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    政治 国際 関連語 バチカン ローマ法王 プロテスタント
    • イタリアのクリスマス
      日に日にクリスマスの重圧が圧し掛かってきますw<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office /> カトリックの総本山でもありますイタリアですからクリスマスはド派手かと思われますが 日本のお正月のように家族で祝うのが慣わしです

    • Students suspended after 'rating' female teachers
      After Mark Zuckerberg did it at Harvard, he went on to found Facebook and become one of the world's richest men.When a student at a Brisbane Catholic boys' college did it last week, he got suspended from school.The deed? Creating... Mark Zuckerbergはハーバード大学でそれをやった後、彼は続けたはFacebookを発見し、世界で最も豊かなmen.Whenのいずれかを、彼は証書school.Theから吊り下げチャートは先週やったブリスベンカトリックの男子大学生になる?作成しています...

    • World Youth Day Underway in Spain
      Amid turmoil, more than a million young Catholics are expected to crowd into Madrid this week for Pope Benedict XVI’s visit 混乱の中で、百万以上の若いカトリック教徒は、ローマ法王ベネディクト16世の訪問のため、今週のマドリードに観客に期待されています

    • Art pricks Philippine sensitivities
      An art exhibition featuring work by Mideo Cruz that manipulated images of religious figures to juxtapose the Philippines' culture of idolatry with its devotion to the Catholic Church has been shut down after it was dismissed as blasphemous by everyone from top priests to the president. With the church facing charges of corruption and the leader suspected of milking the controversy, who should have cast the first stone? - Carlos H Conde (Aug 17, '11) それはトップ司祭を社長に誰もが冒とくとして却下された後、宗教的な数字の操作イメージがカトリック教会への献身と偶像崇拝のフィリピン文化を並置そのMideoクルスで仕事を特色に美術展がシャットダウンされています

    • Italians call for church to lose tax breaks
      As Italians grit their teeth against the coming economic austerity measures, the Catholic Church is being forced to defend the multibillion-euro tax breaks it enjoys on 100,000 properties.Mario Staderini, leader of the Radical Italians... イタリア人が来て経済緊縮政策に対する自分の歯を砥粒として、カトリック教会は、それが100,000 properties.Mario Staderini、ラジカルイタリア人の指導者に楽しんで数十億ユーロ減税を守ることを余儀なくされている...

    • Church and state war over condom plan
      A 13-year battle between church and state in the Philippines, one of the world's most devoutly Catholic nations, has come to a head over government plans to provide free condoms and sex education.Catholic bishops have threatened... 政府が脅かされている無料のコンドームとセックスeducation.Catholic司教提供する予定で、フィリピンの教会と国家の間に13歳の戦いは、世界で最も熱心にカトリックの国の一つ、頭に来ている...

    • Bomb kills Ireland policeman
      A 25-year-old Catholic policeman who had just joined Northern Ireland's police force has been killed after a booby-trap bomb exploded as he got into his car, police and neighbours said.No group claimed responsibility for the attack... 仕掛けトラップ爆弾は、彼が彼の車、警察や近所の人のsaid.Noグループに着くと爆発後の攻撃の責任を主張しただけで北アイルランドの警察力を参加していた25歳のカトリックの警官が殺されている...

    • US bishop embroiled in abuse cases resigns
      A Catholic bishop in Northern California whose diocese has recently been embroiled in priest sex abuse cases resigned Thursday from his post after 11 years. その教区最近司祭の性的虐待のケースに巻き込まれている北カリフォルニアのカトリック司教は、11年後に彼のポストから木曜日辞職した

    • Texas priest accused of hiring hitman
      A Roman Catholic priest was arrested on charges he solicited a hit man to kill a teenager who had accused him of sexual abuse, authorities said.Authorities said John Fiala, who has since been removed from public ministry, first... ローマカトリックの司祭は、彼が性的虐待の彼を非難していたティーンエイジャーを殺すために殺し屋を要請された容疑で逮捕され、当局said.Authorities以来、公共省から削除されているジョンフィアラは、前記第1 ...

