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    ニュース 政治 国際 関連語 原子力発電所 TSUNAMI 放射線 チェルノブイリ earthquake Fukushima
    • 母の知る、すべての小田英之が。Oda Hideyuki Exhibition 2011.5.24 - 6.5
      oda hideyuki exhibition 2011.5.24 - 6.5 小田英之+「明日見る夢」展5月24日(火)~6月5日(日) gallerymorningkyoto(ギャラリーモーニング)

    • タイの第2王女が日本人の規律と沈着に学べ
      ●110406a thailand, bangkok post タイ南部の洪水被害,第2王女チュラボン様が視察,日本人を手本にと princess points to japan for morale her royal highness princess chulabhorn told flood victims yesterday to look to the people of japan as a model of how to cope with hardship. she gave her advice during her visit to flood-ravaged nakhon si thammarat and surat thani provinces.,majesties the king and queen,floods 23 years ago,to nakhon si thammarat's nop phi tham,surat thani's phunphin district,how the japanese people are also dealing with devastation after the march earthquake, tsunami and continuing nuclear crisis with social discipline and calm.,risen to 51,disaster prevention and mitigation department,nong talay mountain

    • 日本国民の安全神話は単なる思い込み
      ●110709a bhutan, theworld.org ブータンの水力の歳入は気候変動で50年後はなくなる可能性 bhutan’s hydropower challenge kingdom of bhutan,himalayas,hydropower,yeshi wangdi, director-general of bhutan’s department of energy,more than 50 %,gross revenue,six times more hydropower than it needs,energy-hunger neighbor, india,climate change,to happen in 50 to 60 years,prime minister jigme thinley,it-enabled knowledge society,thimpu,sonam yanglay, bhutan’s director-general of mines and geology,glaciers retreat,100 feet a year,arun bhakta shrestha, a climate change specialist at the international center for integrated mountain development in kathmandu, nepal,more liquid than solid,karma choepel, water resources coordinator for bhutan’s national environment commission,can building reservoirs,all while racing against time ? and climate change

    • 中国の新幹線と日本の原発
      ●110724c myanmar, irrawaddy.org ミャンマーのカチン州で起きているカチン族武装グループkiaとの戦闘について特集 don’t tread on the kia laiza, kachin state,dark age of the kachin people, since 1994,kachin independence army (kia),4,000 troops,kachin autonomy since 1961,kachin independence organization (kio),japanese imperial army,china power investment,naypyidaw’s coffers,myitsone dam,burmese army and the kia since 2009,border guard force (bgf),united wa state army (uwsa),shan, mon and arakan states,christian kachin population,buddhist kachin chief minister,united solidarity development party,tapaing river, a tributary of the irrawaddy, in bhamo district,on june 9,strategic oil pipeline running from the bay of bengal to yunnan province,comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership”,burmese president thein sein,kokang ethnic militia,“restraint on both sides.”

    • 中国の空母完成で米など本格議論
      ●110728b china, usatoday.com 中国の空母が就航するとの発表は,北京のタクシー運転手までをも勇気付けている china's military flexes its muscle our first aircraft carrier,offensive missiles capable,territorial waters,vietnam, the philippines and japan,long range strike bomber,air force maj. gen. noel jones,roger cliff, an independent defense researcher,people's liberation army,pentagon budget request is $676 billion,china's real defense spending approaches $300 billion,military fighter jet ? the j-20,anti-ship missile,900 miles away,yellow sea,sizable amounts of oil and natural gas,china's vice foreign minister cui tiankai,adm. michael mulle,freedom of navigation,andrew krepinevich,china does want,to shift the military balance in the western pacific,long-range missiles,china just cannot convince the neighboring countries of its peaceful intentions,radar-evading bomber,unmanned carrier launched surveillance,to ensure that the 1.3 billion people are better off,symbolic not practical

