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    ニュース 政治 国際 関連語 原子力発電所 TSUNAMI 放射線 チェルノブイリ earthquake Fukushima
    • [原発事故31]ドイツ放射線防御協会とのやりとり。(2-2)「信用ならない生物学的半減期」
      (2) i should be interested to know the formulas for biological half-life which you have seen. generally speaking, the knowledge we have about the different times it takes to excrete the different radio-nuclides is gained from the observation of patients, either those who receive radio-therapy once or at specific intervals, or people who were irradiated by a “small-scale” accident just once. these people usually live in an uncontaminated environment afterwards. the situation is fundamentally different after a nuclear accident: wide contaminated areas with contaminated agricultural products and wildlife. broadly speaking, the amount of a radio-nuclides you excrete on one day, you take up again the next day via food and drink. so there are indeed doubts as to whether the concept of biological half-life makes sense in those circumstances. rather, radioactive substances are accumulated. that is why it is important to keep them out of your body as much as possible.

    • Fumie Kumagai Thanks
      (photo taken by f.kumagai: march 16, 2011) fumie kumagai thanks for your concerns prayers march 21, 2011 dear friends, please do accept my profound appreciation for your warmest concerns and prayers for the unprecedented disaster we had in north-eastern part of japan @2:46p.m.on march 11, 2011 at the same time, please understand for neither being able to send this message until now, nor send it personally. i am fine now! (^__~) living close to the seashore, and nearby the river as well, i had to stay at the evacuation shelter right after the great quake hit japan. on the way to the shelter i saw the tsunami wave coming through the river. it was very scary indeed! although i am home now, i must be on the alert whenever the aftershock occurs. in fact, there have been too many of them this time. after a week, we still have them now, and will continue for a month or so. thus, i have to be on the alert all the time, ready to put the helmet on, knapsack on (my 14kg flute inside!), down coat on, and so on. then, what followed was the new earthquake of the m6.4, the epicenter being near the mt. fuji area, @10:31p.m.on the 15th, the area i live had a sever quake. it was neither an aftershock of the great earthquake of the 11th, nor relating to the tokai great earthquake expected to occur in the very near future around the area i live. rest assured that i am fine ok so far! the most serious concern of us all and the world now is the problem associated with the nuclear power plant. all the scientists and engineers have been working extremely hard, and all what i can do is not to believe in the demagogue. at times, i feel such media, as cnn tends to exaggerate the matter. thus, for the update on japan in english broadcasting, you may like to view the following public broadcasting program nhk world (nippon hoso kyokai=japan broadcasting association). url: at the same time, we do need your support: charity for japan earthquake and tsunami

    • Fumie Kumagai Thanks Update: May 4, 2011
      (photo was taken by f. kumagai, spring 2011.) fumie kumagai thanks update: may 4, 2011 may 4, 2011 dear friends, time really flies fast! it has been more than a month since i posted onto this site last. the world continues to move. a series of tornadoes hit six southern states in the united states that left the most devastating damage, prince william and ms. middleton wed in royal fashion in the u.k., and osama bin laden, the mastermind of the most devastating attack on american soil in modern times and the most hunted man in the world, was killed in a firefight with united states forces in pakistan (quotes from the new york times, may 1, 2011). thanks for the donation sent by you and by the people throughout the world. we sincerely appreciate for hearty assistants extended by all of them. as the proverb goes, a friend in need is a friend in deed you are a true friend, indeed. i am thankful for having known you, and your family for an extended period of time. i do hope that our friendship will last forever. life around me has begun to return to normal. the new academic year has started at the university, and we try to conserve energy as much as possible! for example, we are not using the elevator, if possible, turning off the light as much as possible, setting the thermometer of the air-conditioner higher/lower than usual, etc., etc., etc. thanks goodness, we do not have any more of the so-called scheduled blackouts until the summer when the consumption of the electricity usually gets the highest. under these circumstances we will have the spring semester 2-week shorter than usual by ending the in-class lecture during the first week of july. i am not sure if this should be welcome or not... the weather forecast predicts that we will have quite a hot summer this year again. thus, perhaps, it is the wise decision that our university administration has made. as for the update on the analysis for the quadruple disaster, namely earthquake, tsunami, nuclear plant, and the demagogue, please refer to the following four websites in english. i feel that they explain quite correctly the current state and what we feel. (1) “japan is open for business” by takeaki matsumoto, japan’s minister for foreign affairs (published: april 29, 2011, the new york times): “japan is open for business” (2) “japan’s recovery after the quake” may 2, 2011, the economist: “japan’s recovery after the quake” (3) “what will the n.r.c. learn from fukushima?” by matthew l. wald (published: may 2, 2011, “environment” section of the new york times) “what will the n.r.c. learn from fukushima?” (4) “mit report urges storing spent nuclear fuel, not reprocessing it by matthew l. wald (published: april 26, 2011, “environment” section of the new york times) “mit report urges storing spent nuclear fuel, not reprocessing it it is hoped that the above articles will enhance your understanding on the true state of what we are currently in. japan is a very small island country with just one twenty-fifth of the u.s. mainland. please do understand, however, that disaster hit regions of east japan are not the entire japan, and it is away from the metropolitan tokyo area. all of us have been truly gotten united for the reconstruction of japan, or even for the rebuilding of better japan. we look for your warm supports and encouragement. we all know well, however, it will take years and years to come. hope to write again in the not too distant future. until then, i remain with my best regards. fumie **********************************************************************

    • 外国人のための地震情報4: Some Earthquake Information for Foreign Residents in Japan
      (3)国際原子力機関 (international atomic energy agency)

    • 2011-03-14のtweet(s)
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