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    音楽 関連語 アルカイダ 中川翔子 AKIRA 上地雄輔 ATSUSHI 辻希美 山本美憂 Somalia
    • U.S. Extends Reevaluation of Security Threats to Yemen and Somalia
      Analyst says Yemeni ties have had limited impact on Somalia’s insurgency アナリストイエメンの関係、ソマリアの武装勢力に限られた影響を及ぼしているという
      Analyst says Yemeni ties have had limited impact on Somaliau0026#39;s insurgency in Yemen relations, analysts said the impact was limited to armed groups in Somalia

    • US Navy Concerned About Alleged Al-Qaida Threat to US Ships
      Message posted on extremist web site prompts US Navy to elevate risk level for ships passing through bodies of water near Somalia メッセージの過激派のWebサイトに掲。米海軍艦艇のソマリア付近の水の遺体を通過するリスクレベルを高めるように求められます
      Message posted on extremist web site prompts US Navy to elevate risk level for ships passing through bodies of water near Somaliau0026#39;s radical message posting on the Web site. You are prompted to raise the risk level of water that passes through the body of U.S. Navy vessels near Somalia

    • WFP Ends Food Aid to 1 Million Somalis
      Nearly one-third of all those WFP planned to feed in Somalia will be affected by move ほぼすべて一人はWFPの3番目のソマリアでのフィードへ移動によって影響を受ける予定で
      Nearly one-third of all those WFP planned to feed in Somalia will be affected by move WFP Almost every person in three will be affected by the move to the second feed in Somalia

    • New US Airline Security Measures Scare Africans
      New US rules call for increased screening of passengers from 14 countries, including Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan 米国の新規則の乗客の増加のスクリーニングは、ナイジェリア、ソマリア、スーダンなど14カ国からの呼び出し
      New US rules call for increased screening of passengers from 14 countries, including Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan increased screening of passengers, the new rules in the United States, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan and calls from 14 countries,

    • UN Suspends Food Aid in Southern Somalia
      WFP says attacks, demands from armed groups have made its work impossible WFPの攻撃は、武装グループからの要求は不可能その作業を行ったの言葉
      WFP says attacks, demands from armed groups have made its work impossible WFP attack, the request word from militant groups that did not work

    • At Least 30 Killed in Central Somalia Fighting
      Scores more have been wounded in the battle between insurgent group al Shabab and the group of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa in Dhusamareb 詳細Dhusamarebで武装グループのアルシャバブとAhluスンナウォルマートJamaaのグループとの間の戦闘で負傷されているスコア
      Scores more have been wounded in the battle between insurgent group al Shabab and the group of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa in Dhusamareb Dhusamareb and more Sunnauorumato Ahlu armed group Jamaa Arushababu being wounded in battle score between the group of

    • Sectarian Fighting Erupts in Central Somalia
      The fighting in Dhusamareb is first since Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa took control of town from al Shabab in December 2008 以来、AhluスンナウォルマートJamaaアルシャバブ日から12月、2008年に町の支配Dhusamarebで戦う初めてだ
      The fighting in Dhusamareb is first since Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa took control of town from al Shabab in December 2008 since, Ahlu Sunnauorumato Arushababu Jamaa from December, 2008 is the first rule of fight in the town was Dhusamareb