    • Bishop waited five months to report suspected abuse
      A bishop has become the highest-ranking US Catholic official indicted on a charge of failing to protect children after he and his diocese waited five months to tell police about hundreds of images of child pornography discovered on... 司教は、彼と彼の司教区が上で検出された児童ポルノの画像の何百ものについては警察に伝えるために5ヶ月待った後に子どもたちを守るために失敗の責任で起。最高位米国カトリックの公式となっている...

    • Nuns collect 262,000 dollars for rare Wagner card
      A group of American nuns have sold a rare Honus Wagner baseball card that they inherited from a relative of a deceased nun for 262,000 dollars at an auction.The card fetched substantially more than officials at the Dallas-based Heritage Auction Galleries anticipated. Original estimates pegged the value of the card at between 150,000 dollars and 200,000 dollars.The Baltimore-based order of Roman Catholic nuns inherited the card from the brother of a deceased nun after he died earlier this year. アメリカの修道女のグループが、彼らはauction.Theカードで262000ドル故人尼僧の相対から継承されます

    • Unborn baby survives mother's murder
      A gunman walked into a Catholic church and killed a pregnant woman Thursday, then committed suicide, but emergency crews performed a C-section on the woman inside the church and saved the baby, a police official said.Another woman... 犯人はカトリック教会に歩いて、木曜日妊婦を殺害、その後自殺したが、緊急時の乗組員は、教会の内部の女性で帝王切開を行い、赤ちゃん、警察の公式said.Anotherの女性を救った...

    • Pope allows convert priest to stay married
      BERLIN - In a rare move that needed the Pope's approval, a Lutheran convert was ordained in Germany yesterday as a Catholic priest and is being allowed to remain married to his wife - who has already become a nun.Harm Klueting,... ベルリン - と、ルターは、カトリック司祭として昨日ドイツで定められた変換教皇の承認を必要と彼の妻と結婚して維持することは許されている稀な動きの中で - すでにnun.Harmのクルーティンクとなっており、...

    • Pope's 'profound sorrow' over Norway attack
      CASTEL GANDOLFO (Italy) - POPE Benedict XVI expressed 'profound sorrow' on Sunday over the deadly attacks in Norway, and called on people to turn away from 'the path of hate'. 'We all feel profound sorrow for the serious terroristic attacks which took place on Friday in Norway,' the head of the Roman Catholic Church told pilgrims during his Angelus service at his lakeside summer residence outside Rome. カステルガンドルフォ(イタリア) - 教皇ベネディクト十六世発現ノルウェーで致命的な攻撃に対する日曜日に。。u0026quot;深い悲しみ。。u0026quot;、そして。。u0026quot;憎しみのパス。。u0026#39;から背を向けることは人々に呼ばれる

    • Protesters throw fruit at Chile's rescued miners
      COPIAPO (Chile) - IT HAS been a bittersweet anniversary for Chile's rescued miners, who were honoured as heroes in their hometown only to come under attack by anti-government protesters who threw fruit and small stones at them, accusing them of being ungrateful, greedy sellouts. Chilean President Sebastian Pinera and his ministers joined most of the 33 miners on Friday at a Catholic Mass and then the inauguration of a regional museum exhibit recognising their remarkable survival story. コピアポ(チリ) - それが唯一の恩知らずであることのそれらを非難するような、それらで果物や小さな石を投げた反政府デモ隊による攻撃を受けて来て故郷の英雄として表彰されたチリの救出の鉱山労働者、のためのほろ苦い記念日となっている、貪欲満員になる

    • Corpus Christi celebrations
      Catholics and other Christians celebrate the Eucharist as the body of Christ with festivals all over the world カトリック教徒と他のキリスト教徒は世界中のお祭りで、キリストの体としての聖体を祝う

    • Pope Calls For End of Violence in Libya, Syria
      Expressing concern over loss of human life, Catholic pontiff urges peaceful resolutions to both countries' conflicts 人間の生命の損失の懸念を表明し、カトリックの教皇は、両国の紛争の平和的解決を促す

