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    ニュース 政治 国際 関連語 ポルトガル 金融危機 国際通貨基金 欧州中央銀行
    • Despite Protectionism, ASEAN Eyes Single Market
      ASEAN still targets EU-style economic bloc by 2015 despite rise in trade protectionism ASEAN - Single market - European Union - Economic - International ASEAN諸国はEUの目標スタイルの経済圏の2015年までに貿易保護主義のASEAN諸国の上昇-単一市場-欧州連合-経済-国際にもかかわらず、

    • Reducing high jobless rate to be top priority for EU
      Although there are signs of economic recovery of the European Union (EU), the job market has not recovered from the economic crisis as such. Analysts say cutting the record high jobless rate within the 27-member bloc is to be the top priority for the EU in the near future. According to the latest figures published by the EU statistic arm Eurostat, the unemployment rate of the 16-member eurozone reached 10 percent in December 2009, a 1.8-percentage increase compared with the same period last y ... があるものの、欧州連合(EU)の景気回復の兆しが見られると、ジョブは市場としては、経済危機から回復していないような

    • Greek Financial Crisis Proves Biggest Test for Euro Zone
      Anxieties about the health of the euro go to the central dilemma of the European Union: the grip of states over economic policy, which makes it hard for the union as a whole to deal well politically with a crisis. ユーロの健康への不安は欧州連合の中心的なジレンマに行く:状態のグリップの経済政策では、それは労働組合のためだけでなく、政治的危機に対処するため、全体として、ハードになります

    • Super rich take funds out as Greeks battle debt crisis
      Billions of euros may have been taken out of Greece by private investors since the country began to be engulfed by economic turmoil in November.Under pressure from the European Union and international markets to rein in the nation's... 以来、国は欧州連合と国際市場からのNovember.Under圧力を抑制するには、経済の混乱に巻き込まれるようになったユーロ億ギリシャの民間投資家によって撮影されている可能性のある国の...

    • Tianjin Port in north China reports soaring auto imports China
      China's major auto import customs center in Tianjin Municipality has reported a strong increase in auto imports this year. Customs statistics show January imports to the port hit 24,000 vehicles with a total value of 820 million U.S. dollars. Both figures represented a year-on-year jump of 120 percent. Tianjin's customs handle about half of China's total auto imports. The customs figures indicated 73.4 percent of the imports were from the European Union and Japan. Among the total, 14,00 ... 天津市は中国の大手自動車輸入通関センターの自動車輸入の強力な増加は、今年報告されました

    • China launches WTO action over EU shoe levy
      China launched action in the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the European Union's anti-dumping measures on Chinese shoes Thursday, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said. China filed its complaint with the WTO Thursday and will negotiate with the EU under WTO's dispute settlement system, the MOC said in a statement on its website. The EU decided in December last year to extend for another 15 months anti-dumping measures it had previously taken against Chinese shoes. Consultation is ... 中国は、欧州連合の反世界貿易機関(WTO)へのアクション木曜日、中国の靴ダンピング措置着手したが、商業省(MOC)がいる中国とは、WTOが23日に訴状を提出、EUとWTOの紛争下で交渉する決済システムでは、文化部、ウェブサイト上で声明を発表した

    • China takes EU shoe tariff dispute to WTO
      China launched an unfair trade case against the European Union yesterday, accusing the 27-nation bloc of imposing illegal duties on Chinese shoes, the World Trade Organisation said. 中国は26日、27日、中国の靴での違法な義務を課することのユーロ。非難する欧州連合に対して不公正な取引の場合着手したが、世界貿易機関と述べた

    • Croatians vote for president to lead EU entry
      Croatians vote Sunday in a presidential run-off pitting a leftwing professor against the populist Zagreb mayor, with the winner expected to lead the former Yugoslav republic into the European Union. 大統領選出馬のクロアチア投票日曜日のポピュリズムザグレブ市長に対して左派教。食オフ、優勝者には欧州連合に旧ユーゴスラビア共和国をリードすると予想した

    • Cypriot smokers behave well to tough anti-smoking regulations
      Cypriot tobacco smokers among the staunchest puffers in the European Union have been behaving well after new anti smoking regulations were put into effect on New Year s Day Police not wanting to spoil parties turned a blind eye to people smoking in public places on New Year s Day but as of Saturday they started checking for law violators in restaurants cafes entertainment night spots and hotels There were no reports of anybody being charged with smoking as both smokers a 欧州連合のstaunchestフグの間でキプロスのたばこ喫煙者も新たな反喫煙規制の後、新年への影響に入れて行動されている当事者を台無しに望んでいない日警察掲載たばこを吸う人に新年の公共の場所で目をつぶってデイしかし、土曜日のは、レストランでは法律違反者が誰かの報告は両方の喫煙者としての喫煙で起訴されていたカフェエンターテイメントナイトスポット、ホテルのチェックを開始

