日航、上場廃止も検討か…再生支援機構 日航については、減資後に支援機構が公的資金で3000億円の増資を行う方向で、機構が筆頭株主となり再建を主導するAbout JAL is supported by public funds after the capital reduction mechanism in the direction 3000 to 100 million yen capital increase, the largest shareholder and lead the reconstruction of the mechanism
AMERICA NEED PUBLIC WAYーその196不正を許した長過ぎた日本に 日航は今月第4週に会社更生法適用を申請し、ほぼ同時に機構が支援を決定する予定JAL is the first application filed for court protection earlier this month to four companies a week, will help determine the mechanism almost simultaneously
今日の相場状況! 日航は企業再生支援機構が法的整理活用を金融機関に提案し値下りNikko is a financial institution to take advantage of falling price proposed to organize a legal corporate revitalization support mechanism
日本航空の再建問題・・・ 日航の安定運航のための支援を続けることで一致し、企業再生支援機構による支援が決まるまでの当面の資金繰りを確実にするため、日本政策投資銀行がつなぎ融資(現在は最大1000億円)を増額する方向で調整することになったようだAgreed to continue support for the stability of the JAL flights for the time being to ensure the financing of support mechanisms to determine the support of corporate restructuring, bridge financing that Bank of Japan (currently up to 100 billion yen) to I guess itu0026#39;s to adjust the direction of increasing