    • iPhone's perfect application for the sinner on the go
      Good to see the Catholic Church is keeping up with modern technology and has given its "blessing" to a US$1.99 iPhone application to help lapsed Catholics with the process of confession. 良いカトリック教会は、近代的な技術に追いついている自白のプロセスとカトリック教徒を経過するために米国の1.99ドルiPhoneアプリケーションへの。。u0026quot;天の恵み。。u0026quot;を与えている確認してください

    • 92-year-old identical twins die on the same day
      Identical twins Julian and Adrian Riester were born seconds apart 92 years ago, and died hours apart this week.The Buffalo-born brothers were also brothers in the Roman Catholic Order of Friars Minor for 65 years. They spent much... 一卵性双生児ジュリアンとエイドリアンリースターは、離れて92年。秒生まれたとは別に、このweek.Theバッファロー生まれの兄弟は、65歳の小さき兄弟会のローマカトリック政令で兄弟だった時間後に死亡した

    • Roman Catholic Church Set to Beatify Pope John Paul II
      John Paul II credited with helping to bring down communism, energizing young Catholics, bolstering church presence in developing world ヨハネパウロ二世は、世界の開発に教会の存在を強化し、若いカトリック教徒の活性化、共産主義をダウンさせる立役者

    • My son, the 'American Taleban', is innocent
      John Phillip Walker Lindh, my son, was raised a Roman Catholic, but converted to Islam when he was 16 years old. He has an older brother and a younger sister. John is scholarly and devout, devoted to his family, and blessed with a... ジョンフィリップウォーカーリンド、私の息子は、ローマカトリックを調達したが、彼が16歳の時にイスラム教に改宗した

    • Guardian Focus podcast: Scottish sectarianism
      Last week, Celtic's Catholic manager Neil Lennon was attacked by a spectator during a match against Hearts. It was the latest in a series of sectarian incidents against high profile Catholics in Scotland – and a powerful wake up call to the Scottish authorities. But just how much of a problem is sectarianism? And what needs to happen to eradicate it?Hugh Muir explores the reasons for this apparent upsurge in religious hatred. He is joined by Bob Dorris MSP for Glasgow, Peter Kearney the spokesman for Cardinal Keith O'Brien, and Tom Gallagher Professor of the Study of Ethnic Conflict and Peace at Bradford University.Let us know your thoughts on the podcast below.Hugh MuirPeter Sale 先週は、ケルトのカトリックマネージャニールレノンはハーツ戦で観客に襲われた

    • Zimbabwe Police Arrest Human Rights Lawyers
      Lawyers were going to defend a Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) cabinet minister and a Catholic priest 弁護士は、カトリック司祭と民主変革(MDC)が閣僚を運動を守るために行っていた

    • Malta says 'Yes' to divorce
      Malta - a tiny, staunchly Catholic Mediterranean island - has voted in favor of legalising divorce, according to the results of a referendum.Malta is the last remaining European Union nation that bans divorce. But what had been... マルタは - 小型、断固としてカトリックの地中海の島 - 離婚が禁止されている最後に残っている欧州連合国referendum.Maltaの結果にはよると、離婚を合法化に賛成票を投じている

    • Travels With Pope John Paul: A Reporter Remembers
      Memories of being a reporter vividly return as Roman Catholic Church readies final step before sainthood for Pope John Paul II 記者が生き生きと、ローマカトリック教会として返すことの思い出は、ローマ法王ヨハネパウロ2世の聖人する前の最後の手順を構える

    • Christians Celebrate Easter in Jerusalem, Violence in West Bank Kills 1
      Orthodox Christians and Roman Catholics hold ceremonies at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher 正統派のキリスト教徒とローマカトリック教徒の聖墳墓教会で式を保持する

    • Explosion at Canadian high school
      Ottawa police say an explosion at a high school has left six people injured, one seriously.Constable Marc Soucy said there was an explosion in the auto-shop class at Mother Teresa Catholic High School at 10:40 a.m. Soucy said... オタワ警察は高校で爆発、6人が負傷残っていると言う、一seriously.Constableマークスーシー、マザーテレサ、カトリックの高校で自動ショップクラスの爆発が10:40あると言いましたがスーシーだと言わ...

