Debt accord set to ease European Directories deal Creditors are putting the finishing touches to a €2bn (£1.7bn) restructuring of publishing company European Directories in a deal which will see 80 per sent of debt written off. 債権団は€20億(£ 1.7bn)の取引で出版社の80負債の帳消し送信あたりが表示されますリストラ欧州ディレクトリに最後の仕上げを入れている
UN Official Says Taliban Arrests Stopped Secret Talks Kai Eide told the BBC he communicated with senior Taliban members in person and through written messages starting about a year ago カイアイダ彼は人のタリバンのメンバーと書かれたメッセージは約1年前からを通じて伝えBBCに対し、
S Korean economy recovers amid growing external uncertainties South Korea's domestic economy continues to recover despite of temporary risk factors and rising external uncertainties, the government said Thursday, vowing to maintain its expansionary fiscal policies.
The domestic economy continues to recover alongside with the world economy, but external uncertainties are growing such as rising oil prices, credit instability in the European market, a monthly report written by the finance ministry said.
To guard against lingering uncertainties, the gov ... 韓国国内の景気回復が上昇し、外部不確実性を一時的なリスク要因とにもかかわらず、引き続き、政府は17日、財政拡大政策を維持するために言明した
Okinawa politicians push for Futenma base to be moved out Members of the Okinawa Assembly on Thursday urged the Japanese government to relocate the Futenma air base of U.S. Marines out of their prefecture.
The group handed Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa a written request that was unanimously adopted by the Okinawa Assembly last month, and requested that the governing Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) look to move the air base out of the prefecture.
The DPJ came to power last summer on a number of campaign pledges, one of which was to reconsider ... 26日、沖縄国会のメンバーたちの県のうち米海兵隊の普天間基地の移転を日本政府に促した
EU-Israel relations in spotlight over spy affair Master spy novelist Frederick Forsyth told the BBC last week he would never have written a book in which his heroes botched their mission as did the hit team that killed a Hamas operative in Dubai a month ago.
The fact that at least 11 of the alleged killers were caught on the myriad closed-circuit television cameras around the emirate has most likely ensured those spies will never work in the field again.
The enormous media interest in the incident, coupled with the claims that Israel's ... マスタースパイ小説家のフレデリックフォーサイス氏は先週は、彼の英雄としてその1ヶ月前にドバイでのハマスの工作員を殺害したヒットチームでしたが、ミッションやり損われた本を書いたことがないとは、BBCに語った
UNESCO calls for suspending trade of Haitian artworks Director-General of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Irina Bokova has written to UN chief Ban Ki-moon calling for a suspension of trading in Haitian artworks to prevent the loss of the country's cultural heritage, said a UNESCO statement on Monday.
Bokova said she hoped UN Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes, organizations coordinating relief work in Haiti, and the UN peacekeeping mission could join hands in doing what they c ... 事務局長は、国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)、イリーナBokovaの国連事務総長潘基に書かれているギムンハイチの美術品の売買停止のための国の文化遺産の損失を防ぐための呼び出しは、ユネスコの声明月曜日に