- IF
japan of complete atomic-bombed nation again
- What the human of future think of us
i imagine the human of the future will laugh at me, and even fool me because i am so concerned about the safety and danger of the nuclear power generation and explosives. it is not difficult to imagine, that the well irradiated human of tomorrow, drinking a high doses glass of wine, with one of their 5-6 hands, pouring it into one of their 4-5 mouths, of a few heads, will be proud of all these nice guys who make all these explosive reactors! they will admire them that they were such good liars to hid the leakage of polluted water and air. from the
- 検証プロファイリング 「人災」は忘れたころに明らかになる!?-4
i suppoused in fukushimanobyl nothing might be yet put in order(フクシマノブイリは、まだ何もかたづいていない)!
- ちょっと一息・・・旅のお共に・・・
iron maiden /revelations (live at ullevi)
- やってみます。
i think there is. during over twenty year research of hado measuring and
water crystal photographic technology, i have been witnessing that water can
turn positive when it receives pure vibration of human prayer no matter how
far away it is.
energy formula of albert einstein, e=mc2 really means that energy = number
of people and the square of people’s consciousness.
- Fukushima radioactive fallout nears Chernobyl levels
japan s damaged nuclear plant in fukushima has been emitting radioactive iodine and caesium at levels approaching those seen in the aftermath of the chernobyl accident in 1986. austrian researchers have used a worldwide network of radiation detectors designed to spot clandestine nuclear bomb tests to show that iodine-131 is being released at daily levels 73 per cent of those seen after the 1986 disaster. the daily amount of caesium-137 released from fukushima daiichi is around 60 per cent of the amount released from chernobyl.
the difference between this accident and chernobyl , they say, is that at chernobyl a huge fire released large amounts of many radioactive materials, including fuel particles, in smoke. at fukushima daiichi, only the volatile elements, such as iodine and caesium, are bubbling off the damaged fuel. but these substances could nevertheless pose a significant health risk outside the plant .
the organisation set up to verify the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty (ctbt) has a global network of air samplers that monitor and trace the origin of around a dozen radionuclides, the radioactive elements released by atomic bomb blasts and nuclear accidents. these measurements can be combined with wind observations to track where the radionuclides come from, and how much was released.
- 日本は、立ち入り禁止にせよという国連の勧告を無視する
japan ignores un on nuclear exclusion zone 日本は、国連の。立ち入り禁止ゾーンを無視する the japanese government says there is no need to expand the evacuation zone around the fukushima nuclear power station, despite mounting pressure to move more people away from the crippled plant. 破損した発電所からもっと多くの人々を移動させるべきだという圧力が強まっているにも拘わらず、日本政府は、福島原子力発電所の周りの避難すべきゾーンを拡大する必要は全くないと言っている
- 英和対訳軍事用語ブログ310
hydro power stations水力発電所 japan's nuclear safety agency原子力安全・保安院
- 東仙坊、人様のpcをお借りしての耳元への「囁き」!?-6
it must be not an earthquake and a tsunami to really destroy our country, it must be the large fools who was crazy about an at hand right(本当に国を滅ぼすのは地震や津波ではなく、目先の利権に狂った大バカ者たち)!
- 地震についての雑記6
it seems that, for the first time, mr hirohito was on japanese tv because of the nuclear situation which is getting worst...
- 【VOA・eco】日本の原子力の事故により世界のエネルギー計画が見直されている
japan's nuclear disaster could hurt nuclear energy plans
- 福島第1原発に関する悲観論と楽観論
isis statement on events at fukushima daiichi nuclear site in japan fukushima nuclear accident - a simple and accurate explanation 福島原発事故 - 簡潔で正確な解説