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    ニュース 政治 国際 関連語 原子力発電所 TSUNAMI 放射線 チェルノブイリ earthquake Fukushima
    • 天皇陛下が寄付金を募れば一兆円くらいすぐに集まると思う
      the action and speech and behavior are insufficient and the prospect of the reconstruction money doesn't look up at all.

    • 遺体捜索に自衛隊の大部隊
      the djp losses come two weeks after the party was battled in contests for governorships and elections to prefectural assemblies.

    • ○ The Fukushima
      the story of the big hole became a topic boil in the on reflection in japan yesterday.the hole is this. it is because many advance from meltdown greatly with two-the third machine of the first nuclear power plant in fukushima, destroy not only the pressure vessel but also containment, open my large pit to the china syndrome (the nuclear reactor in new york melts and to china on

    • ○ The Fukushima Crisis;Far Beyond Chernobyl.-1
      the human race faces and the radioactivity has not been faced to the situation in the leakage for as much as one month still before. it is one week in the chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion of the three-miles nuclear accident the third it. it is not time when it is surprised level 7 chernobyl. it is an unprecedented crisis that the human race who greatly surpasses it experiences for the first time.

    • 原発海水注入中断はなかったと発表!今日のイラスト練習は「けいおん」の「秋山澪」
      the information disclosure of this country?

    • ○ The Fukushima Crisis 27; Far Beyond Chernobyl ::Crisis Timeline Jul 4
      the maximum doses of radiation in the first nuclear power plant in fukushima. to exceed the allowance of year's exposure amount at very high doses of radiation and three minutes, man doesn't bring it close. the robot acts on the replacement.this high doses of radiation are shown while the nuclear reactor is acting. the temperature of the nuclear reactor is being investigated. as for either, each nuclear reactor in the first nuclear power plant in fukushima is a state of the mole beating, and instability.

    • ◯ The Fukushima Crisis 21; Far Beyond Chernobyl福島県の恐るべき放射線数値
      the radiation numerical value was still different when entering fukushima prefecture by one digit. in koriyama city located in the center part in the prefecture, 1.7 was recorded by shiyakusho-mae in the elementary school near 1.13microsv/hour koriyama station. it is measured during year before and behind 10msv though it is away from the first nuclear power plant in fukushima by 60 kilos. in the adjoining miharu-cho, there was a person who had promptly observed the coming of the radioactive substance. it is former teacher yutaka sakuma (80). the geiger counter was bought for 80,000 yen because it had been interested before 25 years happening of chernobyl nuclear accident. the switch was turned on without thinking to come and this was waited for after the nuclear accident though it remained putting on dust without using it as it was. the building of the third machine explodes and march 15. suddenly, the numerical value went up and a big warning began to sound it. the numerical value begins to go up and the highest value is 8-9msv/hour fast. because it was the first experience, this has already omitted the waist of this world thinking ending.

    • ○ The Fukushima Crisis 55 ;Far Beyond Chernobyl;Tmr's Explosion.CNN福島危機55 明日の爆発。
      the worst part of the scenario is something of the first nuclear power plant in fukushima. ー

    • スキーヤーであることの喜び ; A Big Decision
      this morning i made a big decision to myself.

    • ○ The Fukushima Crisis 52;Far Beyond Chernobyl福島危機52 7月2日
      tokyo electric power company restarted the pouring water cooling the circle method of the first nuclear power plant in fukushima system on july 2. as for this device, it suffers from the trouble of the driving stop and at present, the comparison has injected water that does the pollution removal into the nuclear reactor 16-ton hour six times by the water leak etc. up to now. it is 384 tons in the day amount. these 384 tons are a very limit and dangerous at level of cooling amounts when 100 tons' thinking this high-level polluted water leaks to underground water though the day amount, and 500 tons up to now before this circle method cooling pouring water system is introduced. now, there are not the people who believe word tokyo electric power company is stability of this company and is safety. in the interview , saying that stable can be cooled by this said with confidence, in japan as well as it to kan prime minister either. ex-nuclear safety committee special committee's professor of chubu university kunihiko takeda to point out, we are still before mountain of the matter of concern though heard that cooling pouring water system operated.

    • I feel so much sadness.
      the national weather service says about 150 tornados tore through parts the southern states of mississippi and alabama on wednesday. alabama's city of tuscaloosa was one of the hardest hit. several buildings were flattened, and many city operations are unable to function.

