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    ニュース 政治 国際 関連語 原子力発電所 TSUNAMI 放射線 チェルノブイリ earthquake Fukushima
    0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 .
  • ○■ 東電に限らず、ソニー、トヨタ、そして政府にしろ情報流出など危機管理の甘さ、 危機対応力のなさが深刻だ

  • ○■ ○ 2号機 は5月⇒ 5/31運転開始 1号機と3号機は6月、 4号機は7月稼動予定 ● 東日本大震災の余震・津波対策として、 1〜4号機の南側に 仮設防潮堤 (15m)を 6月の完成予定と発表(4/30)

  • ○■ 福島第一原発の第1号機から3号機の原子炉で炉心溶融が起きた

  • ○■ 福島第一原発の真下で余震が起きたらどうなるか

  • ○■ and, a worldwide accident of radiation outflow of the tokyo electric power company fukushima nuclear power plant.

  • ○■ mr. yoshida wanted to vent as soon as possible, but mr. muto was skeptical whether venting would work, the person said, requesting anonymity because he is still an adviser to the government and is not permitted to comment publicly. “there was hesitation, arguments and sheer confusion over what to do,” he said.

  • ○■ in my country, we have not talked about the future of nuclear plants yet because we have to control fire on the damaged nuclear plants first.

  • ○■ don't you think that the earth must be angry more and more if we do(こんなことをしたら、地球がますます怒ると思わないか)?

  • ○■ (photo was taken by f. kumagai, spring 2011.) fumie kumagai thanks update: may 4, 2011 may 4, 2011 dear friends, time really flies fast! it has been more than a month since i posted onto this site last. the world continues to move. a series of tornadoes hit six southern states in the united states that left the most devastating damage, prince william and ms. middleton wed in royal fashion in the u.k., and osama bin laden, the mastermind of the most devastating attack on american soil in modern times and the most hunted man in the world, was killed in a firefight with united states forces in pakistan (quotes from the new york times, may 1, 2011). thanks for the donation sent by you and by the people throughout the world. we sincerely appreciate for hearty assistants extended by all of them. as the proverb goes, a friend in need is a friend in deed you are a true friend, indeed. i am thankful for having known you, and your family for an extended period of time. i do hope that our friendship will last forever. life around me has begun to return to normal. the new academic year has started at the university, and we try to conserve energy as much as possible! for example, we are not using the elevator, if possible, turning off the light as much as possible, setting the thermometer of the air-conditioner higher/lower than usual, etc., etc., etc. thanks goodness, we do not have any more of the so-called scheduled blackouts until the summer when the consumption of the electricity usually gets the highest. under these circumstances we will have the spring semester 2-week shorter than usual by ending the in-class lecture during the first week of july. i am not sure if this should be welcome or not... the weather forecast predicts that we will have quite a hot summer this year again. thus, perhaps, it is the wise decision that our university administration has made. as for the update on the analysis for the quadruple disaster, namely earthquake, tsunami, nuclear plant, and the demagogue, please refer to the following four websites in english. i feel that they explain quite correctly the current state and what we feel. (1) “japan is open for business” by takeaki matsumoto, japan’s minister for foreign affairs (published: april 29, 2011, the new york times): “japan is open for business” (2) “japan’s recovery after the quake” may 2, 2011, the economist: “japan’s recovery after the quake” (3) “what will the n.r.c. learn from fukushima?” by matthew l. wald (published: may 2, 2011, “environment” section of the new york times) “what will the n.r.c. learn from fukushima?” (4) “mit report urges storing spent nuclear fuel, not reprocessing it by matthew l. wald (published: april 26, 2011, “environment” section of the new york times) “mit report urges storing spent nuclear fuel, not reprocessing it it is hoped that the above articles will enhance your understanding on the true state of what we are currently in. japan is a very small island country with just one twenty-fifth of the u.s. mainland. please do understand, however, that disaster hit regions of east japan are not the entire japan, and it is away from the metropolitan tokyo area. all of us have been truly gotten united for the reconstruction of japan, or even for the rebuilding of better japan. we look for your warm supports and encouragement. we all know well, however, it will take years and years to come. hope to write again in the not too distant future. until then, i remain with my best regards. fumie **********************************************************************