    • Cartoonist intruder has arrest history
      div class track img alt src http hits guardian co uk b ss guardiangu feeds 1 H 20 3 5178 ns guardian pageName Man who broke into Danish cartoonist 27s home had been arrested in Kenya 3AArticle 3A1324803 ch World news c3 GU co uk c4 Muhammad cartoons row 2006 28News 29 2CDenmark 2CSomalia 28News 29 2CKenya 28News 29 2CHillary Clinton 28News 29 2CWorld news c6 Associated Press c7 10 Jan 03 c8 1324803 c9 Article c10 News c11 World news c13 c25 c30 content h2 GU 2FWorld news 2FMuhammad cartoons row 2006 width 1 height 1 div p class standfirst Somalian was detained in September for allegedly plotting attack against Hillary Clinton Danish media says p p p p A Somalian man caught breaking into the home of a cartoonist whose portrayal of the prophet Muhammad sparked fury across the Muslim world five years ago was arrested in Kenya last year Danish media reports said today p p The Danish PET intelligence agency knew the 28 year old man had been detained in Kenya in September for allegedly participating in planning an attack against the US secretary of state Hillary Clinton the Politiken newspaper said p p The report citing unnamed sources said the man was later released because of a lack of evidence p p Clinton visited Kenya as part of an 11 day tour of Africa during August p p Bo Jensen the Danish ambassador to Kenya told the Ritzau news agency the Somali man was arrested in Kenya for having incomplete travel documents p p However he said the Kenyan authorities never told the embassy that he was suspected of involvement in any terror plot adding that the newspaper had misunderstood the situation p p PET would not comment on the reports or the Somali suspect p p The man was charged with two counts of attempted murde _NULL_
      div class track img alt src http hits guardian co uk b ss guardiangu feeds 1 H 20 3 5178 ns guardian pageName Man who broke into Danish cartoonist 27s home had been arrested in Kenya 3AArticle 3A1324803 ch World news c3 GU co uk c4 Muhammad cartoons row 2006 28News 29 2CDenmark 2CSomalia 28News 29 2CKenya 28News 29 2CHillary Clinton 28News 29 2CWorld news c6 Associated Press c7 10 Jan 03 c8 1324803 c9 Article c10 News c11 World news c13 c25 c30 content h2 GU 2FWorld news 2FMuhammad cartoons row 2006 width 1 height 1 div p class standfirst Somalian was detained in September for allegedly plotting attack against Hillary Clinton Danish media says pppp A Somalian man caught breaking into the home of a cartoonist whose portrayal of the prophet Muhammad sparked fury across the Muslim world five years ago was arrested in Kenya last year Danish media reports said today pp The Danish PET intelligence agency knew the 28 year old man had been detained in Kenya in September for allegedly participating in planning an attack against the US secretary of state Hillary Clinton the Politiken newspaper said pp The report citing unnamed sources said the man was later released because of a lack of evidence pp Clinton visited Kenya as part of an 11 day tour of Africa during August pp Bo Jensen the Danish ambassador to Kenya told the Ritzau news agency the Somali man was arrested in Kenya for having incomplete travel documents pp However he said the Kenyan authorities never told the embassy that he was suspected of involvement in any terror plot adding that the newspaper had misunderstood the situation pp PET would not comment on the reports or the Somali suspect pp The man was charged with two counts of attempted murde _NULL_

    • Cartoonist's attacker's 'al-Qaida links'
      div class track img alt src http hits guardian co uk b ss guardiangu feeds 1 H 20 3 16252 ns guardian pageName Assassin shot in cartoonist 27s home has links to al Qaida 2C say police 3AArticle 3A1324685 ch World news c3 Obs c4 Muhammad cartoons row 2006 28News 29 2CAl Qaida 28News 29 2CDenmark 2CWorld news c6 Tracy McVeigh c7 10 Jan 03 c8 1324685 c9 Article c10 News c11 World news c13 c25 c30 content h2 GU 2FWorld news 2FMuhammad cartoons row 2006 width 1 height 1 div p class standfirst Denmark shocked by return of Islamist terrorism after 2005 storm over drawings of the Prophet Muhammad p p Danish police admitted yesterday that a Somalian caught breaking into the home of a cartoonist whose work sparked riots across the Muslim world five years ago was a would be assassin with links to al Qaida p p The 28 year old had an axe and a knife when he was shot and wounded by police late on Friday night after cartoonist Kurt Westergaard heard windows being broken and pressed a panic alarm at his house in Aarhus p p News of the attack on Westergaard 74 who was with his five year old granddaughter at the time shocked many in Denmark who had believed the country s brush with Islamist extremism was consigned to the past p p Westergaard told his employer the em Jyllands Posten em daily that he had locked himself and the child in the bathroom as the assailant shouted revenge and blood and tried to smash his way into the house My grandchild did fine he told the newspaper It was scary It was close Really close But we did it p p Westergaard has lived amid tight security with a special safe room inside his house ever since his caricature of the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban was first published by em Jyllands Po 部クラスのトラックのB ß guardianguの1 H 27秒ホームアルカイダ2Cをにリンクしている漫画家で20 3 16252ナノ秒後見人ページ名アサショットフィードAltキーを押し鉄骨のhttpヒット後見人共同英国のスペースと言う警察3AArticle 3A1324685チャンネル世界のニュース83観測c4ムハンマドの風刺漫画の行2006 28News 29 2CAl国際テロ組織アルカイダ28News 29 2CDenmark 2CWorldニュースc6へトレイシーマクベイc7 10 1月3日c8 1324685 C9の記事c10ニュースC11を世界のニュースc13 C25をC30のコンテンツの水素区2FWorldニュース2FMuhammad漫画行2006幅1高さ1部pクラスstandfirstデンマークイスラムの返還にショックを受けるテロは預言者ムハンマド所蔵デンマークの警察の図面を2005年嵐の後の22日、ソマリア、その作品は5年前にアルカイダ所蔵28へのリンクを殺していたはずだイスラム世界での暴動をきっかけ漫画家の自宅に侵入キャッチを認めた歳の斧とナイフで彼が撃たれたと警察は金曜の夜に漫画家のクルトウェステルゴール窓が壊れてとウェステルゴール74攻撃のオーフス所蔵のニュースで彼の家では人となったパニックアラームが押さ聞いた後、後半で負傷した彼の一度に5歳の孫娘デンマークは国の過去のppにウェステルゴール日ユランズポステン日、毎日、彼とはバスルームには、子自身がロックされていた彼の雇用者に対し委託されたイスラム過激派と隣り合わせの掲載と信じていた多くのショックを受けた加害者の復讐と血と叫び、私の孫氏はまた近い本当だった近いしかし、我々はウェステルゴール彼の家までの中に、特別な安全な部屋で厳重な警備の中で生きてきた所蔵しなかった恐ろしいされた紙に語ったうまくいった家の中に彼の方法で粉砕しようとした以来、預言者ムハンマドの彼のターバンに爆弾を仕掛けたとの似顔絵を彼の最初の日でユランズポー公開されて

