- 当〔とうせんしゃ〕
森氏は、党重鎮ながら他候補の応援を控え、地元回りを徹底する「どぶ板」選挙を展開 Mr. Mori, ahead of other candidates, while supporters of the party stalwart, to ensure the local round u0026quot;gutter plateu0026quot; deploy election
- 祝政権交代♪
昨年秋以降、週末は地元に戻って支援者宅を回り、祭りに顔を出す“どぶ板”ぶり Since last fall, the weekend around the house back to the local supporters, make an appearance at the festival u0026quot;drain board,u0026quot; the first time
- 落〔らくせんしゃ〕
武部氏は選挙区に張り付き、公示後としては初めて離島を訪れるなどこれまでにない「どぶ板」選挙を展開 Takebe stiction constituencies, as such after the official has ever visited the island first u0026quot;drain plate,u0026quot; deployed election