  • ○■ それはそうだと思わないか? 火山活動や 活断層 活動は過去数十万年程度にわたり限られた地域で繰り返し起こっているだけで、この地震大国の日本にだって、火山活動や 活断層 活動lよる影響を被らないような安全な場所があるというのだから、呆れないか? 確かに、十万年後までに地震が起きない場所が世界一の地震大国の我が国にもあるかも知れない

  • ○■ 最初は推測でも危ない問題点を突っ込み、確証を取っていく姿勢がないので、 自分で推測もしていくことにしている

  • ○■ 東京電力の弱体化だけを考えているとは思わないが、当面、そのように考えている人もいるのだろう

  • ○■ チェルノブイリ原発事故以来の衝撃を世界に与えている

  • ○■ to be continued...

  • ○■ note that radioactivity does not increase continuously. this fact makes us tranquil.

  • ○■ &$&$ソース:新華ファイナンス&$&$&$未満...

  • ○■ nuclear plant explosion. japanese government and electric power company that reports only big lie at that time and now.

  • ○■ もはや、我が日本は、perfect world(パーフェクト・ワールド)、完璧な 振り込め詐欺 社会なんだと…

  • ○■ 2011年04月21日(木) 被災者の心がつかめない人は陣頭指揮を取るべきではない

  • ○■ associated press tue. apr. 12 japan ranked its nuclear crisis at the highest possible severity on an international scale- the same level as the 1986 chernobyl disaster- even as it insisted tuseday that radiation leaks are declining at its tsunami-crippoled nuclear plant.

  • ○■ 22 , 2011

  • ○■ peach beria [debiru-ku] was drawn from the cover of volume 1.

  • ○■ holy terror /christian resistance

  • ○■ several japanese media notice foxnews' weird report.

  • ○■ 【日刊 アジアのエネルギー最前線】震災を乗り越え電力の自由化 へ

  • ○■ www.helmholtz-muenchen.de以下原文fingerprint of radiation exposure discovered in thyroid cancer25/05/2011 03:07:00 health canal.comneuherberg,- scientists from the helmholtz zentrum münchen have discovered a genetic change in thyroid cancer that points to a previous exposure of the thyroid to ionising radiation. the gene marker, a so-called „radiation fingerprint“ was identified in papilliary thyroid cancer cases from chernobyl victims, but was absent from the thyroid cancers in patients with no history of radiation exposure. the results are published in the current issue of pnas.the research team, led by prof. horst zitzelsberger and dr. kristian unger from the radiation cytogenetics unit of the helmholtz zentrums münchen, in collaboration with prof. geraldine thomas, imperial college london, studied thyroid cancers from children exposed to the radioiodine fallout from the chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion. the team compared the genetic information from these tumours to that found in the same type of tumour that arose in children born more than one year after the explosion, after the radioactive iodine had decayed away. the number of copies of a small fragment of chromosome 7 was found to be increased only in the tumours from the irradiated children, establishing this as one of the first genetic markers that indicate a radiation aetiology of cancer. this breakthrough is the first time since the reactor accident in 1986 that scientists have been able to discriminate between the cancers caused by the radioactive contamination and those that arise naturally. prof. zitzelsberger ascribes the success of this study to the careful collection, documentation and storage of thyroid cancers from the chernobyl region in the chernobyl tissue bank. he noted that this unique collection of materials made it possible for the team to compare for the first time tumours from children of the same age and regional background. the availability of the genetic marker, according to prof. zitzelsberger, will improve both the clinical diagnosis of thyroid cancer and our understanding of how radioactive iodine causes the disease to develop. in future studies funded by euratom in the project „epiradbio“ the group will extend the study to determine if the genetic fingerprint is able to indicate the level of radiation exposure that is required to cause the cancer.additional informationoriginal publication:hess, j. et al gain of chromosome band 7q11 in papillary thyroid carcinomas of young patients is associated with exposure to low-dose irradiation. proceeding of the national academy of sciences usa (pnas); link to publicationcaption:picture in papillary thyroid carcinomas, more copies of the clip2 gene (red) are detected than of a reference gene (green)about helmholtz zentrum münchenthe helmholtz zentrum münchen is the german research centre for environmental health. the leading research facility in this field, it conducts research into chronic and complex diseases caused by the interaction of environmental factors and an individual’s genetic disposition. the helmholtz zentrum münchen has about 1,700 staff members and is headquartered in neuherberg in the north of munich on a 50-hectare research campus. the helmholtz zentrum münchen is a member of the helmholtz association, germany’s largest scientific organization, a community of 17 scientific-technical and medical-biological research centers with a total of 30,000 staff members. www.helmholtz-muenchen.de

  • ○■ in the mourning it was mourning and i was still alive.