    • Shooting at Danish cartoonist's home
      div class track img alt src http hits guardian co uk b ss guardiangu feeds 1 H 20 3 12489 ns guardian pageName Intruder shot at home of Danish cartoonist 3AArticle 3A1324658 ch World news c3 GU co uk c4 Muhammad cartoons row 2006 28News 29 2CDenmark 2CWorld news c6 Anil Dawar c7 10 Jan 02 c8 1324658 c9 Article c10 News c11 World news c13 c25 c30 content h2 GU 2FWorld news 2FMuhammad cartoons row 2006 width 1 height 1 div p class standfirst Kurt Westergaard s controversial cartoons of the prophet Muhammad sparked worldwide protests and forced him into hiding p p p p Danish police have shot and wounded a man at the home of Kurt Westergaard whose controversial cartoons of the prophet Muhammad sparked a storm of Muslim protest five years ago p p Danish media reported last night that Westergaard 74 was at home near the city of Aarhus with his wife and grandchild when a 27 year old Somalian man armed with a knife and axe tried to break in p p Chief superintendant Morten Jensen from East Jutland police said At 10pm a personal alarm was received from Mr Westergaard s house p p Officers found a man armed with an axe and a knife in either hand he said He broke a window of Mr Westergaard s house He tried to attack one officer with an axe and he was shot in his right leg and his left arm He said the man was not seriously injured and was now in custody p p In 2005 the Jyllands Posten newspaper published a caricature by Westergaard depicting Muhammad wearing a turban shaped like a bomb with a fuse p p Islamic tradition says no image of the prophet should be produced or shown p p Danish embassies were attacked including the one in Damascus which was burned down in 2006 and death threats against Westergaard forced him into 部クラスのトラックのB ß guardianguの1 Hデンマーク語漫画3AArticle 3A1324658チャンネル世界のニュース83区の共。英国c4ムハンマドの風刺漫画の行2006 28News 29 2CDenmark 2CWorldニュースc6への自宅で20 3 12489ナノ秒後見人ページ名イントルーダーショットフィードAltキーを押し鉄骨のhttpヒット後見人共。英国スペースアニルハヤトゥラカーンc7 10 1月2日c8 1324658 C9の記事c10ニュースC11を世界のニュースc13 C25をC30のコンテンツの水。区2FWorldニュース2FMuhammad漫画行2006幅1高さ1部pクラスstandfirstクルトウェステルゴール世界中で抗議運動を引き起こしましたムハンマドと彼に強制的に預言者ムハンマドの風刺漫画掲。隠れppppデンマーク警察に撮影しているとクルトウェステルゴールの自宅で男性負傷した預言者が風刺漫画5年前にイスラム教徒の抗議の嵐をきっかけムハンマドデンマークのメディア所蔵最後の夜は、ウェステルゴール74オーフスの街の近くに自宅で報告した妻と孫の時に27歳のソマリア人男性は、ナイフと斧で武装して所蔵最高経営責任者監モルテンイェンセン東ユトランド半島警察から脱却しようとした時〜22時個人的なアラーム氏ウェステルゴールから受信された家の所蔵役員と語った男の武装が見つかりました斧のどちらかを手にナイフで好きだった彼は、斧で1つの役員を攻撃しようとしましたが彼の右脚と左。彼は男ではない深刻な負傷したと述べた射殺された自宅氏ウェステルゴールのウィンドウが発生したと明らか1はじめに攻撃されたウェステルゴールムハンマドのターバンイスラムの伝統的な預言者の生産する必要がありますまたはppデンマーク大使館が示すようにないイメージの言葉ヒューズ所蔵と爆弾のような形の姿を描いたの似顔絵を公開する親権を所蔵、2005年にユランズポステン新聞に掲載されましたダマスカスでは、2006年ウェステルゴールに対して死の脅迫にに彼を強制的に焼失された

