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○■ emissions
○■ オバマ氏は、適度な民主党エネルギーと気候変動法案をサポートするために、共和党の取得に限られ成功を収めている
○■ その目標中国の温室効果ガスの排出量を勧めたようだが...
○■ 先日、私も環境指標と所得に関するペーパーを書きましたが、大学に在籍する間にもう少し地球環境と経済に関する勉強をしたいと考えており、今夜のエントリーは「経済評論の日記」に分類しておきます
○■ 労働組合はジェームズホッファジュニア、Hoffa.Recently運転手ジミーの息子のことで運送業者を低排ガスにプッシュして主導されて米国の港では、パイプの排出量、およびフェデックスに対する政府の対策のため、そのdrivers.TransportBritish AirwaysTradeの状態で運動をしてunionsUS economyMafiaUnited StatesDaniel Nasawguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンニュース&メディアリミテッド2010 |このコンテンツの使用
○■ Zhang Yanyou, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, said January 26 that China has begun research into environmental tax reform on motor vehicles, and environmental tax could be levied on motor vehicles for carbon emissions. This means that vehicle owners in Beijing might have to pay for vehicle emissions.
Zhang told reporters that once the environmental tax on motor vehicles comes into effect, vehicle owners will pay tax in accordance with the amount of ... 張Yanyou、北京市発展改革委員会の副局長は、1月26日、中国の環境税制改革への自動車、および研究を開始している環境税、自動車の二酸化炭素排出量に課税されると述べた
○■ It seems like alchemy: a Silicon Valley start-up says it has found a way to capture the carbon dioxide emissions from coal and gas power plants and lock them into cement. If it works on a mass scale, the company, Calera, could turn that carbon into gold.
○■ r destroys the environment, and invest in protectin
○■ the UK, the amount of biofuels in our cars is
○■ st national greenhouse gas limits on car exhaust e
○■ the central government will invest a total of 300
○■ ion against global warming. Obama has had limited
○■ grams will be launched in specific industries and r
○■ and effective international framework in which all
○■ China's greenhouse gas emissions kee ... 中国は25日、温
○■ UK's vast renewable energy potential.Andy AtkinsExecutiv
○■ for vehicle emissions.
Zhang told reporters that
○■ then that emissions from transport have risen too
○■ ssions of greenhouse gases. 半減するコンテナ船の最高速度削減、燃料消費と
○■ limits on greenhouse gas emissions with a 17% cut from 2
○■ '; favor reducing carbon pollution
○■ solution to climate change; helping to wean us off
○■ to 45 percent by 2020, compared with 2005 leve
○■ t emissions by 50 percent through measures such as
○■ sheep in a bid to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. オーストラリアの科学者げっぷ品種を以
○■ that will have risen to 5%, and we will have
○■ in Mexico at the end of this year. ニュージーランドは26日、
○■ dangerous climate change. 気候変動のアメリカの行動の相手、ワシントン
○■ announcement was the first time the federal governme
○■ greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable economi
○■ opean firms are opting to buy so-called carbon offse
○■ e Goldenbergguardian.co.uk &co 米国は、排気、議会での気候変動に
○■ apture the carbon dioxide emissions from coal and gas power
○■ to curb carbon emissions, which already faced unc
○■ ccording to an environmental think tank. From SciDev.
○■ development and climate change の p.197 figure 4.6 whe
○■ alchemy: a Silicon Valley start-up says it has fo
○■ g Municipal Development and Reform Commission, said January 26 that
○■ under the Copenhagen Accord, the Maldivian government
○■ Sunday.
According to a statement issued by the
○■ with about 80 per cent of the money earmarked for
○■ bon emissions. This means that vehicle owners in
○■ gas emissions, according to local media Thursday.
greenhouse 炭素 排出 climate change 二酸化炭素 gas 温室効果ガス dioxide will government reduce コペンハーゲン 発電 reducing 温室効果ガスの排出 明らか 排出量 year 二酸化炭素排出量 燃料 委員 could renewable 生産 年まで 可能 China 発表 コペンハーゲン合意 抑制 investment nation 開発 約束 countries 温暖 ガス排出 削減 報告 議会 昨年 targets 明らかに developing produce result 努力 low 再生可能 バイオ pay 局長 気候変動 National 使用 still such 意図 only ガス排出削減 under high onclimate andReform gases 地球温暖 theamount 基づい 世代 直面 thenation 対策 percentby 排出量の削減 重要 地域 明らかにした 決定 改革委員会 開催 必要があり 世界 代わりに 目標 開始 発表した
評価強度 | 可変性 | 記述詳細 | 感情強度 | 描写総量 | 装飾量 |
0.012 | 0.077 | 0.730 | 0.008 | 0.724 | 0.282 | やや強い | 強い | 非常に弱い | 強い | 非常に弱い | 非常に弱い | total 15369.800000000534 | |