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    ニュース 政治 国際 関連語 原子力発電所 TSUNAMI 放射線 チェルノブイリ earthquake Fukushima
    • ◆低線量被曝とがん発症の因果関係立証?!◆
      www.helmholtz-muenchen.de以下原文fingerprint of radiation exposure discovered in thyroid cancer25/05/2011 03:07:00 health canal.comneuherberg,- scientists from the helmholtz zentrum münchen have discovered a genetic change in thyroid cancer that points to a previous exposure of the thyroid to ionising radiation. the gene marker, a so-called „radiation fingerprint“ was identified in papilliary thyroid cancer cases from chernobyl victims, but was absent from the thyroid cancers in patients with no history of radiation exposure. the results are published in the current issue of pnas.the research team, led by prof. horst zitzelsberger and dr. kristian unger from the radiation cytogenetics unit of the helmholtz zentrums münchen, in collaboration with prof. geraldine thomas, imperial college london, studied thyroid cancers from children exposed to the radioiodine fallout from the chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion. the team compared the genetic information from these tumours to that found in the same type of tumour that arose in children born more than one year after the explosion, after the radioactive iodine had decayed away. the number of copies of a small fragment of chromosome 7 was found to be increased only in the tumours from the irradiated children, establishing this as one of the first genetic markers that indicate a radiation aetiology of cancer. this breakthrough is the first time since the reactor accident in 1986 that scientists have been able to discriminate between the cancers caused by the radioactive contamination and those that arise naturally. prof. zitzelsberger ascribes the success of this study to the careful collection, documentation and storage of thyroid cancers from the chernobyl region in the chernobyl tissue bank. he noted that this unique collection of materials made it possible for the team to compare for the first time tumours from children of the same age and regional background. the availability of the genetic marker, according to prof. zitzelsberger, will improve both the clinical diagnosis of thyroid cancer and our understanding of how radioactive iodine causes the disease to develop. in future studies funded by euratom in the project „epiradbio“ the group will extend the study to determine if the genetic fingerprint is able to indicate the level of radiation exposure that is required to cause the cancer.additional informationoriginal publication:hess, j. et al gain of chromosome band 7q11 in papillary thyroid carcinomas of young patients is associated with exposure to low-dose irradiation. proceeding of the national academy of sciences usa (pnas); link to publicationcaption:picture in papillary thyroid carcinomas, more copies of the clip2 gene (red) are detected than of a reference gene (green)about helmholtz zentrum münchenthe helmholtz zentrum münchen is the german research centre for environmental health. the leading research facility in this field, it conducts research into chronic and complex diseases caused by the interaction of environmental factors and an individual’s genetic disposition. the helmholtz zentrum münchen has about 1,700 staff members and is headquartered in neuherberg in the north of munich on a 50-hectare research campus. the helmholtz zentrum münchen is a member of the helmholtz association, germany’s largest scientific organization, a community of 17 scientific-technical and medical-biological research centers with a total of 30,000 staff members. www.helmholtz-muenchen.de

    • 天皇陛下が寄付金を募れば一兆円くらいすぐに集まると思う
      unit 10,000 yen a person.

    • 遺体捜索に自衛隊の大部隊
      twelve thousand people are unaccounted for and it is feared many were swept out to sea and will never be recovered.

    • 原発海水注入中断はなかったと発表!今日のイラスト練習は「けいおん」の「秋山澪」
      what on earth?

    • I feel so much sadness.
      u.s. authorities say the number of people killed in a series of tornadoes and thunderstorms across the southern united states has risen to at least 305, making it the country's deadliest tornado outbreak in almost four decades.

    • 台風二号接近!イラスト練習はけいおんの律!
      when the typhoon approaches indeed, the power of rain is strong more than always.

    • 今日からゴールデンウィーク!!
      well, let's very do this year's golden week.

    • アメリカの核工場も、安全じゃねぇ!TheTrutherGirls
      us nuclear plants unsafe!投稿者: thetruthergirls | 作成日: 2011/03/24back in the 70's, three workers walked off the job at fukushima because they said the reactor was so unsafe. now it turns out, some of the reactors in the us are just as badly built! couple that with the possibility of earthquakes in the country and one would think the government might consider shutting these things down before something dreadful happens. unfortunately, the m.o. is usually to make the worst fears come true first before offering some drastic and draconian solutions.neutron beam detected: propaganda flawed, 24 such reactors in us point in us happening at sites of reactors harp induce japan quake? quake in myanmar mar 24 doesn't show readings like what we saw during 3 days leading up to japan quake predicted japan quake, says 2 more to follow including oregon 9.0 カテゴリ:ニュースと政治--「おなかがいたくなった原発くん」 これ、つくったの八谷さんね

    • 福島第一原発のGE構造設計者は欠陥構造を指摘、35年前に造反退社。米空軍所有冷却液搬送中止の謎
      us delivers coolant to quake-hit japan's n-plantwashington: the us has transported coolant to a japanese nuclear power plant affected by the massive earthquake, as it quickly moved naval and air assets along with humanitarian relief material for the tsunami-hit areas of the country.

    • 福島原子力発電所事故(N-Power Station at Fukushima)
      used fuel contains huge amount of radioactivity. cooling water decreased and parts of used fuel are supposed to be above the water level; it is dangerous.


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