Russia's Vladivostok to revamp seafront for 2012 APEC forum &$&$
An aerial view of Russia's far eastern city of Vladivostok July 28, 2007. (Xinhua/Reuters File Photo)
Vladivostok, Russia's largest port on the Pacific Ocean, has announced a large-scale project to revamp the seafront of the city in preparation for the APEC forum in 2012, information agency Vostok Media reported Friday.
Mayor Igor Pushkaryov has been chosen to oversee t ... 都市のウラジオストク2007年7月28日東部ビューのロシアのところ空中&$&$
Free trade dominates APEC leaders' meeting ahead of summit Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies agreed not to introduce new trade barriers until 2013 on Wednesday, as Japan's foreign minister Seiji Maehara highlighted the region's importance in driving the global economic recovery and reiterated the need to expand free trade.
During the first installment of the forum's ministerial two-day meeting, trade and foreign ministers reflected and evaluated the effectiveness of former deals made to facilitate trade in the region a ... アジア太平洋経済協力会議(APEC)加盟国地域は、前原誠司minister外国人としての日本の水曜日に2013年までの障壁を合意していないに紹介する新たな貿易の回復を駆動する世界経済の重要性を強調し、地域の貿易を拡大するフリーの必要性を改めて強調最初の中フォーラムの閣僚2日間の会議、貿易と反。外相との設置は、地域の貿易を促進するために作ら旧契約の有効性を評価...
Free trade dominates APEC leaders' meeting ahead of summit (2) In addition, member economies were in agreement that prior commitments to maintaining current trade barriers and not raising them, should be kept and member economies should refrain from launching trade initiatives inconsistent with WTO parameters.
Participants were of the opinion that former commitments made should be kept beyond 2010 until at least 2013, officials said.
The outcome of their discussions will be reflected in a meeting of leaders to be held on Saturday and Sunda ... また、加盟国地域は、パラメータWTOの現在のしたで維持している前の約束は、契約や障壁を貿易ではなく、それらを上げる必要がありますが保た一貫性のない取り組み貿易および加盟国は、起動から必要はご遠慮ください
APEC ministers stress SMEs as engine of growth Ministers and senior officials in charge of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from Pacific Rim economies stressed on Sunday that SMEs are a significant growth engine within the Asia-Pacific region.
In a joint ministerial statement adopted Sunday after a two-day meeting in the central Japanese city of Gifu, the ministers and officials recognized that SMEs are a significant source of prosperity and employment, and a major contributor to innovation.
The statement also noted that the ... 閣僚とリムの経。太平洋から)の中小企業(中小企業担当幹部が地域太平洋アジア強調飛躍的な成長のエンジン内での日曜日のこと、中小企業があります
Free trade, growth strategy dominate Yokohama APEC gathering (2) &$&$GROWTH STRATEGY&$&$
APEC, which accounts for more than half the world's economic output, faces challenges of climate change, environmental degradation, energy and food security, and global economic imbalance and the slow pace of recovery in developed economies also pose threats to the region's economic growth model.
At the APEC Singapore summit last year, leaders agreed on compiling a comprehensive long-term growth strategy to achieve economic growth that i ... &$&$成長戦略&世界経済の出力$半分以上&APECは、$アカウントの詳細、また、経済発展の変化、環境の悪化、エネルギー、食料安全保障、グローバル経済の不均衡との回復のペースが遅い気候変動の課題を直面しているモデル成長経済ポーズの脅威を、地域の
Free trade, growth strategy dominate Yokohama APEC gathering Beset by the uneven pace of recovery, soaring public debt and trade protectionism, 21 Pacific Rim economies are starting a week of meetings in the Japanese port city of Yokohama to build on progress made in exploring possible pathways to a regionwide free trade area and formulate a strategy for regional sustainable economic growth.
Two decades after its inception, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, which aims to boost regional economic integration, has grown into one ... 抱えては、公的債務、貿易保護主義の高騰回復の不均一なペースで、21環太平洋地域の経済はregionwide自由貿易地域に可能な経路を探索するの進捗状況を構築し、策定横浜の日本の港湾都市で会議の週に開始され一つに統合があり、成長して向上、地域経済戦略のためのアジア太平洋経済協力会議(APEC)フォーラム、当初の二十年後に目指す成長経済持続可能な地域...
22 million jobs created An estimated 22 million jobs have been created in China through the 4-trillion-yuan ($595.4 billion) in government stimulus injected into the economy since the international financial crisis hit.
Yin Weimin, minister of human resources and social security, disclosed at the fifth Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting Thursday.
China has helped hard-hit enterprises to retain jobs by allowing them to defer social insurance payment ... 推定2200万人のジョブがで開示されているセキュリティを介して4兆元(595400000000ドル中国作成の社会政府)に刺激を注入にリソースの経済から国際人権の金融危機が襲った
China's economic stimulus creates 22 million jobs: minister So far an estimated 22 million jobs have been created in China from the government's 4-trillion-yuan (595.4 billion U.S. dollars) stimulus injected into the economy since the international financial crisis hit.
Yin Weimin, minister of human resources and social security, made the remarks at the the fifth Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting here on Thursday.
The Chinese government views employment growth as extremely important ... これまでの推定22000000ジョブがヒット危機国際金融から-兆元(595400000000米ドル)刺激注入に経済4の政府からがされて作成された中国
APEC trade ministers call for early conclusion of Doha Round &$&$
Representatives attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Trade Ministers Meeting pose for a group photo in Sapporo of Japan, June 5, 2010. (Xinhua Photo) Trade ministers of the Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies called Sunday for an early conclusion of the Doha Round trade talks.
The APEC trade ministers made the appeal in a statement in Sap ... &$&$代表は、2010年のグループ写真の札幌の日本、6月5日のためにポーズ会議)貿易大臣APECの参加(アジア太平洋経済協力
APEC trade ministers call for early conclusion of Doha Round (2) The Bogor Goals, named after the Indonesian city where APEC leaders reached the agreement in 1994, set liberalization targets for developed members by 2010 and for less-developed members by 2020.
Initiated in 1989 to respond to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies, APEC has evolved for the past 20 years to become a major forum and a primary vehicle to promote free trade and cooperation among members in the fields of economy, trade, investment and technology.
... ボゴール目標、2020年までに開発メンバーの名前の後以下のAPECの都市インドネシア首脳は、2010年、先進合意に達した1994年、設定の自由化目標を、会員