  • ○■ everyone is energetic ・・・ -.

  • ○■ bentley also reported the browns ferry nuclear power plant in northern alabama automatically shut down after it lost power to its three units. the u.s. nuclear regulatory commission said the plant's safety systems are operating as needed.

  • ○■ (米国と民主党から新華/シェン香港)。。u0026amp;$。。u0026amp;$代表...

  • ○■ the 1979 three mile island accident1979年のスリーマイル島事故 the 1986 chernobyl nuclear disaster1986年のチェルノブイリ原子力災害 the affected areas被災地域

  • ○■ german prime minister merkel understood the badness of the disposal of the nuclear energy, the terror ideally for some reason. a man-made disaster of fukushima happened there. merkel received the support of the nation and decided the abolition and kan decided to reexamine it to check a basic policy to increase nuclear power plants in future. and china came to japan for inspection in a hurry. by the way, is ...

  • ○■ then, the district of dead zone (shelter district) becomes terrific. dead zone is 19 miles in chernobyl (30km). all the residences and the productive activities of agriculture etc. are prohibited, and it turns into the ghost town. the radioactive substance disperses easily at about 50 miles (80km). it is ..150-mile (240km).. away from fukushima, the panic occurs even if it is a safety area, and a lot of people escape from tokyo tokyo.

  • ○■ ●110728b china, usatoday.com 中国の空母が就航するとの発表は,北京のタクシー運転手までをも勇気付けている china's military flexes its muscle our first aircraft carrier,offensive missiles capable,territorial waters,vietnam, the philippines and japan,long range strike bomber,air force maj. gen. noel jones,roger cliff, an independent defense researcher,people's liberation army,pentagon budget request is $676 billion,china's real defense spending approaches $300 billion,military fighter jet ? the j-20,anti-ship missile,900 miles away,yellow sea,sizable amounts of oil and natural gas,china's vice foreign minister cui tiankai,adm. michael mulle,freedom of navigation,andrew krepinevich,china does want,to shift the military balance in the western pacific,long-range missiles,china just cannot convince the neighboring countries of its peaceful intentions,radar-evading bomber,unmanned carrier launched surveillance,to ensure that the 1.3 billion people are better off,symbolic not practical

  • ○■ it was the first detection of radiation above the legal limit in tea grown in shizuoka prefecture, southwest of tokyo, where some 35,000 tonnes of dried tea is produced annually. we believe the source of the radiation was the fukushima nuclear power plant, a prefectural official said.

  • ○■ japan s damaged nuclear plant in fukushima has been emitting radioactive iodine and caesium at levels approaching those seen in the aftermath of the chernobyl accident in 1986. austrian researchers have used a worldwide network of radiation detectors designed to spot clandestine nuclear bomb tests to show that iodine-131 is being released at daily levels 73 per cent of those seen after the 1986 disaster. the daily amount of caesium-137 released from fukushima daiichi is around 60 per cent of the amount released from chernobyl. the difference between this accident and chernobyl , they say, is that at chernobyl a huge fire released large amounts of many radioactive materials, including fuel particles, in smoke. at fukushima daiichi, only the volatile elements, such as iodine and caesium, are bubbling off the damaged fuel. but these substances could nevertheless pose a significant health risk outside the plant . the organisation set up to verify the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty (ctbt) has a global network of air samplers that monitor and trace the origin of around a dozen radionuclides, the radioactive elements released by atomic bomb blasts and nuclear accidents. these measurements can be combined with wind observations to track where the radionuclides come from, and how much was released.