    • Is Debt Trashing the Euro?
      Deficit spending by weaker states is hurting the entire euro zone, but the European Union hasn’t cracked down. 弱い状態で赤字支出が、全体のユーロ圏が損なわれる欧州連合の取り締まりしていません

    • European Shares Slip, Threatening 3-Day Win Streak
      Earnings reports from the United States seemed to outweigh news that the European Union had backed Greece’s plan to get a grip on its finances. アメリカ合衆国からの決算報告では、欧州連合、ギリシャの計画は財政上のグリップを得るのにバックアップしたニュースを上回るように見えた

    • EU leaders convey condolences over Belgian train collision
      European Union (EU) leaders have sent their condolences to families of the victims of Monday's train collision near Brussels, which killed at least 18 people and injured more than 150. &$ &$Belgian and European flags fly half mast outside Reine Astrid Military Hospital in Neder-Over-Hembeek of Belgium, Feb. 16, 2010, where bodies of victims in a two trains crash near Brussels in the early rush hours on Monday were parked ... 欧州連合(EU)の首脳がブリュッセルは、少なくとも18人が死亡し、150以上の負傷者の近く月曜日の列車衝突の犠牲者の家族に哀悼の意を送信している

    • Greece faces EU budget test
      European Union and IMF experts on Thursday were finalising a report on Greece's crisis-hit finances as the embattled Socialist government digested the impact of a general strike against its austerity cuts. 欧州連合と木曜日にIMFの専門家は、ギリシャの危機に関する報告書の最終調整れた四面楚歌の社会主義政府は、財政のヒットは、緊縮財政カットに対する一般的なストライキの影響を消化した

    • EU to phase out rescue
      European Union finance ministers will agree next week to phase out aid measures for banks, industries and the labour market that were introduced to fight the economic crisis, a draft statement showed Tuesday. &$&$Source: Global Times &$&$ ... 欧州連合財務長官は来週、銀行、産業界、労働市場のためには、経済危機、草。戦うために導入された応急措置を段階的に同意することを明らかした

    • Reuters BreakingViews: A U.S. Analogy for a Greek Solution
      Greece has been under pressure from the European Union to fix its economy before it further weakens the Continent’s stability. ギリシャは、欧州連合からの圧力を前に、さらには大陸の安定性を弱め、経済を修正するための下にされている

    • Papandreou Seeks French Backing for Debt Crisis
      Greek PM Papandreou heads to Paris seeking more EU support for harsh austerity measures European Union - Greece - Paris - Business - International Monetary Fund ギリシャ語参考パパンドレウパリに厳しい緊縮財政のためのEUの支援を求めてヘッド欧州連合-ギリシャ-パリ-ビジネス-国際通貨基金の措置

    • Lisbon Pact Failing to Lift the E.U. on Global Stage
      Has the Lisbon Treaty, which was supposed to consolidate the European Union’s power and streamline its increasingly unwieldy bureaucracy, actually made things worse? リスボン条約は、欧州連合の権力を強化するとますます扱いにくい官僚機構の合理化は、実際に事態が悪化したはずだったていますか?

    • Eurozone industrial new orders down by 2.2% in October
      Industrial new orders fell by 2.2 percent in the euro zone in October of 2009, compared with the previous month, the European Union (EU)'s statistics agency Eurostat said on Wednesday. In the 27-member EU, new orders declined by 1.6 percent month on month in October after a rise of 1.7 percent in September, Eurostat said. Compared with October 2008, industrial new orders decreased by 14.5 percent in the euro zone and by 14.1 percent in the EU. Among the various industries ... 工業新規受注は2009年10月のユーロ圏は2.2%で、前月に比べ下落は、欧州連合(EU)の統計機関Eurostatの掲載と発表した

    • Eurozone industrial producer prices up by 0.1% in November
      Industrial producer prices in the euro zone rose by 0.1 percent in November of 2009, compared with the previous month, the European Union (EU)'s statistics bureau Eurostat said on Wednesday. It followed a monthly increase of 0.3 percent in October. Compared with November 2008, industrial producer prices in the 16-nation bloc that uses the euro dropped by 4.4 percent. In November, while prices in the energy sector rose by 0.8 percent from October, prices in total industry excludin ... ユーロ圏の工業生産者物価指数2009年11月の0.1%で、前月に比べて上昇、欧州連合(EU)の統計局ユーロスタットは水曜日に述べた

    • TECHNOLOGY: EU, US greenlight Microsoft-Yahoo! deal
      Microsoft and Yahoo! said on Thursday they would move forward with their planned tie-up in Internet search after winning antitrust clearance from the United States and European Union. MicrosoftとYahoo!木曜日には、楽しみに計画の提携は、米国および欧州連合からの独占禁止法手続きに勝った後、インターネット検索での移動と述べた

    • Ransom drop made for Greek ship
      NAIROBI - The European Union Naval Force says a ransom drop has been made for the release of a Greek-owned bulk carrier seized by pirates two months ago.The naval force said the drop took place Saturday morning but the amount... ナイロビ - 欧州連合海軍を強制的に身代金をドロップギリシャ中古ばら積み貨物船が海賊に2ヶ月ago.Theの海軍力を押収したのは、リリースのために作られている言葉は、ドロップ土曜日の朝が、金額が行われたと...

