- Small talk in English 英語で話そう!
every window in our house has triple panes.
- Well-educated, sophisticated people, visit Kyoto NOW!
for more information, go and visit kyoto city tourism association site . why don't you visit kyoto? it is more comfortable than usual since the ignorant are all scared away. kyoto is all for well-educated now! sophiscated japanese culture is up for grabs in kyoto!!
- 小出裕章 6月24日付け「ハンティントン・ニューズ(Huntington News)」に掲載
fukushima nuclear fuel leaking into groundwater, tepco says barrier too expensive, will hurt stock price friday, june 24, 2011 - 14:40 compiled from a provided press release; edited by hnn special to hnn; tempo report; kyoto university hiroaki koide, an assistant professor at the kyoto university says melted fuel from inside the fukushima nuclear reactor has melted through the containment vessel and is lying on the concrete foundations, sinking into the ground below. japanese government officials have echoed this statement and have ( repeat-x 50% bottom; color: #006600; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; name=adbriteinlinead_called target=_top>) called on tepco to build an underground concrete barrier beneath the reactor which would be the only way to stop the molten fuel that is now leaking into the groundwater. ... completely entombing the reactor inside of a concrete building, called the “chernobyl option” because that is how chernobyl was handled, appears to be the only way to contain the radiation leaking from the nuclear power plant, which japan now admits has suffered 100% nuclear meltdowns in 3 reactors and has released an amount of radiation comparable to chernobyl. the barrier in question would be part of that final solution, yet tepco resists finally bringing the crisis to an end in the name of their stock price.
fukushima 「daiichi」 plant って
- つぶやき Mutter
german prime minister merkel understood the badness of the disposal of the nuclear energy, the terror ideally for some reason. a man-made disaster of fukushima happened there. merkel received the support of the nation and decided the abolition and kan decided to reexamine it to check a basic policy to increase nuclear power plants in future. and china came to japan for inspection in a hurry. by the way, is ...
- 完成度が上がって来てます。 「ダッ!ダッ!脱・原発の歌」
free from nuclear power plant / seihuku kojyo iinkai
- 新・日本砂漠化-135 世界の「Kizu-na」、フクシマノブイリ!?-2
even the all the detailed check of the nuclear reactor is not yet over(まだ原子炉の全部の詳細な点検すら終わっていないのでは)?
- 福島第一原子力発電所について適切な情報開示を望む(続き)
fukushima nuclear accident update (11 march 2011, 21:10 utc)
- やってみます。
envoyons nos pensées d'amour et de gratitude à toutes les eaux dans les
centrales nucléaires à fukushima
- プルトニウムの恐怖!MOX燃料の3号機は本当に「水素爆発」だったのか?/すべて想定されていた
fukushima japan nuclear reactor #3 explosion (enhanced)
hydrogen explosion at the fukushima 1 nuclear plant reactor 3.mp4