Vielen Dank Bundesliga!! jaaaaa!! bvb borussia dortmund hat gestern deutscher meister geworden,herzliche glueckwuensche zum deutschen meister!! in japan, natuerlich sehen viele japaner dass bvb die mannschaft von shinji kagawa ist. leider war er nicht im spiel gegen 1fc nuernberg gestern im signal iduna stadion. das ist wegen dem tod seiner grossmutter. er musste dafuer in japan mit seiner familie bleiben. since after the huge earthquake and tsunami, there has been so many bad news everyday in japan. such as the total of dead people, big problems at fukushima nuclear power plant and other tragedies and problems. but kagawa’s bvb has become deutscher meister, this can be maybe the best sport news after the earthquake. of course there is japanese football league (j league) and also professional baseball (jpb) in japan. these sports games give us power and courage. but for me, ein deutscher fussball fan, the news of bvb is the best news after the horrible earthquake. bvb will, of course, play in champions league in next season. i can hardly wait for the next cl. auf jedenfalls, vielen dank, bundesliga!!
foxnews punchline maybe americans recognize these are the simpsons punchline.
天皇陛下が寄付金を募れば一兆円くらいすぐに集まると思う i think that i gather at once for about one trillion yen if the emperor raises a subscription.
遺体捜索に自衛隊の大部隊 japan has deployed nearly 25,000 troops to search for
the bodies of those missing since the earthquake and
tsunami that devastated north-eastern areas more than
six weeks ago.
○ The Fukushima i want to expect it of the movement of the no-confidence measure resolution in ruling and opposition parties.
○ The Fukushima Crisis 55 ;Far Beyond Chernobyl;Tmr's Explosion.CNN福島危機55 明日の爆発。 i do not say that this time bomb will explode at once. it is likely to be going to happen tomorrow, and it is likely not to happen. only the numerical simulation done based on it is that it draws, a lot of computer programs to analyze it are developed, and we theoretical physics people have been researching such a scenario prediction spending 50 years however.
スキーヤーであることの喜び ; A Big Decision i, myself, am running a freestyle ski school.
there were members of basic ski school, members of alpine racing school, snowboard school.
we started skiing, and snowboarding, together.
I feel so much sadness. i feel strongly sorrow and send a tremendous consolation to u.s.people.
in turn,i was very gratitude for america's aids to our earthquake-catastrophies.
●放射能測定について i put the question to a couple of experts in radiation detection and analysis.
kim kearfott, a professor of nuclear engineering and radiological science at the university of michigan, sounded notes of caution. radiation detectors sometimes can read very high and sometimes very low, she told shots. it depends on the proper calibration. the device should be calibrated to the type of radiation energy it's going to be exposed to.
○ The Fukushima Crisis35 ;Far Beyond Chernobyl::Crisis Timeline.Apr1-May25 NYTimes march 30 the recent flow of bad news from the fukushima daiichi nuclear power station has undermined the drumbeat of optimistic statements by government and company officials who have at times tried to reassure a nervous public that significant progress is at hand — only to come up short. a deluge of contaminated water, plutonium traces in the soil and an increasingly hazardous environment for workers at the plant have forced government officials to confront the reality that the emergency measures they have taken to keep nuclear fuel cool are producing increasingly dangerous side effects. and the prospect of restoring automatic cooling systems anytime soon is fading.march 29 workers at japan’s crippled nuclear plant piled up sandbags and readied emergency storage tanks to stop a fresh leak of highly contaminated water from reaching the ocean, opening up another front in the battle to contain the world’s worst nuclear accident in decades. the japanese government said the discovery of plutonium in the soil near the plant provided new evidence that
united & true i am alive!!生きています!i was working when the large earthquake occurred. 地震があった時は仕事中でしたit was a terrible earthquake!!!!凄い地震でした!the woman in the office was crying. 仕事場の女の人は泣いていましたa lot of people died of the earthquake. 沢山の人が亡くなられましたね(´・ω・`)a lot of people lost the house. 沢山の人が家を失いましたthe person whom a lot of people loved was lost. and, the nuclear power plant exploded. そして原発が爆発しましたthere is fear of the radioactivity. 放射能の恐れがありますthe convenience store in tokyo and the food of the supermarket are sold out. 東京のコンビニやスーパーマーケットの食べ物が売り切れですall over the world supports to japan and it exists. thank you very much.無敵の京急も止まりましたね!余震が続いてますので皆さん気をつけてください!