    • Maltese say yes to divorce
      Overwhelmingly Catholic Malta has voted to legalise divorce, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi announced Sunday, after votes were counted following a non-binding referendum the day before. 投票は拘束力のない投票日前に、次のカウントされた後に圧倒的にカトリックマルタは離婚を合法化することを決議したが、内閣総理大臣ローレンスGonziは、日曜日と発表した

    • Pope Benedict Arrives in Croatia
      Pontiff to take part in several religious celebrations, including National Day for Croatian Catholic Families, Sunday Mass in Zagreb 教皇は、ザグレブ、クロアチアのカトリックの家族のためのナショナルデー、日曜日マスを含む、いくつかの宗教的な行事に参加する

    • Rape case suspect named in Australian Senate
      Revelation in Australian parliament sparks debate on use of privilege The Catholic Church has a new crisis on its hands with the naming of one of its senior priests as an alleged rapist.Independent Senator Nick Xenophon carried... オーストラリアの議会での啓示は、カトリック教会が主張rapist.Independent上院議員ニッククセノフォンが運ばとしての上級聖職者の一つの命名との手に新たな危機を持っている特権の使用に関する論争をスパーク...

    • 'World's tallest' Christ statue consecrated
      Roman Catholic priests in Poland today consecrated what local officials claim is the world's largest statue of Jesus Christ.The ceremony was carried out in the presence of hundreds of Polish faithful.Believers walked in a... ポーランドのローマカトリックの司祭今日は何地元当局が主張するイエスChrist.The式の世界最大の彫像はa.で歩いたポーランドfaithful.Believers数百人の存在下で実施されたが聖体拝領..

    • Toddler moved to US over end-of-life row
      ST LOUIS - A Canadian couple transferred their terminally ill toddler son to a Catholic hospital in St Louis, Missouri, after an Ontario court ruled doctors could remove the breathing tube keeping the boy alive.Thirteen-month-old... セントルイスは - カナダのカップルは、医師が少年がalive.Thirteenヶ月。維持呼吸チューブを削除することができます支配オンタリオ州裁判所が後にミズーリ州セントルイスで、カトリックの病院への終末期の幼児の息子を転送...

    • Liberal bishop 'forced' to quit
      The Pope has accepted what has been called the forced resignation of a Queensland bishop condemned for his liberal views.A statement on the Catholic Church's website said Pope Benedict XVI had received and accepted the resignation... 法王は、ローマ法王ベネディクト16世は受けていたと辞表を受け入れているカトリック教会のWebサイトで彼のリベラルなviews.A文の死刑囚のクイーンズランド州の司教で強制的に辞任と呼ばれているか受け入れている...

    • Serial rape church row claims top Australian health role
      The controversy over the alleged serial raping of a senior Anglican cleric during his years as a trainee Catholic priest has claimed the head of the nation's new mental health commission.Monsignor David Cappo has pulled out of the... 研修生カトリックの司祭は、国の新たな精神的健康commission.MonsignorデビッドCappoの頭を要求したとして、彼の年の間にシニア聖公会の聖職者の強姦疑惑のシリアルをめぐる論争が引き出されている...

    • Cartoon: Steve Bell on the Anglican bishops who are converting to Roman Catholicism
      The five men say they are 'dismayed' to see the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches 'move further apart on some of the issues of the day'Steve Bell 五人は、彼らが。。u0026#39;落胆。。u0026#39;であり、さらに離れてday。。u0026#39;Steveベルの問題のいくつかの聖公会に、ローマカトリック教会。。u0026#39;の動きを参照してくださいと言う

    • Dutch priest belonged to paedophile club
      The head of a Catholic religious order in the Netherlands has confirmed one of his subordinate priests served on the board of an organisation that promotes paedophilia.Herman Spronck, head of the Dutch arm of the Salesian order,... オランダではカトリックの宗教的な秩序の長は、paedophilia.Herman Spronckは、サレジオためオランダの腕の長は、推進組織の役員を務めて部下の司祭のいずれかを認識しています...