    • Letters: Beware of getting involved in Yemen
      div class track img alt src http hits guardian co uk b ss guardiangu feeds 1 H 20 3 48492 ns guardian pageName Letters 3A Beware of getting involved in Yemen 3AArticle 3A1324559 ch World news c3 Guardian c4 Yemen 28News 29 2CAl Qaida 28News 29 2CWorld news 2CSomalia 28News 29 c6 c7 10 Jan 02 c8 1324559 c9 Article c10 Letter c11 World news c13 c25 c30 content h2 GU 2FWorld news 2FYemen width 1 height 1 div p Yemen s foreign minister has warned the west of the presence of al Qaida in his country and that it may plan attacks like the one we have just had in Detroit a href http www guardian co uk world 2009 dec 29 yemen al quaida intelligence title Report Report a 30 December He then went on to say We have to expand our counter terrorism units and this means providing them with necessary training military equipment transportation – we are very short of helicopters The minister may be blackmailing the west in an old and often successful tradition The west should not become a party in a war that is essentially a civil war in a failed state If we needed proof the minister is explicitly admitting his government has failed to maintain internal security A government so incompetent to have lost authority cannot be revived by foreign intervention The US is admired in the Middle East as a model for tolerance and prosperity for its own people It is hated for the allies it chooses in the region As young Britons and Americans are returning home in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan do not get the west into an internecine conflict it can avoid p p strong AR Sheikholeslami strong p p em Oxford em p p p p • Except for two periods of hated intervention by the Ottomans in the 16 17th century and again in the 19 20th cen 部クラスのトラックのB ß guardiangu 3aのイエメン3AArticle 3A1324559チャンネル世界のニュース83ガーディアンc4イエメン28Newsで29 2CAl国際テロ組織アルカイダ28News 29 2CWorldニュース2CSomalia 28Newsかかわって20 3 48492ナノ秒後見人ページ名の手紙注意の1 HフィードAltキーを押し鉄骨のhttpヒット後見人共。英国スペース29 c6へc7 10 1月2日c8 1324559 C9の記事c10レターC11を世界のニュースc13 C25をC30のコンテンツの水。区2FWorldニュース2FYemen 1高さ1部pイエメン幅は自分の国で、アルカイダの存在の西に警告している外交通商部長官がSのような攻撃を計画することが1つの我々だけで、デトロイトでのhrefはhttp WWWの後見人共。英国の世界2009年12月29日イエメンアルquaidaインテリジェンスタイトル報告報告12月30日その後、我々は、このことは、当社の対テロ部隊を展開しなければならないと主張したがあった必要な訓練の軍事装備の交通機関を提供する-私たちは非常に大臣は、西党は基本的には失敗した状態で、内戦の場合は戦争になってはならないし、頻繁に成功し、古い伝統の中の西を脅迫することがありますヘリコプターの不足している我々の権限を失っているため米国は、中東での耐性や、独自の人々の繁栄のためのモデルとして賞賛され、外国の介入によって復活することはできません大臣は明示的に彼の政府政府は無能な内部セキュリティを維持するために失敗したことを認めている証拠が必要に若い英国人とアメリカ人として、この地域で選ぶのは同盟国のため帰国、イラクからのボディバッグやアフガニスタンでの西側を取得しないでくださいそれを除いて所蔵強いアンサーSheikholeslami強い所蔵日オックスフォード日pppp•避けることができます内紛に嫌われて19月20岑は16月17世紀のオスマン帝国は、再びで嫌わ介入の2つのピリオド


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