- April 10th! Let’s do it!
as a result of the earthquake, the fukushima nuclear power plant is now in a terrible situation.
- これはTOEIC流「出る英」 exodus
at least 4,330 have left due to quake、nuclear fears ね、でしょう
- ○ The Fukushima Crisis 39;Far Beyond Chernobyl::Crisis Timeline Je 10; Tea shock in Shizuoka.
a tea dealer has started a recall of the dried tea after measuring about 679 becquerels of caesium per kilogramme in leaves at a tea factory in the city of shizuoka, prefectural officials said. the legal limit is 500 bq/kg.
- 天皇陛下が寄付金を募れば一兆円くらいすぐに集まると思う
because it is at least a prime minister who chose in the intraparty.
- ○ The Fukushima Crisis 27; Far Beyond Chernobyl ::Crisis Timeline Jul 4
at the time of, june 4 it now, 105,000 tons of high-level polluted water of 4000msv of an underground pool (become 200,000 tons within the year) are problems.
it becomes full on june 20, and it worries about the discharge of high-level polluted water into the pacific ocean.
- スキーヤーであることの喜び ; A Big Decision
as soon as chair lifts moved, i was on one of them.
- I feel so much sadness.
bentley also reported the browns ferry nuclear power plant in northern alabama automatically shut down after it lost power to its three units. the u.s. nuclear regulatory commission said the plant's safety systems are operating as needed.
- ○ The Fukushima Crisis35 ;Far Beyond Chernobyl::Crisis Timeline.Apr1-May25 NYTimes
april 1 in the largest rescue mission ever carried out in japan, 18,000 japanese and 7,000 american personnel will scour a vast coastal area for 16,000 still listed as missing. workers made incremental progress at the stricken fukushima daiichi nuclear plant, but disturbingly high radiation readings there as well as miles away continued to reinforce fears that japan’s crisis was far from over.
- 非核・反核、非戦・反戦 「非核の政府を求める会」の目標を補強すべきではないか・・・・僕の提案
- 福島原子力発電所事故(N-Power Station at Fukushima)
a fuel rod reacted with water, i.e., formation of hydrogen.
hydrogen concentration was high near the ceiling of the building
and exploded due to some reason,
probably due to exceeding the explosion limit with an air.