- 09/09/13
dropのインタビューが、london?tokyo styleで行われてます
- WOWFES!の余韻
enc. tonight i celebrate my love (with raul, ken)
enc. you’ve got a friend (with raul, ken)
- ネイティブでも間違えてる英語
farther: for physical distance
further: for metaphorical distance or time
- Spiritual Amnesia 霊的な物忘れ症候群 Crazy Love by Francis Chan より
eternity bible collegeの創設者であり、children s hunger fundの理事
- 入門ビジネス英語 2009年9月7日放送
now, let’s look at key expressions in action.
the first one is,,,
the next one is,,,
the last one is,,,
other useful phrases
the first one is:
updates are easy as pie if you follow that order.
“easy as pie” is an idiomatic way of referring to something
that is easy to do.
using “if” to link “updates are easy as pie”
and “follow that order” implies
that matthew thinks katsunori should do things according to procedure.