- 【VOA】コメント一覧 10 11 10 17 1
3 economic conditions raising stress levels in workers ストレスの科学
- 【音楽】Fly Me To The Moon--フランク・シナトラから加護亜依まで。
fly me to the moon 作詞:bart howard訳詞:橘結希
poets often use many words to say a simple thing.
- ステロイド
last week, after years of public curiosity about what was hidden behind mark mcgwire’s testimony to congress in 2005, mcgwire admitted he indeed had a secret. he conceded that his career was marked by intermittent steroid use, even during 1998, the year he broke roger maris’ single-season home run record. his historic run was unreal . . . literally.
pubulic curiousty: 一般の好奇心、be hidden: 隠される、testimony:証言、congress:議会、admit:認める、conced: 認める、 mark:記録する、intermittient:間歇な、steroid use:ステロイド使用, unreal:非現実的、literally:文字通り
- 中秋の名月。今年も“Fly Me to the Moon”
fly me to the moon - sinatra