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    ニュース 政治 国際 関連語 ポルトガル 金融危機 国際通貨基金 欧州中央銀行
    • China accuses EU over 'illegal' shoe tariffs
      China has has accused the European Union of imposing illegal tariffs on leather shoes imported into the 27-country region in a complaint with the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The move follows the EU's controversial decision in December to extend for 15 months anti-dumping duties on Chinese and Vietnamese shoes from January. 中国の革の靴は27の国地域には、世界貿易機関(WTO)に苦情をインポートでの違法な関税を課すのは欧州連合非難している

    • EU Announces Greece Bailout Deal
      European Union President Herman Van Rompuy says deal has been reached to help Greece overcome debt crisis 欧州連合会長ヘルマンヴァンロンパイ契約ギリシャ危機の借金を克服するために達しているという

    • Somali pirates free Thai fishing boat for ransom
      The European Union Naval Force said on Sunday that Somali pirates have freed a Thai fishing boat after receiving a ransom. &$&$Source: Xinhua &$&$ ... 欧州連合海軍空軍は16日、ソマリアの海賊は身代金を受け取った後に、タイの漁船を解放したと発表した

    • UN says Mideast quartet to meet in Moscow on March 19
      The Mideast quartet for peace is set to meet in Moscow on March 19, the United Nations announced on Tuesday. Martin Nesirky, the UN spokesman, told a news briefing that UN secreary-general is scheduled to attend the Moscow meeting. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in Moscow on Feb. 24 that the March 19 meeting will be held at the ministerial level. The quartet, which is dedicated to search for peace in the Middle East, comprises Russia, the United Nations, the European Union ... 平和のために中東カルテット、モスクワで3月19日を満たすために設定され、国連は16日マーティンNesirky、国連の報道官は、発表した国連secreary -一般的なロシアの外務大臣セルゲイモスクワ会議に出席する予定です記者会見ラブロフ外相、モスクワで2月24日には、3月19日会議は、閣僚レベルで開催されると述べた

    • Google's trouble in Europe exposes lack of social responsibility
      Google was forced to defend itself in Europe after facing three separate accusations of breaching privacy or antitrust rules last week, which raised serious concerns about the internet search giant's social responsibility. A Milan court on Wednesday convicted three Google executives for allowing a video showing the bullying of an autistic Italian boy to be posted on the website in 2006. On the same day, the European Commission, the European Union's antitrust watchdog, confirmed that it ha ... Googleのヨーロッパの最後の週は、インターネット検索大手の社会的責任については、深刻な懸念のプライバシーや独占禁止法のルール違反の3つの別々の非難に直面して後に自分自身を守るために余儀なくされた

    • Oil settles above 75 dollars
      Oil prices rose for the fourth session on Thursday as European Union leaders' pledge to help debt- stricken Greece boosted market sentiment. European leaders had reached an agreement on Thursday, saying members would be prepared to step in if needed to help Greece solve its debt issues. Though details will not be revealed until next week's EU financial ministers meeting, investors' concerns were eased. Upbeat jobless report also helped to push oil higher. The U.S. Labor Department reporte ... として欧州連合の指導者の約束を果たすの債務を助けるためギリシャ、市場のセンチメント後押し襲われた

    • HK toy exports earn 88.55 billion HK dollars
      Hong Kong's toy exports went down 10 percent to 88.55 billion HK dollars (11.35 billion U.S. dollars) in the first 11 months of 2009, according to figures released by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council Monday at a toys and games fair. Toy exports to Russia fell 57.1 percent while exports to Czech rose 58.2 percent. Exports to the U.S. dropped 23.6 percent and that to the European Union dipped 8 percent. As for baby products in the first 11 months of 2009, the exports reache ... 香港の玩。輸出は10%減の数字は、香港貿易発展局の月曜日までにおもちゃやゲームが公正な発表によると、88550000000香港ドル、2009年の最初の11カ月(11350000000ドル)になった

