- 睡眠時間・・・
ホープが可愛いので、なんとかクリアまで頑張れそうです(ホープがいなかったら何十本目かの詰みゲーになっていたかも(^-^;) ff13 is, I understand the struggle in the battle system is still unable to place a date進Memashita amusement and vanilla (^_^;) Sazzu Hope so cute, so hang in there until I managed to clear (Hope Inakatsu The game could have been dozens of closeness or cod (^-^;)
- 1周目おしまい
やた〜ff13全クリした〜 All the chestnut ~ ~ Yata ff13
- FF13攻略:二度目の戦果報告なのに
何だかあっさり終わったというか、いや普通の人は長く感じるか… ● ff13 boss riding through all 13 chapters are somewhat lightly over three rather clear what finally been overcome and afternoon tea with ordinary people against 、 No longer will you feel ...