- 石破茂氏のおかしな発言
ところで、石破氏は、8月末の衆議院選挙で負け9月に入ってすぐに当時の河村官房長官(自民党)が2億5千万円の官房機密費の払い出しを受けた事をお忘れなのだろうか By the way, Mr. Ishiba, the House of Representatives election, losing eight of nine end of the then Chief Cabinet Secretary Kawamura just earlier this month (LDP) is probably 200 million or five things that were forgotten the cost of paying out million yen confidential Cabinet
- 衆院選直後、機密費2億5千万円支出…使途は不明
◆…官房機密費…◆正式な名称は内閣官房報償費 Secretariat ... ◆ ◆ ... formal name of a secret fund compensation expenses Cabinet
- 官房機密費
民主党は野党時代、政府に対して官房機密費の透明化を求めてきたが、平野氏は今月5日、非公開とする方針を表明 Democrats are the opposition party, has been calling for greater transparency in the Government Secretariat, secret funds, Mr. Hirano is on this day, and announced plans to privately