    • Australian health chiefs under fire over abuse case
      The new head of Australia's National Mental Health Commission has been drawn into a parliamentary bid to force the Catholic Church to stand down a priest accused of the repeated boyhood rape of an Archbishop.Monsignor David Cappo,... オーストラリアの国立精神保健委員会の新しいヘッドは、Archbishop.MonsignorデビッドCappoの繰り返し少年時代のレイプの被告人の司祭の下に立ってカトリック教会を強制的に議会の入札に描かれています...

    • 'Dozens' of abusive priests live unmonitored
      VENTURA, California - Carl Sutphin was a problem priest who left ministry in the Roman Catholic church just before being charged nearly a decade ago with 14 counts of molestation for sexually abusing six children.He was never... ベンチュラ氏は、カリフォルニア州 - カールサットフィンだけで性的六children.Heを乱用のための性的虐待の14カウントと10年近く前に充電されてなかったの前に、ローマカトリック教会のミニストリーを残した問題の僧侶であった...

    • Bomb kills Northern Ireland policeman
      THERE are fears for the Northern Ireland peace process after a Catholic policeman was murdered in a car bomb attack. ゼアは、カトリックの警官が車爆弾テロ。。u200b。。u200bで殺害された後、北アイルランドの和平プロセスに懸念されます

    • Peace Corps founder Shriver dies at 95
      &$ &$Sargent Shriver blows a kiss to family and friends gathered outside following funeral services for his wife Eunice Kennedy Shriver at Saint Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church in Hyannis, Massachusetts August 14, 2009. (Xinhua/Reuters file Photo)&$&$ Peace Corps founder Robert Sargent Shriver Jr. died at the age of 95, according to media reports Wednesday. Shriver, who announced in 2003 that he had Alzh ... &$&$サージェントシュライバーが吹く家族やハイアニスの聖フランシスコザビエルのローマカトリック教会で妻ユニスケネディシュライバー、マサチューセッツ2009年8月14日に次の葬。外に集まった友人にキス

    • Pope 'understands' those leaving Church
      Pope Benedict XVI says he can understand why people are turning their back on the Catholic Church after the recent sex abuse scandals. ローマ法王ベネディクト16世は、人々は、最近の性的虐待のスキャンダルの後にカトリック教会に背を向けて、なぜ彼が理解できると書かれています

    • Vatican issues new anti-paedophilia guidelines
      Priests suspected of child abuse sex crimes should be turned over to the authorities and face legal action, the Vatican said Monday in a letter to bishops on anti-paedophilia guidelines.The letter laid out provisional procedures for sex abuse crimes committed by priests and gave bishops a year to deliberate the proposals in the wake of a scandal that has spread across the globe and struck the Catholic Church to its core. 児童虐待、性犯罪の疑いのある聖職者は、当局に引き渡されるし、法的措置に直面して、バチカンは月曜日、司祭によってコミットされた性的虐待の罪のための暫定的な手続きをレイアウト抗paedophiliaのguidelines.The文字の司教への手紙によると、司教を与えた今年は世界中に広がるており、そのコアにカトリック教会を襲った事件をきっかけに提案を審議する

    • Bishop confirms Gaddafi son's death
      The most senior Catholic official in Tripoli has confirmed that Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi's son Seif al-Arab was killed. トリポリの中で最も上級カトリック関係者はアルアラブSeifさんリビアの有力Muammarのカダフィ大佐の息子が殺されたことを確認しています

    • East Belfast Catholic enclave an island under siege again
      As a district, Short Strand is literally stranded, a small island of green in a surrounding Orange ocean, the only sizeable Catholic enclave in predominantly Protestant east Belfast.The west and north of the city have large Catholic... 地区、ショートストランドが文字通り取り残され、周囲のオレンジの海に緑の小さな島として、市内の主にプロテスタント東Belfast.The西部と北部で唯一のかなりのカトリック飛び地にはカトリック大持っている...

