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    映画 関連語 トランスフォーマー ニコラス・ケイジ アマルフィ
    • 恋するベーカリー
      2. don't discount what we have together. 考慮しようよ 3. just because we were married for 19 years does not not make this an affair. 不倫していないなんてことにはならない. 4. you see what happens when you're not looking out for me. 面倒を見てくれない

    • 暗記文2
      9/25 on second thought, i'll go with you.

    • 5 Most Telling Takeaways From Tim Cook's Goldman Sachs Keynote
      5 most telling takeaways from tim cook's goldman sachs keynote 5 most telling takeaways from tim cook's goldman sachs keynote by christina bonnington, via:wired.com. tuesday afternoon, apple ceo tim cook presented the keynote speech at the goldman sachs technology and internet conference. cook's presentation ranged from discussion of apple's supply chain strategy in china to how the ipad is cannibalizing computer sales. we listened in on the nearly hour-long keynote livestreaming from apple's website, and rounded up the five juiciest, most interesting reveals of apple's roadmap and culture. here's what we found - with insight on why it matters. on factory working conditions apple takes working conditions very, very seriously, and we have for a very long time… our commitment is simple: every worker has the right to a fair and safe work environment, free of discrimination, where they can earn competitive wages and they can voice their concerns freely. apple suppliers must live up to this to do business with apple. if we find a supplier that intentionally hires underage labor, it's a firing offense. cook also detailed how apple is constantly monitoring its factories. he said apple has eliminated child labor in the final assembly portion of its supply chain. it's important to note that cook opened his keynote with a discussion of working conditions at the manufacturing plants of overseas suppliers. sure, accusations of inhumane conditions in foxconn factories are currently making news, and cook certainly had to respond to the bad press. but the content and tenor of cook's comments suggest a new humility on apple's part - that the company knows it needs to do the right thing. we can call this a third gesture of corporate kindness in the new tim cook era. on quality price is rarely the most important thing. a cheap product might sell some units. somebody gets it home and they feel great when they pay the money, but then they get it home and use it, and the joy is gone. the joy is gone every day that they use it until they aren't using it anymore. you don't keep remembering ‘i got a good deal!' because you hate it! let's read between the lines: cook was responding to a question about tablets, and the above response is obviously a dig at the amazon kindle fire. clearly, cook doesn't think the fire, or any other budget tablet - or any other tablet, for that matter - is a threat to the ipad. his response doesn't simply suggest he's a man with a competitive streak. it suggests he doesn't have any respect for the fire and its android brethren. it's a position that recalls the bluster of steve jobs, and proves cook is just as much the fighter. on competition the real catalyst to the tablet market will be innovation and pushing the next frontier. honestly, we'll compete with everybody. i love competition. as long as people invent their own stuff, i love competition. the unspoken message: if you don't invent your own stuff, apple's legal team will make sure to set things right. but this statement also makes us wonder which companies, if any, apple considers to be competition. google perhaps? in today's keynote, cook could only muster calling android that other os. on mac cannibalization ipad has cannibalized some mac sales. the way that we view cannibalization is that we prefer to do it to ourselves than let someone else do it. we don't want to hold back one of our teams from doing the greatest