  • ○■ 「甘ちゃん アマチュア探偵団」より抜粋しています

  • ○■ world nuclear association (wna)世界原子力協会

  • ○■ tv shows fukushima and the big risk of radioactivity in tokyo even if few people are working in fukushima, scarified their life... what do you think about that ? don't you think it could be dangerous to stay in tokyo ?

  • ○■ 'We believe our differences are far outweighed by our deep and abiding bonds,' says US secretary of state 。。u0026quot;私たちは、違いが今のところ私たちの深いと遵。債券に勝っていると信じて、。。u0026quot;米国務長官は述べています

  • ○■ military (+youtube?) blocks websites? as precaution after japan quake nuclear meltdown投稿者: exomatrlxtv | 作成日: 2011/03/17military blocks websites as precaution after japan quake: from: (but he probably did not made this video and i see no proper credits, maybe soon i correct this)stay strong, vigilant & focused, cheers,john~hardcoretruth71 (derek) is down, sub backup: 3 april 2011 congress amsterdam secretspaceprogram: backup channel: people think4themselves 01 infopowerment truthers alliance~creating new kind of unity against tyrannynetwork of independent thinkers rebels dissidents activists artists writers researchers rappers web-masters talkshow-hosts video-editors protesters conference-organizers lecturers musicians deejays all exposing & dismantling nwo mafia tyranny in their own unique way~founder exomatrlxtvappreciating different angles & tactics being different is not a crime staying in your own integrity being appreciated for your talents. we do not have to agree on everything, as long as we do not impose or hijacking other channels to force 1 issue or 1 group demonizing & generalizing. we need a different kind of unity against tyranny. we can inspire & motivate each other in so many ways key is allowing each-other 2b different as complementary forces helping the network~ ~feeds works with firefox or opera~subscribe our network~0garry555 2minstral 911truthpusher adoniskingaxc alienscientist alkhemisis allseeingguy ant20007 babylongone barbarianrebellion bcthetruthseeker believersunderground bigckek bunkertelevision chemlin danbowski40 deathspleasure denizzz123 djhardcoretruth drfreemason druk2008 dutchsinse eredy ethogenic exomatrlxtv exthema eyezopenwide f33dth3f1r3f1lm5 freemantv horseofpaulrevere hydroslide62 infopowerment johnkuhles kerstinmonika khaadimone killuminati331 lightwarrior2 livefreerevolution michellehill94 mindinflow misstorys mrglasgowtruther4u mrdrofdel ms4278 nibirushock no2facism ordinarygomez2 patrioticspace pesnetwork product72749 rainbowdom1 saorsa64 seattle4truth sentientmind sety0ufreee sheeplecorporation standup4america1 stevetrinity setheren stegalxx stevephillips11 sundrumify thedutchdatabase theglobalagenda themuschinski therealtruthhunter thisvigilantguardian truther33 truthmediaradio truthspeaker74 urbanwarfarechannel urthnet wakeupcallconference warcrime911 waywardeuse women4truth yawehkingno need2follow anyone, only considerbroaden (y)our horizon of possibilitiesカテゴリ:非営利団体と社会活動--expmatrix讃、チームつくったみたいですね

  • ○■ tokyo — hydrogen explosions. high levels of radiation. thousands of gallons of contaminated water dumped into the sea. with the drumbeat of bad news, including another powerful aftershock on thursday, it will take months, if not years, to stabilize the reactors and spent fuel pools that were damaged in last month’s earthquake and tsunami at the fukushima daiichi plant.

  • ○■ Workers try to remove pools of highly radioactive water 労働者は高レベル放射性水のプールを削除しようとすると

