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    ニュース 政治 国際 関連語 原子力発電所 TSUNAMI 放射線 チェルノブイリ earthquake Fukushima
    • What the human of future think of us
      the human of the future are also proud of all those heros of the electric company in front of the flag of the nation, telling their stories to the empty chairs with such a shameless face.

    • 検証プロファイリング 「人災」は忘れたころに明らかになる!?-2
      the japanese incompetence government didn't deceive the world about a nuclear plant accident. to be frank, they understood nothing at all(無能な日本政府は、原発事故に関し世界を欺いたのではない

    • Dear Overseas People And Media!
      the japnese gorvernment should take immediate action in giving clear laws to this gang stalking! please give your kindness support! to get over this extream difficulty!

    • The Lost Commitee
      the vision of brand new this country should concern the energy policies including nuclear technology whether go or not go. it's very important rather more than fund raising.

    • つぶやき Mutter 
      the world three major religion believes in god of the absolute creation in islam, judaism, christianity . even if the expression is different, the essence is one, and therefore god is alone. therefore i assume only god as god, and it makes all other things relative. the church , the theology , the church history and the authority of the pope make all a mistake and commit a crime and are wrong. the people are not going to receive such an extremely simple truth. therefore trouble happens, and war happens.

    • ○ The Fukushima Crisis 69;Air-filter Inspection2福島危機69.放射能の吸引。
      this gamma rays spectroscope's test going on quickly, but the inspection of other radiation of the alpha ray is alittlebi takes time. recently, arnold ganderson who served as the vice president in the company that handled the accident of three mile island to media as a nuclear engineer in the united states.when the strontium goes out(there is a character to look like calcium, and it absorbs to our bone by mistake that the human body understand calcium, and cancer and the leukemia of the bone are caused) ..the detection of the cesium... because this has been detected at the bottom of the sea of three kilometers in the fukushima coast in may.similarly, plutonium is detected. the people have sucked 50 kinds of radioactive corpuscles from 40 to fukushima in my forecast on. health will influence it by internal radiation exposure of the radioactive corpuscle.

    • Two Articles about Japan earthquake and tsunami
      tsunami-hit towns forgot warnings from ancestors 津波被害の町は先祖からの警鐘を忘れていた miyako, japan (ap) -- modern sea walls failed to protect coastal towns from japan's destructive tsunami last month. but in the hamlet of aneyoshi, a single centuries-old tablet saved the day. high dwellings are the peace and harmony of our descendants, the stone slab reads. remember the calamity of the great tsunamis. do not build any homes below this point. (岩手県宮古市姉吉村にある9世紀*の石碑には“高地の住居がわれわれの子孫の平安と和合になる

    • 1638 お出かけ
      the president of tokyo electric power resigned on friday, shouldering responsibility for the crisis at the company’s fukushima daiichi nuclear plant as the utility booked a $15 billion annual loss, the largest by a nonfinancial company in japanese history.

    • 九州電力の社長、辞任の可能性 (New York Times より)
      the president of kyushu electric power, toshio manabe, told reporters that he must take responsibility for the e-mails, which were sent by employees of subsidiaries who posed as regular citizens supporting the restart of two local reactors. the e-mails were sent on june 26 during a live televised public hearing on whether to restart the reactors at the genkai nuclear power station, and some may have been read on the air. 九州電力の社長である真部利応は、子会社の社員たち ―― 地元の二基の原子炉の再稼動を支持する一般市民を装った ―― 子会社の社員たちによって送信されたイー・メールの責任を、自身がとらねばならない、とレポーターたちに語った

    • ブラック・スワン
      this is it

    • 農産物 水道水から セシウム 検出と 米国報道
      the safety of food and water was of particular concern. the government halted shipments of spinach from one area and raw milk from another near the nuclear plant after tests found iodine exceeded safety limits. but the contamination spread to spinach in three other prefectures and to more vegetables -- canola and chrysanthemum greens. tokyo s tap water, where iodine turned up friday, now has cesium. rain and dust are also tainted.

    • Daily Yomiuriの記事
      the nuclear and industrial safety agency has reported to a cabinet office safety panel that nuclear fuel pellets in the nos. 1 to 3 reactors at the quake-hit fukushima power station are believed to have partially melted. the report was the first time the agency, an organ of the economy, trade and industry ministry, has acknowledged that nuclear fuel has melted at the fukushima no. 1 nuclear plant.

    • 新・日本砂漠化-135 世界の「Kizu-na」、フクシマノブイリ!?-6
      this kind of liar should hide behind his subordinate casually(この種のウソツキは、さりげなく手下の陰に隠れる)!

    • 東仙坊、人様のpcをお借りしての耳元への「囁き」!?-14 the end
      the fukushima nuclear power plant must be certainly second chernobyl(福島原発は、間違いなく第2のチェルノブイリ)!

    • 新・日本砂漠化-135 世界の「Kizu-na」、フクシマノブイリ!?-3
      the shameless assholes gathering around the money tree couldn't think about security(金のなる木に群がる頭の恥知らずどもが、安全を考えるわけはない)!

    • 英和対訳軍事用語ブログ310
      the fukishima daini reactor福島第二原子力発電所の原子炉 the fukushima daiichi nuclear reactor福島第一原子力発電所の原子炉 the fukushima daiichi plant福島第一原子力発電所 the fukushima daiichi power station福島第一原子力発電所 the fukushima no. 1 power plant福島第一原子力発電所 the fukushima nuclear plant福島原子力発電所 the goi thermal power station五井火力発電所 the japan atomic industrial forum社団法人日本原子力産業協会

    • 英和対訳軍事用語ブログ312
      the fukushima site福島原発

    • 地震についての雑記6
      tv shows fukushima and the big risk of radioactivity in tokyo even if few people are working in fukushima, scarified their life... what do you think about that ? don't you think it could be dangerous to stay in tokyo ?

    • 福島第一原発のGE構造設計者は欠陥構造を指摘、35年前に造反退社。米空軍所有冷却液搬送中止の謎
      the problems we identified in 1975 were that, in doing the design of the containment, they did not take into account the dynamic loads that could be experienced with a loss of coolant, bridenbaugh told abc news in an interview. the impact loads the containment would receive by this very rapid release of energy could tear the containment apart and create an uncontrolled release. ------ なお大震災直後の3月11日(米東部時間)、クリントン国務長官は、空軍所有の 非常に価値ある”クーラント(冷却剤液)を、福島に運ぶよう指示、これを搬送したとの報道もあったが、


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