India, Japan discuss civil nuclear deal Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada met his Indian counterpart to discuss civil nuclear cooperation between the two nations. 日本の外務大臣岡田克也は彼のインドの対応を二国間の民生用原子力協力について意見を交わした
Japan complains to China about business environment Japan pressed China to improve its climate for foreign businesses during talks Saturday between the world's number two and three economies that also touched on the issue of North Korean disarmament.Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada led a delegation to Beijing for talks with a Chinese side led by Vice Premier Wang Qishan in which both urged even greater cooperation between their two increasingly inter-connected economies. 日本は中国が会談土曜日世界第2位の間に3つの経済はまた、北朝鮮、韓国disarmament.Foreign大臣岡田克也の問題に触れ、外国企業のための気候を改善するために押された北京に中国側副主導と協議するため代表団を率いプレミア王岐山は、両方のは、2人のますます相互接続国間の一層の協力を求めた
Japan's Cabinet resigns, paving way for new administration Japan's Cabinet resigned early Friday to pave way for a new administration, local media reported.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan's office confirmed the resignations. Japan's new Cabinet lineup is set to be unveiled in the afternoon, according to Kyodo News.
The new Cabinet will have a new Foreign Minister, because the current Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada was believed to have accepted the post as the secretary general of Japan's ruling Democratic Party. &$
&$Source: Xinhua&$&$
... 日本の内閣は、行。辞任早く新しい道を金曜日まで舗装、地元メディアが報じた
Japanese FM meets U.S. official on nuclear standoffs Japan's Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada met with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg on Friday to coordinate efforts between Tokyo and Washington on ongoing negotiations with Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) over nuclear issues.
The DPRK nuclear issue had made no breakthrough as Pyongyang retreated from the six-party talks, while Tehran is accused by the United States and its allies of looking to develop the bomb, despite Iran's claim that it is using the te ... 日本の外務大臣岡田克。米国務副長官、ジェームズスタインバーグ、金曜日の核問題をめぐるイランと民主主義人民共和国(北朝鮮)との継続的な交渉に東京とワシントンの間の努力を調整するために会った
Japan to send expert medical team to assist earthquake-stricken Haiti Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada said Friday an emergency medical team will be sent to join a host of rescue teams, comprised of doctors, soldiers and humanitarian organizations from around the globe, to help rescue efforts in Haiti, which was hit by the devastating earthquake on Tuesday.
Okada said the team, scheduled to embark from Narita on Saturday, will consist of around 20 members, including personnel from the Foreign Ministry. The team is initially scheduled to fly into Mia ... 日本の外務大臣岡田克。金曜日緊急医療チームを派遣される救助チームは、ハイチ、これは壊滅的な地震に見舞われたの救助活動を支援するためのホスト、医師、兵士や人道支援団体は、世界中から構成され、参加している火曜日岡田チームは、成田土曜日から始める予定で、外務省職員を含む約20人で構成されている