覆水盆に ブログが前後しますが日の夜に地味~に新年のお祝いをしました片栗粉を買いにコンビニに行ったら可愛いを衝動買いそれと香露と和菓子を買って帰りました\(^o^)/屋久杉の枡で縁起を担ごうとしたけど漏れてきて惨敗(;_;)普通のコップで呑むことに…和菓子は梅昆布茶と一緒に食べましたSunday night around the conservative blogs - and then went to buy sweets and incense exposure to impulse buy it and I went to a convenience store to buy a cute starch we celebrate the New Year \ (^ o ^) / Yaku defeat担Gou been a leak and I was lucky in that the deal Masu (;_;) cedar regular cup ... ate sweets with plum brown seaweed