    • Wall Street Slips as It Awaits Details on Greece’s Aid
      Officials said the European Union members have made no final decisions about how to help Greece, but talks are continuing. 関係者は、欧州連合のメンバーどのようにギリシャに役立つ方法については、最終決定したと発表したが、交渉を続けている

    • Europe united against foreign affairs chief
      PARIS - She is Europe's most powerful woman. But that's just in theory.Just 100 days into her job as the European Union's first foreign affairs chief, Baroness Ashton has been variously characterised as a stooge, a pygmy, a jellyfish... パリ - 彼女はヨーロッパで最もパワフルな女性です

    • EU rule change 'may cut red tape'
      Small firms may be exempted from having to draw up and lodge annual accounts, after MEPs approve changes to European Union rules. 中小企業を描画するため、年間アカウントを申し立てることから、後に欧州議会欧州連合の規則の変更を承。免除されることがあります

    • Inside Europe: E.U. Seeks to Regain Influence on Response to Climate Change
      Stunned by being sidelined at the Copenhagen climate conference, the European Union is debating how to overcome the setback. で圧倒さコペンハーゲン気候変動会議で、欧州連合はどのように打撃を克服するために議論されて戦列を離れている

    • Watchdog eyes Opel state help
      The European Union's competition watchdog vowed on Sunday keep a tight rein on how state aid is given to ailing carmaker Opel, as the firm's parent company prepares its pitch for help from countries including Germany. 欧州連合の競争ウォッチドッグ日曜日にどのように国家援助不振の自動車メーカーオペルに与えられるの手綱を緩めないと、同社の親会社と誓ったドイツなどの国々からの支援は、ピッチを準備します

    • EU to be more effective but needs far-reaching changes: Spanish PM
      The European Union EU will be more effective but need far reaching changes the bloc s rotating Presidency Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said in a statement carried by the presidency website on Friday The EU will be more effective and dynamic and bring the Europeans closer together and gain more popularity because of the Lisbon Treaty which come into effect on Dec 1 said Zapatero whose country took over the six month rotating presidency from Sweden on Friday 欧州連合EUは、より効果的になるだろうがこれまでに域内の変更に達する必要が議長国スペイン首相ホセルイスロドリゲスサパテロ回転掲載文の金曜日に大統領のウェブサイトに掲載さでEUは、より効果的になりますと、ダイナミックでより緊密なヨーロッパの持っているとリスボン条約のためには、12月1日に発効、さらに人気を得るサパテロを持つ国は6ヶ月間のスウェーデンから金曜日までの輪番制議長に就任した

    • Van Rompuy's first summit to draw economic blueprint for 2020
      The European Union (EU)'s first full-time President Herman Van Rompuy will chair an informal summit on Thursday to draw an economic blueprint for the bloc for 2020. The meeting is also devoted to addressing some immediate challenges, such as the record high unemployment rate within the EU and the crisis of Greece's budget deficit. OUTLINING ECONOMIC BLUEPRINT FOR 2020 In an invitation letter to the heads of state and government of the 27 member states, Van Rompuy said that the purpose o ... 欧州連合(EU)。。u0026#39;初のフルタイム日、大統領のヘルマンファンロンパイの議長を務める非公式首脳会議2020年までに域内の経済への青写真を描くにした

    • EU launches anti-dumping probe into Chinese coated fine paper
      The European Union launched an anti-dumping investigation into coated fine paper imported from China, following complaints from the CEPIFINE, the European association of fine paper manufacturers, said a report from the website of China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM). CEPIFINE, which represent more than 25% of the total EU production of coated fine paper, alleges that imports originating in China, are being dumped in the EU market. EU trade inspectors choose the U.S. as the subrogate count ... 欧州連合、CEPIFINE、上質紙メーカーは欧州の団体からの苦情を受け、反コート上質紙中国からの輸入にダンピング調査を開始した中国の商務部(商務)

    • EU should dole out stricter penalties after Greece, Berlin says
      The European Union will have to mull stricter penalties against member states over budget deficits, Germany said on Monday, in the wake of the Greece crisis that has knocked confidence in the euro. 欧州連合の財政赤字以上の加盟国に対して厳しい罰則を検討するには、ドイツ月曜日には、ユーロの信頼をノックしているギリシャの危機を受けている必要があります