thing, even if it takes some sales from another product area. our high-order bid is, ‘we want to please customers and we want them buying apple stuff.' while this was just a basic reiteration of apple's position since the advent of ios, it's also telling for what it reminds us about microsoft - namely, that in the ongoing synergistic fusion of windows 8, windows on arm and windows phone, microsoft will be attempting to prop up the windows legacy by any means necessary. indeed, when you think of apple as a dynamic, forward-thinking company, when do you ever think of mac os? it's just not part of the daily conversation or news cycle. but microsoft has a deeply entrenched, vested interest in making sure windows never goes away, even if it means, well, window-dressing the windows desktop with a mobile u.i. we don't blame microsoft for trying, and it certainly doesn't have apple's luxury of owning such a small part of the desktop and enterprise market share. on steve's legacy steve grilled in all of us over many years that the company should revolve around great product, and that we should stay extremely focused on just a few things rather than try to do so many that we do nothing well. we should only go into markets where we can make a significant contribution to society, not just sell a lot of products. and so, these things, along with keeping excellence as an expectation of everything at apple, these are the things that i focus on because i think those are the things that make apple this magical place. we're always focused on the future. we don't sit and think about how great things were yesterday. i love that trait. i think it's the thing that drive us all forward. this is tim cook's assurance to the investment community that a little steve jobs avatar is perched upon his shoulder. the avatar isn't issuing orders, mind you. it's just rubbing cook's delts, and reminding him about core company values. and this is a helpful avatar to have. we've seen all too many tech companies lose their mojo following the departure of founding fathers. just look at the mess that's become of hewlett-packard. tim cook emphasized that he's striving to maintain the same culture and vision that steve jobs fostered while he was in charge. and because apple does have a clearly defined focus, it should be able to continue to deliver solid, inventive products in the years to come. and, of course, having another ipad waiting on deck - a product launch that wasn't acknowledged in even the most tangential, knowingly cheeky way - doesn't hurt mr. cook's chances for success either. other electronics news: lenovo laptop battery , lenovo r40e battery , lenovo r50 battery , lenovo r50p battery , lenovo r51 battery , lenovo r51e battery , lenovo r52 battery , etc.

    • タイトルなし
      1 00:00:11,599 -- 00:00:12,160 斬れ 2 00:00:12,197 -- 00:00:14,355 episode 22 3 00:00:14,477 -- 00:00:16,014 hey, you there! 4 00:00:20,075 -- 00:00:21,620 all of you come over here. 5 00:01:08,055 -- 00:01:09,977 i will kill all of you. 6 00:01:09,600 -- 00:01:11,200 {。。a6}bidam~mishil and king jinji's son 7 00:01:44,793 -- 00:01:45,932 let's go! 8 00:02:51,239 -- 00:02:52,390 yushin rang! 9 00:02:53,149 -- 00:02:54,166 don't! 10 00:02:56,113 -- 00:02:57,999 that guy saved me. 11 00:03:07,261 -- 00:03:08,780 are you hurt anywhere? 12 00:03:08,988 -- 00:03:11,425 no, i'm fine. 13 00:03:14,781 -- 00:03:17,414 hey! chicken meat? 14 00:03:23,240 -- 00:03:24,257 here. 15 00:03:26,780 -- 00:03:28,898 sorry for the misunderstanding. 16 00:03:31,103 -- 00:03:34,336 the cost of the chicken leg... you should give it to me, right? 17 00:03:35,193 -- 00:03:38,292 that is... i haven't been able to get it yet. 18 00:03:38,672 -- 00:03:39,860 are you playing? 19 00:03:48,910 -- 00:03:50,232 how about these? 20 00:03:50,857 -- 00:03:52,817 these should be more than enough to pay for the chicken meat. 21 00:03:57,429 -- 00:03:58,800 it's cow leather... 