- 中山金杯
友達と中山競馬場に今日も行って来ました~久しぶりにで行きましたよ~始まるよ~でも、表彰式の方へ行ったのでゴールの写真は撮れませんでした4番アクシオンが一着です藤田騎手うれしそうこのうす茶色いコート着て写真撮ってる女性だ~れだ We came today to the Nakayama Racecourse and friends - I went in after a long time - it starts - but I went over to photos of the goals of the ceremony was four撮Remasen Fujita axion is wearing the No. 1 I take a picture for women is wearing a brown coat of this mortar happily jockey - Reda
- 競馬予想
◎④アクシオン [11r] Nakayama Nakayama Jinbei (giii) ◎ ④ axion axis Trust
- 中山金杯、予想!
中山金杯を予想してみようと思います~ Today, I will try to predict the gold cup at the Nakayama Racecourse Nakayama --