a legal and political outcast called John Hirst could resurrect a debate about the nature of our democracy and citizenship that has seemingly ended with the introduction of the universal franchise?Hirst had a particular status that endowed him with a peculiar legal status. He was serving a life sentence for manslaughter. As with all prisoners, he was denied the vote. Unlike most of his peers, he objected to this situation and challenged the law through to the European court of human rights. The government lost its argument in 2005, appealed, and lost again. The court argued that the ability to vote was such a fundamental component of a democratic society that Britain's blanket ban on prisoners voting was unlawful.A government founded on some firm political ideology or principle would, at that point five years ago, called upon its strength of principle and resolved the issue. It may have caused short-term political difficulty, but this would have passed.Instead, the government indulged in obfuscation and delay. It 私達は、ロールの刑務所を調べるから内気な社会の中でプレイ-その議決権比率ではまともな国の小さなコミュニティーで重要なstepWith英国の立って、一般的な選挙の合法性になる受刑者を付与するも、ほとんどのオブザーバーの冷笑的な見込みがある政府は、捕虜vote.As選挙が近づくの問題を解決するために多くの問題は避けられない鮮明になります

    • GM boss not sure of Saab sell-off
      Hundreds of the 1,350 General Motors Co dealers who lost their franchises last year could see them restored in a congressionally mandated arbitration process that begins later this month, the company's interim CEO said. CEO and Chairman Ed Whitacre Jr also said that he's not confident about selling the Swedish Saab brand. In a wide-ranging talk with reporters at GM's Detroit headquarters, Whitacre also predicted that GM would be profitable this year, although he said that was dependent o ... 昨年のフランチャイズを失った1350ゼネラルモーターズ共同ディーラー数百人の彼らは、今月下旬に始まる議会が義務付けられて仲裁プロセスの復元を参照して可能性は、同社の暫定CEOと述べた

    • GM boss expects profit this year
      General Motors chairman Ed Whitacre expects the carmaker will be profitable this year and says hundreds of the 1,350 GM dealers who lost their franchises last year could see them restored. ゼネラルモーターズ会長エドウィテカーの自動車メーカーは、この年度は黒字になると予想し、昨年に見てもらうのフランチャイズを失い、1350 GMのディーラーの何百もの復元されたという


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