22 00:03:59,841 -- 00:04:00,895 ok, fine! 23 00:04:01,936 -- 00:04:07,557 damn it! my master is going to kill me, just kill me. 24 00:04:08,096 -- 00:04:09,529 anyhow, thank you... 25 00:04:10,105 -- 00:04:11,329 where do you live? who are you? 26 00:04:11,378 -- 00:04:14,646 well, i don't have a set place to live... 27 00:04:15,124 -- 00:04:16,973 i'm staying at yangji village at the moment, but... 28 00:04:17,463 -- 00:04:20,574 if you're thankful, then find me some wild ginger roots. 29 00:04:20,855 -- 00:04:21,958 wild ginger roots? 30 00:04:22,386 -- 00:04:25,587 but it's all gone now, because of an unknown illness... 31 00:04:26,003 -- 00:04:27,938 it's terrible, just terrible. 32 00:04:36,330 -- 00:04:37,481 by the way... 33 00:04:43,464 -- 00:04:47,322 you wield your sword... with such heavy hands. 34 00:04:48,828 -- 00:04:50,237 damn, it hurts. 35 00:05:01,098 -- 00:05:02,507 we should leave as well. 36 00:05:03,679 -- 00:05:05,491 where are we going to go? 37 00:05:05,773 -- 00:05:07,635 for now, we should get away from this place? 38 00:05:16,342 -- 00:05:17,298 what do you mean you failed?! 39 00:05:17,420 -- 00:05:18,816 my apologies... 40 00:05:19,098 -- 00:05:20,727 but some guy suddenly interfered. 41 00:05:20,837 -- 00:05:23,580 interfered? who?! 42 00:05:24,097 -- 00:05:25,799 although, i do not know who he is, 43 00:05:26,068 -- 00:05:26,962 but... 44 00:05:27,268 -- 00:05:28,365 that's the first time in recent memory 45 00:05:28,401 -- 00:05:29,755 that i've witnessed someone with such high martial arts skills... 46 00:05:30,416 -- 00:05:33,902 it was the sword technique of hoguk seondo, which is lead by imjong rang. 47 00:05:34,135 -- 00:05:35,151 then... 48 00:05:36,241 -- 00:05:37,980 it must have been one of imjong's nangdo, right?! 49 00:05:38,115 -- 00:05:42,132 but, that is to say... that he was much faster than imjong rang. 50 00:05:42,389 -- 00:05:46,022 someone like that was there?! then... 51 00:05:47,272 -- 00:05:48,790 was he sent by mishil? 52 00:05:48,876 -- 00:05:51,384 i don't think so, judging from his appearance, 53 00:05:51,385 -- 00:05:53,726 his actions, and the way he spoke. 54 00:05:57,717 -- 00:06:03,194 it's an honor for the minister of defense to make your presence in our humble abode. 55 00:06:03,960 -- 00:06:06,213 there is an unknown disease going around at one of our district, 56 00:06:06,277 -- 00:06:09,417 a place called yangji village, so it's a big concern. 57 00:06:09,915 -- 00:06:13,413 we will be staying here for a few days, so please prepare a place for us to stay at. 58 00:06:13,490 -- 00:06:17,296 yes, i understand... then... 59 00:06:24,421 -- 00:06:28,302 has there been a message sent by the spy we've planted with kim seohyeon? 60 00:06:28,391 -- 00:06:29,757 it should arrive shortly. 61 00:06:29,872 -- 00:06:32,119 i'll report to you as soon as it arrives. 62 00:06:32,259 -- 00:06:34,686 seokpum, i want you to take some nangdos with you, 63 00:06:34,819 -- 00:06:37,193 and watch over people going in and out of every village. 64 00:06:37,589 -- 00:06:38,099 yes, sir. 65 00:06:38,227 -- 00:06:41,597 don't let a soul, not even a single rat be able to escape! 66 00:06:47,391 -- 00:06:48,183 yushin rang? 67 00:06:48,259 -- 00:06:49,345 what is it? 68 00:06:49,472 -- 00:06:51,604 so, what happened with your father? 69 00:06:54,806 -- 00:06:55,866 about what? 70 00:06:55,955 -- 00:07:00,423 the vice commander was definitely a part of the group that attacked me. 71 00:07:01,930 -- 00:07:08,350 is lord kim seohyeon... also trying to kill me as well? 72 00:07:10,482 -- 00:07:12,499 he said he came to kill me! 73 00:07:14,197 -- 00:07:17,634 now, it's not just mishil, but is everyone else after me as well?! 74 00:07:17,698 -- 00:07:19,230 stop it!!! 75 00:07:25,204 -- 00:07:26,787 just don't think about it. 76 00:07:27,860 -- 00:07:32,264 let's think about this later, just a bit later. 