Arab Spring quiz of the year 2011 2011 will go down as the year in which the Arab world was rocked by uprisings, but do you know your jasmine from your pearl revolutions?Simon Tisdall
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A Revolution Is Not A Tweetup: Jasmine Revolution And The Limits Of China's Internet It is not uncommon to see China media coverage running along at least two sets of tracks that should crash into each other often but too rarely cross on the page: the political story and the economic story. The so-called Jasmine Revolution and the last week of news about China's Internet show how those tracks intersect far more than we appreciate. 政治的な話や経済の話:これは、中国メディアの報道は、ページ上の多くの場合あまりにもめったにクロスお互いにクラッシュする必要がありますトラックの少なくとも2つのセットに沿って稼動していることも珍しくありません
Kick boxing schoolgirls worry Queensland govt Queensland may consider regulating combat sports involving children after a furore over a martial arts kick boxing bout between two primary school girls on the Gold Coast.The clash between eight-year-old Jasmine Parr and seven-year-old... null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40
SINOGRAPH : US vapor trail leads to Jasmine revolt Recent successes in the United States' strategy in the Muslim world - keeping intervention light and pushing others to take the lead - could forebode even larger plans, and an emphasis on Cold War tactics to destabilize countries. Iran could be next in the chain, and the logical step to re-establish global authority would be action to stir change in China. - Francesco Sisci (Aug 31, '11) イスラム世界における米国の戦略の最近の成功 - 介入の光を維持し、率先して他人をプッシュは - さらに大規模なプロジェクトを計画、そして国を不安定化する冷戦の戦術に重点を予言することができます
Jasmine and other revolution names The revolt in Tunisia, which has been nicknamed the Jasmine Revolution, is the latest in a series of uprisings to be given such symbolic names. Some previous examples: ジャスミンの革命の愛称で親しまれているチュニジア、の反乱は、このようなシンボリック名を与えられることに反乱のシリーズの最新作です
Jasmine Revolutions Throw China's Africa Strategy Into Limbo While many China observers have wondered about the effect of North Africa's jasmine revolutions on Chinese society, there has been far less discussion about how they will affect China on the business front. 多くの中国のオブザーバーがいるが中国社会に北アフリカのジャスミンの回転の効果について疑問、彼らはビジネス面で中国をどのように影響するかについてははるかに少ない議論がされています
Egyptian revolution has the energy of rock festival Traditional political assumptions cannot be applied to an opposition movement going through a chaotic - and joyful - birthThere was a moment last week in Cairo that gave me pause for thought. I was talking to Mohamed Negahid, a 30-year-old quality manager, at a pro-Mubarak demonstration outside the state television station.Egypt, he told me, was not like Tunisia, where I had been barely two weeks before, covering the Jasmine Revolution that deposed Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. Nor is Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, like Ben Ali.He was right, of course. All revolutions have their own trajectories and fault lines. But something else struck me. Used to a certain kind of politics in our own countries, we have been looking to find the same in these upheavals in the Arab world. And not finding it, we have declared the process unfocused or unsatisfactory.The truth is that what we have been witnessing in this past month has been as much about the psychological processes involved in the birth of opposition movements in two autocratic states as it has been about the actual politics of them, which are still in the process of being defined.I saw it in the little groups outside the Casbah in Tunis who had gathered to debate, and in Cairo's Tahrir Square, among people engaging in confrontations sometimes intense, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes even aggressive. They were engaged in a conversation that is still being thrashed out, whose resolution is hampered by the sheer novelty of open debate.Many have struggled to interpret what is happening. In Tunisia and Egypt, the media and others have tried to impose their own simplistic narrative by promoting opposition figures who are easy to identify – like Rachid Ghannouchi and Mohamed ElBaradei – and by proposing scenarios that only partly 伝統的な政治の仮定が通過反対運動に適用することはできませんカオス - とうれしそうな - birthThere私は思考の停止したカイロの瞬間の最後の一週間でした
Yemen Timeline: From Jasmine Revolution to Widespread Unrest As of June 4, President Saleh's forces and forces loyal tribal leader Sheikh Sadiq al-Ahmar accepted Saudi-brokered cease-fire 6月4日の時点では、サーレハ大統領の軍と軍の忠実な部族指導者シェイクSadiqさんアルアハマルは、サウジアラビアが仲介の停戦を受け入れた
Chinese jasmine tea battles with Britain to be tops China is one of the world's largest producers and consumers of tea, but on the international market, 80 percent of profits from tea production are scooped up by Britain. However, this is likely to change — at least in some certain sub-sectors such as the jasmine tea.