  • ○■ • Event had originally be scheduled for next month• Race will now take place on 2 OctoberThe earthquake and tsunami in Japan have caused next month's round of the MotoGP world championship to be rearranged for 2 October.The event was originally scheduled for 24 April at the Motegi circuit 90 miles north of Tokyo, but has been postponed following a request from the promoters to the FIM, the sport's governing body.The FIM confirmed a combination of the problems caused by the natural disasters and radiation leaks from nuclear plants had caused the race organisers to reschedule.A volcanic eruption in Iceland and the subsequent chaos caused to air travel forced last year's race to be put back to October.The new MotoGP season is due to get under way at Losail in Qatar on Sunday when Yamaha's Jorge Lorenzo will begin the defence of his title.MotoGPMotor sportJapan earthquake and tsunamiJapanguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds •イベントは、もともと今当初の4月24日に予定されていた2 October.Theイベントの再配置されるMotoGPの世界選手権の来月のラウンドを引き起こしている日本の2 OctoberThe地震と津波で行わ来月•レ。。u200b。。u200bースのためにスケジュールすることがあった茂木回路90マイル北に東京のが、FIMは、FIMは、自然災害や原子力発電所からの放射能漏れに起因する問題の組み合わせを確認し、スポーツの支配body.Theにプロモーターからの要求に続いて延期されているレースを生じていたアイスランドでreschedule.A火山の噴火は、昨年のレースを強制的に空の旅の原因とその後の混乱に主催者は、新しいMotoGPのシーズンをOctober.Theに戻さされるとヤマハのホルヘロレンソが開始されますが日曜日に。。u200b。。u200bカタールでカタールでの方法で取得するためです彼title.MotoGPMotorのsportJapan地震とtsunamiJapanguardian.co.uk ©ガーディアンのニュース&メディア株式会社2011年の防衛は|このコンテンツを使用し、利用規約が適用されます|その他のフィード

  • ○■ Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station. Helicopters were

  • ○■ mind control. it is not at all a majority vote.

  • ○■ posal building.Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Naoyuki Ma

  • ○■ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a 50-mile

  • ○■ , Jul. 28, 2011. The two are holding talks o

  • ○■ 2008.11.2982+63=145ムロウ36ゴルフクラブ002.2008.12.

  • plant Japan 発電所 原子力発電所 radiation 原子炉 tsunami ofthe reactor said 福島 Daiichi will 福島第 fukushima 日本 over inJapan plants 事故 stricken there Power all world which 核危機 levels quake people one 問題 high can they now says also 発生 accident anuclear andtsunami what atomic havebeen 必要 years theworld 影響 cooling times percent 専門 company 破損 worst still week way third news theplant tokyo month 地域 原発事故 施設 機関 thecountry evacuation Tuesday leak Kan Terms minister 以来 放出 too 演算 Sunday 報告 結果 second ubu 福島県原子力発電所 容器 海水 不自由 back 努力 those 東電 China chernobyl uranium health 事態 future 福島第一原発 菅直人 reactorsat report facility 今回 did システム 株式 thereactor March away 格納容器 総理 主要 電源 massive 号機 billion 自分 number 保安院 開発 調査 though 肢体 Prime further isnot station months 津波 検出され 不自由福島 直面 north iodine 安全 Friday 地震 air 完全 Germany Agency 放射能 four nbsp plans sea technology 内閣 対策 residents miles 事実 troubled 反応 concerns 日本政府 six complex support 場所 damage 今後 outside then city 実際 アジア thatit saidthe 安全性 homes utility again began 機能 福島第一原子力発電所 主張 operatorof 海外 段階 フランス low 責任 利用 巨大 国連 experts aroundthe 濃度 five 簡単 汚染 fact atJapan history problem unit Saturday fromJapan 予定 シャット prefecture 規制 pressure 数値 Please life Wednesday ファイナンス stations vessel change hit bad Thursday 東京電力 spent crisisin media decision tocool countries Europe including 私たち 明らかに 建物 Iran Workers 基準 ゾーン 管理 across ocean look 現場 PowerCo prevent 理由 外部 worse group solar companies 将来 come anti 業界 damaged 汚染され TEPCO 公表 配管 located 地球 火災 行動 Xinhua 以下 放射性物質 不安 provide 指摘 war show material help 英国 対処 therewas Nonuclear 官房 拡散 人間 conference 放射性 comes Nikkei coast theMarch person buildings 全国 ofJapan continued イラン More lower 現実 plansto 東仙坊 ロシア 実施 ガーディアン 深刻 首相 危険 政権 資料
    評価強度 可変性 記述詳細 感情強度 描写総量 装飾量
    0.018 0.100 0.686 0.011 0.671 0.259
    total 418327.6000003703


    楽譜 共有     研究開発