77 00:07:55,312 -- 00:07:57,049 they are ilwol seongdo. 78 00:07:58,186 -- 00:08:00,152 mishil's side is also making a move. 79 00:08:12,031 -- 00:08:13,844 just by seeing how they're watching over things... 80 00:08:14,010 -- 00:08:16,014 i'm sure all other roads are blocked. 81 00:08:16,091 -- 00:08:18,108 it's no good, yushin rang. 82 00:08:18,440 -- 00:08:20,138 where are we going now? 83 00:08:20,291 -- 00:08:21,389 i said, where are we going?! 84 00:08:21,453 -- 00:08:23,495 then, you just want to die?! 85 00:08:25,767 -- 00:08:27,848 there is only one place we can go. 86 00:08:41,022 -- 00:08:42,848 you want to enter yangji village? 87 00:08:43,014 -- 00:08:46,499 because of an unknown disease, people are dying off. 88 00:08:46,575 -- 00:08:48,171 that's why we have to go there. 89 00:08:48,669 -- 00:08:50,406 they wouldn't have blocked the entrance to that place. 90 00:08:50,814 -- 00:08:52,704 and, they wouldn't dare just enter into that place. 91 00:08:52,857 -- 00:08:53,585 but... 92 00:08:53,674 -- 00:08:55,844 yes, you're right... 93 00:08:56,393 -- 00:08:59,214 both his majesty and mishil are trying to capture you. 94 00:08:59,856 -- 00:09:02,205 even my father came all the way here in pursuit of you. 95 00:09:04,644 -- 00:09:07,248 there is no one who can help us... 96 00:09:07,618 -- 00:09:09,265 there is only the two of us. 97 00:09:09,724 -- 00:09:10,898 and? 98 00:09:11,217 -- 00:09:14,868 the only ones who can save us... is ourselves. 99 00:09:15,353 -- 00:09:20,153 therefore... if we give up, then we will surely die. 100 00:09:27,235 -- 00:09:29,622 i will never give up. 101 00:09:29,928 -- 00:09:35,216 but... if you give up, then it will make it twice as hard for me. 102 00:09:36,173 -- 00:09:39,671 so... please don't give up. 103 00:09:56,569 -- 00:09:59,276 yushin rang has entered yangji village. 104 00:09:59,620 -- 00:10:01,152 yangji village means... 105 00:10:01,280 -- 00:10:04,287 it's a place where an unknown disease is spreading, so the villagers are dying off. 106 00:10:04,504 -- 00:10:07,261 at any rate, as long as yushin is there... 107 00:10:07,670 -- 00:10:10,019 you mustn't make any rash movements. 108 00:10:10,133 -- 00:10:12,278 then, what should we do now? 109 00:10:12,406 -- 00:10:14,379 from knowing his personality... 110 00:10:14,864 -- 00:10:17,277 he is more than capable of putting his own life on the line. 111 00:10:18,566 -- 00:10:22,690 do not act rashly. and you, i want you to check around yangji village. 112 00:10:22,843 -- 00:10:23,946 yes, sir! 113 00:10:30,840 -- 00:10:33,406 my goodness, what a pity! 114 00:10:34,922 -- 00:10:36,977 what happened to all the wild ginger roots? 115 00:10:37,616 -- 00:10:39,735 and, what's with the blood stains on your clothes? 116 00:10:40,807 -- 00:10:42,314 did you fight again?! 117 00:10:43,756 -- 00:10:46,958 i did not fight, but instead, i saved someone. 118 00:10:47,328 -- 00:10:49,652 there was a person in dire straits, so i tried to save that person... 119 00:10:49,703 -- 00:10:52,588 so, did you kill someone in order to save someone else? 120 00:10:54,145 -- 00:10:56,247 they were powerful people trying to kill a weak person. 121 00:10:56,311 -- 00:10:58,417 so, did you kill someone?! 122 00:11:01,379 -- 00:11:05,038 as i was trying to save that person, i... 123 00:11:05,510 -- 00:11:08,293 it's not in you to do that in order to save someone else. 124 00:11:09,544 -- 00:11:12,161 have you ever saved a person in you life? 125 00:11:13,578 -- 00:11:15,799 are you even capable of giving someone your compassion?! 126 00:11:17,518 -- 00:11:19,892 did you kill because you weren't able to hold in your anger? 127 00:11:19,956 -- 00:11:21,131 that's not true... 128 00:11:21,463 -- 00:11:23,148 this time, i really did save someone! 129 00:11:23,199 --&


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