Lipton, the world famous British brand, boasts nearly 3 billion U.S. dollars in annual sales, while Chinese tea exports are priced at even less than 1 U.S. dollar per 500 kilogram, much lower than that of Lipton.
&$<center ... 中国は、世界最大の生産者とお茶の消費者の一つである国際市場では、茶の生産からの利益の80%は英国ですくっている
Guardian Focus Podcast: Tunisia's Jasmine revolution It's been a week since President Ben Ali jumped on a plane and fled the country he ruled with an iron grip for 23 years. The interim president is a member of the same ruling party, so is the 'unity government' just a new name for the old regime?Riazat Butt, is joined by Middle East editor Ian Black, deputy editor of the Economist Intelligence Unit Ayesha Sabavala and the Observer's foreign affairs editor Peter Beaumont to ask what the new political landscape will look like in Tunisia. How much can be read into the role of social networking in the Jasmine revolution? How will former colonial rulers France react to a change of leadership in Tunis?Other countries in the Magreb region have been watching the developments in Tunisia closely. The panel debates whether the uprising could be replicated eleswhere.Riazat ButtIan BlackPeter BeaumontPeter Sale
英国The Economist(最大51%オフ!)...... Regulation and the Obama administration 英国the economist(エコノミスト) □ 2011/01/22発売号 ■the world this week politics this week business this week kal's cartoon ■leaders inequality the rich and the rest china's currency the rise of the redback tunisia and the arab world let the scent of jasmine spread asian medical innovation life should be cheap doing deals in russia how bad is bp? the costs of drug prohibition let them chew coca ■letters on gun control, italy, public-sector unions, london's bike-hire scheme, food prices, light bulbs, happiness ■briefing tunisia ali baba gone, but what about the 40 thieves? ■united states regulation and the obama administration red tape rising defining poverty measure by measure filibuster reform talking cure haley barbour's ambitions inside man sargent shriver's passing altruism personified the cotton industry bloom times the states and their budgets in search of an answer lexington china in the mind of america ■the americas organised crime in central america the rot spreads the coca leaf storm in an andean teacup disaster prevention in brazil after the flood justice and haiti baby crawls back cuba and the united states the worm that turned ■asia integrating south-east asia china coming down the tracks a cabinet shake-up in japan the pol who won't give up indian politics more bite needed reporting in north korea not the pyongyang times politics in malaysia najib in overdrive china's confucius institutes rectification of statues banyan tiger cubs v precious lambs correction: nagasaki ■middle east & africa israeli politics can the doves take off again? syria's economy hard choices for the government nigeria's presidential primary another term beckons south africa's languages tongues under threat ■europe spain and the euro crisis a great burden for zapatero to bear france and africa ties across the mediterranean silvio berlusconi's scandals a party animal lithuania and poland bad blood teaching german immigrants history the past is another country charlemagne the name's bond. eurobond ■britain reforming public services where thatcher feared to tread the inflation scare the long blip burberry and globalisation a checkered story cheap booze getting (a wee bit) dearer rape and prostitution in from the cold education maintenance allowances a hand-up, not a handset transparency and the state fiat a little more lux recycling government data bit by bit bagehot the gruffalo years ■international inequality unbottled gini correction: the indian army ■a special report on global leaders the few more millionaires than australians unloading the loaded the rise and rise of the cognitive elite not for sale the world's water-coolers the global campus crazy-talking boffins tribes still matter asia's new aristocrats they work for us sources and acknowledgments offer to readers ■business medical technology frugal healing japan responds to china rare action bp in russia dancing with mr putin food prices the consequences of costly nosh face value: john quelch teaching case studies in china live music pricing the piper apple the boss is unwell schumpeter nipping at their heels ■briefing canada's tar sands muck and brass ■finance and economics china's currency stranger than fiction shorting china waiting for the great fall high-yield bonds back on the junk buttonwood worlds apart goldman sachs and facebook a risk too far commodity prices and global growth back with a vengeance commodity prices fluid logic economics focus the beautiful and the damned ■science & technology premarital sex the waiting game planetary rovers space hopping cigarettes in films smoked out water purification any old iron? palaeontology unscrambled eggs ■books & arts modern india over a billion people now pakistan future unrosy the rise and fall of the dollar go with the flows economic folly how the reader was lost the global economy forecasting trouble ibsen's “john gabriel borkman” winter chill ■obituary alfred kahn ■economic and financial indicators overview output, prices and jobs the economist commodity-price index labour productivity trade, exchange rates, budget balances and interest rates markets foreign direct investment
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