    • Photographer Shot in Northern Ireland Riots
      Two nights of clashes between Protestants, Catholics have left three people injured プロテスタント、カトリック教徒間の衝突の二晩は、3人。。u200b。。u200bが負傷残している

    • Climate Change: Vatican Enters the Fray
      The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of taking sides in history's greatest political disputes. Pope John Paul II's tacit alliance with former U.S. President Ronald Reagan against Communism is perhaps the most compelling example of Papal activism. ローマカトリック教会の歴史の最大の政治的な紛争の辺を取っての長い歴史を持っています

    • Should it matter what the religion of the US president is? | Poll
      A new survey has found that some voters are still dubious about Republican presidential runner Mitt Romney because of his Mormon faith, but would be more accepting of a Catholic or Jewish candidate, though not an atheist or Muslim one. Should the religious background and belief of the US president matter? 新たな調査は、一部の有権者はまだ共和党の大統領ランナーミットロムニーについての彼のモルモン教の信仰のために疑わしいことがわかったがより多くのカトリックやユダヤ人の候補者の受諾をされるというわけではありませんが無神論者やイスラム教徒の一

    • Catholic order pays sex victims
      In one of the largest settlements in the Roman Catholic church's sex abuse scandal, an order of priests has agreed to pay US$166.1 million ($220.5 million) to hundreds of Native Americans and Alaska Natives who were abused at the... ローマカトリック教会の性的虐待事件で最大の入植地の一つで、聖職者の順序がで虐待を受けたアメリカ先住民、アラスカ先住民の数百ドルを166100000(220500000ドル)を支払うことに合意した...

    • Vatican blasts WikiLeaks revelations
      The Vatican hit back Saturday after cables released by WikiLeaks indicated it had refused to cooperate with an Irish probe into child sex abuse by Catholic priests in Dublin. Wikileaksは発表したケーブルは、それがダブリンのカトリックの司祭による児童の性的虐待にアイルランドのプローブと協力を拒否していた示された後、バチカン市国は、土曜日反撃

    • Mexico celebrates Our Lady of Guadalupe
      Over the weekend, some 6 million pilgrims descended on the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe outside Mexico City, one of the most important sites in the Catholic world 週末、いくつかの6000000の巡礼者がメキシコシティー、カトリックの世界で最も重要なサイトのいずれかの外グアダルーペの聖母教会や大聖堂の子孫

    • Philippine bishop says Santa stealing Christmas
      A senior bishop in the Philippines' dominant Catholic Church has accused Santa Claus of stealing the true spirit of Christmas, which he said is deteriorating into a shopping frenzy.In comments published by a Roman Catholic website on Friday, Teodoro Bacani, a newly retired Manila bishop, said Santa Claus now had too much appeal in the Philippines, where eight in 10 people are baptised Catholics. フィリピンの支配的なカトリック教会の上級司教は、彼は金曜日のローマカトリック教会のウェブサイトで公開されてショッピングfrenzy.Inのコメントに悪化していると述べたクリスマスの真の精神を盗むのサンタクロースを非難している、テオドーロBacani、新たに引退マニラ司教は、サンタクロースは、現在10人に8人はカトリック教徒に洗礼を受けているフィリピンで、あまり魅力を持っていたと述べた

    • Horrific child abuse uncovered in Ireland
      A new series of reports into Catholic dioceses north and south of the Irish border on Wednesday revealed horrific child sex abuse by priests and mistakes by church authorities in dealing with them.Audits of abuse in six dioceses... 水曜日にアイルランドの国境のカトリック教区北と南への報告書の新シリーズは、6つの教区における虐待のthem.Auditsを扱うの教会当局による司祭とミスで恐ろしい子の性的虐待が明らかに...


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