    • Inside Europe: Greece Must Act Quickly to Reassure
      The Greek finance minister is trying to make the most of a weak hand in a three-way poker game involving Greece, its European Union partners and the financial markets. ギリシャ語財務大臣は、3つの方法のポーカーゲームで、ギリシャは、欧州連合のパートナーとは、金融市場を含む弱い手を最大限に活用しようとしています

    • European IMF-style rescue fund plans taking shape
      The Pandora's Box of questions ensue regarding the potential design of the European version of IMF-like rescue fund after the idea was proposed. The college of 27 commissioners had their first discussion on a potential European fund Tuesday at their weekly meeting held in Strasbourg. Out of the meeting room, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said a possible new fund to support euro zone countries would not weaken European Union rules on budget discipline, after warning Monday that such a fun ... 後に、アイディアが提案されたパンドラの箱の質問のIMFの欧州版の潜在的な設計救済基金などについて、結果として起きる

    • Trade protectionism charges against China growing
      The commerce ministry is forecasting a glum outlook for trade relations with the European Union (EU) as China is expected to remain the main target of EU trade remedy investigations again in 2010. Last year, the EU initiated seven new trade remedy investigations, and all are anti-dumping cases against China, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said in a statement yesterday. That figure is one more than the previous year, and accounts for 58 percent of all cases the region launched worldwid ... は、中国EUの貿。救済措置調査のメインターゲットは、2010年に残ることを期待されて、商業省、欧州連合(EU)との貿易関係の陰気な見通しを予測しているが、昨年、EUは、7つの新たな貿。救済措置調査を開始したすべての反中国に対するダンピングされると、商務部(商務)は、声明の中で明らかになった

    • Now Greece heads for junk status as crisis intensifies
      The crisis of confidence in Greece's ability to tame its budget deficit deepened yesterday as Greek government sources confirmed that European Union inspectors now in Athens expect the country to miss its targets for deficit reduction. 、ギリシャの能力への信頼の危機は、財政赤字の日を深め飼いならされたとして、ギリシャ政府筋は、欧州連合は現在、アテネでの国の財政赤字削減の目標値を欠場する予定査察を確認した

    • Strong exports haul eurozone out of recession in third quarter
      The eurozone emerged from its worst recession since World War II in the third quarter of last year, thanks to strong exports, according to official figures released Friday. The combined economy of the 16 European Union (EU) nations that use the euro grew by 0.4 percent in the third quarter of 2009, compared with the previous three months, EU statistics office Eurostat said in its final figures, confirming previous estimates. It ended the economic contraction in the previous five ... ユーロ圏の二次世界大戦以来、最悪の不況から、昨年の第3四半期には、好調な輸出のおかげで、公式統計で15日発表によると、浮上した

    • Eurozone faces crisis as debt levels soar
      The eurozone s new year heralds a debt crisis that has alarm bells ringing and markets tracking government plans to tame the growing shortfall Officials have borrowed heavily to pull the 16 nation zone out of its first recession and debt levels are set to smash a huge hole in the ceiling set by the European Union in its stability and growth pact 掲載の新しい1年に警鐘を鳴らすし、市場の飼いならされたの成長不。職員への政府計画を追跡するのは債務危機の紋章ユーロ大きく、その最初の不況と負債のレベルのうち、10日、全国ゾーンのプルダウンを借りているのは巨大な穴を粉砕する設定されて天井には、安定成長協定では、欧州連合によって設定

    • SAIC Motor to revive iconic British marque
      The mainland's largest carmaker plans to build its own style of MG sedan at its plant in England and sell the cars across the European Union by the end of the year, a move to revive the British vintage brand it took over three years ago. 中国最大の自動車メーカー、イングランドでは、工場でマグネシウムセダンの独自のスタイルを構築し、販売している車は欧州連合全体の今年の年末までに引っ越して3年以上前にしたブリティッシュヴィンテージのブランドを復活させる計画だ

    • Opposition lawyer bids for Croatian presidency
      ZAGREB (Reuters) - An opposition candidate who pledges to fight corruption -- a crucial issue in Croatia's bid for European Union membership -- looks likely to win the country's presidential election runoff ballot on Sunday. ザグレブ(ロイター) -誰が腐敗する-重要な問題が欧州連合加盟クロアチアの入札での公約、野党候補-日曜日は、その国の大統領選挙の決選投票を獲得する可能性が見えます

    • Yanukovych says to form gas consortium with Russia, EU
      Ukraine will seek to establish a gas consortium with Russia and the European Union, Viktor Yanukovych, who won the country's presidential polls, told a Russian TV on Saturday. Yanukovych, who beat incumbent Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko last Sunday in the run-off by a narrow margin, told the state TV channel Russia-24 that gas relations with Russia did not move in the right direction during the last five years. He hoped that the Ukraine-Russia relationship would be restored to ... ウクライナ、ロシア、欧州連合、ヤヌコビッチ氏は、同国の大統領選挙ウォンでガスのコンソーシアムを確立するため、シークが土曜日には、ロシアのテレビに語った