    • インドは原発と水力にバランスを保つと
      ●110606a nepal, thehimalayantimes.com ネパールの社説,水力開発の看板は大きいが一向に進まない原因,資本と治安 power production despite the fact that it has been hundred years since electricity was generated in nepal, the production has not crossed 700 mw. this speaks of the apathy that has reigned in the hydropower development sector. 10,000 or 20,000mw of electricity in ten years or 20 years,electricity development bank,rs. 5 billion as seed money,tune of rs. 15 billion,nepal electricity authority (nea),power purchase agreement (ppa),by 20 per cent for hydel projects,holding onto the licences,low-interest loans for the power developers and the reasonable electricity tariff

    • 米国は日本人の心を掴み損ねたのか
      ●110321a india, economic times インドのラメシュ環境相は日本事故でも原発からは引き返せない india can’t turn its back on n-power, says jairam union environment minister jairam ramesh has said that though india needs to learn appropriate lessons from the crisis at japan's nuclear plants, the country cannot give up on nuclear energy.,jaitapur nuclear power project in coastal maharashtra,neeri (national environmental engineering research institute),35 conditions for that clearance,atomic energy regulatory board,french firm areva,20 nuclear reactors in operation in six power plants,over 4,000 megawatts,five other plants are under construction

    • メコンのサヤブリダムでラオスは強行か
      ●110425a pakistan, pakistanpatriot.com パキスタンは中国依存に,グワダール軍港,チャシュマ原子力,ブンジダムなど pakistan’s china card maybe sam huntington was right. the confucian and muslim civilizations will be cooperating with each other. the transactional relationship between washington and islamabad is coming to an end. ,transactional,gwadar port,sensitive defense zone,gargantuan project,chashma-2 nuclear power project,c-3, c-4 etc 300 megawatt capacity,three gorges project corporation (ctgpc),end of year 2016,by the end of year 2020,cao guanging, the head of the ten-member chinese delegation,1100-mw kohala hydropower, 7100-mw bunji hydropower and 720-mw karot hydropower,2000-mw wind power and a 300-mw solar power project in punjab and sindh,to invest $10 to $15 billion,public private partnership,100-member youth delegation

    • タイがベトナムの原発建設に反対
      ●110427a mekong, google.com/hostednews/afp/ メコン本流のラオスの1260mwサヤブリダムで米国が延期に賛同 us welcomes delay in controversial mekong dam the united states on tuesday welcomed a delay in construction of a controversial dam on the mekong river, voicing hope that southeast asian nations would work to ensure it is environmentally sound.,$3.8 billion xayaburi dam,us state department,senator jim webb, who heads the senate foreign relations subcommittee on east asia,secretary of state hillary clinton,lower mekong initiative

    • 震災を乗り越え電力の自由化 へ
      ●110410a nepal, istockanalyst.com ネパールの127mwのアッパーセティ水力はadbが詳細設計の財政支援 adb to invest in upper seti hydro project the asian development bank (adb) has said that it is willing to invest in the 127 mw upper seti hydroelectric project located in damauli in tanahun district. the government of nepal and the adb reached an understanding to this effect during adb vice president xiaoyu zhao's recent visit to nepal when he met with prime minister jhala nath khanal and finance minister bharat mohan adhikari.,adb country director barry hitchcock,around us$ 300 million (rs 21 billion),rs 180 million to do a detailed study,nepal electricity authority,japanese government through jica,to be completed by 2016-2017,750 mw west seti hydroelectric project,doti district,100 mw project each in the five development regions on a turn-key basis,public-private-partnership (ppp) model

    • 福島第一4号機で建家火災
      ●110315a india, economic times インド,日本の原発事故を注視,計画の変更はない india's n-plan may take a hit; equipment suppliers not worried japan's nuclear crisis will create obstacles for india's atomic energy programme, but this has not dented the optimism of equipment suppliers such as ge and india's larsen and toubro as the country remains determined to expand capacity. review of india's 20 nuclear rectors,severe earthquake and tsunami,fukushima daiichi nuclear plant,prime minister manmohan singh,gujarat earthquake in 2002,tsunami in 2004,general electric co,recovery effort of japanese government,no change in india's nuke plan: aec chief,existing operational capacity is 4,870 mw,nuclear power corporation of india,to add close to 2,000 mw,sk banerjee, chairman, atomic energy commission,existing 20 nuclear reactors


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