- no day off on weekend
therefore, no day off on weekend for me, even week day. but it's ok to me. if i were free, i would want to do nothing. i love being busy. no busy day no life lol
- 02 How to buy Amami Shamisen on Japanese Website
this site is written in japanese. if you agree next three conditions, central gakki co., ltd. will send you amami shamisen in response to your order from overseas.
- 『おねだり -Bittendes Kind-』
the end ************************************************************
- Hello World!!
see you next month. good luck! :d
- Small talk in English 英語で話そう!
the mistake would probably have gone no further except that a german geographer named マルチ ン・ワルドゼーミュラー was working on a revised edition of the map of ptolemy( プトレマイオス ). in the course of his research he stumbled upon the florentine letters. he was impressed with the spurious account of vespucci's exploit , hook -line-and-sinker, and inadvertently named the massive continent in his honor. although at that time it only referred to only south america, later its northern counterpart got to be called north america.
if all of what was written in the textbooks about vespucci was wrong, he still had one possible, if marginal, claim to fame. he is believed to have been the brother of simonetta vespucci, the model for venus in the famous painting by botticelli.
incidentally, this may be a good example on how we should learn world history. the niece i am teaching has long tried very hard memorizing historical events in the world almost blindly and mechanically without knowing any kind of such stories about them. world history is one of the most interesting subjects if we are curious about how and why events happened. if he knows this story how can he forget that botticelli, columbus and vespucci lived in about the same period in the history. something is definitely wrong with the way teachers nowadays teach history... and any subjects.
- Spiritual Amnesia 霊的な物忘れ症候群 Crazy Love by Francis Chan より
there is an epidemic of spiritual amnesia going around, and none of us is immune. no matter how many fascinating details we learn about god s creation, no matter how many pictures we see of his galaxies, and no matter how many sunsets we watch, we still forget.
- neu v
the future is unwritten feat. joe strummer [ the clash ] ジョー・ストラマーの遺族が立ち上げた慈善団体、「 ストラマーヴィル 」の趣旨に賛同し、 ジョーの残したメッセージ『 the future is unwritten -未来はまだ決まっていない 』をテーマ
- そり不祥事の関連記事(バンクーバー冬季五輪)
the sticker was found to be missing in a standard sled-check 35 minutes before the competition was to begin. the fibt said japanese team officials never presented the sled for inspection, at which time it likely would have received the approved sticker. inspectio