- アメリカサイズ
・lay all your love on me
・mamma mia
・knowing me,knowing you
・take a chance on me
- 体幹スウィング(3)テイクバックは外に上げるぐらいで丁度スクウェアーである(No,896)
in his prime, seve ballesteros was a very aggressive player knowing that he could take uncanny risks because of his incredible short game.he was an phenomenal putter.one time when asked by a writer to translate lag putt into spanish, he thought for several moments then asked, what is a lag putt?
- 暗記文2
don't think i didn't notice that you swiped it.
- Talking to the moon。
i felt that, we should appreciate those who are around us, no matter is family, lover or friends. if we lost them or they are no longer with us, wouldn't it be sad?