- Italian Students Storm Tower of Pisa, Rome's Colosseum
Actions part of nationwide protests against budget cuts and university reforms proposed by government 予算削減と大学改革に反対する全国的な抗議のアクションの一部は、政府によって提案された
- IMF urges 'overdue' euro crisis solution, warns on growth
BRUSSELS (AFP) - The IMF pressed the euro zone on Wednesday to resolve its debt crisis, saying a solution was long 'overdue,' and warned governments against pursuing drastic budget cuts at the expense of growth. ブリュッセル(AFP) - IMFは。。u0026quot;、延滞。。u0026quot;ソリューションは、長いと述べ、その債務危機を解決するために水曜日にユーロ圏を押すと成長を犠牲にして大幅な予算削減を追求に対する各国政府に警告した
- European Nations Bolster Economies
EU finance officials say eurozone stabilization fund is ready to help troubled economies after nations make strict budget reductions EUの金融当局は、国が厳しい予算削減を行った後、ユーロ圏の安定化基金は、問題を抱えた経済を支援する準備ができていると言う
- EU Backs Rescue Loan for Ireland
Irish PM Brian Cowen, Cabinet working on plan of deep budget cuts aimed at slashing over $20 billion in deficits
- No title
var globl_obj;
function relative_time(time_value) {
time_values = time_value.split( );
time_value = time_values[2]+, +time_values[1]+ +time_values[5]+ +time_values[3]+ gmt+0900;
var tmsec = date.parse(time_value) + 9*60*60*1000;
var ttime = new date(tmsec);
return ttime.tolocalestring();