- 続 年賀状
会う時間あるのかなー以前に愛地球博の時もう一人の親友(成人式の3人のうちの一人)と一緒にきてくれて我が家に泊まって伊勢神宮とか行った思い出が昨日のようです因みにお二人の娘さんまだ独身悩みの種だとか? Another friend at the expo before you have time to see Na (the ceremony of one of three people) Incidentally I remember like yesterday or were staying in Ise came home with me and Thatu0026#39;s what worries you and your daughter of her two married yet?
- そして初詣。
ふうせんさんちは、外宮さんのすぐ近くなので、 日々の散歩コースにもなり、 静かな神宮の森と、勾玉池(まがたまいけ)が大好きです Balloon is mountainous, so close to the Outeru0026#39;s, and even daily walks, and the quiet forest Shrine, pond Magatama (Ke Gatamai until) I love
- ゼルダの伝説大地の汽笛冒険日記(6)
伊勢神宮への初詣(近所の神社には昨日行ってきた)も済ませて 昨日 の続きである To visit a shrine Ise Jingu (the Shrine of the neighborhood has been yesterday) is even more yesterdayu0026#39;s済Mase