    • Greek fiscal crisis dominates EU summit
      The first summit of the European Union (EU) called by the bloc's President Herman Van Rompuy ended here on Thursday, dominated by Greece's fiscal crisis instead of an economic blueprint as originally planned. At a press conference held after the summit, Van Rompuy said that the discussion of EU 2020 Strategy has been put to the background, while much of the time was devoted to Greece's fiscal crisis. With rising unemployment, an aging population and soaring budget deficits, the EU informa ... 欧州連合(EU)が域内の大統領のヘルマンファンロンパイによって呼び出される初の首脳会談はここ17日、ギリシャの財政危機ではなく、当初の計画として、経済への青写真が支配した

    • Somali pirates release 18 Filipino sailors
      Eighteen Filipino sailors of a Greek vessel were released by Somali pirates after two months in captivity, the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) said Monday. This development brings down to five the total number of Filipino seafarers in the custody of ransom-seeking pirates off Somalia. The 52,073-ton Greek owned Panama flagged Bulk Carrier MV Navios Apollon was hijacked on December 28 and released on Feb. 28. The vessel is now heading to Oman. EU NAVFOR Somalia's main tasks includ ... ギリシャ船の18フィリピン人船員ソマリアの海賊によって監禁されてから2カ月後にリリースされた、欧州連合海軍部隊(EUのNAVFOR)と発表した

    • Eurozone economic confidence continues to rise in December
      Eurozone economic confidence continued to improve in December, its ninth consecutive monthly increase since its trough in March, a European Commission survey showed Thursday. The economic sentiment indicator for the 16-nation bloc sharing the euro increased by 4.1 points to 92.0, while in the 27-nation European Union (EU), the monthly indicator, based on business and consumer surveys, rose by 2.5 points to 91.3. However, in both the eurozone and the EU, the levels were stil lbelo ... ユーロ圏経済の信頼性を改善するため、12月に続き、3月に同社の谷以来、9カ月連続で増加、欧州委員会の調査で分かった

    • Eurozone industrial producer prices rise by 0.7%
      Industrial producer prices rose by 0.7 percent compared with the previous month, the European Union (EU)'s statistics arm Eurostat said on Tuesday. Compared with December 2009, industrial producer prices in the 16-nation bloc that uses the euro dropped by 1.0 percent. In January, while prices in the energy sector increased by 2.0 percent from December 2009, prices in total industry excluding the energy sector saw a slight increase of 0.2 percent. Intermediate goods, durable and non-durable ... 工業生産者物価指数は0.7%で前月と比べて上昇、欧州連合(EU)の統計情報の腕Eurostatの17日、明らかにした

    • EU economy in fragile recovery as debt crisis looms large
      Economic recovery in the European Union (EU) will remain fragile this year as a debt crisis looms large, the European Commission warned in a report on Thursday. According to the report, both the whole EU and the 16-nation euro zone were forecast to see a sluggish growth of 0.7 percent in 2010, after shrinking 4.1 percent and 4.0 percent respectively in 2009. After hard hit by the financial crisis, the EU economy is now recovering from the deepest and longest recession in its history. Real ... 欧州連合(EU)の経済回復は、今年の累積債務危機の大きな織。脆弱なままですが、欧州委員会は10日、報告書で警告した

    • Eurozone industrial production down by 1.7 percent in December
      Industrial production in the euro zone dropped by 1.7 percent in December compared with the previous month, indicating recovery remained fragile, the European Union (EU)'s statistics bureau Eurostat said on Friday. In December, eurozone production of intermediate goods decreased by 2.4 percent on monthly basis. Capital goods fell by 1.6 percent. However, durable consumer goods and non-durable consumer goods rose by 0.7 percent and 1.0 percent respectively. Energy increased by 2.1 percent. ... ユーロ圏の鉱工業生産は1.7%で、12月には前月比で示す回復、欧州連合(EU)の統計局ユーロスタット掲。壊れやすいままに比べ減少を明らかにした12月の中間財は、ユーロ圏の生産は2.4%減少で毎月

    • EU to remove antidumping duties on S Korean polyester fiber products
      The European Union (EU) will remove its antidumping duties against South Korean polyester fiber products next week, South Korea's trade ministry said Monday. The removal of antidumping duties of up to 10 percent on polyester fiber products from South Korean companies is set to begin on March 18, the ministry said, which have been in place since 1993. The announcement comes following relentless calls by South Korean companies of polyester fiber to lift the EU's antidumping tariffs on its pr ... 欧州連合(EU)は韓国のポリエステル繊維製品に対して、来週にはダンピング税が削除されますと、韓国の経済産業省が発表した