    • ●放射能測定について
      the other expert is evan douple, associate research director of the radiation effects research foundation in hiroshima, which has been monitoring the health of atom bomb survivors for six decades. he agrees that calibration of off-the-shelf radiation detectors is a big factor in getting meaningful data. 放射線の測定値は、とくに岩礁、岩盤の影響を受けやすい

    • 1638 お出かけ
      the new york times より転載

    • ○ The Fukushima Crisis 57; Far Beyond Chernobyl:Faust's Contract福島危機57ファウストの契約
      the fast breeder reactor is an article like midas touch [maidasutacchi] of greek myths that change all things to touch the hand into gold said that the fuel (plutonium) will be invented more than burning. however, plutonium is a very toxic chemical, and the diversion to arms is immediately possible. the nuclear weapon might be produced with the plutonium that the hijacker and the terrorist obtained. such..dangerous..plutonium..invent..fast breeder reactor..american..say..faust..contract..call..wisdom..provide.

    • 英文解釈
      the u.s. department of state (dos) recommends that u.s. citizens living within 50 miles (80 km) of the plant evacuate the area or take shelter indoors if safe evacuation is not practical. this recommendation is consistent with applicable nuclear regulatory commission (nrc) guidelines. the dos published information on transportation options from affected areas . additionally, the dos is making arrangements to provide transportation to safehaven locations in asia .

    • 台風二号接近!イラスト練習はけいおんの律!
      the illustration practice is [doramusu] of

    • ◯ The Fukushima Crisis 15 ; Far Beyond Chernobyl 恐怖のメルトダウン連鎖
      the first machine is assumed to have damaged about 30 percent and the third machines to 70 percent and the second machines by about 25 percent as tokyo electric power company made it public. this is called a cladding tube with which the part that is called the pellet of the fuel rod is covered. it is shown for what can be done with zirconium alloys to melt, and to have damaged the pellet. hydrogen is generated reacting with water, and the nuclear fuel expands, it arrives at 2800 degrees, and the zirconium in this cladding tube melts when it begins to melt by 1800 degrees, and it becomes a high temperature in addition when it becomes 1200 degrees. this is meltdown. it doesn't occur, and the explosion explodes easily also if it is a little spark if there are a in any way or nor houses where the fire started though the explosion occurred in the hydrogen that leaks from the nuclear reactor and containment in 1 and 2-the third machine though it returns to speaking hydrogen. i think that part has melted to the pellet. and, it was full meltdown in the first machine by which the molten state of this pellet grasped the scenario in the future three days ago. it is assumed that it stands in the fuel rod bulrush. is it thud suddenly l which it is under of what when falling?water in the bottom of the pressure vessel is rapidly heated, it makes momentarily, it evaporates, and the steam explosion is caused. even if it happens in which nuclear reactor at what time when, this steam explosion is really happen. the pressure vessel in part heart 'in a strong nuclear reactor that consists of a stainless double layer system is first destroyed, and there is a possibility of easily blowing off even containment 《 the structure to cover the steel of three centimeters in thickness with the concrete of two meters in thickness) that exists in addition on the outside in the impact, too with the steel of 16 centimeters in thickness when this steam explosion is generated.

    • 今日からゴールデンウィーク!!
      the speciality tokushima and from ibaraki enjoys buying it.

    • 福島第一原発で再臨界の疑いが濃厚に。やはりというべきか
      tokyo — hydrogen explosions. high levels of radiation. thousands of gallons of contaminated water dumped into the sea. with the drumbeat of bad news, including another powerful aftershock on thursday, it will take months, if not years, to stabilize the reactors and spent fuel pools that were damaged in last month’s earthquake and tsunami at the fukushima daiichi plant.

    • やってみます。
      thought this was very worthwhile : )

    • 小学校の卒業式!明るい未来が待っている!!
      the water cannon car of the self defense forces for the third machine in fukushima nuclear power plant begins the 2nd draining water off around 2:00pm, march 18th, 2011.

    • 福島原子力発電所事故(N-Power Station at Fukushima)
      the riot police of tokyo metropolitan police department will join fire extinction operation, using a high-pressure pump. we hope this would be successful.

    • 2011-03-14のtweet(s)
      they work for me.


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