    • A stronger Europe | José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Herman Van Rompuy
      div class track img alt src http hits guardian co uk b ss guardiangu feeds 1 H 20 3 2723 ns guardian pageName A stronger Europe 7C Jos C3 A9 Luis Rodr C3 ADguez Zapatero and Herman Van Rompuy 3AArticle 3A1324820 ch Comment is free c3 Guardian c4 European Union 28News 29 2CWorld news 2CClimate change 28Environment 29 2CImmigration and asylum 2CEconomic policy c6 Jos C3 A9 Luis Rodr C3 ADguez Zapatero and Herman Van Rompuy c7 10 Jan 03 c8 1324820 c9 Article c10 Comment c11 Comment is free c13 c25 Comment is free c30 content h2 GU 2FComment is free 2Fblog 2FComment is free width 1 height 1 div p class standfirst The Lisbon treaty will bring the continent closer together and give it a single firm voice p p The a href http europa eu lisbon treaty index en htm title Lisbon treaty Lisbon treaty a which came into force on 1 December opens up a new stage for the European Union for this project of coexistence between 27 countries and 500 million people a project created on the values of freedom and human dignity of tolerance and solidarity p p As presidents of the European council and of the government of the rotating presidency we would like the application of the Lisbon treaty to be as diligent and rigorous as possible In a spirit of c。。operation we will promote the EU s new institutional order so we can address and resolve the problems that concern us all Together we will address the priorities set out in the programme of the presidency p p The first is the full implementation of the treaty because it is on this basis that we can pursue the remaining objectives we have set ourselves to make further progress in co ordinating national economic policies to consolidate recovery to contribute to enabling Europe to speak with a 部クラスのトラックのB ß guardianguの1 H 20 3 2723ナノ秒後見人ページ名強力なヨーロッパ7CをJosは83 ± 9ルイスRodr 83 ADguezサパテロ、ヘルマンヴァンロンパイ3AArticle 3A1324820チャンネルコメントのフィードをAltキーを押し鉄骨のhttpヒット後見人共同英国のスペースは無料です83ガーディアンc4欧州連合28News 29 2CWorldニュース2CClimate変更28Environment 29 2CImmigrationや亡命2CEconomicポリシーc6へヨス83 ± 9ルイスRodr 83 ADguezサパテロ、ヘルマンヴァンロンパイc7 10 1月3日c8 1324820 C9の記事c10コメントのC11をコメントc13 C25をコメントを無料でC30のコンテンツの水素区2FCommentは無料です無料2Fblog 2FComment 1高さ1部pクラスstandfirstリスボン条約のより緊密な大陸をもたらすとのhrefはhttpヨーロッパEUのリスボン条約をインデックスアンhtmファイルのタイトルリスボン条約リスボン条約は単一企業の。所蔵する無料の幅ですが来た強制的に12月1日に開く欧州連合のための新たな段階に27カ国、500万人のプロジェクトの自由と寛容とは、欧州理事会との大統領としての連帯所蔵の人間の尊厳の値で作成されたとの共存、このプロジェクトのオープン私たちのことは、リスボン条約の適用を希望の輪番制の議長は、政府勤勉で掲載新たな制度のためなのでアドレスを指定できますし、問題を解決するに懸念を可能な協力の精神を、私たちは、EUを推進するの動作では厳格な問い合わせこれは、この基準は、我々自身の調整と共同でさらに発展させるように設定して、残りの目標を追求する上ではすべて一緒に私たちは優先順位は、大統領のプログラムの最初の所蔵を設定するアドレスは、条約の完全な実装は国家経済政策で話すことがヨーロッパを有効に貢献して回復を確固たるものに

    • EU not linking donations with peace process progress: PNA official
      Palestinian National Authority (PNA) officials denied on Saturday that European Union (EU) linked its financial aid to the Palestinians with achieving progress in the stalled Middle East peace. Earlier Israeli media reports published on Friday said that the EU informed the U.S. administration that it won't keep its financial donations to the PNA during year 2010 without achieving a progress in the peace process. Nabil Abu Rdeineh, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, ... パレスチナ自治政府(PNA)の当局者は10日、欧州連合(EU)が行き詰まっている中東和平の進展を達成するには、パレスチナ人への金融支援をリンクされて拒否されました


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