    • Eurozone construction output drops in November 2009
      Construction output in the euro zone dropped by 1.1 percent in November 2009, compared with the previous month, the European Union (EU)'s statistics arm Eurostat said on Tuesday. Year on year, the eurozone construction output declined by 8.0 percent, Eurostat said. The eurozone construction output fell by 0.4 percent month on month and by 6.7 percent on yearly basis in October 2009, according to revised figures. For the 27-member EU, production in construction sector decreased by 0.6 pe ... ユーロ圏の建設の出力2009年11月1.1%で、前月に比べ下落は、欧州連合(EU)の統計情報の腕Eurostatの17日、明らかにした

    • Eurozone December construction output rises by 0.5%
      Construction output in the eurozone rose by 0.5 percent in December 2009 compared with the previous month, European Union (EU) statistics agency Eurostat said on Wednesday. Eurostat said EU construction output also increased by 0.5 percent compared with that of November. However, against December 2008, output in the eurozone suffered a contraction of 3.1 percent the EU figure was down 3.3 percent. In Romania and Spain, construction output rose by 6.9 and 6.2 percent, respectively, on a mon ... ユーロ圏の建設の出力は0.5%で2009年12月は、前月に比べて上昇、欧州連合(EU)の統計機関Eurostatの日

    • U.S. stocks rise on Greece aid
      U.S. stocks rallied on Thursday as European Union leaders pledged to offer Greece aid to combat debt crisis and U.S. initial jobless claims dropped more than expected last week. European leaders had reached an agreement during their summit, saying members would be prepared to step in if needed to help Greece solve its debt issues. No further details were expected to be finalized until early next week when EU finance ministers meet, but the EU leaders suggested it could include some form of lo ... として欧州連合の指導者の債務危機と米国の最初の失業保険申請件数と戦うためにギリシャの援助を提供することを約。米国株式市場の反発も先週、予想以上に減少した

    • E.U. Body Sees Strategic Reasons to Encourage Iceland
      Eyeing a new, important gateway to the Arctic, the European Union’s executive body encouraged Iceland’s application to become a member despite disputes over liabilities from a failed Icelandic bank. 新しい、北極への重要なゲートウェイは、欧州連合の執行機関のメンバーになるには失敗したアイスランドの銀行からの負債を巡る論争にもかかわらず、アイスランドのアプリケーションを奨。追い風

    • Spain Reassures Iceland on EU Entry Bid
      Spanish foreign minister says Iceland's EU entry bid unaffected by bank collapse fallout Iceland - European Union - Government - Netherlands - Maps and Views スペイン語外相は、アイスランドのEU加盟入札の銀行の崩。降下アイスランド-欧州連合-政府-オランダ- Mapsや再生回数の影響を受けないという

    • Serbia-EU interim trade accord enters into force
      An interim trade agreement between Serbia and the European Union (EU) officially came into force on Monday. The full implementation of the agreement represents a clear political signal and opens the path for Serbia's EU accession, Milica Delevic, director of the Serbian European Integration Office, was quoted as saying by Serbian state news agency Tanjug. The Serbian government said earlier that the entry into force of the agreement is important as the EU has to abolish customs duties on i ... セルビアと欧州連合(EU)の間の暫定的な貿易協定が正式発効日だった

    • EU keeps close watch on Turkish 'plot'
      PARIS - The European Union is monitoring a struggle between Turkey's Islamist government and hardline secularists, discreetly warning that it expects the country to stand by the rule of law and transparency, set down as yardsticks... パリ - 欧州連合、慎重には、国の法律、透明性、評価指標などを一連のルールに立つことを期。警告、トルコのイスラム教徒の政府と強硬。世俗主義者との間の闘争を監視している...

    • S Korea, EU to officially sign free trade deal in April: S Korean gov't
      South Korea and the European Union ( EU) have decided to officially sign in April a free trade agreement between the two and implement the deal within this year as previously planned, Seoul's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said Wednesday. The trade pact was initially expected to be sealed in the first quarter of this year, but translation works on the part of the EU and the official inauguration of its executive committee have been put off, causing a delay in official signing of the de ... 韓国と欧州連合(EU)が正式に4月にこの2つは今年に入って、当初の計画に対処する実装との間の自由貿易協定に署名することを決めたが、ソウルの外交通商部と発表した

    • EU opens antitrust probe into Rio-BHP tie-up
      The European Union (EU) Monday opened an antitrust investigation into the mining deal between Anglo-Australian mining companies BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto to decide whether the deal obstructs competition. BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, respectively the second and third largest producers of iron ore in the world, signed a deal on December 5, 2009 to establish a production joint venture covering the entirety of both companies' Western Australian iron ore assets. The European Commission, the exe ... 欧州連合(EU)は月曜日かどうかを契約の競争を阻害する、それぞれ2番目と3番目の鉄鉱石の最大の生産者