軍部がweb をブロックした?原発メルトダウン後の警戒の為? military (+youtube?) blocks websites? as precaution after japan quake nuclear meltdown投稿者: exomatrlxtv | 作成日: 2011/03/17military blocks websites as precaution after japan quake: from: (but he probably did not made this video and i see no proper credits, maybe soon i correct this)stay strong, vigilant & focused, cheers,john~hardcoretruth71 (derek) is down, sub backup: 3 april 2011 congress amsterdam secretspaceprogram: backup channel: people think4themselves 01 infopowerment truthers alliance~creating new kind of unity against tyrannynetwork of independent thinkers rebels dissidents activists artists writers researchers rappers web-masters talkshow-hosts video-editors protesters conference-organizers lecturers musicians deejays all exposing & dismantling nwo mafia tyranny in their own unique way~founder exomatrlxtvappreciating different angles & tactics being different is not a crime staying in your own integrity being appreciated for your talents. we do not have to agree on everything, as long as we do not impose or hijacking other channels to force 1 issue or 1 group demonizing & generalizing. we need a different kind of unity against tyranny. we can inspire & motivate each other in so many ways key is allowing each-other 2b different as complementary forces helping the network~ ~feeds works with firefox or opera~subscribe our network~0garry555 2minstral 911truthpusher adoniskingaxc alienscientist alkhemisis allseeingguy ant20007 babylongone barbarianrebellion bcthetruthseeker believersunderground bigckek bunkertelevision chemlin danbowski40 deathspleasure denizzz123 djhardcoretruth drfreemason druk2008 dutchsinse eredy ethogenic exomatrlxtv exthema eyezopenwide f33dth3f1r3f1lm5 freemantv horseofpaulrevere hydroslide62 infopowerment johnkuhles kerstinmonika khaadimone killuminati331 lightwarrior2 livefreerevolution michellehill94 mindinflow misstorys mrglasgowtruther4u mrdrofdel ms4278 nibirushock no2facism ordinarygomez2 patrioticspace pesnetwork product72749 rainbowdom1 saorsa64 seattle4truth sentientmind sety0ufreee sheeplecorporation standup4america1 stevetrinity setheren stegalxx stevephillips11 sundrumify thedutchdatabase theglobalagenda themuschinski therealtruthhunter thisvigilantguardian truther33 truthmediaradio truthspeaker74 urbanwarfarechannel urthnet wakeupcallconference warcrime911 waywardeuse women4truth yawehkingno need2follow anyone, only considerbroaden (y)our horizon of possibilitiesカテゴリ:非営利団体と社会活動--expmatrix讃、チームつくったみたいですね
「危邦入、乱邦居」のヒラリー訪日 japanese prime minister naoto kan has adopted a western approach to solving his country's deep crisis. in doing so, he is violating japan's traditional rules and putting his credibility on the line.
やってみます。 many thanks to vicky for bringing this to our attention.
let's use it as an opportunity to demonstrate our power as co-creators of
これグローバルホークの調査結果で良いんだよね? japanese and american evacuation zones
about 2 million people live within 50 miles of the plant. this is a much larger area than that established by the japanese, who have told everyone within 12 miles to evacuate and those between 12 and 19 miles to take shelter.
福島原子力発電所事故(N-Power Station at Fukushima) keio university is sufficiently far from that hot spot.
distribution of radioactive material can be estimated
by computor simulation;
at the point over 20km from the hot spot,
the effect of radioactivity is so small for the short time period.
for the people in tokyo and kanagawa,
the effect of radioactive materials from the n-power station of
fukushima is considered so small.
furthermore, radioactive potassium k40 is contained in table salt.
this suggests that taking small amount of radioactive material
does not cause a big problem.
福島第一原発、最終目的はコンクリートによる封じ込め。しかし猶予時間は48時間との海外専門家の意見 japan has 48 hours to bring its rapidly escalating nuclear crisis under control before it faces a catastrophe “worse than chernobyl”, it was claimed last night.