    • Orange and T-Mobile deal approved
      The European Union says the planned tie-up between Orange and T-Mobile can go ahead, with some conditions. 欧州連合の計画提携オレンジとT - Mobileの前に、いくつかの条件で行くことができるという

    • Grimsson's gamble over Icesave bill
      Larry Elliott: The Icelandic president is betting that a big no vote next month will lead to a softening of the compensation dealImagine you are a voter in Iceland. After months of negotiations, your government has just agreed – albeit reluctantly – to a $5bn compensation package with Britain and the Netherlands over the collapse of the Icesave bank in 2008. The deal will cost you just over £10,000. The International Monetary Fund has dropped plenty of heavy hints that acceptance of the tough terms imposed by the Dutch and the Brits is a condition for financial help to rebuild your bombed-out economy. From Brussels, the message is that you will be refused membership of the European Union unless you pay up.Then, out of nowhere, your president says that he is not prepared to sign the deal into law without the backing of voters in a referendum. How do you vote? You don't need to be a psephologist to know the answer. The deal will be rejected by a thumping majority. A quarter of the population signed a petition opposing the terms imposed on Iceland by Britain and the Netherlands and recent opinion polls have indicated that 70% of Icelanders would vote no given the opportunity。。lafur Grimsson, Iceland's president, was well aware of what he was doing. When the Swedes held a referendum over membership of the euro, the country's political elite said yes; the people said no. When the French and the Dutch passed judgment on the first stab at the new European constitution, the elite was all in favour; the voters were not. It was the same story, first time round at least, when Ireland voted on the Lisbon treaty.In Iceland's case, the stakes are much higher. The deal, finally accepted by the prime minister, 。óhanna Sigurdardóttir, represents 40% of Iceland's GDP and is due to be rep ラリーエリオット:アイスランドの大統領は禁物投票は来月にアイスランドで投票されている補償dealImagineの軟化につながると確信している

    • Gold rallies on jobless data after EU agrees to bail out Greece
      Gold futures on the COMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange soars on Thursday after better-than-expected jobless data and the European Union's promise to help its member country Greece deal with the debt crisis. Silver and platinum both rose. The most active gold contract for April delivery climbed 18.40 U.S. dollars, or 1.7 percent, to finish at 1,094.70 dollars. EU leaders offered Greece moral support but no money to help it resolve the debt crisis on Thursday's summit. The 16 ... より後に、COMEX金課日のニューヨークマーカンタイル取引所が上がるのでの金の先物予想以上の失業者のデータと、欧州連合の約束の債務危機とその加盟国のギリシャに対処する手助けする

    • Jordan calls for time frame to realize two-state solution
      Jordan's Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh on Thursday emphasized the urgency to set a specific time frame to fulfill the two-state solution, which leads to the creation of an independent Palestinian state. During talks with Mark Otti, the European Union (EU)'s envoy to the Middle East, Judeh said it is important to intensify regional and international efforts to restart the stalled Palestinian- Israeli peace talks, the state-run Petra new agency reported. These negotiations should be in line ... ヨルダンの外相ナセルJudeh木曜日には、独立したパレスチナ国家の創設につながる特定のタイムフレームは、2つの状態のソリューションを満たすために設定するための緊急性を強調した

    • EU leaders need to put their money where their mouth is on Greece aid
      European leaders closed ranks to defend Greece from the punishment of investors in a pledge of support that may soon be tested. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her counterparts on Thursday pledged "determined and co-ordinated action" to support Greece's efforts to regain control of its finances. They stopped short of providing taxpayers' money or diluting their own demands for the country to cut the European Union's biggest budget deficit. 欧州の指導者、投資家の懲罰からのサポートの質には、すぐにテストされることがありますギリシャを守るために40.62

    • Greece defends debt deal
      Greece says a complex debt deal with US investment bank Goldman Sachs that has come under scrutiny by the European Union was above board, and will be explained in a letter being sent by the finance minister to the European Union. ギリシャ、米投資銀行ゴールドマンサックスとの複合体の債務契約では、監視下にある欧州連合によって、基板上には来ている、と言う手紙の中で説明される欧州連合への財務大臣が送信されます

    • EU plan to bury nuclear waste
      SAN DIEGO: The European Union is to bury its nuclear waste, with Finland to open the first underground waste dump. サンディエゴ発:欧州連合、フィンランドで最初の地下の廃棄物を開いて、核廃棄物を埋めることです

    • Palestinian officials say no pressure to resume talks as Hamas slams PNA-Israel ties
      Palestinian officials said on Tuesday that there is no European pressure on the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to resume the stalled peace talks with Israel, while Gaza-ruling Islamic Hamas movement slammed ties between the PNA and Israel. Earlier reports said that U.S. peace envoy George Mitchell asked the European Union to exert pressure on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the PNA to accept an immediate, unconditioned resumption of peace negotiations with the Jewish state. T ... パレスチナ自治政府当局者らにはガザ地。与党のイスラム原理主義組織の動きは、PNAとイスラエル間の関係を非難があるパレスチナ自治政府(PNA)の上では、欧州の圧力イスラエルと行き詰まっている和平交渉を再開する、と述べた

    • Recasting Nabucco
      Europe's continuing efforts to secure natural gas from Central Asia focused this month on the White Stream gas project, which would bypass Russia and Turkey, while a separate meeting involving Iraq and the European Union points to an increased role for Iraq in the key Nabucco pipeline. - Robert M Cutler ヨーロッパの継続的な努力、中央アジアからの天然ガスを確保するため、今月ホワイトストリームガス開発プロジェクトでは、ロシアとトルコをバイパスすると集中しながら別の会議、イラクを含むと、キーナブッコパイプラインでイラクの増加の役割には欧州連合を指します

    • EU mulls joining International Monitoring Team in S. Philippines
      The European Union is considering joining a team of international truce monitors, who will ensure that the Philippine government troops and separatist Muslim rebels will abide by the ceasefire agreement in Mindanao while peace negotiations are ongoing. Qatar, Indonesia, Norway, and the EU have been invited by the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to be part of the International Monitoring Team (IMT), said chief government negotiator and concurrent Foreign Affa ... 欧州連合の人が和平交渉を進行していますが、フィリピン政府軍との分離独立をイスラム教徒の反乱軍ミンダナオ島では停戦合意を順守することを保証する国際停戦監視団のチームへの参加を検討して、カタール、インドネシア、ノルウェー、EUはされているフィリピン政府とモロイスラム解放戦線(MILF)の国際監視団(IMTの一部となる)に招待し、責任者、政府の交渉と並行外国Affaている...

    • Six powers meet in New York on Iran nuclear issue
      Diplomats from six powers met behind closed doors on Saturday to discuss how to deal with Iran's nuclear issue at a time when China called for more diplomatic efforts to achieve a comprehensive and long-term solution to the issue. The meeting kicked off shortly after noon (1700 GMT) at the European Union Mission in mid-town Manhattan, central New York City, after the U.S. efforts to push for new sanctions against Iran. The six powers, also known as P5 plus 1, are five permanent members o ... 6大国は日曜日に閉じドアの後ろに会った外交官について、イランの核問題との時間に中国の外交努力の問題に包括的かつ長期的な解決を達成するために呼ばれるその問題に対処する方法について説明します

    • Spanish people earn less than some EU neighbors
      The average annual salary of Spanish people is 21,500 euros (31,000 U.S. dollars), less than that of some people in the European Union, according to a study published recently and conducted by Adecco and the IESE Business School between 2003 and 2008. The sum is much smaller than the average salary of British people who earn 46,058 euros (66,295 dollars) per year, of people in the Netherlands whose average salary is 42,720 euros (61,500 dollars) and of Germans whose salary is 40,914 euros (59 ... スペイン人の平均年俸は21500ユーロ(31000ドル)は、欧州連合のいくつかの人々のより少ない場合、調査が最近発表によるとアデコとIESEビジネススクール2003年から2008年にかけて実施されます

    • EU: Trilateral relationship between UN-AU-EU in making
      The European Union (EU) on Wednesday reaffirmed its strong engagement with the United Nations, particularly in Africa where a trilateral relationship between the UN, African Union (AU) and EU is already in the making to enhance regional cooperation. The statement came as the acting head of EU delegation, Pedro Serrano, spoke to an open Security Council debate on the cooperation between the United Nations and regional and sub-regional organizations in maintaining international peace and s ... 欧州連合(EU)は水曜日に、特にアフリカでは、国連、アフリカ連合(AU)とEUはすでに、意思の地域協力を強化している間に三国間関係のステートメントとして付属している国連との強力な関与を再確認EUの代表団は、ペドロセラーノ長代行は、国連や地域とサブの間の協力、地域機関、国際平和を維持する上で開いて安全保障理事会の議論に話を聞いたとs ...

    • Brown calls international conference to discuss Yemen
      The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called an international conference in London to discuss how to help Yemen to tackle extremism The United States and European Union had expressed their support for the 28 January meeting and Brown intended to attract Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states to attend local media reported The international community must not deny Yemen the support it needs to tackle extremism said Brown I have said before that Yemen as both an inc 英国のゴードンブラウン首相どのようにイエメン、米国と欧州連合は1月28日の会議のためにサポートし、ブラウンに出席するため、サウジアラビアや他の湾岸諸国を引き付けることを意図表明していた過激派に取り組むために支援を議論するため、ロンドンの国際会議と呼ばれる地元メディアがイエメンに過激に取り組むために必要な支援を拒否しないでください、国際社会報告ブラウン私は前に述べているによると、イエメンの両方大口として


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